public Object Functions(string name, IEval evaluator) { Object ret = BaseFunctions != null?BaseFunctions(name, evaluator) : new StringParser.ConvertError("() not recognised"); StringParser.ConvertError ce = ret as StringParser.ConvertError; if (ce != null && ce.ErrorValue.Contains("() not recognised")) { if (functions.ContainsKey(name)) { FuncDef fd = functions[name]; bool hasparas = fd.parameters.Length > 0; if (hasparas) { IEvalParaListType[] plist = new IEvalParaListType[fd.parameters.Length]; plist = Enumerable.Repeat(IEvalParaListType.All, fd.parameters.Length).ToArray(); List <Object> paras = evaluator.Parameters(name, fd.parameters.Length, plist); if (paras == null) // if error, stop and return error { return(evaluator.Value); } symbols.Push(); for (int i = 0; i < fd.parameters.Length; i++) // add to symbol list on next level the parameter names and values { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(symbols.Levels + " " + name + " Push " + fd.parameters[i] + "=" + paras[i]); symbols.Add(fd.parameters[i], paras[i]); } } Eval evfunc = (Eval)evaluator.Clone(); // we need a fresh one just to evaluate this, but with the same configuration Object res = evfunc.Evaluate(fd.funcdef); // and evaluate if (hasparas) { symbols.Pop(); // clear back stack.. } return(res); } } return(ret); }
static public Object BaseFunctions(string name, IEval evaluator) { string[] maths = { "Abs", "Acos", "Asin", "Atan", "Ceiling", "Cos", "Cosh", "Exp", "Floor", "Log", "Log10", "Sin", "Sinh", "Sqrt","Tan","Tanh", "Truncate" }; int mathsindex = Array.IndexOf(maths, name); if (mathsindex >= 0) { List <Object> list = evaluator.Parameters(name, 1, new IEvalParaListType[] { IEvalParaListType.NumberOrInteger }); if (list != null) { return(MathFunc(name, typeof(Math), list[0])); } else { return(evaluator.Value); } } string[] chars = { "IsControl", "IsDigit", "IsLetter", "IsLower", "IsNumber", "IsPunctuation", "IsSeparator", "IsSurrogate", "IsSymbol", "IsUpper", "IsWhiteSpace", "ToLower", "ToUpper" }; int charsindex = Array.IndexOf(chars, name); if (charsindex >= 0) { List <Object> list = evaluator.Parameters(name, 1, new IEvalParaListType[] { (name == "ToLower" || name == "ToUpper") ? IEvalParaListType.IntegerOrString : IEvalParaListType.Integer }); if (list != null) { if (name == "ToLower" && list[0] is string) { return(((string)list[0]).ToLower(evaluator.Culture)); } else if (name == "ToUpper" && list[0] is string) { return(((string)list[0]).ToUpper(evaluator.Culture)); } else { var methodarray = typeof(Char).GetMember(name); // get members given name var method = methodarray.FindMember(new Type[] { list[0] is long?typeof(char) : typeof(string) }); // find all members which have a single para of this type if (method.ReturnType == typeof(bool)) { bool value = (bool)method.Invoke(null, new Object[] { (char)(long)list[0] }); return(value ? (long)1 : (long)0); } else { char ch = (char)method.Invoke(null, new Object[] { (char)(long)list[0] }); return((long)ch); } } } else { return(evaluator.Value); } } if (name == "Max" || name == "Min") { List <Object> list = evaluator.Parameters(name, 2, new IEvalParaListType[] { IEvalParaListType.NumberOrInteger, IEvalParaListType.NumberOrInteger }); if (list != null) { if (list[0] is long && list[1] is long) { return(name == "Max" ? Math.Max((long)list[0], (long)list[1]) : Math.Min((long)list[0], (long)list[1])); } else { double[] array = ToDouble(list); return(name == "Max" ? Math.Max(array[0], array[1]) : Math.Min(array[0], array[1])); } } } else if (name == "Pow") { List <Object> list = evaluator.Parameters(name, 2, new IEvalParaListType[] { IEvalParaListType.Number, IEvalParaListType.Number }); if (list != null) { return(Math.Pow((double)list[0], (double)list[1])); } } else if (name == "Round") { List <Object> list = evaluator.Parameters(name, 1, new IEvalParaListType[] { IEvalParaListType.Number, IEvalParaListType.Integer }); if (list != null) { return((list.Count == 1) ? Math.Round((double)list[0]) : Math.Round((double)list[0], (int)(long)list[1])); } } else if (name == "Sign") { List <Object> list = evaluator.Parameters(name, 1, new