Example #1
        private void ShootRPC(int shooterId)
            var weapon      = weaponHolder.currentWeapon;
            var consommable = consommableHolder.currentConsommable;

            if (weapon != null)
                weapon.Fire(playerCameraTransform, playerID);

                if (weapon.currentAmmo > 0)
                    //play the weapon sound
                    AudioManagerScript.Play3D(audioSource, weapon.weaponSound);

                //the item can have changed since the player shoot. Update UI only if necessary
                var update = weapon == weaponHolder.currentWeapon;

                if (playerID == shooterId && update)

            else if (consommable != null)
                if (playerID == shooterId)
                    StartCoroutine(ApplyBonusOverTime(consommable.GetTime(), consommable.GetHealth(), consommable.GetShield()));
        private void Simulate(float dt)
            if (roboLogic.isInPause)

            // Limit the diagonal speed
            float inputModifyFactor = Math.Abs(input.inputX) > 0.0001f && Math.Abs(input.inputY) > 0.0001f ? .7071f : 1.0f;

            // Handle the movement
            if (grounded)
                // Set double jump to true on grounded
                doubleJump = true;

                // Disable the jump layer when the player is on the ground
                roboLogic.animator.SetLayerWeight(1, 0);

                // Disable the thrusters when the player is not flying

                moveDirection = new Vector3(input.inputX * inputModifyFactor * speed, 0f, input.inputY * inputModifyFactor * speed);

                //Stop the jetpack sound if we are grounded
                if (roboLogic.audioSource.isPlaying && roboLogic.audioSource.clip == roboLogic.audioClips[1])

                //Play the run audio
                if (roboLogic.isMoovingAudio && !roboLogic.audioSource.isPlaying)
                    AudioManagerScript.Play3D(roboLogic.audioSource, roboLogic.audioClips[0]);

                // Animate the player for the ground animation
                roboLogic.animator.SetFloat("VelX", moveDirection.x * speed);
                roboLogic.animator.SetFloat("VelY", moveDirection.z * speed);

                moveDirection = transform.TransformDirection(moveDirection);
                moveDirection.x = input.inputX * speed * inputModifyFactor;
                moveDirection.z = input.inputY * speed * inputModifyFactor;

                // Animate the player for the fly animation
                roboLogic.animator.SetFloat("VelX", 0f);
                roboLogic.animator.SetFloat("VelY", 0f);

                //only play the fly animation on the remote
                if (!photonView.isMine)
                    // Enable the thrusters when the player is flying

                moveDirection = transform.TransformDirection(moveDirection);

            //Play audio only when we are going up
            roboLogic.isJumpingAudio = moveDirection.y > 0;

            if (roboLogic.isJumpingAudio)
                //Stop the running sound if we are not grounded
                if (roboLogic.audioSource.isPlaying && roboLogic.audioSource.clip == roboLogic.audioClips[0])

                //Play the jetpack sound
                if (!roboLogic.audioSource.isPlaying)
                    AudioManagerScript.Play3D(roboLogic.audioSource, roboLogic.audioClips[1], 1.15f);
                //Stop the jumping sound when we are falling
                if (roboLogic.audioSource.isPlaying && roboLogic.audioSource.clip == roboLogic.audioClips[1])

            if (input.jump)
                // We override the base layer when the player is jumping
                roboLogic.animator.SetLayerWeight(1, 1);

                if (grounded)
                    moveDirection.y = flyForce;
                    if (doubleJump)
                        doubleJump      = false;
                        moveDirection.y = flyForce;

            // Rotate the player on the Y axis
            transform.rotation *= Quaternion.Euler(0, input.mouse.x * aimSensitivity, 0);

            // Apply gravity
            moveDirection.y -= gravity * dt;

            //Set the mooving bool
            roboLogic.isMoovingAudio = Math.Abs(moveDirection.x) > 0.0001f || Math.Abs(moveDirection.z) > 0.0001f;

            // Move the controller, and set grounded true or false depending on whether we're standing on something
            grounded = (controller.Move(moveDirection * dt) & CollisionFlags.Below) != 0;