Example #1
        public MetaPropertyDialog(bool canBeEdited, AgentType agent, CustomizedStruct customizedStruct, PropertyDef prop, bool canBePar)

            this.Owner = MainWindow.Instance;

            this.metaPropertyPanel.Initialize(canBeEdited, agent, customizedStruct, prop, canBePar);
Example #2
        public static string GetGenerateAgentName(Behaviac.Design.PropertyDef property, string var, string caller)
            string agentName = "pAgent";

            if (property.Owner != Behaviac.Design.VariableDef.kSelf)
                agentName = string.Format("pAgent_{0}", string.IsNullOrEmpty(var) ? caller : var);
                agentName = agentName.Replace(".", "_");
Example #3
        public static string GetProperty(DefaultObject defaultObj, Behaviac.Design.PropertyDef property, MethodDef.Param arrayIndexElement, StringWriter stream, string indent, string var, string caller)
            string agentName = GetGenerateAgentName(property, var, caller);

            if (property.Owner != Behaviac.Design.VariableDef.kSelf)
                string      instanceName  = property.Owner.Replace("::", ".");
                bool        isGlobal      = Plugin.IsInstanceName(instanceName, null);
                PropertyDef ownerProperty = null;

                if (!isGlobal)
                    Debug.Check(defaultObj != null && defaultObj.Behavior != null && defaultObj.Behavior.AgentType != null);
                    if (defaultObj != null && defaultObj.Behavior != null)
                        ownerProperty = defaultObj.Behavior.AgentType.GetPropertyByName(instanceName);

                if (isGlobal || ownerProperty == null || ownerProperty.IsCustomized || ownerProperty.IsPar) // global or customized instance
                    stream.WriteLine("{0}behaviac.Agent {1} = behaviac.Utils.GetParentAgent(pAgent, \"{2}\");", indent, agentName, instanceName);
                else // member instance
                    string prop = "";

                    if (ownerProperty.IsPublic)
                        string className = ownerProperty.ClassName.Replace("::", ".");

                        if (ownerProperty.IsStatic)
                            prop = string.Format("{0}.{1}", className, instanceName);
                            prop = string.Format("(({0})pAgent).{1}", className, instanceName);
                        string nativeType = DataCsExporter.GetGeneratedNativeType(ownerProperty.NativeType);
                        prop = string.Format("({0})AgentMetaVisitor.GetProperty(pAgent, \"{1}\")", nativeType, instanceName);

                    stream.WriteLine("{0}behaviac.Agent {1} = {2};", indent, agentName, prop);

                stream.WriteLine("{0}Debug.Check(!System.Object.ReferenceEquals({1}, null) || Utils.IsStaticClass(\"{2}\"));", indent, agentName, instanceName);

            return(getProperty(property, arrayIndexElement, agentName, stream, indent));
Example #4
        public static string GetPropertyBasicName(Behaviac.Design.PropertyDef property, MethodDef.Param arrayIndexElement)
            string propName = property.BasicName;

            if (property != null && property.IsArrayElement && arrayIndexElement != null)
                propName = propName.Replace("[]", "");

Example #5
        public override bool ResetMembers(bool check, AgentType agentType, bool clear, MethodDef method = null, PropertyDef property = null)
            bool bReset = false;

            if (this._frames != null)
                bReset |= this._frames.ResetMembers(check, agentType, clear, method, property);

            bReset |= base.ResetMembers(check, agentType, clear, method, property);

            return bReset;
        public static string GetProperty(Behaviac.Design.PropertyDef property, MethodDef.Param arrayIndexElement, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string var, string caller)
            string agentName = GetGenerateAgentName(property, var, caller);

            if (property.Owner != Behaviac.Design.VariableDef.kSelf)
                stream.WriteLine("{0}Agent* {1} = Agent::GetInstance(pAgent, \"{2}\");", indent, agentName, property.Owner);
                stream.WriteLine("{0}BEHAVIAC_ASSERT({1});", indent, agentName);

            string prop = getProperty(property, arrayIndexElement, agentName, stream, indent);

Example #7
        public static void PostGenerateCode(Behaviac.Design.PropertyDef property, MethodDef.Param arrayIndexElement, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string typename, string var, string caller)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(typename))
                typename = property.NativeType;
            typename = DataCsExporter.GetGeneratedNativeType(typename);

            string propBasicName = property.BasicName.Replace("[]", "");
            uint   id            = Behaviac.Design.CRC32.CalcCRC(propBasicName);

            stream.WriteLine("{0}Debug.Check(behaviac.Utils.MakeVariableId(\"{1}\") == {2}u);", indent, propBasicName, id);
            stream.WriteLine("{0}pAgent.SetVariable<{1}>(\"{2}\", {3}u, ({1}){4});", indent, typename, property.Name, id, var);
Example #8
        public static string GetProperty(Behaviac.Design.PropertyDef property, MethodDef.Param arrayIndexElement, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string var, string caller)
            string agentName = GetGenerateAgentName(property, var, caller);

            if (property.Owner != Behaviac.Design.VariableDef.kSelf)
                stream.WriteLine("{0}behaviac.Agent {1} = behaviac.Agent.GetInstance(\"{2}\", pAgent.GetContextId());", indent, agentName, property.Owner.Replace("::", "."));
                stream.WriteLine("{0}Debug.Check({1} != null);", indent, agentName);

            string prop = getProperty(property, arrayIndexElement, agentName, stream, indent);

Example #9
        public void Initialize(bool canBeEdit, AgentType agent, CustomizedStruct customizedStruct, PropertyDef prop, bool canBePar)
            Debug.Check(agent != null || customizedStruct != null);

            _initialized = false;
            _isModified = false;
            _isNew = (prop == null);
            _agent = agent;
            _customizedStruct = customizedStruct;
            _originalProperty = prop;


            if (_isNew)
                this.Text = canBeEdit ? Resources.AddProperty : Resources.ViewProperty;

                if (customizedStruct == null)
                    _property = new PropertyDef(agent, null, agent.AgentTypeName, "", "", "");
                    _property = new PropertyDef(null, null, customizedStruct.Name, "", "", "");
                this.Text = canBeEdit ? Resources.EditProperty : Resources.ViewProperty;

                resetProperty(prop, prop.IsPar);

            this.isStaticCheckBox.Visible = (agent != null);
            this.isPublicCheckBox.Visible = !canBeEdit && (agent != null);
            this.isConstcheckBox.Visible = (agent != null);
            this.customizedCheckBox.Visible = !canBeEdit && !_property.IsInherited;
            this.isLocalCheckBox.Checked = customizedStruct == null && _property.IsPar;
            this.isLocalCheckBox.Visible = canBePar && customizedStruct == null && !_property.IsMember;
            this.nameTextBox.Enabled = canBeEdit;
            this.arrayCheckBox.Enabled = canBeEdit || _property.IsChangeableType;
            this.typeComboBox.Enabled = canBeEdit || _property.IsChangeableType;
            this.isStaticCheckBox.Enabled = canBeEdit;
            this.isConstcheckBox.Enabled = canBeEdit;
            this.dispTextBox.Enabled = canBeEdit;
            this.descTextBox.Enabled = canBeEdit;

