private static void GetSchedule() { try { var url = string.Format(""); HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create(url); HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse) request.GetResponse(); using (Stream respStream = response.GetResponseStream()) { if (respStream != null) { var encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8"); var streamReader = new StreamReader(respStream, encoding); var content = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); var doc = new HtmlDocument(); doc.LoadHtml(content); foreach (var row in doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(".//*/table[@class='data schedTbl']/tbody/tr")) { var dateNode = row.SelectSingleNode("./td/div[@class='skedStartDateSite']"); if (dateNode == null) { // For special headings (e.g. "Thanksgiving Showdown", "Winter Classic") continue; } var date = DateTime.Parse(dateNode.InnerText); var awayTeamCode = string.Empty; var homeTeamCode = string.Empty; int? awayScore = null; int? homeScore = null; var teams = row.SelectNodes("./td/div[@class='teamName']/a"); if (teams.Count == 2) // always should be { awayTeamCode = teams[0].GetAttributeValue("rel", ""); homeTeamCode = teams[1].GetAttributeValue("rel", ""); } var result = row.SelectNodes("./td[@class='tvInfo']/span"); if (result != null && result.Count == 2) // only if resulted game { // " MTL (5) " without the quotes awayScore = Int32.Parse(Regex.Replace(result[0].InnerText, @"[^\d]", "")); homeScore = Int32.Parse(Regex.Replace(result[1].InnerText, @"[^\d]", "")); } var game = new Game { Date = date, AwayTeam = (Team)Enum.Parse(typeof(Team), awayTeamCode), HomeTeam = (Team)Enum.Parse(typeof(Team), homeTeamCode), }; if (awayScore.HasValue) { game.AwayScore = awayScore; game.HomeScore = homeScore; } // TODO: Create mode to only scan for updates since last checked date, instead of overwriting everything. // Not much point checking if it exists then not adding it, not here _gameRepository.Update(game); // get gameid to update prediction if necessary. // REVISIT: I thought there was a swift way for PetaPoco to insert and return the ID :/ var gameId = _gameRepository.GetGameId(game); if (awayScore.HasValue && gameId.HasValue) { var prediction = _predictionRepository.IsAPredictedUnresultedGame(gameId.Value); if (prediction != null) { prediction.ActualWinner = game.AwayScore > game.HomeScore ? game.AwayTeam : game.HomeTeam; _predictionRepository.Save(prediction); } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Something went wrong with the schedule: {0}", e); } }
public List<Statline> GetStatlinesForGame(Game game) { var dtos = _db.Fetch<StatlineDTO>("select top 2 * from Statline where team in (@0,@1) order by date desc", (int) game.HomeTeam, (int) game.AwayTeam); return dtos.Select(statline => new Statline { Date = statline.Date, FaceoffWinPercentage = statline.FaceoffWinPercentage, GamesPlayed = statline.GamesPlayed, GoalsAgainst = statline.GoalsAgainst, GoalsAgainstPerGame = statline.GoalsAgainstPerGame, GoalsFor = statline.GoalsFor, GoalsForPerGame = statline.GoalsForPerGame, Points = statline.Points, Losses = statline.Losses, Wins = statline.Wins, OvertimeLosses = statline.OvertimeLosses, RegularPlusOvertimeWins = statline.RegularPlusOvertimeWins, PowerPlayPercentage = statline.PowerPlayPercentage, PenaltyKillPercentage = statline.PenaltyKillPercentage, PointPercentage = statline.PointPercentage, SeasonId = statline.SeasonId, ShotsForPerGame = statline.ShotsForPerGame, ShotsAgainstPerGame = statline.ShotsAgainstPerGame, Team = (Team)Enum.Parse(typeof(Team), statline.Team.ToString()), }).ToList(); }