Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a packet to a sequence based on the server timestamp
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="packet">The packet to be added</param>
        /// <param name="packetCompleteHandle">The method to call and pass the data to when a sequence is complete</param>
        public void AddPacket(UDPPacket packet, BaseUDP.PacketComplete packetCompleteHandle, NetWorker networker)
            // Don't process packets that have a timestep within a specified range
            //if (Time.Milliseconds - packet.timeStep > MAX_ACCEPT_TIME_WINDOW)
            // TODO:  Send an event for old message received or packet rejected
            //	return;

            // Removal of packets from this lookup is done on a separate thread
            lock (packets)
                // Check to see if we have already started this sequence
                if (!packets.ContainsKey(packet.uniqueId))
                    packets.Add(packet.uniqueId, new UDPPacketSequence());

            // Cache the sequence so we don't repeatedly look it up
            UDPPacketSequence sequence = packets[packet.uniqueId];

            // Do not continue to add the packet if the sequence is already complete
            if (sequence.Done)

            if (sequence.AddPacket(packet))
                // The packet sequence is complete
                CompleteSequence(packet.uniqueId, sequence, packetCompleteHandle, networker);
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a packet to a sequence based on the server timestamp
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="packet">The packet to be added</param>
        /// <param name="packetCompleteHandle">The method to call and pass the data to when a sequence is complete</param>
        /// <summary>
        /// </ summary>
        /// <param name =“packet”>要添加的数据包</ param>
        /// <param name =“packetCompleteHandle”>在序列完成时调用和传递数据的方法</ param>
        public void AddPacket(UDPPacket packet, BaseUDP.PacketComplete packetCompleteHandle, NetWorker networker)
            // Don't process packets that have a timestep within a specified range
            //if (Time.Milliseconds - packet.timeStep > MAX_ACCEPT_TIME_WINDOW)
            // TODO:  Send an event for old message received or packet rejected
            //	return;

            // Removal of packets from this lookup is done on a separate thread
            lock (packets)
                // 检查,看看我们是否已经开始这个序列
                // Check to see if we have already started this sequence
                if (!packets.ContainsKey(packet.uniqueId))
                    packets.Add(packet.uniqueId, new UDPPacketSequence());

            // Cache the sequence so we don't repeatedly look it up
            UDPPacketSequence sequence = packets[packet.uniqueId];

            // Do not continue to add the packet if the sequence is already complete
            if (sequence.Done)

            // 返回true是完整的数据包
            if (sequence.AddPacket(packet))
                // The packet sequence is complete
                CompleteSequence(packet.uniqueId, sequence, packetCompleteHandle, networker);