            _initialized = true;
        public static void PostGenerateCode(Behaviac.Design.PropertyDef property, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string typename, string var, string caller)
            string propBasicName = property.BasicName.Replace("[]", "");
            uint   id            = Behaviac.Design.CRC32.CalcCRC(propBasicName);
            bool   isListType    = (typename == "IList");
            bool   isString      = (typename == "char*" || typename == "const char*");

            if (isListType)
                var = string.Format("*{0}.vector_", var);
            else if (isString)
                var = string.Format("behaviac::string({0})", var);

            stream.WriteLine("{0}BEHAVIAC_ASSERT(behaviac::MakeVariableId(\"{1}\") == {2}u);", indent, propBasicName, id);
            stream.WriteLine("{0}pAgent->SetVariable(\"{1}\", {2}, {3}u);", indent, propBasicName, var, id);
Example #11
        public static void PostGenerateCode(Behaviac.Design.PropertyDef property, MethodDef.Param arrayIndexElement, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string typename, string var, string caller, string setValue = null)
            if (property.IsPar || property.IsCustomized)
                ParInfoCsExporter.PostGenerateCode(property, arrayIndexElement, stream, indent, typename, var, caller);

            if (!property.IsReadonly)
                string agentName = GetGenerateAgentName(property, var, caller);
                string prop      = setValue;

                if (property.Owner != Behaviac.Design.VariableDef.kSelf)
                    stream.WriteLine("{0}behaviac.Agent {1} = behaviac.Agent.GetInstance(\"{2}\", pAgent.GetContextId());", indent, agentName, property.Owner.Replace("::", "."));
                    stream.WriteLine("{0}Debug.Check({1} != null);", indent, agentName);

                string propBasicName = property.BasicName.Replace("[]", "");

                if (setValue != null)
                    stream.WriteLine("{0}AgentExtra_Generated.SetProperty({1}, \"{2}\", {3});", indent, agentName, propBasicName, prop);
                    prop = getProperty(property, arrayIndexElement, agentName, stream, indent);

                uint id = Behaviac.Design.CRC32.CalcCRC(propBasicName);
                stream.WriteLine("{0}Debug.Check(behaviac.Utils.MakeVariableId(\"{1}\") == {2}u);", indent, propBasicName, id);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(typename))
                    typename = property.NativeType;
                typename = DataCsExporter.GetGeneratedNativeType(typename);

                stream.WriteLine("{0}{1}.SetVariable<{2}>(\"{3}\", {4}, {5}u);", indent, agentName, typename, property.BasicName, prop, id);
Example #12
        public static string GetProperty(Behaviac.Design.PropertyDef property, MethodDef.Param arrayIndexElement, StreamWriter stream, string indent)
            string retStr = string.Empty;

            if (property != null)
                string typename = DataCppExporter.GetGeneratedNativeType(property.NativeType);
                if (property.IsArrayElement && !typename.StartsWith("behaviac::vector<"))
                    typename = string.Format("behaviac::vector<{0} >", typename);

                string propBasicName = property.BasicName.Replace("[]", "");
                uint   id            = Behaviac.Design.CRC32.CalcCRC(propBasicName);

                retStr = string.Format("({0})pAgent->GetVariable<{0} >({1}u)", typename, id);

Example #13
        public static string GetProperty(Behaviac.Design.PropertyDef property, MethodDef.Param arrayIndexElement, StreamWriter stream, string indent)
            string retStr = string.Empty;

            if (property != null)
                string typename = DataCsExporter.GetGeneratedNativeType(property.NativeType);
                if (property.IsArrayElement && !typename.StartsWith("List<"))
                    typename = string.Format("List<{0}>", typename);

                string propBasicName = property.BasicName.Replace("[]", "");
                uint   id            = Behaviac.Design.CRC32.CalcCRC(propBasicName);

                stream.WriteLine("{0}Debug.Check(behaviac.Utils.MakeVariableId(\"{1}\") == {2}u);", indent, propBasicName, id);
                retStr = string.Format("pAgent.GetVariable<{0}>({1}u)", typename, id);

Example #14
        public static string GenerateCode(DefaultObject defaultObj, Behaviac.Design.PropertyDef property, MethodDef.Param arrayIndexElement, bool isRefParam, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string typename, string var, string caller)
            if (property.IsPar || property.IsCustomized)
                return(ParInfoCppExporter.GenerateCode(property, isRefParam, stream, indent, typename, var, caller));

            string prop = GetProperty(defaultObj, property, arrayIndexElement, stream, indent, var, caller);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(var))
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(typename))
                    stream.WriteLine("{0}{1} = {2};", indent, var, prop);
                    stream.WriteLine("{0}{1} {2} = {3};", indent, DataCppExporter.GetGeneratedNativeType(property.NativeType), var, prop);

Example #15
        public static string GenerateCode(Behaviac.Design.PropertyDef property, MethodDef.Param arrayIndexElement, bool isRefParam, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string typename, string var, string caller, string setValue = null)
            if (property.IsPar || property.IsCustomized)
                return(ParInfoCsExporter.GenerateCode(property, isRefParam, stream, indent, typename, var, caller));

            string agentName = GetGenerateAgentName(property, var, caller);
            string prop      = GetProperty(property, arrayIndexElement, stream, indent, var, caller);

            if (!property.IsReadonly)
                if (setValue == null)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(var))
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(typename))
                            stream.WriteLine("{0}{1} = {2};", indent, var, prop);
                            string nativeType = DataCsExporter.GetPropertyNativeType(property, arrayIndexElement);

                            stream.WriteLine("{0}{1} {2} = {3};", indent, nativeType, var, prop);
                    string propBasicName = property.BasicName.Replace("[]", "");
                    stream.WriteLine("{0}AgentExtra_Generated.SetProperty({1}, \"{2}\", {3});", indent, agentName, propBasicName, setValue);

