Save() public method

public Save ( ) : void
return void
        public DatabaseTrackInfo ImportTrack(SafeUri uri)
            if (!IsWhiteListedFile(uri.LocalPath))

            if (DatabaseTrackInfo.ContainsUri(uri, PrimarySourceIds))
                // TODO add DatabaseTrackInfo.SyncedStamp property, and if the file has been
                // updated since the last sync, fetch its metadata into the db.

            DatabaseTrackInfo track = null;

            // TODO note, there is deadlock potential here b/c of locking of shared commands and blocking
            // because of transactions.  Needs to be fixed in HyenaDatabaseConnection.
            try {
                track     = new DatabaseTrackInfo();
                track.Uri = uri;
                StreamTagger.TrackInfoMerge(track, StreamTagger.ProcessUri(uri));

                track.PrimarySource = trackPrimarySourceChooser(track);

                bool save_track = true;
                if (track.PrimarySource is Banshee.Library.LibrarySource)
                    save_track = track.CopyToLibraryIfAppropriate(force_copy);

                if (save_track)

            } catch (Exception) {

            counts[track.PrimarySourceId] = counts.ContainsKey(track.PrimarySourceId) ? counts[track.PrimarySourceId] + 1 : 1;

            // Reload every 20% or every 250 tracks, whatever is more (eg at most reload 5 times during an import)
            if (counts[track.PrimarySourceId] >= Math.Max(TotalCount / 5, 250))
                counts[track.PrimarySourceId] = 0;

        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the currently selected item(s) of the active source to the internet radio source
        /// as new stations. Any session data (as in live365 with activated user login) will previously
        /// be cleared.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="o">
        /// A <see cref="System.Object"/> -- not used
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="e">
        /// A <see cref="EventArgs"/> -- not used
        /// </param>
        protected void OnAddToInternetRadio(object o, EventArgs e)
            PrimarySource internet_radio_source = GetInternetRadioSource ();
            PrimarySource current_source = ServiceManager.SourceManager.ActiveSource as PrimarySource;
            if (current_source == null) {
                Log.Debug ("[LiveRadioSource]<OnAddToInternetRadio> ActiveSource not Primary");
            if (internet_radio_source == null) {
                Log.Debug ("[LiveRadioSource]<OnAddToInternetRadio> Internet Radio not found");

            ITrackModelSource active_track_model_source = (ITrackModelSource) current_source;

            if (active_track_model_source.TrackModel.SelectedItems == null ||
                active_track_model_source.TrackModel.SelectedItems.Count <= 0) {

            ILiveRadioPlugin current_plugin = null;
            foreach (ILiveRadioPlugin plugin in plugins)
                if (plugin.PluginSource != null && plugin.PluginSource.Equals (current_source))
                    current_plugin = plugin;

            foreach (TrackInfo track in active_track_model_source.TrackModel.SelectedItems) {
                DatabaseTrackInfo station_track = new DatabaseTrackInfo (track as DatabaseTrackInfo);
                if (station_track != null) {
                    station_track.PrimarySource = internet_radio_source;
                    if (current_plugin != null)
                        station_track.Uri = current_plugin.CleanUpUrl (station_track.Uri);
                    station_track.Save ();
        protected override void AddTrackToDevice (DatabaseTrackInfo track, SafeUri fromUri)
            if (track.PrimarySourceId == DbId)

            SafeUri new_uri = new SafeUri (GetTrackPath (track, System.IO.Path.GetExtension (fromUri.LocalPath)));
            // If it already is on the device but it's out of date, remove it
            //if (File.Exists(new_uri) && File.GetLastWriteTime(track.Uri.LocalPath) > File.GetLastWriteTime(new_uri))
                //RemoveTrack(new MassStorageTrackInfo(new SafeUri(new_uri)));

            if (!File.Exists (new_uri)) {
                Directory.Create (System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName (new_uri.LocalPath));
                File.Copy (fromUri, new_uri, false);

                DatabaseTrackInfo copied_track = new DatabaseTrackInfo (track);
                copied_track.PrimarySource = this;
                copied_track.Uri = new_uri;

                // Write the metadata in db to the file on the DAP if it has changed since file was modified
                // to ensure that when we load it next time, it's data will match what's in the database
                // and the MetadataHash will actually match.  We do this by comparing the time
                // stamps on files for last update of the db metadata vs the sync to file.
                // The equals on the inequality below is necessary for podcasts who often have a sync and
                // update time that are the same to the second, even though the album metadata has changed in the
                // DB to the feedname instead of what is in the file.  It should be noted that writing the metadata
                // is a small fraction of the total copy time anyway.

