/// <summary>
        /// Requirement 7 for showing how the query read operation for getting packages for Repository
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <param name="sndr"></param>
        void TestR10(ref Message msg, Sender sndr)
                XmlTextReader textReader = new XmlTextReader("Input.xml");
                BasicRequirementTest te = new BasicRequirementTest();
                if (File.Exists("Input.xml"))

                    "Demonstrating Requirement #7 - Querying Children package details based on Repository Key".title('=');
                    XDocument doc = XDocument.Load("Input.xml");
                    string msgid = "";
                    msgid = intRand.Next(1, 2000).ToString();
                    XElement k = null;
                    RemoveOtherReads(ref doc, "GetChildren");
                    RemoveOtherWrites(ref doc, "GetChildren");
                    k = doc.Descendants("OperationMessage").Where(d => d.Element("QueryType").Value == "GetChildren").Select(i => i).Single();
                    k.Elements("MessageID").Single().Value = msgid;
                    k.Elements("Key").Single().Value = KeyLs.Get()[0].ToString();
                    msg.content = doc.ToString();
                    Console.Write("\n Sending Message..Message is \n {0} \n", msg.content);
                    if (sndr.sendMessage(msg))
                        Console.Write("\nMessage(MessageID:{0}) to retrieve values for children sent successfully \n", msgid);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new CustomException("Error occured while getting key details", ex);
        /// <summary>
        /// Requirement 7 for showing how the query read operation for getting elements having specific pattern in metadata
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <param name="sndr"></param>
        void TestR7D(ref Message msg, Sender sndr)
                XmlTextReader textReader = new XmlTextReader("Input.xml");
                BasicRequirementTest te = new BasicRequirementTest();
                if (File.Exists("Input.xml"))

                    "Demonstrating Requirement #7 - Querying for getting elements having specific pattern in metadata".title('=');
                    XDocument doc = XDocument.Load("Input.xml");
                    string msgid = "";
                    msgid = intRand.Next(1, 2000).ToString();
                    XElement k = null;
                    RemoveOtherReads(ref doc, "GetByMetadataCriteria");
                    RemoveOtherWrites(ref doc, "GetByMetadataCriteria");
                    k = doc.Descendants("OperationMessage").Where(d => d.Element("QueryType").Value == "GetByMetadataCriteria").Select(i => i).Single();
                    k.Elements("MessageID").Single().Value = msgid;
                    msg.content = doc.ToString();
                    Console.Write("\nSending Message..Message is \n {0} \n", msg.content);
                    if (sndr.sendMessage(msg))
                        Console.Write("\nMessage(MessageID:{0}) to retrieve db elements with metatadata matching pattern sent successfully \n", msgid);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new CustomException("Error occured while getting key details", ex);
        /// <summary>
        /// Requirement 9 for loading package structure into Db
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <param name="sndr"></param>
        void TestR9(ref Message msg, Sender sndr)
                XmlTextReader textReader = new XmlTextReader("Input.xml");
                BasicRequirementTest te = new BasicRequirementTest();
                if (File.Exists("Input.xml"))