Example #16
        public static string GetProperty(DefaultObject defaultObj, Behaviac.Design.PropertyDef property, MethodDef.Param arrayIndexElement, StringWriter stream, string indent, string var, string caller)
            string agentName = GetGenerateAgentName(property, var, caller);

            if (property.Owner != Behaviac.Design.VariableDef.kSelf)
                bool        isGlobal      = Plugin.IsInstanceName(property.Owner, null);
                PropertyDef ownerProperty = null;

                if (!isGlobal)
                    Debug.Check(defaultObj != null && defaultObj.Behavior != null && defaultObj.Behavior.AgentType != null);
                    if (defaultObj != null && defaultObj.Behavior != null)
                        ownerProperty = defaultObj.Behavior.AgentType.GetPropertyByName(property.Owner);

                if (isGlobal || ownerProperty == null || ownerProperty.IsCustomized || ownerProperty.IsPar) // global or customized instance
                    stream.WriteLine("{0}Agent* {1} = Agent::GetInstance(pAgent, \"{2}\");", indent, agentName, property.Owner);
                else // member instance
                    string propName   = ownerProperty.Name.Replace("::", "_");
                    string nativeType = DataCppExporter.GetGeneratedNativeType(ownerProperty.Type);
                    string prop       = string.Format("(({0}*)pAgent)->_Get_Property_<{1}PROPERTY_TYPE_{2}, {3} >()", ownerProperty.ClassName, getNamespace(ownerProperty.ClassName), propName, nativeType);

                    stream.WriteLine("{0}Agent* {1} = {2};", indent, agentName, prop);

                stream.WriteLine("{0}BEHAVIAC_ASSERT({1});", indent, agentName);

            return(getProperty(property, arrayIndexElement, agentName, stream, indent));
Example #17
        public bool SwapTwoProperties(PropertyDef property1, PropertyDef property2) {
            if (property1 != null && (property1.IsCustomized || property1.IsPar) &&
                property2 != null && (property2.IsCustomized || property2.IsPar) &&
                (property1.IsCustomized == property2.IsCustomized || property1.IsPar == property2.IsPar)) {
                int index1 = getPropertyIndex(property1);
                int index2 = getPropertyIndex(property2);

                if (index1 >= 0 && index2 >= 0) {
                    this._propertyList[index1] = property2;
                    this._propertyList[index2] = property1;

                    return true;

            return false;
Example #18
        private int getPropertyIndex(PropertyDef property) {
            if (property != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < this._propertyList.Count; ++i) {
                    if (property == this._propertyList[i])
                    { return i; }

            return -1;
Example #19
        private string getPrefixString(PropertyDef p)
            if (p != null)
                if (p.IsChangeableType)
                    return (p.Type == typeof(object)) ? Empty_Type_Str : Changeable_Type_Str;

                if (p.IsPar)
                    return Par_Str;

                if (!p.IsMember)
                    return Customized_Str;

            return Member_Str;
Example #20
 public ParInfo(PropertyDef other)
Example #21
        public bool ResetMembers(bool check, AgentType agentType, bool clear, PropertyDef property)
            if (property != null && this._property != null &&
                (property.OldName == this._property.Name ||
                 !property.IsArrayElement && this._property.IsArrayElement &&
                 (property.OldName + "[]") == this._property.Name))
                if (!check)
                    if (clear || this._property.ShouldBeCleared(agentType))
                        this._property = null;

                        bool isArrayElement = this._property.IsArrayElement;


                        if (isArrayElement)
                        { this._property.SetArrayElement(property); }

                return true;

            return false;
Example #22
 public static string GetGeneratedPropertyDefaultValue(PropertyDef prop, string typename)
     return((prop != null) ? GetGeneratedDefaultValue(prop.Type, typename, prop.DefaultValue) : null);
Example #23
        public void SetArrayElement(PropertyDef arrayProperty)
            Debug.Check(arrayProperty != null && arrayProperty.Type != null && Plugin.IsArrayType(arrayProperty.Type));

            this.IsArrayElement = true;
            this.IsAddedAutomatically = true;
            this.Type = arrayProperty.Type.GetGenericArguments()[0];
            this.Name = arrayProperty.Name + "[]";
            this.DisplayName = arrayProperty.DisplayName + "[]";
            this.Description = this.DisplayName;
Example #24
        public void Initialize(bool canBeEdit, AgentType agent, CustomizedStruct customizedStruct, PropertyDef prop, bool canBePar)
            Debug.Check(agent != null || customizedStruct != null);

            _initialized      = false;
            _isModified       = false;
            _isNew            = (prop == null);
            _agent            = agent;
            _customizedStruct = customizedStruct;
            _originalProperty = prop;


            if (_isNew)
                this.Text = canBeEdit ? Resources.AddProperty : Resources.ViewProperty;

                if (customizedStruct == null)
                    _property = new PropertyDef(agent, null, agent.AgentTypeName, "", "", "");
                    _property = new PropertyDef(null, null, customizedStruct.Name, "", "", "");
                this.Text = canBeEdit ? Resources.EditProperty : Resources.ViewProperty;

                resetProperty(prop, prop.IsPar);

            this.isStaticCheckBox.Visible   = (agent != null);
            this.isPublicCheckBox.Visible   = !canBeEdit && (agent != null);
            this.isConstcheckBox.Visible    = (agent != null);
            this.customizedCheckBox.Visible = !canBeEdit && !_property.IsInherited;
            this.isLocalCheckBox.Checked    = customizedStruct == null && _property.IsPar;
            this.isLocalCheckBox.Visible    = canBePar && customizedStruct == null && !_property.IsMember;
            this.nameTextBox.Enabled        = canBeEdit;
            this.arrayCheckBox.Enabled      = canBeEdit;
            this.typeComboBox.Enabled       = canBeEdit;
            this.isStaticCheckBox.Enabled   = canBeEdit;
            this.isConstcheckBox.Enabled    = canBeEdit;
            this.dispTextBox.Enabled        = canBeEdit;
            this.descTextBox.Enabled        = canBeEdit;

            _initialized = true;
        public static string GenerateCode(Behaviac.Design.PropertyDef property, bool isRefParam, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string typename, string var, string caller)
            bool shouldDefineType = true;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(typename))
                shouldDefineType = false;
                typename         = property.NativeType;
            else if (typename == "System::Object")
                typename = property.NativeType;

            if (!typename.EndsWith("*") && Plugin.IsRefType(property.Type))
                typename += "*";

            bool isListType = (typename == "IList");
            bool isString   = (typename == "char*" || typename == "const char*");

            if (isListType)
                typename = property.NativeType;

            typename = DataCppExporter.GetGeneratedNativeType(typename);
            if (property.IsArrayElement && !typename.StartsWith("vector<") && !typename.StartsWith("behaviac::vector<"))
                typename = string.Format("vector<{0} >", typename);

            string varType       = typename;
            string propBasicName = property.BasicName.Replace("[]", "");
            uint   id            = Behaviac.Design.CRC32.CalcCRC(propBasicName);
            string retStr        = string.Format("({0}&)pAgent->GetVariable<{1} >({2}u)", typename, varType, id);

            if (isString)
                retStr = string.Format("(char*)((behaviac::string&)pAgent->GetVariable<behaviac::string>({0}u)).c_str()", id);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(var))
                stream.WriteLine("{0}BEHAVIAC_ASSERT(behaviac::MakeVariableId(\"{1}\") == {2}u);", indent, propBasicName, id);

                if (shouldDefineType || isRefParam)
                    if (isListType)
                        typename = string.Format("TList<{0} >", property.NativeType);
                        retStr   = string.Format("&({0})", retStr);
                    else if (!isString)
                        typename = typename + "&";

                    stream.WriteLine("{0}{1} {2} = {3};", indent, typename, var, retStr);
                    stream.WriteLine("{0}{1} = {2};", indent, var, retStr);

