// INSERT: public static int Insert(CT_DonTraHangDTO p) { try { // B1: Create object to connect CSDL and open connection: _connection = new SqlConnection(_connectionString); _connection.Open(); // B2: Build sql command: String procName = "spInsertNewCTDTH"; // private string _maDTH, _maMH; //private int _soLuong, _lyDoTra; // B3: Create object to execute sql command: _command = new SqlCommand(procName); _command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; _command.Connection = _connection; // Transmission parameters into PROC: _command.Parameters.Add("@maDTH", SqlDbType.VarChar); _command.Parameters.Add("@maMH", SqlDbType.VarChar); _command.Parameters.Add("@soLuong", SqlDbType.Int); _command.Parameters.Add("@lyDo", SqlDbType.Int); // Transmission value for parameter: _command.Parameters["@maDTH"].Value = p.MaDTH; _command.Parameters["@maMH"].Value = p.MaMH; _command.Parameters["@soLuong"].Value = p.SoLuong; _command.Parameters["@lyDo"].Value = p.LyDoTra; //-- 0: Hết hạn, 1: Hỏng, 2: Bán không chạy. // B4: Execute sql command and get returned value: int n = _command.ExecuteNonQuery(); int id = -1; if (n > 0) { id = 1; } // B5: _connection.Close(); return(id); } catch { return(-1); } }
private void btnThemCT_DTH_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CT_DonTraHangDTO p = new CT_DonTraHangDTO(); p.MaDTH = maDTH; MessageBox.Show("p.MaDTH = " + maDTH); p.MaMH = cbbMaMH.Text; p.SoLuong = int.Parse(txtSoLuong.Text); p.LyDoTra = int.Parse(txtLyDo.Text); // Handle BUS class to add data: int n = CT_DonTraHangBUS.Insert(p); if (n > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Insert successfully!!!"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Failed !!!"); } }
public static int Insert(CT_DonTraHangDTO p) { int n = CT_DonTraHangDAO.Insert(p); return(n); }