public static bool Prefix(BasicProjectile __instance, GameLocation location, Farmer player) { bool damagesMonsters = ModEntry.BRGame.ModHelper.Reflection.GetField <NetBool>(__instance, "damagesMonsters").GetValue().Value; Console.WriteLine($"damage, m = {damagesMonsters}"); if (!damagesMonsters || true && SlingshotPatch5.GetFarmerBounds(player).Intersects(__instance.getBoundingBox())) //TODO: remove? { //TODO: modify slingshot damage here? int damage = __instance.damageToFarmer.Value; damage = Math.Min(damage, 10); if (player == Game1.player) { Console.WriteLine("sending slingshot damage to self"); ModEntry.BRGame.TakeDamage(damage); } else { Console.WriteLine("sending slingshot damage to other player"); NetworkUtility.SendDamageToPlayer(damage, player, Game1.player.UniqueMultiplayerID); } try { if (!HitShaker.IsPlayerFlashing(player.UniqueMultiplayerID)) { var r = ModEntry.BRGame.ModHelper.Reflection; r.GetMethod(__instance, "explosionAnimation", false)?.Invoke(location); } } catch (Exception) { } } return(false); }
public override void Entry(IModHelper helper) { Events = helper.Events; if (AntiCheat.HasIllegalMods()) { Game1.quit = true; Console.Clear(); Monitor.Log("You have an illegal mod installed. Please uninstall it before using this mod.", LogLevel.Warn); if (AntiCheat.IllegalMod != null) { Monitor.Log($"- '{AntiCheat.IllegalMod}'", LogLevel.Warn); } Monitor.Log("Press any key to continue...", LogLevel.Warn); Console.ReadKey(); return; } var config = helper.ReadConfig <ModConfig>(); if (config == null) { config = new ModConfig(); helper.WriteConfig(config); } Config = config; BRGame = new Game(helper, config); Patch.PatchAll("ilyaki.battleroyale"); try { //Remove player limit var multiplayer = helper.Reflection.GetField <Multiplayer>(typeof(Game1), "multiplayer").GetValue(); multiplayer.playerLimit = config.PlayerLimit;//250 is the Galaxy limit (it's multiplied by two for some reason, so set 125) }catch (Exception) { Monitor.Log("Error setting player limit. The max is 125", LogLevel.Error); } helper.ConsoleCommands.Add("br_start", "Start the game. Alternative to pressing Right control", (c, a) => { if (Game1.IsServer) { BRGame.ServerStartGame(); } }); Events.Input.ButtonPressed += (o, e) => { if (Game1.IsServer && e.Button.TryGetKeyboard(out Keys key) && key == Keys.RightControl) { BRGame.ServerStartGame(); } if (e.Button.TryGetKeyboard(out Keys key2) && key2 == Keys.RightAlt) { var loc = Game1.player.currentLocation; int x = Game1.player.getTileX(); int y = Game1.player.getTileY(); Monitor.Log($"tile location={loc.Name}, pos=({x},{y})", LogLevel.Info); Monitor.Log($"my id : {Game1.player.UniqueMultiplayerID}", LogLevel.Info); Monitor.Log($"precise position = {Game1.player.Position}", LogLevel.Info); /*Game1.player.addItemToInventory(new StardewValley.Tools.Slingshot()); * Game1.player.addItemToInventory(new StardewValley.Tools.Slingshot(33)); * * var xd = new int[] { 388, 390, 378, 380, 384, 382, 386, 441 }; * foreach(int asdf in xd) * { * Game1.player.addItemToInventory(new StardewValley.Object(asdf, 100)); * }*/ } }; Events.GameLoop.UpdateTicked += (o, e) => BRGame?.Update(Game1.currentGameTime); Events.GameLoop.UpdateTicked += (o, e) => HitShaker.Update(Game1.currentGameTime); Events.GameLoop.UpdateTicked += (o, e) => SpectatorMode.Update(); // string currentSavedInviteCode = ""; Events.GameLoop.UpdateTicked += (o, e) => { if (e.IsMultipleOf(60 * 5) && Game1.server != null && Game1.options.enableServer == true && !string.Equals(currentSavedInviteCode, Game1.server.getInviteCode())) { currentSavedInviteCode = Game1.server.getInviteCode(); try { //helper.DirectoryPath StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("InviteCode.txt"); //Should be in the same folder as StardewModdingAPI.exe sw.WriteLine(currentSavedInviteCode); sw.Close(); } catch (Exception b) { Console.WriteLine("Exception writing InviteCode: " + b.Message); } } }; Events.Player.Warped += (o, e) => { if (e.NewLocation != null && (e.NewLocation is StardewValley.Locations.Woods || e.NewLocation.Name == "BugLand")) { e.NewLocation.characters.Clear(); } }; Events.Display.RenderingHud += (o, e) => { if (!SpectatorMode.InSpectatorMode) { Storm.Draw(Game1.spriteBatch); } }; Events.Display.Rendered += (o, e) => { if (SpectatorMode.InSpectatorMode) //Spectator mode can only see the storm when it is drawn above everything { Storm.Draw(Game1.spriteBatch); if (Game1.activeClickableMenu == null) { string message = "Spectating"; SpriteText.drawStringWithScrollBackground(Game1.spriteBatch, message, Game1.viewport.Width / 2 - SpriteText.getWidthOfString(message) / 2, 16, "", 1f, -1); } } }; helper.ConsoleCommands.Add("br_kick", "Kick a player. Usage: br_kick <player ID>", (a, b) => { if (!Game1.IsServer) { Monitor.Log("Need to be the server host", LogLevel.Info); } else if (b.Length != 1) { Monitor.Log("Need 1 argument", LogLevel.Info); } else if (!long.TryParse(b[0], out long x)) { Monitor.Log("Not a valid number", LogLevel.Info); } else { try { var f = Game1.getOnlineFarmers().First(p => p != Game1.player && p.UniqueMultiplayerID == x); NetworkUtility.KickPlayer(f, "You have been kicked by the host."); } catch (Exception) { Monitor.Log($"Could not find player with id {x}", LogLevel.Info); } } }); helper.ConsoleCommands.Add("br_setNumberOfPlayerSlots", "Sets the number of player slots. Usage: br_setNumberOfPlayerSlots <number of slots>", (a, b) => { if (!Game1.IsServer) { Monitor.Log("Need to be the server host", LogLevel.Info); } else if (b.Length != 1) { Monitor.Log("Need 1 argument", LogLevel.Info); } else if (!int.TryParse(b[0], out int n)) { Monitor.Log("Not a valid number", LogLevel.Info); } else { n = Math.Abs(n); var emptyCabins = Game1.getFarm().buildings.Where(z => z.daysOfConstructionLeft.Value <= 0 && z.indoors.Value is Cabin).ToArray(); if (n > emptyCabins.Length) { for (int i = 0; i < n - emptyCabins.Length; i++) { var blueprint = new BluePrint("Log Cabin"); var building = new Building(blueprint, new Vector2(-10000, 0)); Game1.getFarm().buildings.Add(building); try { foreach (var warp in building.indoors.Value.warps) { //warp.TargetName = "Forest"; Helper.Reflection.GetField <NetString>(warp, "targetName", true).SetValue(new NetString("Forest")); warp.TargetX = 100; warp.TargetY = 20; } } catch (Exception) { } } Monitor.Log($"Added {n - emptyCabins.Length} player slots", LogLevel.Info); } else if (n < emptyCabins.Length) { for (int i = 0; i < emptyCabins.Length - n; i++) { Game1.getFarm().buildings.Remove(emptyCabins[i]); } Monitor.Log($"Removed {emptyCabins.Length - n} player slots", LogLevel.Info); } else { Monitor.Log($"There are already {n} player slots", LogLevel.Info); } } }); }
private static bool ProcessMessage(byte[] msgData, Farmer sourceFarmer) { var subMessageType = (NetworkUtility.MessageTypes)BitConverter.ToInt32(msgData, 0); Console.WriteLine($"Receiving special message, type = {subMessageType}. Message length = {msgData.Length}"); switch (subMessageType) { case (NetworkUtility.MessageTypes.TAKE_DAMAGE): int damage = BitConverter.ToInt32(msgData, 4); long?damagerID = null; if (msgData.Length > 8) { damagerID = BitConverter.ToInt64(msgData, 8); } Console.WriteLine($"Taking {damage} damage from another player"); ModEntry.BRGame.TakeDamage(damage, damagerID); return(false); case (NetworkUtility.MessageTypes.SERVER_BROADCAST_GAME_START): if (!Game1.IsServer) { int numberOfPlayers = BitConverter.ToInt32(msgData, 4); int stormIndex = BitConverter.ToInt32(msgData, 8); bool isHostParticipating = BitConverter.ToBoolean(msgData, 12); ModEntry.BRGame.ClientStartGame(numberOfPlayers, isHostParticipating, stormIndex); } return(false); case NetworkUtility.MessageTypes.WARP: int tileX = BitConverter.ToInt32(msgData, 4); int tileY = BitConverter.ToInt32(msgData, 8); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 12; i < msgData.Length; i++) { sb.Append((char)msgData[i]); } string locationName = sb.ToString().Substring(1); Console.WriteLine($"I was told by the server to move to {locationName} @ ({tileX},{tileY})"); //Face downwards & Warp Game1.player.FacingDirection = 2; Game1.player.warpFarmer(new TileLocation(locationName, tileX, tileY).CreateWarp()); return(false); case (NetworkUtility.MessageTypes.SERVER_BROADCAST_GAME_END): if (!Game1.IsServer) { ModEntry.BRGame.ClientEndGame(); } return(false); case (NetworkUtility.MessageTypes.RELAY_MESSAGE_TO_ANOTHER_PLAYER): if (Game1.IsServer) { long targetUniqueID = BitConverter.ToInt64(msgData, 4); byte[] messageData = new byte[msgData.Length - 12]; Array.Copy(msgData, 12, messageData, 0, msgData.Length - 12); if (targetUniqueID == Game1.player.UniqueMultiplayerID) { Console.WriteLine("Received relay instruction addressed to