Example #26
        private static void LoadCustomMembers(List<Nodes.Node.ErrorCheck> result, XmlNode rootNode)
            if (rootNode == null)
            { return; }

            // Set the default base agent.
            if (Plugin.AgentTypes.Count == 0) {
                AgentType agent = new AgentType(typeof(Agent), "Agent", false, "Agent", "");

            foreach(XmlNode xmlNode in rootNode.ChildNodes) {
                if (xmlNode.Name == "agent") {
                    string agentName = GetAttribute(xmlNode, "type");
                    string agentBase = GetAttribute(xmlNode, "base");
                    int baseIndex = -1;

                    for (int i = 0; i < Plugin.AgentTypes.Count; ++i) {
                        if (Plugin.AgentTypes[i].AgentTypeName == agentBase) {
                            baseIndex = i;

                    string agentDisp = GetAttribute(xmlNode, "disp");
                    string agentDesc = GetAttribute(xmlNode, "desc");

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(agentDisp))
                    { agentDisp = agentName; }

                    AgentType agent = Plugin.GetAgentType(agentName);

                    if (agent == null) {
                        agent = new AgentType(agentName, (baseIndex > -1) ? Plugin.AgentTypes[baseIndex] : null, agentDisp, agentDesc);

                    foreach(XmlNode bbNode in xmlNode) {
                        if (bbNode.Name == "properties") {
                            foreach(XmlNode propNode in bbNode) {
                                if (propNode.Name == "property") {
                                    string propName = GetAttribute(propNode, "name");

                                    string isStatic = GetAttribute(propNode, "static");
                                    bool bStatic = false;

                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(isStatic) && isStatic == "true")
                                    { bStatic = true; }

                                    string isPublic = GetAttribute(propNode, "public");
                                    bool bPublic = false;

                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(isPublic) || isPublic == "true")
                                    { bPublic = true; }

                                    string isReadonly = GetAttribute(propNode, "readonly");
                                    bool bReadonly = false;

                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(isReadonly) && isReadonly == "true")
                                    { bReadonly = true; }

                                    string propType = GetAttribute(propNode, "type");
                                    Type type = Plugin.GetTypeFromName(propType);

                                    string classname = GetAttribute(propNode, "classname");

                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(classname))
                                    { classname = agent.AgentTypeName; }

                                    string propDisp = GetAttribute(propNode, "disp");

                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(propDisp))
                                    { propDisp = propName; }

                                    string propDesc = GetAttribute(propNode, "desc");

                                    PropertyDef prop = new PropertyDef(agent, type, classname, propName, propDisp, propDesc);
                                    prop.IsStatic = bStatic;
                                    prop.IsPublic = bPublic;
                                    prop.IsReadonly = bReadonly;

                                    string defaultValue = GetAttribute(propNode, "defaultvalue");

                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultValue)) {
                                        prop.Variable = new VariableDef(null);
                                        Plugin.InvokeTypeParser(result, type, defaultValue, (object value) => prop.Variable.Value = value, null);


                        } else if (bbNode.Name == "methods") {
                            foreach(XmlNode methodNode in bbNode) {
                                if (methodNode.Name == "method") {
                                    string methodName = GetAttribute(methodNode, "name");
                                    Type returnType = Plugin.GetTypeFromName(GetAttribute(methodNode, "returntype"));

                                    string isStatic = GetAttribute(methodNode, "static");
                                    bool bStatic = false;

                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(isStatic) && isStatic == "true")
                                    { bStatic = true; }

                                    string isPublic = GetAttribute(methodNode, "public");
                                    bool bPublic = false;

                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(isPublic) || isPublic == "true")
                                    { bPublic = true; }

                                    string classname = GetAttribute(methodNode, "classname");

                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(classname))
                                    { classname = agent.AgentTypeName; }

                                    string methodDisp = GetAttribute(methodNode, "disp");

                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(methodDisp))
                                    { methodDisp = methodName; }

                                    string methodDesc = GetAttribute(methodNode, "desc");

                                    bool istask = (GetAttribute(methodNode, "istask") == "true");
                                    //bool isevent = (GetAttribute(methodNode, "isevent") == "true");

                                    MemberType memberType = MemberType.Method;

                                    if (istask) {
                                        memberType = MemberType.Task;

                                    methodName = string.Format("{0}::{1}", agent.AgentTypeName, methodName);

                                    MethodDef method = new MethodDef(agent, memberType, classname, methodName, methodDisp, methodDesc, "", returnType);
                                    method.IsStatic = bStatic;
                                    method.IsPublic = bPublic;


                                    foreach(XmlNode paramNode in methodNode) {
                                        string paramName = GetAttribute(paramNode, "name");
                                        Type paramType = Plugin.GetTypeFromName(GetAttribute(paramNode, "type"));
                                        bool isOut = (GetAttribute(paramNode, "isout") == "true");
                                        bool isRef = (GetAttribute(paramNode, "isref") == "true");
                                        string nativeType = Plugin.GetNativeTypeName(paramType);

                                        string paramDisp = GetAttribute(paramNode, "disp");

                                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(paramDisp))
                                        { paramDisp = paramName; }

                                        string paramDesc = GetAttribute(paramNode, "desc");

                                        MethodDef.Param param = new MethodDef.Param(paramName, paramType, nativeType, paramDisp, paramDesc);
                                        param.IsOut = isOut;
                                        param.IsRef = isRef;

Example #27
        public static string GetPropertyNativeType(Behaviac.Design.PropertyDef property, MethodDef.Param arrayIndexElement)
            string nativeType = DataCppExporter.GetGeneratedNativeType(property.NativeType);