IEvalParaListType[] { IEvalParaListType.NumberOrInteger }); if (list != null) { return((long)(list[0] is long?Math.Sign((long)list[0]) : Math.Sign((double)list[0]))); } } else if (name == "Fp" || name == "double" || name == "float") { List <Object> list = evaluator.Parameters(name, 1, new IEvalParaListType[] { IEvalParaListType.Number }); // gather a single number if (list != null) { return(list[0]); } } else if (name == "Eval") { List <Object> list = evaluator.Parameters(name, 1, new IEvalParaListType[] { IEvalParaListType.String }); if (list != null) { Eval ev = new Eval(true, true, true); return(ev.Evaluate((string)list[0])); } } else if (name == "ToString") { List <Object> list = evaluator.Parameters(name, 2, new IEvalParaListType[] { IEvalParaListType.NumberOrInteger, IEvalParaListType.String }); if (list != null) { string output; bool ok = (list[0] is double) ? ((double)list[0]).SafeToString(list[1] as string, out output) : ((long)list[0]).SafeToString(list[1] as string, out output); if (ok) { return(output); } else { return(new StringParser.ConvertError(name + "() Format is incorrect")); } } } else if (name == "Unicode") { List <Object> list = evaluator.Parameters(name, 1, new IEvalParaListType[] { IEvalParaListType.Integer }); if (list != null) { return((string)char.ToString((char)(long)list[0])); } } else { return(new StringParser.ConvertError(name + "() not recognised")); } return(evaluator.Value); }
// Check condition list fel, using the outercondition on each to combine the results. // Use the eval engine to assemble arguments. Keep arguments as original types (long,double,strings) // values are the set of values to use for variable lookups // pass back errlist, errclass // optionally pass back test executed in order // shortcircuit on outer AND condition // obeys disabled static public bool?CheckConditionsEval(List <Condition> fel, Variables values, List <ConditionEntry> tests = null, List <string> testerrors = null, bool debugit = false) { Eval evl = new Eval(true, true, true, true, true); // check end, allow fp, allow strings, allow members, allow arrays evl.ReturnFunctionValue = BaseFunctionsForEval.BaseFunctions; // allow functions evl.ReturnSymbolValue += (str) => // on symbol lookup { string qualname = values.Qualify(str); if (values.Exists(qualname)) // if we have a variable { string text = values[qualname]; if (double.TryParse(text, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out double d)) { if (long.TryParse(text, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Integer, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out long v)) // if its a number, return number { return(v); } else { return(d); } } else { return(text); // else its a string } } else { return(new StringParser.ConvertError("Unknown symbol " + qualname)); } }; bool?outerres = null; for (int oc = 0; oc < fel.Count; oc++) { Condition cond = fel[oc]; if (cond.Disabled) // disabled means that its ignored { continue; } bool?innerres = null; foreach (ConditionEntry ce in cond.Fields) { bool matched = false; if (debugit) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"CE `{ce.ItemName}` {ce.MatchCondition} `{ce.MatchString}`"); } tests?.Add(ce); testerrors?.Add(null); // these require no left or right if (ce.MatchCondition == ConditionEntry.MatchType.AlwaysTrue || ce.MatchCondition == ConditionEntry.MatchType.AlwaysFalse) { if (ce.ItemName.Length == 0 || ce.ItemName.Equals("Condition", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) // empty (legacy) or Condition { if (ce.MatchCondition == ConditionEntry.MatchType.AlwaysTrue) { matched = true; // matched, else if false, leave as false. } } else { testerrors[testerrors.Count - 1] = "AlwaysFalse/True does not have on the left side the word 'Condition'"; innerres = false; break; } } else { // variable names if (ce.MatchCondition == ConditionEntry.MatchType.IsPresent) { string name = values.Qualify(ce.ItemName); // its a straight variable name, allow any special formatting if (values.Exists(name) && values[name] != null) { matched = true; } } else if (ce.MatchCondition == ConditionEntry.MatchType.IsNotPresent) { string