Example #1
		public override void SendAsyncBlocking (RequestMessage request)
		  	Exception ex = null;

			try {
				SendRequest (request);
			} catch (IOException e) {
				ex = e;
			} catch (SocketException e) {
				ex = e;

			if (ex != null) {
				ResponseMessage resp = new ErrorResponse (ex);
				this.InvokeAsyncResponseEvent (resp);


			Stream stream = this.http_request.GetResponse ().GetResponseStream ();
			MemoryStream deserialize_stream = new MemoryStream ();

			// This buffer is annoyingly small on purpose, to avoid
			// having to deal with the case of multiple messages
			// in a single block.
			byte [] buffer = new byte [32];

			while (! this.IsClosed) {

				Array.Clear (buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

				int bytes_read;
				bytes_read = stream.Read (buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
				if (bytes_read == 0)

				int end_index;
				end_index = Array.IndexOf<byte> (buffer, (byte) 0xff);

				if (end_index == -1) {
					deserialize_stream.Write (buffer, 0, bytes_read);
				} else {
					deserialize_stream.Write (buffer, 0, end_index);
					deserialize_stream.Seek (0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

					StreamReader r = new StreamReader (deserialize_stream);
					Logger.Log.Debug ("Received response:\n{0}\n", r.ReadToEnd ());
					deserialize_stream.Seek (0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
					ResponseMessage resp;
					try {
						ResponseWrapper wrapper;
						wrapper = (ResponseWrapper) resp_serializer.Deserialize (deserialize_stream);
						resp = wrapper.Message;
					} catch (Exception e) {
						resp = new ErrorResponse (e);
					this.InvokeAsyncResponseEvent (resp);

					deserialize_stream.Close ();
					deserialize_stream = new MemoryStream ();
					if (bytes_read - end_index - 1 > 0)
						deserialize_stream.Write (buffer, end_index+1, bytes_read-end_index-1);
Example #2
		public ResponseMessageException (ErrorResponse response)
			: base (response.ErrorMessage)
			this.details = response.Details;
Example #3
		protected override void ReadCallback (IAsyncResult result)
			if (this.IsClosed)

			try {
				Stream stream = (Stream) result.AsyncState;
				int bytes_read = 0;
				try { 
					bytes_read = stream.EndRead (result);
				} catch (SocketException) {
					Logger.Log.Debug ("Caught SocketException in ReadCallback");
					Close ();
				} catch (IOException) {
					Logger.Log.Debug ("Caught IOException in ReadCallback");
					Close ();
				// Connection hung up, we're through
				if (bytes_read == 0) {
					this.Close ();

				int end_index = -1;
				int prev_index = 0;

				do {
					// 0xff signifies end of message
					end_index = Array.IndexOf<byte> (network_data, (byte) 0xff, prev_index);
					if (end_index > bytes_read) {
						// I'm not sure how this ever comes to be true, but it does,
						// even though the array is cleared
						end_index = -1;
					int bytes_count = ((end_index == -1) ? bytes_read : end_index) - prev_index;
					this.BufferStream.Write (network_data, prev_index, bytes_count);
					if (end_index != -1) {
						MemoryStream deserialize_stream = this.BufferStream;
						this.BufferStream = new MemoryStream ();
						deserialize_stream.Seek (0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
						HandleResponse (deserialize_stream);
						// Move past the end-of-message marker
						prev_index = end_index + 1;
				} while (end_index != -1);
				// Check to see if we're still connected, and keep
				// looking for new data if so.	
				if (!this.IsClosed) 
					BeginRead ();
			} catch (Exception e) {
				Logger.Log.Error ("Got an exception while trying to read data:");
				Logger.Log.Error (e);
				ResponseMessage resp = new ErrorResponse (e);
				InvokeAsyncResponseEvent (resp);

Example #4
		public void SendAsync (RequestMessage request)
			Exception exception = null;

			try {
				SendRequest (request);
			} catch (IOException e) {
				exception = e;
			} catch (SocketException e) {
				exception = e;

			if (exception == null) {
				BeginRead ();

			ResponseMessage response = new ErrorResponse (exception);
			if (AsyncResponse != null)
				AsyncResponse (response);