Example #28
        public static string GetGeneratedPropertyDefaultValue(PropertyDef prop, string typename)
            string value = "";

            if (prop != null)
                value = prop.DefaultValue;

                if (Plugin.IsStringType(prop.Type))
                    value = "\"" + value + "\"";
                else if (Plugin.IsBooleanType(prop.Type))
                    value = value.ToLowerInvariant();
                else if (Plugin.IsEnumType(prop.Type))
                    value = string.Format("{0}.{1}", typename, value);
                else if (Plugin.IsArrayType(prop.Type))
                    value = "";
                else if (Plugin.IsCustomClassType(prop.Type))
                    value = "";

            return value;
Example #29
        public static string GenerateCode(Behaviac.Design.PropertyDef property, bool isRefParam, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string typename, string var, string caller)
            bool shouldDefineType = true;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(typename))
                shouldDefineType = false;
                typename         = property.NativeType;

            typename = DataCsExporter.GetGeneratedNativeType(typename);
            if (property.IsArrayElement && !typename.StartsWith("List<"))
                typename = string.Format("List<{0}>", typename);

            string propBasicName = property.BasicName.Replace("[]", "");
            uint   id            = Behaviac.Design.CRC32.CalcCRC(propBasicName);
            string retStr        = string.Format("pAgent.GetVariable<{0}>({1}u)", typename, id);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(var))
                stream.WriteLine("{0}Debug.Check(behaviac.Utils.MakeVariableId(\"{1}\") == {2}u);", indent, propBasicName, id);

                //if (isRefParam)
                //    if (shouldDefineType)
                //        stream.WriteLine("{0}{1} {2};", indent, typename, var);

                //    Type type = property.Type;
                //    if (type != null && (type.IsValueType || Plugin.IsEnumType(type) || Plugin.IsStringType(type)))
                //    {
                //        stream.WriteLine("{0}object var_{1} = pAgent.GetVariableObject({2}u);", indent, var, id);
                //        stream.WriteLine("{0}if (var_{1} != null)", indent, var);
                //        stream.WriteLine("{0}\t{1} = ({2})var_{1};", indent, var, typename);
                //        stream.WriteLine("{0}else", indent, var);

                //        if (!Plugin.IsArrayType(property.Type) && !Plugin.IsCustomClassType(property.Type))
                //        {
                //            object defaultObj = Plugin.DefaultValue(property.Type);
                //            Debug.Check(defaultObj != null);

                //            string objStr = DesignerPropertyUtility.RetrieveExportValue(defaultObj);
                //            if (defaultObj is char)
                //            {
                //                objStr = "(char)0";
                //            }
                //            else if (Plugin.IsEnumType(defaultObj.GetType()))
                //            {
                //                objStr = string.Format("{0}.{1}", typename, objStr);
                //            }

                //            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t{1} = {2};", indent, var, objStr);
                //        }
                //        else
                //        {
                //            stream.WriteLine("{0}\t{1} = new {2}();", indent, var, DataCsExporter.GetGeneratedNativeType(property.Type));
                //        }
                //    }
                //    else
                //    {
                //        stream.WriteLine("{0}{1} = ({2})pAgent.GetVariableObject({3}u);", indent, var, typename, id);
                //    }
                    if (shouldDefineType)
                        stream.WriteLine("{0}{1} {2} = {3};", indent, typename, var, retStr);
                        stream.WriteLine("{0}{1} = {2};", indent, var, retStr);

Example #30
 public VariableDef(PropertyDef property, string valueType)
     SetProperty(property, valueType);
Example #31
        public override bool ResetMembers(bool check, AgentType agentType, bool clear, MethodDef method = null, PropertyDef property = null) {
            bool bReset = false;

            if (this._task != null && method != null && this._task.Name == method.OldName) {
                if (method != null && this._task.Name == method.OldName &&
                    (clear || this._task.ShouldBeCleared(agentType))) {
                    bReset = true;

                    if (!check)
                    { this._task = null; }

                } else {
                    bReset |= this._task.ResetMembers(check, agentType, clear, method, property);

            bReset |= base.ResetMembers(check, agentType, clear, method, property);

            return bReset;
Example #32
        private void resetProperty(PropertyDef prop, bool isPar)
            if (isPar)
                _property = new ParInfo(prop);
                _property = new PropertyDef(prop);
            _property.OldName = prop.Name;

            _isArray = Plugin.IsArrayType(_property.Type);
            Type type = _isArray ? _property.Type.GetGenericArguments()[0] : _property.Type;

            this.nameTextBox.Text = _property.BasicName;
            this.arrayCheckBox.Checked = _isArray;
            this.typeComboBox.Text = Plugin.GetMemberValueTypeName(type);
            this.isStaticCheckBox.Checked = _property.IsStatic;
            this.isPublicCheckBox.Checked = _property.IsPublic;
            this.isConstcheckBox.Checked = _property.IsReadonly;
            this.customizedCheckBox.Checked = _property.IsExportedButAlsoCustomized;
            this.dispTextBox.Text = _property.DisplayName;
            this.descTextBox.Text = _property.BasicDescription;

            resetType(type, false);
Example #33
        private static void LoadCustomTypes(XmlNode rootNode) {
            if (rootNode == null)
            { return; }


            foreach(XmlNode xmlNode in rootNode.ChildNodes) {
                if (xmlNode.Name == "enumtype") {
                    string enumName = GetAttribute(xmlNode, "Type");
                    string[] enumNames = enumName.Split(new char[] { ':' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    enumName = enumNames[enumNames.Length - 1];

                    string displayName = GetAttribute(xmlNode, "DisplayName");
                    string desc = GetAttribute(xmlNode, "Desc");

                    CustomizedEnum customizedEnum = new CustomizedEnum(null);
                    customizedEnum.Name = enumName;
                    customizedEnum.DisplayName = displayName;
                    customizedEnum.Description = desc;

                    foreach(XmlNode memberNode in xmlNode.ChildNodes) {
                        if (memberNode.Name == "enum") {
                            string memberName = GetAttribute(memberNode, "Value");
                            string[] memberNames = memberName.Split(new char[] { ':' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            memberName = memberNames[memberNames.Length - 1];

                            string memberDisplayName = GetAttribute(memberNode, "DisplayName");
                            string memberDesc = GetAttribute(memberNode, "Desc");
                            string memberValue = GetAttribute(memberNode, "MemberValue");

                            CustomizedEnum.CustomizedEnumMember enumMember = new CustomizedEnum.CustomizedEnumMember(null);
                            enumMember.Name = memberName;
                            enumMember.DisplayName = memberDisplayName;
                            enumMember.Description = memberDesc;

                            try {
                                enumMember.Value = int.Parse(memberValue);

                            } catch {
                                enumMember.Value = -1;



