Example #1
        //     INITIALIZATION

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new Binder instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetMethod"> A method to bind to. </param>
        protected MethodBinder(BinderMethod targetMethod)
            if (targetMethod == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("targetMethod");
            this.m_name           = targetMethod.Name;
            this.m_declaringType  = targetMethod.DeclaringType;
            this.m_functionLength = targetMethod.RequiredParameterCount +
                                    targetMethod.OptionalParameterCount + (targetMethod.HasParamArray ? 1 : 0);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a set of methods and a set of arguments, determines whether one of the methods
        /// can be unambiguously selected.  Throws an exception if this is not the case.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="methodHandles"> An array of handles to the candidate methods. </param>
        /// <param name="engine"> The associated script engine. </param>
        /// <param name="thisValue"> The value of the "this" keyword. </param>
        /// <param name="arguments"> An array of parameter values. </param>
        /// <returns> The index of the selected method. </returns>
        public static int ResolveOverloads(RuntimeMethodHandle[] methodHandles, ScriptEngine engine, object thisValue, object[] arguments)
            // Get methods from the handles.
            var methods = new BinderMethod[methodHandles.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < methodHandles.Length; i++)
                methods[i] = new BinderMethod(MethodBase.GetMethodFromHandle(methodHandles[i]));

            // Keep a score for each method.  Add one point if a type conversion is required, or
            // a million points if a type conversion cannot be performed.
            int[]     demeritPoints    = new int[methods.Length];
            const int disqualification = 65536;

            for (int i = 0; i < methods.Length; i++)
                foreach (var argument in methods[i].GetArguments(arguments.Length))
                    // Get the input parameter.
                    object input;
                    switch (argument.Source)
                    case BinderArgumentSource.ThisValue:
                        input = thisValue;

                    case BinderArgumentSource.InputParameter:
                        input = arguments[argument.InputParameterIndex];


                    // Unwrap the input parameter.
                    if (input is Jurassic.Library.ClrInstanceWrapper)
                        input = ((Jurassic.Library.ClrInstanceWrapper)input).WrappedInstance;

                    // Get the type of the output parameter.
                    Type outputType = argument.Type;

                    switch (Type.GetTypeCode(outputType))
                    case TypeCode.Boolean:
                        if ((input is bool) == false)
                            demeritPoints[i] += disqualification;

                    case TypeCode.SByte:
                    case TypeCode.Int16:
                    case TypeCode.Int32:
                    case TypeCode.Int64:
                    case TypeCode.Byte:
                    case TypeCode.UInt16:
                    case TypeCode.UInt32:
                    case TypeCode.UInt64:
                    case TypeCode.Single:
                    case TypeCode.Decimal:
                        if (TypeUtilities.IsNumeric(input))
                            demeritPoints[i] += disqualification;

                    case TypeCode.Double:
                        if (TypeUtilities.IsNumeric(input) == false)
                            demeritPoints[i] += disqualification;

                    case TypeCode.Char:
                        if (TypeUtilities.IsString(input))
                            demeritPoints[i] += disqualification;

                    case TypeCode.String:
                        if (TypeUtilities.IsString(input) == false && input != Null.Value)
                            demeritPoints[i] += disqualification;

                    case TypeCode.DateTime:
                    case TypeCode.Object:
                        if (input == null || input == Undefined.Value)
                            demeritPoints[i] += disqualification;
                        else if (input == Null.Value)
                            if (outputType.IsValueType)
                                demeritPoints[i] += disqualification;
                        else if (outputType.IsInstanceOfType(input) == false)
                            demeritPoints[i] += disqualification;

                    case TypeCode.Empty:
                    case TypeCode.DBNull:
                        throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("{0} is not a supported parameter type.", outputType));

            // Find the method(s) with the fewest number of demerit points.
            int lowestScore   = int.MaxValue;
            var lowestIndices = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < methods.Length; i++)
                if (demeritPoints[i] < lowestScore)
                    lowestScore = demeritPoints[i];
                if (demeritPoints[i] <= lowestScore)

            // Throw an error if the match is ambiguous.
            if (lowestIndices.Count > 1)
                var ambiguousMethods = new List <BinderMethod>(lowestIndices.Count);
                ambiguousMethods.AddRange(lowestIndices.Select(index => methods[index]));
                throw new JavaScriptException(engine, "TypeError", "The method call is ambiguous between the following methods: " + StringHelpers.Join(", ", ambiguousMethods));

            // Throw an error is there is an invalid argument.
            if (lowestIndices.Count == 1 && lowestScore >= disqualification)
                throw new JavaScriptException(engine, "TypeError", string.Format("The best method overload {0} has some invalid arguments", methods[lowestIndices[0]]));