                    "Demonstrating Requirement #9 - Loading Package structure".title('=');
                    XDocument doc = XDocument.Load("Input.xml");
                    string msgid = "";
                    msgid = intRand.Next(1, 2000).ToString();
                    XElement k = null;
                    k = doc.Descendants("OperationMessage").Where(d => d.Element("Operation").Value == "LoadPackageStructure").Select(i => i).Single();
                    RemoveOtherReads(ref doc, "LoadPackageStructure");
                    RemoveOtherWrites(ref doc, "LoadPackageStructure");
                    k.Elements("MessageID").Single().Value = msgid;
                    msg.content = doc.ToString();
                    Console.Write("\nSending Message..Message is \n {0} \n", msg.content);
                    if (sndr.sendMessage(msg))
                        Console.Write("\nMessage(MessageID:{0}) to retrieve db elements created within specified time interval sent successfully \n", msgid);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new CustomException("Error occured while getting key details", ex);
 /// <summary>
 /// Requirement 5 for Persisting,Restoring,Augmentation of DB
 /// </summary>
 void TestR5(ref Message msg, Sender sndr)
         XmlTextReader textReader = new XmlTextReader("Input.xml");
         BasicRequirementTest te = new BasicRequirementTest();
         if (File.Exists("Input.xml"))
             "Demonstrating Requirement #5".title('='); Write("Persisting of XML file\n");
             XDocument doc = XDocument.Load("Input.xml");
             string msgid = "", status = "No";
             msgid = intRand.Next(1, 2000).ToString(); XElement k = null;
             k = doc.Descendants("OperationMessage").Where(d => d.Element("Operation").Value == "ManualPersist").Select(i => i).Single();
             RemoveOtherWrites(ref doc, "ManualPersist"); RemoveOtherReads(ref doc, "ManualPersist");
             k.Elements("MessageID").Single().Value = msgid; status = k.Elements("Status").Single().Value;
             if (status == "Yes")
                 msg.content = doc.ToString(); Console.Write("\n Sending Message..Message is \n {0} \n", msg.content);
                 if (sndr.sendMessage(msg))
                     Console.Write("\nMessage(MessageID:{0}) to Persist DB successfully sent to Database\n", msgid);
             Write("\nRestoring & Augmenting of DB\n");
             doc = XDocument.Load("Input.xml"); msgid = intRand.Next(1, 2000).ToString();
             k = doc.Descendants("OperationMessage").Where(d => d.Element("Operation").Value == "RestoreDB").Select(i => i).Single();
             RemoveOtherWrites(ref doc, "RestoreDB");
             RemoveOtherReads(ref doc, "RestoreDB");
             k.Elements("MessageID").Single().Value = msgid;
             status = k.Elements("Status").Single().Value;
             if (status == "Yes")
                 msg.content = doc.ToString(); Console.Write("\n Sending Message..Message is \n {0} \n", msg.content);
                 if (sndr.sendMessage(msg))
                     Console.Write("\nMessage(MessageID:{0}) sent to Restore the DB successfully..\n", msgid);
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw new CustomException("Error occured while modifying the item", ex);
        /// <summary>
        /// Requirement 6 for scheduled save process based on time interval provided by the user
        /// </summary>
        void TestR6(ref Message msg, Sender sndr)
                XmlTextReader textReader = new XmlTextReader("Input.xml");
                BasicRequirementTest te = new BasicRequirementTest();
                if (File.Exists("Input.xml"))

                    "Demonstrating Requirement #6".title('=');
                    Write("Scheduling of XML file\n");
                    XDocument doc = XDocument.Load("Input.xml");
                    string msgid = "", status = "No";
                    msgid = intRand.Next(1, 2000).ToString();
                    XElement k = null;
                    k = doc.Descendants("OperationMessage").Where(d => d.Element("Operation").Value == "ScheduledPersist").Select(i => i).Single();
                    RemoveOtherWrites(ref doc, "ScheduledPersist");
                    RemoveOtherReads(ref doc, "ScheduledPersist");
                    k.Elements("MessageID").Single().Value = msgid;
                    status = k.Elements("Status").Single().Value;
                    if (status == "Yes")
                        msg.content = doc.ToString();
                        Console.Write("\n Sending Message..Message is \n {0} \n", msg.content);
                        if (sndr.sendMessage(msg))
                            Console.Write("\nMessage(MessageID:{0}) Schedule Save Process after every {1} microsecs executed twice\n", msgid, k.Elements("TimeInterval").Single().Value);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new CustomException("Error occured while modifying the item", ex);
        /// <summary>
        /// Requirement 4 for Editing Key/Value pairs tested
        /// </summary>
        void TestR4(ref Message msg, Sender sndr, string key)
                XmlTextReader textReader = new XmlTextReader("Input.xml");
                BasicRequirementTest te = new BasicRequirementTest();
                string xmlStr = "";
                if (File.Exists("Input.xml"))