                } else if (xmlNode.Name == "struct") {
                    string structName = GetAttribute(xmlNode, "Type");
                    string[] structNames = structName.Split(new char[] { ':' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    structName = structNames[structNames.Length - 1];

                    string displayName = GetAttribute(xmlNode, "DisplayName");
                    string desc = GetAttribute(xmlNode, "Desc");

                    CustomizedStruct customizedStruct = new CustomizedStruct(null);
                    customizedStruct.Name = structName;
                    customizedStruct.DisplayName = displayName;
                    customizedStruct.Description = desc;

                    foreach(XmlNode memberNode in xmlNode.ChildNodes) {
                        if (memberNode.Name == "Member") {
                            string memberName = GetAttribute(memberNode, "Name");
                            string[] memberNames = memberName.Split(new char[] { ':' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            memberName = memberNames[memberNames.Length - 1];

                            string memberType = GetAttribute(memberNode, "Type");
                            Type type = Plugin.GetTypeFromName(memberType);
                            string memberDisplayName = GetAttribute(memberNode, "DisplayName");
                            string memberDesc = GetAttribute(memberNode, "Desc");

                            PropertyDef structProp = new PropertyDef(null, type, structName, memberName, memberDisplayName, memberDesc);

Example #34
        private void addRowControl(PropertyDef property) {
            this.tableLayoutPanel.RowStyles.Add(new System.Windows.Forms.RowStyle(System.Windows.Forms.SizeType.Absolute, 20F));

            int rowIndex = _rowControls.Count + 1;
            RowControl rowControl = new RowControl();

            rowControl.Name = property.BasicName;

            rowControl.NameLabel = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
            rowControl.NameLabel.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
            rowControl.NameLabel.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(0);
            rowControl.NameLabel.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
            rowControl.NameLabel.Text = property.DisplayName;
            this.tableLayoutPanel.Controls.Add(rowControl.NameLabel, 0, rowIndex);

            rowControl.TypeLabel = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
            rowControl.TypeLabel.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
            rowControl.TypeLabel.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(0);
            rowControl.TypeLabel.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
            rowControl.TypeLabel.Text = Plugin.GetNativeTypeName(property.Type);
            this.tableLayoutPanel.Controls.Add(rowControl.TypeLabel, 1, rowIndex);

            rowControl.ValueEditor = createPropertyEditor(property);
            rowControl.ValueEditor.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
            rowControl.ValueEditor.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(0);
            this.tableLayoutPanel.Controls.Add(rowControl.ValueEditor, 2, rowIndex);
Example #35
 public PropertyDef(PropertyDef other)
Example #36
        public MetaPropertyDialog(bool canBeEdited, AgentType agent, CustomizedStruct customizedStruct, PropertyDef prop, bool canBePar)

            this.Owner = MainWindow.Instance;

            this.metaPropertyPanel.Initialize(canBeEdited, agent, customizedStruct, prop, canBePar);
Example #37
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate the native code for the given value object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">The given object.</param>
        /// <param name="stream">The file stream for generating the codes.</param>
        /// <param name="indent">The indent string when generating the line of codes.</param>
        /// <param name="typename">The native type of the variable.</param>
        /// <param name="var">The variable for the given object when generating the codes.</param>
        /// <param name="caller">The caller for the method or the agent.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the string generated value.</returns>
        public static string GenerateCode(object obj, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string typename, string var, string caller)
            string retStr = string.Empty;

            if (obj != null)
                Type type = obj.GetType();

                if (obj is Behaviac.Design.MethodDef)
                    Behaviac.Design.MethodDef method = obj as Behaviac.Design.MethodDef;
                    retStr = MethodCppExporter.GenerateCode(method, stream, indent, typename, var, caller);
                else if (obj is Behaviac.Design.MethodDef.Param)
                    Behaviac.Design.MethodDef.Param param = obj as Behaviac.Design.MethodDef.Param;
                    retStr = ParameterCppExporter.GenerateCode(param, stream, indent, typename, var, caller);
                else if (obj is Behaviac.Design.ParInfo)
                    Behaviac.Design.ParInfo par = obj as Behaviac.Design.ParInfo;
                    retStr = ParInfoCppExporter.GenerateCode(par, false, stream, indent, typename, var, caller);
                else if (obj is Behaviac.Design.PropertyDef)
                    Behaviac.Design.PropertyDef property = obj as Behaviac.Design.PropertyDef;
                    retStr = PropertyCppExporter.GenerateCode(property, null, false, stream, indent, typename, var, caller);
                else if (obj is Behaviac.Design.VariableDef)
                    Behaviac.Design.VariableDef variable = obj as Behaviac.Design.VariableDef;
                    retStr = VariableCppExporter.GenerateCode(variable, false, stream, indent, typename, var, caller);
                else if (obj is Behaviac.Design.RightValueDef)
                    Behaviac.Design.RightValueDef rightValue = obj as Behaviac.Design.RightValueDef;
                    retStr = RightValueCppExporter.GenerateCode(rightValue, stream, indent, typename, var, caller);
                // Array type
                else if (Plugin.IsArrayType(type))
                    retStr = var;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(typename))
                        stream.WriteLine("{0}{1} {2};", indent, DataCppExporter.GetBasicGeneratedNativeType(typename), var);
                        typename = DataCppExporter.GetGeneratedNativeType(type);

                    int    startIndex = typename.IndexOf('<');
                    int    endIndex   = typename.LastIndexOf('>');
                    string itemType   = typename.Substring(startIndex + 1, endIndex - startIndex - 1);

                    ArrayCppExporter.GenerateCode(obj, stream, indent, itemType, var);
                // Struct type
                else if (Plugin.IsCustomClassType(type))
                    retStr = var;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(typename))
                        if (typename.EndsWith("*"))
                            stream.WriteLine("{0}{1} {2} = NULL;", indent, DataCppExporter.GetBasicGeneratedNativeType(typename), var);
                            stream.WriteLine("{0}{1} {2};", indent, DataCppExporter.GetBasicGeneratedNativeType(typename), var);

                    StructCppExporter.GenerateCode(obj, stream, indent, var, null, "");
                // Other types
                    retStr = obj.ToString();

                    if (Plugin.IsStringType(type)) // string
                        retStr = string.Format("\"{0}\"", retStr);
                        if (typename.StartsWith("behaviac::wstring"))
                            retStr = string.Format("StringUtils::MBSToWCS({0})", retStr);
                            retStr = string.Format("(char*)({0})", retStr);
                    else if (Plugin.IsBooleanType(type)) // bool
                        retStr = retStr.ToLowerInvariant();
                    else if (Plugin.IsEnumType(type)) // enum
                        retStr = EnumCppExporter.GeneratedCode(obj);
                    else if (Plugin.IsFloatType(type)) // float
                        if (retStr.Contains(".") && !retStr.EndsWith("f") && !retStr.EndsWith("F"))
                            retStr = retStr + "f";