myself"); ProcessMessage(messageData, sourceFarmer); return(false); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Relaying a message to {targetUniqueID}..."); Game1.server.sendMessage(targetUniqueID, new OutgoingMessage(NetworkUtility.uniqueMessageType, Game1.player, (object)messageData)); return(false); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Accidentally received relay instruction as a client"); return(false); } case (NetworkUtility.MessageTypes.TELL_SERVER_I_DIED): if (msgData.Length > 12) { ModEntry.BRGame.HandleDeath(sourceFarmer, BitConverter.ToInt64(msgData, 12)); } else { ModEntry.BRGame.HandleDeath(sourceFarmer); } return(false); case NetworkUtility.MessageTypes.SERVER_BROADCAST_CHAT_MESSAGE: string message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(msgData.Skip(4).ToArray()).Substring(1); string colorName = "white"; try { colorName = message.Substring(1, message.Substring(1).IndexOf(']')); Console.WriteLine($"color = {colorName}"); } catch (Exception) { } var color = StardewValley.Menus.ChatMessage.getColorFromName(colorName); if (color == Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color.White) { color = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color.Gold; } Game1.chatBox.addMessage(message, color); return(false); case (NetworkUtility.MessageTypes.TELL_PLAYER_HIT_SHAKE_TIMER): int howLongMilliseconds = BitConverter.ToInt32(msgData, 4); HitShaker.SetHitShakeTimer(sourceFarmer.UniqueMultiplayerID, howLongMilliseconds); return(false); case NetworkUtility.MessageTypes.BROADCAST_ALIVE_COUNT: int howManyPlayersAlive = BitConverter.ToInt32(msgData, 4); if (ModEntry.BRGame.OverlayUI != null) { ModEntry.BRGame.OverlayUI.AlivePlayers = howManyPlayersAlive; } return(false); case NetworkUtility.MessageTypes.SEND_PHASE_DATA: try { var b = new BinaryFormatter(); var phases = (List <Phase>[])b.Deserialize(new MemoryStream(msgData.Skip(4).ToArray())); Console.WriteLine($"Received phases data from server, info: Length={phases.Length}"); Storm.Phases = phases; }catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to process phases data. Kicking to prevent glitches..."); long id = sourceFarmer.UniqueMultiplayerID; NetworkUtility.SendChatMessageToPlayerWithoutMod(id, "Unable to process phases data. Kicking to prevent glitches..."); Game1.server.sendMessage(id, new OutgoingMessage((byte)19, id, new object[0])); Game1.server.playerDisconnected(id); Game1.otherFarmers.Remove(id); } return(false); case NetworkUtility.MessageTypes.KICK_PLAYER: StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 4; i < msgData.Length; i++) { sb2.Append((char)msgData[i]); } string kickMsg = sb2.ToString().Substring(1); Console.WriteLine($"Kicked. Reason: \"{kickMsg}\""); Game1.client.disconnect(); System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(300); Game1.activeClickableMenu = new StardewValley.Menus.DialogueBox($"Kicked. Reason: \"{kickMsg}\""); }); return(false); case NetworkUtility.MessageTypes.SEND_MY_VERSION_TO_SERVER: if (Game1.IsServer) { int major = BitConverter.ToInt32(msgData, 4); int minor = BitConverter.ToInt32(msgData, 8); byte[] sha = msgData.Skip(12).ToArray(); Console.WriteLine($"Received version from client {sourceFarmer.Name}/{sourceFarmer.UniqueMultiplayerID}: {major}.{minor}"); new AutoKicker().AcknowledgeClientVersion(sourceFarmer.UniqueMultiplayerID, major, minor, sha); if (ModEntry.BRGame.IsGameInProgress) { System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); Game1.server.sendMessage(sourceFarmer.UniqueMultiplayerID, new OutgoingMessage(NetworkUtility.uniqueMessageType, Game1.player, (int)NetworkUtility.MessageTypes.TELL_NEW_PLAYER_TO_SPECTATE)); }); } } return(false); case NetworkUtility.MessageTypes.TELL_NEW_PLAYER_TO_SPECTATE: if (!Game1.IsServer) { System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); if (!ModEntry.BRGame.alivePlayers.Contains(Game1.player.UniqueMultiplayerID)) { var oldLocation = Game1.player.currentLocation; var oldPosition = new xTile.Dimensions.Location( (int)Game1.player.Position.X - Game1.viewport.Width / 2, (int)Game1.player.Position.Y - Game1.viewport.Height / 2); SpectatorMode.EnterSpectatorMode(oldLocation, oldPosition); } }); } return(false); case NetworkUtility.MessageTypes.GIVE_HAT: int hatID = 10; //Chicken hat Game1.player?.addItemToInventory(new StardewValley.Objects.Hat(hatID)); return(false); default: return(true); } }