name = values.Qualify(ce.ItemName); // its a straight variable name, allow any special formatting if (!values.Exists(name) || values[name] == null) { matched = true; } } else { Object leftside; if (values.Contains(ce.ItemName)) { string text = values[ce.ItemName]; if (double.TryParse(text, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out double d)) // if a double.. { if (long.TryParse(text, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out long v)) // if its a number, return number { leftside = v; } else { leftside = d; } } else { leftside = text; // else its a string } } else { leftside = evl.EvaluateQuickCheck(ce.ItemName); // evaluate left side if (evl.InError) { if (debugit) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($" .. Left side in error ${((StringParser.ConvertError)leftside).ErrorValue}"); } testerrors[testerrors.Count - 1] = "Left side did not evaluate: " + ce.ItemName; leftside = null; // indicate condition has failed } } string lstring = leftside as string; // used below var clf = ConditionEntry.Classify(ce.MatchCondition); bool stringordate = clf == ConditionEntry.Classification.String || clf == ConditionEntry.Classification.Date; if (leftside != null) // if we have a leftside, check it for stringness { if (stringordate) { if (lstring == null) { if (debugit) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" .. Left side not string"); } testerrors[testerrors.Count - 1] = "Left side is not a string: " + ce.ItemName; leftside = null; // indicate condition has failed } } else if (!(leftside is double || leftside is long)) // must be long or double { if (debugit) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(" .. Left side not number"); } testerrors[testerrors.Count - 1] = "Left side is not a number: " + ce.ItemName; leftside = null; // indicate condition has failed } } if (leftside != null) // we have a good left side { // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($".. left side {leftside}"); if (ce.MatchCondition == ConditionEntry.MatchType.IsEmpty) { matched = lstring.Length == 0; } else if (ce.MatchCondition == ConditionEntry.MatchType.IsNotEmpty) { matched = lstring.Length > 0; } else if (ce.MatchCondition == ConditionEntry.MatchType.IsTrue || ce.MatchCondition == ConditionEntry.MatchType.IsFalse) { if (leftside is long) // we already checked about that leftside is double or long { matched = (ce.MatchCondition == ConditionEntry.MatchType.IsTrue) ? ((long)leftside != 0) : ((long)leftside == 0); } else { matched = (ce.MatchCondition == ConditionEntry.MatchType.IsTrue) ? ((double)leftside != 0) : ((double)leftside == 0); } } else { // require a right side Object rightside = evl.EvaluateQuickCheck(ce.MatchString); if (evl.InError) { if (stringordate) // if in error, and we are doing string date comparisions, allow bare on right { rightside = ce.MatchString; } else { testerrors[testerrors.Count - 1] = "Right side did not evaluate: " + ce.MatchString; rightside = null; // indicate bad right side } } string rstring = rightside as string; if (rightside != null) // if good right side { if (stringordate) { if (rstring == null) // must have a string { testerrors[testerrors.Count - 1] = "Right side is not a string: " + ce.ItemName; innerres = false; rightside = null; } } else if (!(rightside is double || rightside is long)) { testerrors[testerrors.Count - 1] = "Right side is not a number: " + ce.ItemName; innerres = false; rightside = null; } } if (debugit) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($" .. `{leftside}` {ce.MatchCondition} `{rightside}`"); } if (rightside != null) { if (ce.MatchCondition == ConditionEntry.MatchType.DateBefore || ce.MatchCondition == ConditionEntry.MatchType.DateAfter) { DateTime tmevalue, tmecontent; if (!DateTime.TryParse(lstring, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US"), System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None, out tmevalue)) { testerrors[testerrors.Count - 1] = "Date time not in correct format on left side: " + leftside; innerres = false; break; } else if (!DateTime.TryParse(rstring, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US"), System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles.None, out tmecontent)) { testerrors[testerrors.Count - 1] = "Date time not in correct format on right side: " + rightside; innerres = false; break; } else { if (ce.MatchCondition == ConditionEntry.MatchType.DateBefore) { matched = tmevalue.CompareTo(tmecontent) < 0; } else { matched = tmevalue.CompareTo(tmecontent) >= 0; } } } else if (ce.MatchCondition == ConditionEntry.MatchType.Equals) { matched = lstring.Equals(rstring, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); } else if (ce.MatchCondition == ConditionEntry.MatchType.EqualsCaseSensitive) { matched = lstring.Equals(rstring); } else if (ce.MatchCondition == ConditionEntry.MatchType.NotEqual) { matched = !lstring.Equals(rstring, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); } else if (ce.MatchCondition == ConditionEntry.MatchType.NotEqualCaseSensitive) { matched = !lstring.Equals(rstring); } else if (ce.MatchCondition == ConditionEntry.MatchType.Contains) { matched = lstring.IndexOf(rstring, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0; } else if (ce.MatchCondition == ConditionEntry.MatchType.ContainsCaseSensitive) { matched = lstring.Contains(rstring); } else if (ce.MatchCondition == ConditionEntry.MatchType.DoesNotContain) { matched = lstring.IndexOf(rstring, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) < 0; } else if (ce.MatchCondition == ConditionEntry.MatchType.DoesNotContainCaseSensitive) { matched = !lstring.Contains(rstring); } else if (ce.MatchCondition == ConditionEntry.MatchType.IsOneOf) { StringParser p = new StringParser(rstring); List <string> ret = p.NextQuotedWordList(); if (ret == null) { testerrors[testerrors.Count - 1] = "IsOneOf value list is not in a optionally quoted comma separated form"; innerres = false; break; // stop the loop, its a false } else { matched = ret.Contains(lstring, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); } } else if (ce.MatchCondition == ConditionEntry.MatchType.MatchSemicolon) { string[] list = rstring.Split(';').Select(x => x.Trim()).ToArray(); // split and trim matched = list.Contains(lstring.Trim(), StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); // compare, trimmed, case insensitive } else if (ce.MatchCondition == ConditionEntry.MatchType.MatchCommaList) { StringCombinations sc = new StringCombinations(','); sc.ParseString(rstring); // parse, give all combinations matched = sc.Permutations.Contains(lstring.Trim(), StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); // compare, trimmed, case insensitive } else if (ce.MatchCondition == ConditionEntry.MatchType.MatchSemicolonList) { StringCombinations sc = new StringCombinations(';'); sc.ParseString(rstring); // parse, give all combinations matched = sc.Permutations.Contains(lstring.Trim(), StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); // compare, trimmed, case insensitive } else if (ce.MatchCondition == ConditionEntry.MatchType.AnyOfAny) { StringParser l = new StringParser(lstring); List <string> ll = l.NextQuotedWordList(); StringParser r = new StringParser(rstring); List <string> rl = r.NextQuotedWordList(); if (ll == null || rl == null) { testerrors[testerrors.Count - 1] = "AnyOfAny value list is not in a optionally quoted comma separated form on both sides"; innerres = false; break; // stop the loop, its a false } else { foreach (string s in ll) // for all left strings { if (rl.Contains(s, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) // if right has it.. { matched = true; // matched and break break; } } } } else { if (leftside is double || rightside is double) { double lnum = leftside is long?(double)(long)leftside : (double)leftside; double rnum = rightside is long?