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(var))
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(typename))
                            stream.WriteLine("{0}{1} = {2};", indent, var, retStr);
                            typename = DataCppExporter.GetGeneratedNativeType(typename);

                            stream.WriteLine("{0}{1} {2} = {3};", indent, typename, var, retStr);

Example #38
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate code for the given value object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">The given object.</param>
        /// <param name="stream">The file stream for generating the codes.</param>
        /// <param name="indent">The indent string when generating the line of codes.</param>
        /// <param name="typename">The native type of the variable.</param>
        /// <param name="var">The variable for the given object when generating the codes.</param>
        /// <param name="caller">The caller for the method or the agent.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the string generated value.</returns>
        public static string GenerateCode(object obj, StreamWriter stream, string indent, string typename, string var, string caller, string setValue = null)
            string retStr = string.Empty;

            if (obj != null)
                Type type = obj.GetType();

                if (obj is Behaviac.Design.MethodDef)
                    Behaviac.Design.MethodDef method = obj as Behaviac.Design.MethodDef;
                    retStr = MethodCsExporter.GenerateCode(method, stream, indent, typename, var, caller);
                else if (obj is Behaviac.Design.MethodDef.Param)
                    Behaviac.Design.MethodDef.Param param = obj as Behaviac.Design.MethodDef.Param;
                    retStr = ParameterCsExporter.GenerateCode(param, stream, indent, typename, var, caller);
                else if (obj is Behaviac.Design.ParInfo)
                    Behaviac.Design.ParInfo par = obj as Behaviac.Design.ParInfo;
                    retStr = ParInfoCsExporter.GenerateCode(par, false, stream, indent, typename, var, caller);
                else if (obj is Behaviac.Design.PropertyDef)
                    Behaviac.Design.PropertyDef property = obj as Behaviac.Design.PropertyDef;
                    retStr = PropertyCsExporter.GenerateCode(property, null, false, stream, indent, typename, var, caller, setValue);
                else if (obj is Behaviac.Design.VariableDef)
                    Behaviac.Design.VariableDef variable = obj as Behaviac.Design.VariableDef;
                    retStr = VariableCsExporter.GenerateCode(variable, false, stream, indent, typename, var, caller);
                else if (obj is Behaviac.Design.RightValueDef)
                    Behaviac.Design.RightValueDef rightValue = obj as Behaviac.Design.RightValueDef;
                    retStr = RightValueCsExporter.GenerateCode(rightValue, stream, indent, typename, var, caller);
                // Array type
                else if (Plugin.IsArrayType(type))
                    retStr = var;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(typename))
                        stream.WriteLine("{0}{1} {2};", indent, typename, var);
                        typename = DataCsExporter.GetGeneratedNativeType(type);

                    int    startIndex = typename.IndexOf('<');
                    int    endIndex   = typename.LastIndexOf('>');
                    string itemType   = typename.Substring(startIndex + 1, endIndex - startIndex - 1);

                    ArrayCsExporter.GenerateCode(obj, stream, indent, itemType, var);
                // Struct type
                else if (Plugin.IsCustomClassType(type))
                    retStr = var;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(typename))
                        stream.WriteLine("{0}{1} {2};", indent, typename, var);

                    StructCsExporter.GenerateCode(obj, stream, indent, var, null, "");
                // Other types
                    retStr = obj.ToString();

                    if (Plugin.IsStringType(type)) // string
                        retStr = string.Format("\"{0}\"", retStr);
                    else if (Plugin.IsCharType(type)) // char
                        char c = 'A';
                        if (retStr.Length >= 1)
                            c = retStr[0];

                        retStr = string.Format("\'{0}\'", c);
                    else if (Plugin.IsBooleanType(type)) // bool
                        retStr = retStr.ToLowerInvariant();
                    else if (Plugin.IsEnumType(type)) // enum
                        retStr = EnumCsExporter.GeneratedCode(obj);
                    else if (type == typeof(float)) // float
                        retStr += "f";

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(var))
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(typename))
                            stream.WriteLine("{0}{1} = {2};", indent, var, retStr);
                            stream.WriteLine("{0}{1} {2} = {3};", indent, typename, var, retStr);

Example #39
        private DesignerPropertyEditor createPropertyEditor(PropertyDef property) {
            Type type = property.Type;
            Type editorType = Plugin.InvokeEditorType(type);
            Debug.Check(editorType != null);

            DesignerPropertyEditor editor = (DesignerPropertyEditor)editorType.InvokeMember(string.Empty, BindingFlags.CreateInstance, null, null, new object[0]);
            editor.TabStop = false;
            editor.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
            editor.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(0);
            editor.ValueWasChanged += new DesignerPropertyEditor.ValueChanged(editor_ValueWasChanged);

            VariableDef var = new VariableDef(Plugin.DefaultValue(type));
            editor.SetVariable(var, null);


            return editor;
Example #40
        public override bool ResetMembers(bool check, AgentType agentType, bool clear, MethodDef method = null, PropertyDef property = null) {
            bool bReset = false;

            if (this.Opl != null) {
                bReset |= this.Opl.ResetMembers(check, agentType, clear, method, property);

            if (this.Opr1 != null) {
                bReset |= this.Opr1.ResetMembers(check, agentType, clear, method, property);

            if (this.Opr2 != null) {
                bReset |= this.Opr2.ResetMembers(check, agentType, clear, method, property);

            bReset |= base.ResetMembers(check, agentType, clear, method, property);

            if (!check && bReset) {

            return bReset;
Example #41
        public bool ResetMembers(bool check, AgentType agentType, bool clear, MethodDef method, PropertyDef property)
            bool bReset = false;

            if (method != null)
                if (method.OldName == this.Name)
                    bReset = true;

                    if (!check)

            else if (property != null)
                foreach (MethodDef.Param param in this.Params)
                    if (param.Value is VariableDef)
                        VariableDef var = param.Value as VariableDef;
                        bReset |= var.ResetMembers(check, agentType, clear, property);

                    else if (param.Value is ParInfo)
                        ParInfo par = param.Value as ParInfo;

                        if (property.IsPar && (property.OldName == par.Name ||
                        !property.IsArrayElement && par.IsArrayElement && (property.OldName + "[]") == par.Name))
                            if (clear || this.ShouldBeCleared(agentType))
                                bReset = true;

                                if (!check)
                                { param.Value = Plugin.DefaultValue(param.Type); }

                                bReset = true;

                                if (!check)
                                    bool isArrayElement = par.IsArrayElement;