                if (track.LastSyncedStamp >= Hyena.DateTimeUtil.ToDateTime (track.FileModifiedStamp)) {
                    Log.DebugFormat ("Copying Metadata to File Since Sync time >= Updated Time");
                    bool write_metadata = Metadata.SaveTrackMetadataService.WriteMetadataEnabled.Value;
                    bool write_ratings_and_playcounts = Metadata.SaveTrackMetadataService.WriteRatingsAndPlayCountsEnabled.Value;
                    Banshee.Streaming.StreamTagger.SaveToFile (copied_track, write_metadata, write_ratings_and_playcounts);

                copied_track.Save (false);

            if (CoverArtSize > -1 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty (CoverArtFileType) &&
                    !String.IsNullOrEmpty (CoverArtFileName) && (FolderDepth == -1 || FolderDepth > 0)) {
                SafeUri cover_uri = new SafeUri (System.IO.Path.Combine (System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName (new_uri.LocalPath),
                string coverart_id = track.ArtworkId;

                if (!File.Exists (cover_uri) && CoverArtSpec.CoverExists (coverart_id)) {
                    Gdk.Pixbuf pic = null;

                    if (CoverArtSize == 0) {
                        if (CoverArtFileType == "jpg" || CoverArtFileType == "jpeg") {
                            SafeUri local_cover_uri = new SafeUri (Banshee.Base.CoverArtSpec.GetPath (coverart_id));
                            Banshee.IO.File.Copy (local_cover_uri, cover_uri, false);
                        } else {
                            pic = artwork_manager.LookupPixbuf (coverart_id);
                    } else {
                        pic = artwork_manager.LookupScalePixbuf (coverart_id, CoverArtSize);

                    if (pic != null) {
                        try {
                            byte [] bytes = pic.SaveToBuffer (CoverArtFileType);
                            System.IO.Stream cover_art_file = File.OpenWrite (cover_uri, true);
                            cover_art_file.Write (bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
                            cover_art_file.Close ();
                        } catch (GLib.GException){
                            Log.DebugFormat ("Could not convert cover art to {0}, unsupported filetype?", CoverArtFileType);
                        } finally {
                            Banshee.Collection.Gui.ArtworkManager.DisposePixbuf (pic);
        public DatabaseTrackInfo ImportTrack (SafeUri uri)
            if (!IsWhiteListedFile (uri.AbsoluteUri)) {
                return null;

            if (DatabaseTrackInfo.ContainsUri (uri, PrimarySourceIds)) {
                // TODO add DatabaseTrackInfo.SyncedStamp property, and if the file has been
                // updated since the last sync, fetch its metadata into the db.
                return null;

            if (Banshee.IO.File.GetSize (uri) == 0) {
                throw new InvalidFileException (String.Format (
                    Catalog.GetString ("File is empty so it could not be imported: {0}"),
                    Path.GetFileName (uri.LocalPath)));

            DatabaseTrackInfo track = new DatabaseTrackInfo () { Uri = uri };
            using (var file = StreamTagger.ProcessUri (uri)) {
                StreamTagger.TrackInfoMerge (track, file, false, true, true);

            track.Uri = uri;

            if (FindOutdatedDupe (track)) {
                return null;

            track.PrimarySource = trackPrimarySourceChooser (track);

            // TODO note, there is deadlock potential here b/c of locking of shared commands and blocking
            // because of transactions.  Needs to be fixed in HyenaDatabaseConnection.
            ServiceManager.DbConnection.BeginTransaction ();
            try {
                bool save_track = true;
                if (track.PrimarySource is Banshee.Library.LibrarySource) {
                    save_track = track.CopyToLibraryIfAppropriate (force_copy);

                if (save_track) {
                    track.Save (false);

                ServiceManager.DbConnection.CommitTransaction ();
            } catch (Exception) {
                ServiceManager.DbConnection.RollbackTransaction ();

            counts[track.PrimarySourceId] = counts.ContainsKey (track.PrimarySourceId) ? counts[track.PrimarySourceId] + 1 : 1;

            // Reload every 20% or every 250 tracks, whatever is more (eg at most reload 5 times during an import)
            if (counts[track.PrimarySourceId] >= Math.Max (TotalCount/5, 250)) {
                counts[track.PrimarySourceId] = 0;
                track.PrimarySource.NotifyTracksAdded ();

            return track;
Example #5
        /*public override void CopyTrackTo (DatabaseTrackInfo track, SafeUri uri, UserJob job)
            Banshee.IO.File.Copy (track.Uri, uri, false);

        protected override void AddTrack (DatabaseTrackInfo track)
            // Ignore if already have it
            if (track.PrimarySourceId == DbId)

