Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the Fuzzy Rule to RPN (Reverse Polish Notation). For debug proposes, the string representation of the 
        /// RPN expression can be acessed by calling <see cref="GetRPNExpression"/> method.
        /// </summary>
        private void ParseRule( )
            // flag to incicate we are on consequent state
            bool consequent = false;

            // tokens like IF and THEN will be searched always in upper case
            string upRule = rule.ToUpper( );

            // the rule must start with IF, and must have a THEN somewhere
            if ( !upRule.StartsWith( "IF" ) )
                throw new ArgumentException( "A Fuzzy Rule must start with an IF statement." );
            if ( upRule.IndexOf( "THEN" ) < 0 )
                throw new ArgumentException( "Missing the consequent (THEN) statement." );

            // building a list with all the expression (rule) string tokens
            string spacedRule = rule.Replace( "(", " ( " ).Replace( ")", " ) " );
            // getting the tokens list
            string[] tokensList = GetRuleTokens( spacedRule );

            // stack to convert to RPN
            Stack<string> s = new Stack<string>( );
            // storing the last token
            string lastToken = "IF";
            // linguistic var read, used to build clause
            LinguisticVariable lingVar = null;

            // verifying each token
            for ( int i = 0; i < tokensList.Length; i++ )
                // removing spaces
                string token = tokensList[i].Trim( );
                // getting upper case
                string upToken = token.ToUpper( );

                // ignoring these tokens
                if ( upToken == "" || upToken == "IF" ) continue;

                // if the THEN is found, the rule is now on consequent
                if ( upToken == "THEN" )
                    lastToken = upToken;
                    consequent = true;

                // if we got a linguistic variable, an IS statement and a label is needed
                if ( lastToken == "VAR" )
                    if ( upToken == "IS" )
                        lastToken = upToken;
                        throw new ArgumentException( "An IS statement is expected after a linguistic variable." );
                // if we got an IS statement, a label must follow it
                else if ( lastToken == "IS" )
                        FuzzySet fs = lingVar.GetLabel( token );
                        Clause c = new Clause( lingVar, fs );
                        if ( consequent )
                            output = c;
                            rpnTokenList.Add( c );
                        lastToken = "LAB";
                    catch ( KeyNotFoundException )
                        throw new ArgumentException( "Linguistic label " + token + " was not found on the variable " + lingVar.Name + "." );
                // not VAR and not IS statement 
                    // openning new scope
                    if ( upToken == "(" )
                        // if we are on consequent, only variables can be found
                        if ( consequent )
                            throw new ArgumentException( "Linguistic variable expected after a THEN statement." );
                        // if its a (, just push it
                        s.Push( upToken );
                        lastToken = upToken;
                    // operators
                    else if ( upToken == "AND" || upToken == "OR" || unaryOperators.IndexOf( upToken ) >= 0 )
                        // if we are on consequent, only variables can be found
                        if ( consequent )
                            throw new ArgumentException( "Linguistic variable expected after a THEN statement." );

                        // pop all the higher priority operators until the stack is empty 
                        while ( ( s.Count > 0 ) && ( Priority( s.Peek( ) ) > Priority( upToken ) ) )
                            rpnTokenList.Add( s.Pop( ) );

                        // pushing the operator    
                        s.Push( upToken );
                        lastToken = upToken;
                    // closing the scope
                    else if ( upToken == ")" )
                        // if we are on consequent, only variables can be found
                        if ( consequent )
                            throw new ArgumentException( "Linguistic variable expected after a THEN statement." );

                        // if there is nothing on the stack, an oppening parenthesis is missing.
                        if ( s.Count == 0 )
                            throw new ArgumentException( "Openning parenthesis missing." );

                        // pop the tokens and copy to output until openning is found 
                        while ( s.Peek( ) != "(" )
                            rpnTokenList.Add( s.Pop( ) );
                            if ( s.Count == 0 )
                                throw new ArgumentException( "Openning parenthesis missing." );
                        s.Pop( );

                        // saving last token...
                        lastToken = upToken;
                    // finally, the token is a variable
                        // find the variable
                            lingVar = database.GetVariable( token );
                            lastToken = "VAR";
                        catch ( KeyNotFoundException )
                            throw new ArgumentException( "Linguistic variable " + token + " was not found on the database." );