                                    if (isArrayElement)
                                    { par.SetArrayElement(property); }

            return bReset;
Example #42
 public static string GetGeneratedPropertyDefaultValue(PropertyDef prop, string typename)
     return (prop != null) ? GetGeneratedDefaultValue(prop.Type, typename, prop.DefaultValue) : null;
Example #43
        public virtual void CopyFrom(PropertyDef other)
            if (other == null)

            _agentType = other._agentType;
            _propertyInfo = other._propertyInfo;
            _type = other._type;
            _isChangeableType = other._isChangeableType;
            _isStatic = other._isStatic;
            _isPublic = other._isPublic;
            _isProperty = other._isProperty;
            _isReadonly = other._isReadonly;
            _classname = other._classname;
            _owner = other._owner;
            _name = other._name;
            _nativeType = other._nativeType;
            _displayName = other._displayName;
            _description = other._description;
            _isAddedAutomatically = other._isAddedAutomatically;
            _isArrayElement = other._isArrayElement;
            _isExportedButAlsoCustomized = other._isExportedButAlsoCustomized;

            if (other._variable != null)
            { _variable = (VariableDef)other._variable.Clone(); }
Example #44
 private void resetMembersInWorkspace(AgentType agentType, bool clear, MethodDef method, PropertyDef property)
     foreach(Nodes.BehaviorNode behavior in getAllBehaviors(property)) {
         if (behavior != null && behavior is Nodes.Node) {
             bool bReset = ((Nodes.Node)behavior).ResetMembers(false, agentType, clear, method, property);
             if (bReset)
Example #45
        public VariableDef(VariableDef other)
            if (other == null)
                Value = null;
                _property = null;

                if (other._property != null)
                    if (other._property.IsPar && other._property is ParInfo)
                    { _property = new ParInfo(other._property as ParInfo); }

                    { _property = new PropertyDef(other._property); }

                _value = Plugin.CloneValue(other._value);
                ValueClass = other._valueClass;

                if (other.m_arrayIndexElement != null)
                { m_arrayIndexElement = new MethodDef.Param(other.m_arrayIndexElement); }
Example #46
 public MemberItem(string displayName, PropertyDef property)
     DisplayName = displayName;
     Property = property;
Example #47
 public void SetProperty(PropertyDef property, string valueType)
     ValueClass = valueType;
     if (property != null && property.Owner != valueType)
         _property = property.Clone();
         _property.Owner = valueType;
         _property = property;
Example #48
        private bool checkMembersInWorkspace(AgentType agentType, bool clear, MethodDef method, PropertyDef property)
            foreach(Nodes.BehaviorNode behavior in getAllBehaviors(property)) {
                if (behavior != null && behavior is Nodes.Node) {
                    bool bReset = ((Nodes.Node)behavior).ResetMembers(true, agentType, clear, method, property);
                    if (bReset)
                        return DialogResult.Yes == MessageBox.Show(Resources.ModifyMemberWarning, Resources.Warning, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);

            return true;
Example #49
        public bool ResetMembers(bool check, AgentType agentType, bool clear, MethodDef method, PropertyDef property)
            if (this.IsMethod && this.Method != null)
                if (method != null && method.OldName == this.Method.Name)
                    if (!check)
                        if (clear || this.Method.ShouldBeCleared(agentType))
                        { this.m_method = null; }

                        { this.Method.CopyFrom(method); }

                    return true;

                return this.Method.ResetMembers(check, agentType, clear, method, property);

            else if (this.Var != null)
                return this.Var.ResetMembers(check, agentType, clear, property);

            return false;
Example #50
        IList<Nodes.BehaviorNode> getAllBehaviors(PropertyDef property)
            List<Nodes.BehaviorNode> allBehaviors = new List<Nodes.BehaviorNode>();

            if (property != null && property.IsPar) {

            } else {
                BehaviorTreeList behaviorTreeList = BehaviorManager.Instance as BehaviorTreeList;

                if (behaviorTreeList != null) {
                    foreach(Nodes.BehaviorNode behavior in behaviorTreeList.GetAllOpenedBehaviors()) {
                        if (!allBehaviors.Contains(behavior)) {

                    foreach(Nodes.BehaviorNode behavior in behaviorTreeList.GetAllBehaviors()) {
                        if (!allBehaviors.Contains(behavior)) {

            return allBehaviors;
Example #51
        public override void CopyFrom(PropertyDef other)

            if (other is ParInfo)
                ParInfo otherPar = other as ParInfo;

                _node = otherPar._node;
                _eventParam = otherPar._eventParam;
                _typeName = otherPar._typeName;
                _display = otherPar._display;
Example #52
        public void Initialize(bool canBeEdit, AgentType agent, StructType structType, PropertyDef prop, bool canBePar)
            Debug.Check(agent != null || structType != null);

            _initialized = false;

            _isModified = false;
            _shouldCheckMembersInWorkspace = false;
            _isNew            = (prop == null);
            _agent            = agent;
            _structType       = structType;
            _originalProperty = prop;


            if (_isNew)
                this.Text = canBeEdit ? Resources.AddProperty : Resources.ViewProperty;

                if (_structType == null)
                    if (agent != null)
                        _property = new PropertyDef(agent, null, agent.Name, "", "", "");
                    _property = new PropertyDef(null, null, _structType.Name, "", "", "");

                _property.IsPublic = false;

                resetProperty(_property, _property.IsPar);
                this.Text = canBeEdit ? Resources.EditProperty : Resources.ViewProperty;

                resetProperty(prop, prop.IsPar);

            //this.customizedCheckBox.Visible = canBeEdit && !_property.IsInherited && agent != null;
            this.customizedCheckBox.Visible = false;
            this.isLocalCheckBox.Checked    = _structType == null && _property.IsPar;
            this.isLocalCheckBox.Visible    = canBePar && _structType == null && !_property.IsMember;
            this.isLocalCheckBox.Enabled    = canBeEdit;
            this.nameTextBox.Enabled        = canBeEdit;
            this.arrayCheckBox.Enabled      = canBeEdit || (_structType == null || _structType.IsCustomized) && _property.IsChangeableType;
            this.typeComboBox.Enabled       = canBeEdit || (_structType == null || _structType.IsCustomized) && _property.IsChangeableType;
            this.isStaticCheckBox.Enabled   = canBeEdit;
            this.isPublicCheckBox.Enabled   = canBeEdit;
            this.isConstCheckBox.Enabled    = canBeEdit;
            this.dispTextBox.Enabled        = canBeEdit;
            this.descTextBox.Enabled        = canBeEdit;


            if (this.nameTextBox.TextLength > 0)
                this.nameTextBox.SelectionStart = this.nameTextBox.TextLength;

            _initialized = true;