Example #1
         * Updates the displayed presentation to enable a secondary screen if it has
         * been selected in the {@link MediaRouter} for the
         * {@link MediaRouter#ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO} type. If no screen has been
         * selected by the {@link MediaRouter}, the current screen is disabled.
         * Otherwise a new {@link SamplePresentation} is initialized and shown on
         * the secondary screen.
        public void UpdatePresentation()
            // Get the selected route for live video
            var selectedRoute = mMediaRouter.GetSelectedRoute(MediaRouteType.LiveVideo);

            // Get its Display if a valid route has been selected
            Display selectedDisplay = null;

            if (selectedRoute != null)
                selectedDisplay = selectedRoute.PresentationDisplay;

             * Dismiss the current presentation if the display has changed or no new
             * route has been selected
            if (mPresentation != null && mPresentation.Display != selectedDisplay)
                mPresentation   = null;
                mButton.Enabled = false;

             * Show a new presentation if the previous one has been dismissed and a
             * route has been selected.
            if (mPresentation == null && selectedDisplay != null)
                // Initialise a new Presentation for the Display
                mPresentation = new SamplePresentation(this, selectedDisplay);
                mPresentation.DismissEvent += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) {
                    if (sender == mPresentation)
                        mPresentation = null;

                // Try to show the presentation, this might fail if the display has
                // gone away in the mean time
                try {
                    mTextStatus.Text = Resources.GetString(Resource.String.secondary_connected, selectedRoute.Name);
                    mButton.Enabled  = true;
                } catch (WindowManagerInvalidDisplayException ex) {
                    // Couldn't show presentation - display was already removed
                    mPresentation = null;
Example #2
        protected override void OnStop()

            // Dismiss the presentation when the activity is not visible.
            if (mPresentation != null)
                mPresentation = null;
     	* Updates the displayed presentation to enable a secondary screen if it has
     	* been selected in the {@link MediaRouter} for the
     	* {@link MediaRouter#ROUTE_TYPE_LIVE_VIDEO} type. If no screen has been
     	* selected by the {@link MediaRouter}, the current screen is disabled.
     	* Otherwise a new {@link SamplePresentation} is initialized and shown on
     	* the secondary screen.
		public void UpdatePresentation ()
			// Get the selected route for live video
			var selectedRoute = mMediaRouter.GetSelectedRoute (MediaRouteType.LiveVideo);

			// Get its Display if a valid route has been selected
			Display selectedDisplay = null;
			if (selectedRoute != null)
				selectedDisplay = selectedRoute.PresentationDisplay;

			 * Dismiss the current presentation if the display has changed or no new
			 * route has been selected
			if (mPresentation != null && mPresentation.Display != selectedDisplay) {
				mPresentation.Dismiss ();
				mPresentation = null;
				mButton.Enabled = false;
				mTextStatus.SetText (Resource.String.secondary_notconnected);

			 * Show a new presentation if the previous one has been dismissed and a
			 * route has been selected.
			if (mPresentation == null && selectedDisplay != null) {

				// Initialise a new Presentation for the Display
				mPresentation = new SamplePresentation (this, selectedDisplay);
				mPresentation.DismissEvent += delegate (object sender, EventArgs e) {
					if (sender == mPresentation) {
						mPresentation = null;

				// Try to show the presentation, this might fail if the display has
				// gone away in the mean time
				try {
					mPresentation.Show ();
					mTextStatus.Text =  Resources.GetString (Resource.String.secondary_connected, selectedRoute.Name);
					mButton.Enabled = true;
					ShowNextColor ();
				} catch (WindowManagerInvalidDisplayException ex) {
					// Couldn't show presentation - display was already removed
					mPresentation = null;
					Console.WriteLine (ex);
		protected override void OnStop ()
			base.OnStop ();

			// Dismiss the presentation when the activity is not visible.
			if (mPresentation != null) {
				mPresentation.Dismiss ();
				mPresentation = null;