            // popping all operators left in stack
            while ( s.Count > 0 )
                rpnTokenList.Add( s.Pop( ) );
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the Fuzzy Rule to RPN (Reverse Polish Notation). For debug proposes, the string representation of the
        /// RPN expression can be acessed by calling <see cref="GetRPNExpression"/> method.
        /// </summary>
        private void ParseRule( )
            // flag to incicate we are on consequent state
            bool consequent = false;

            // tokens like IF and THEN will be searched always in upper case
            string upRule = rule.ToUpper( );

            // the rule must start with IF, and must have a THEN somewhere
            if (!upRule.StartsWith("IF"))
                throw new ArgumentException("A Fuzzy Rule must start with an IF statement.");
            if (upRule.IndexOf("THEN") < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Missing the consequent (THEN) statement.");

            // building a list with all the expression (rule) string tokens
            string spacedRule = rule.Replace("(", " ( ").Replace(")", " ) ");

            // getting the tokens list
            string[] tokensList = GetRuleTokens(spacedRule);

            // stack to convert to RPN
            Stack <string> s = new Stack <string>( );
            // storing the last token
            string lastToken = "IF";
            // linguistic var read, used to build clause
            LinguisticVariable lingVar = null;

            // verifying each token
            for (int i = 0; i < tokensList.Length; i++)
                // removing spaces
                string token = tokensList[i].Trim( );
                // getting upper case
                string upToken = token.ToUpper( );

                // ignoring these tokens
                if (upToken == "" || upToken == "IF")

                // if the THEN is found, the rule is now on consequent
                if (upToken == "THEN")
                    lastToken  = upToken;
                    consequent = true;

                // if we got a linguistic variable, an IS statement and a label is needed
                if (lastToken == "VAR")
                    if (upToken == "IS")
                        lastToken = upToken;
                        throw new ArgumentException("An IS statement is expected after a linguistic variable.");
                // if we got an IS statement, a label must follow it
                else if (lastToken == "IS")
                        FuzzySet fs = lingVar.GetLabel(token);
                        Clause   c  = new Clause(lingVar, fs);
                        if (consequent)
                            output = c;
                        lastToken = "LAB";
                    catch (KeyNotFoundException)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Linguistic label " + token + " was not found on the variable " + lingVar.Name + ".");
                // not VAR and not IS statement
                    // openning new scope
                    if (upToken == "(")
                        // if we are on consequent, only variables can be found
                        if (consequent)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Linguistic variable expected after a THEN statement.");
                        // if its a (, just push it
                        lastToken = upToken;
                    // operators
                    else if (upToken == "AND" || upToken == "OR" || unaryOperators.IndexOf(upToken) >= 0)
                        // if we are on consequent, only variables can be found
                        if (consequent)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Linguistic variable expected after a THEN statement.");

                        // pop all the higher priority operators until the stack is empty
                        while ((s.Count > 0) && (Priority(s.Peek( )) > Priority(upToken)))
                            rpnTokenList.Add(s.Pop( ));

                        // pushing the operator
                        lastToken = upToken;
                    // closing the scope
                    else if (upToken == ")")
                        // if we are on consequent, only variables can be found
                        if (consequent)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Linguistic variable expected after a THEN statement.");

                        // if there is nothing on the stack, an oppening parenthesis is missing.
                        if (s.Count == 0)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Openning parenthesis missing.");

                        // pop the tokens and copy to output until openning is found
                        while (s.Peek( ) != "(")
                            rpnTokenList.Add(s.Pop( ));
                            if (s.Count == 0)
                                throw new ArgumentException("Openning parenthesis missing.");
                        s.Pop( );

                        // saving last token...
                        lastToken = upToken;
                    // finally, the token is a variable
                        // find the variable
                            lingVar   = database.GetVariable(token);
                            lastToken = "VAR";
                        catch (KeyNotFoundException)
                            throw new ArgumentException("Linguistic variable " + token + " was not found on the database.");

            // popping all operators left in stack
            while (s.Count > 0)
                rpnTokenList.Add(s.Pop( ));