(double)(long)rightside : (double)rightside; if (ce.MatchCondition == ConditionEntry.MatchType.NumericEquals) { matched = lnum.ApproxEquals(rnum); } else if (ce.MatchCondition == ConditionEntry.MatchType.NumericNotEquals) { matched = !lnum.ApproxEquals(rnum); } else if (ce.MatchCondition == ConditionEntry.MatchType.NumericGreater) { matched = lnum > rnum; } else if (ce.MatchCondition == ConditionEntry.MatchType.NumericGreaterEqual) { matched = lnum >= rnum; } else if (ce.MatchCondition == ConditionEntry.MatchType.NumericLessThan) { matched = lnum < rnum; } else if (ce.MatchCondition == ConditionEntry.MatchType.NumericLessThanEqual) { matched = lnum <= rnum; } } else { long lnum = (long)leftside; long rnum = (long)rightside; if (ce.MatchCondition == ConditionEntry.MatchType.NumericEquals) { matched = lnum == rnum; } else if (ce.MatchCondition == ConditionEntry.MatchType.NumericNotEquals) { matched = lnum != rnum; } else if (ce.MatchCondition == ConditionEntry.MatchType.NumericGreater) { matched = lnum > rnum; } else if (ce.MatchCondition == ConditionEntry.MatchType.NumericGreaterEqual) { matched = lnum >= rnum; } else if (ce.MatchCondition == ConditionEntry.MatchType.NumericLessThan) { matched = lnum < rnum; } else if (ce.MatchCondition == ConditionEntry.MatchType.NumericLessThanEqual) { matched = lnum <= rnum; } } } } } } } } if (debugit) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($" .. match result {matched}"); } // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(fe.eventname + ":Compare " + f.matchtype + " '" + f.contentmatch + "' with '" + vr.value + "' res " + matched + " IC " + fe.innercondition); if (cond.InnerCondition == Condition.LogicalCondition.And) // Short cut, if AND, all must pass, and it did not { if (!matched) { innerres = false; break; } } else if (cond.InnerCondition == Condition.LogicalCondition.Nand) // Short cut, if NAND, and not matched { if (!matched) { innerres = true; // positive non match - NAND produces a true break; } } else if (cond.InnerCondition == Condition.LogicalCondition.Or) // Short cut, if OR, and matched { if (matched) { innerres = true; break; } } else { // short cut, if NOR, and matched, its false if (matched) { innerres = false; break; } } } // end of inner condition list look // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Condition list {innerres} {errlist}"); if (!innerres.HasValue) // if does not have a value { if (cond.InnerCondition == Condition.LogicalCondition.And) // none did not matched producing a false, so therefore AND is true { innerres = true; } else if (cond.InnerCondition == Condition.LogicalCondition.Or) // none did matched producing a true, so therefore OR must be false { innerres = false; } else if (cond.InnerCondition == Condition.LogicalCondition.Nor) // none did matched producing a false, so therefore NOR must be true { innerres = true; } else // NAND none did matched producing a true, so therefore NAND must be false { innerres = false; } } if (!outerres.HasValue) // if first time, its just the value { outerres = innerres.Value; if (oc < fel.Count - 1) // check short circuits on NEXT ONE! if we have a next one.. { // if NEXT outer condition is an OR, and we are true // if NEXT outer condition is an AND, and we are false if ((fel[oc + 1].OuterCondition == Condition.LogicalCondition.Or && outerres == true) || (fel[oc + 1].OuterCondition == Condition.LogicalCondition.And && outerres == false)) { // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Short circuit on {0} cur {1}", fel[oc + 1].OuterCondition, outerres); break; } } } else if (cond.OuterCondition == Condition.LogicalCondition.Or) { outerres |= innerres.Value; if (outerres.Value == true) // no point continuing, first one true wins { //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Short circuit second on {0} cur {1}", fe.OuterCondition, outerres); break; } } else if (cond.OuterCondition == Condition.LogicalCondition.And) { outerres &= innerres.Value; if (outerres.Value == false) // no point continuing, first one false wins { //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Short circuit second on {0} cur {1}", fe.OuterCondition, outerres); break; } } else if (cond.OuterCondition == Condition.LogicalCondition.Nor) { outerres = !(outerres | innerres.Value); } else if (cond.OuterCondition == Condition.LogicalCondition.Nand) { outerres = !(outerres & innerres.Value); } else { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "Bad outer condition"); } } return(outerres); }