                    "Demonstrating Requirement #4".title('=');
                    Write("\nEditing of MetaData and Payload");
                    XDocument doc = XDocument.Load("Input.xml");
                    string msgid = "";
                    xmlStr = te.UpdateGenerator(doc, ref msgid, ref key, "");    //Generate data using the xml structure
                    msg.content = xmlStr;
                    Console.Write("\n Sending Message..Message is \n {0} \n", msg.content);
                    if (sndr.sendMessage(msg))
                        Console.Write("\n Updated entries in DB - Key:{0} ,MessageID: {1} successfully \n\n", key, msgid);
                    "\nDemonstrating an insert of element which is replaced by a new value instance.. \n".title();
                    doc = XDocument.Load("Input.xml");
                    xmlStr = te.UpdateGenerator(doc, ref msgid, ref key, "newValue");    //Generate data using the xml structure
                    msg.content = xmlStr;
                    Console.Write("\n Sending Message..Message is \n {0} \n", msg.content);
                    if (sndr.sendMessage(msg))
                        Console.Write("\nMessage sent for element to be replaced by a new value instance");
                        Console.Write("\n Key: {0} ,MessageID: {1} \n", key, msgid);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new CustomException("Error occured while modifying the item", ex);
        /// <summary>
        /// Requirement 3 tested for Deletion of Key/Value pairs
        /// </summary>
        void TestR3(ref Message msg, Sender sndr)
                XmlTextReader textReader = new XmlTextReader("Input.xml");
                BasicRequirementTest te = new BasicRequirementTest();
                string xmlStr = "";
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
                "Demonstrating Requirement #3".title('=');
                Write("\nAdding and Deleting key/value pairs\n");
                "Adding new element to DBEngine<int, string>".title();
                if (File.Exists("Input.xml"))
                    XDocument doc = XDocument.Load("Input.xml");
                    string msgid = "", key = "";
                    xmlStr = te.InsertGenerator(doc, ref msgid, ref key, "int");    //Generate data using the xml structure
                    msg.content = xmlStr;
                    Console.Write("\n Sending Message..Message is \n {0} \n", msg.content);
                    if (sndr.sendMessage(msg))
                        Console.Write("\nInserted in DB with Message ID {0} successfully \n\n", msgid);
                    "\nRemoving the new element".title();
                    doc = XDocument.Load("Input.xml");
                    //Construct DB Delete
                    xmlStr = te.WriteDataForDelete(doc, ref msgid, ref key);    //Generate data using the xml structure

                    msg.content = xmlStr;
                    Console.Write("\n Sending Message..Message is \n {0} \n", msg.content);
                    if (sndr.sendMessage(msg))
                        Console.Write("\nMessage sent for deletion : Key {0}, Message ID {0} successfully \n\n", key, msgid);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new CustomException("Error occured in TestR4", ex);
        /// <summary>
        /// TestR2 sub method created
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <param name="sndr"></param>
        /// <param name="temp"></param>
        /// <param name="wc"></param>
        /// <param name="xmlStr"></param>
        /// <param name="doc"></param>
        /// <param name="msgid"></param>
        /// <param name="key"></param>
        private static void TestR21(Message msg, Sender sndr, out string temp, BasicRequirementTest wc, out string xmlStr, out XDocument doc, out string msgid, out string key)
            doc = XDocument.Load("Input.xml");
            msgid = "";
            key = "";
            xmlStr = wc.InsertGenerator(doc, ref msgid, ref key, "int");    //Generate data using the xml structure
            temp = key;
            msg.content = xmlStr;
            Console.Write("\nSending Message..Message is \n {0} \n", msg.content);
            if (sndr.sendMessage(msg))
                Console.Write("\nInserted in DB with Message ID {0} successfully \n\n", msgid);

            Write("\nShowing the <int,string> db insert");
            doc = XDocument.Load("Input.xml");
            xmlStr = wc.InsertGenerator(doc, ref msgid, ref key, "Insert");
            msg.content = xmlStr;
            Console.Write("\n Sending Message..Message is \n {0} \n", msg.content);
            if (sndr.sendMessage(msg))
                Console.Write("\nInserted in DB with Message ID {0} successfully \n\n", msgid);
            Write("\nShowing the <string,List<string>> db insert");
            doc = XDocument.Load("Input.xml");
            xmlStr = wc.InsertGenerator(doc, ref msgid, ref key, "StringDBInsert");
            msg.content = xmlStr;
            Console.Write("\n Sending Message..Message is \n {0} \n", msg.content);
            if (sndr.sendMessage(msg))
                Console.Write("\nInserted in DB with Message ID {0} successfully \n\n", msgid);
            Write("\nShowing the <string,List<string>> db insert");
 /// <summary>
 /// Requirement 2& 3 tested 
 /// </summary>
 void TestR2(ref Message msg, Sender sndr, ref string temp)
         Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
         "Demonstrating Requirement #2".title();
         Write("\nDBEngine works for two sets of Key/Value pair types");
         Write("\nShowing the <int,string> db insert");
         XmlTextReader textReader = new XmlTextReader("Input.xml");
         BasicRequirementTest wc = new BasicRequirementTest();
         string xmlStr = "";
         if (File.Exists("Input.xml"))
             XDocument doc;
             string msgid, key;
             TestR21(msg, sndr, out temp, wc, out xmlStr, out doc, out msgid, out key);
             doc = XDocument.Load("Input.xml");
             xmlStr = wc.InsertGenerator(doc, ref msgid, ref key, "StringDBInsert");
             msg.content = xmlStr;
             Console.Write("\nSending Message..Message is \n {0} \n", msg.content);
             if (sndr.sendMessage(msg))
                 Console.Write("\nInserted in DB with Message ID {0} successfully \n\n", msgid);
             msg = new Message();
             msg.fromUrl = localUrl;
             msg.toUrl = remoteUrl;
             msg.content = "done";
     catch (CustomException ex)
         throw new CustomException("Error occured while modifying the item", ex);
 /// <summary>
 /// Main program entry
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="args"></param>
 static void Main(string[] args)
     Console.Write("\nStarting CommService write client");
     Console.Write("\n =============================\n");
     Console.Title = "Project 2 Requirements Testing";
     BasicRequirementTest clnt = new BasicRequirementTest();
     string localPort = Util.urlPort(clnt.localUrl);
     string localAddr = Util.urlAddress(clnt.localUrl);
     Receiver rcvr = new Receiver(localPort, localAddr);
     if (rcvr.StartService())
     Sender sndr = new Sender(clnt.localUrl);  // Sender needs localUrl for start message
     Message msg = new Message();
     msg.fromUrl = clnt.localUrl;
     msg.toUrl = clnt.remoteUrl;
     Console.Write("\nSender's url is {0} \n", msg.fromUrl);
     Console.Write("\nAttempting to connect to {0}\n", msg.toUrl);
     if (!sndr.Connect(msg.toUrl))
         Console.Write("\n  could not connect in {0} attempts", sndr.MaxConnectAttempts);
     string key = "";
     clnt.TestR2(ref msg, sndr, ref key);
     clnt.TestR3(ref msg, sndr);
     clnt.TestR4(ref msg, sndr, key);
     clnt.TestR5(ref msg, sndr);
     clnt.TestR6(ref msg, sndr);
     clnt.TestR7A(ref msg, sndr);
     clnt.TestR7B(ref msg, sndr);
     clnt.TestR7C(ref msg, sndr);
     clnt.TestR7D(ref msg, sndr);
     clnt.TestR7E(ref msg, sndr);
     clnt.TestR8(ref msg, sndr);
     clnt.TestR9(ref msg, sndr);
     Util.waitForUser();            // Wait for user to press a key to quit.
     rcvr.shutDown();               // shut down this client's Receiver and Sender by sending close messages