            PrimarySource source = track.PrimarySource;

            // If it's from a local primary source, change its PrimarySource
            if (source.IsLocal || source is LibrarySource) {
                track.PrimarySource = this;

                if (!(source is LibrarySource)) {
                    track.CopyToLibraryIfAppropriate (false);

                track.Save (false);

                // TODO optimize, remove this?  I think it makes moving items
                // between local libraries very slow.
                //source.NotifyTracksChanged ();
            } else {
                // Figure out where we should put it if were to copy it
                var pattern = this.PathPattern ?? MusicLibrarySource.MusicFileNamePattern;
                string path = pattern.BuildFull (BaseDirectory, track);
                SafeUri uri = new SafeUri (path);

                // Make sure it's not already in the library
                // TODO optimize - no need to recreate this int [] every time
                if (DatabaseTrackInfo.ContainsUri (uri, new int [] {DbId})) {

                // Since it's not, copy it and create a new TrackInfo object
                track.PrimarySource.CopyTrackTo (track, uri, AddTrackJob);

                // Create a new entry in CoreTracks for the copied file
                DatabaseTrackInfo new_track = new DatabaseTrackInfo (track);
                new_track.Uri = uri;
                new_track.PrimarySource = this;
                new_track.Save (false);
        public static void Scan()
            Hyena.Log.Debug ("[RippedFileScanner] <Scan> Start");

            List<string> current_list = new List<string> ();
            GetFileNames (current_list, basepath);
            List<string> new_items = GetNewItems (previous_list, current_list);

            if (new_items != null && previous_list != null) {
                foreach (string item in new_items) {
                    DatabaseTrackInfo new_track = new DatabaseTrackInfo ();

                    if (new_track != null) {
                        StreamTagger.TrackInfoMerge (new_track, new SafeUri (item));
                        // I think here should be a check to database if track is unique
                        Hyena.Log.DebugFormat ("[RippedFileScanner] <Scan> New track found! Artist: {0} Title: {1}", new_track.ArtistName, new_track.TrackTitle);
                        new_track.PrimarySource = Banshee.ServiceStack.ServiceManager.SourceManager.MusicLibrary;
                        new_track.Save ();

            previous_list = current_list;
            Hyena.Log.Debug ("[RippedFileScanner] <Scan> End");
Example #7
        public override void UpdateMetadata(DatabaseTrackInfo track)
            SafeUri new_uri = new SafeUri (GetTrackPath (track, System.IO.Path.GetExtension (track.Uri)));

            if (new_uri.ToString () != track.Uri.ToString ()) {
                Directory.Create (System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName (new_uri.LocalPath));
                Banshee.IO.File.Move (track.Uri, new_uri);

                //to remove the folder if it's not needed anymore:
                DeleteTrackFile (track);

                track.Uri = new_uri;
                track.Save (true, BansheeQuery.UriField);

            base.UpdateMetadata (track);
        public DatabaseTrackInfo ImportTrack(SafeUri uri)
            if (!IsWhiteListedFile(uri.AbsoluteUri))

            if (DatabaseTrackInfo.ContainsUri(uri, PrimarySourceIds))
                // TODO add DatabaseTrackInfo.SyncedStamp property, and if the file has been
                // updated since the last sync, fetch its metadata into the db.

            if (!Banshee.IO.File.GetPermissions(uri).IsReadable)
                throw new InvalidFileException(String.Format(
                                                   Catalog.GetString("File is not readable so it could not be imported: {0}"),

            if (Banshee.IO.File.GetSize(uri) == 0)
                throw new InvalidFileException(String.Format(
                                                   Catalog.GetString("File is empty so it could not be imported: {0}"),

            DatabaseTrackInfo track = new DatabaseTrackInfo()
                Uri = uri

            using (var file = StreamTagger.ProcessUri(uri)) {
                StreamTagger.TrackInfoMerge(track, file, false, true, true);

            track.Uri = uri;

            if (FindOutdatedDupe(track))

            track.PrimarySource = trackPrimarySourceChooser(track);

            // TODO note, there is deadlock potential here b/c of locking of shared commands and blocking
            // because of transactions.  Needs to be fixed in HyenaDatabaseConnection.
            try {
                bool save_track = true;
                if (track.PrimarySource is Banshee.Library.LibrarySource)
                    save_track = track.CopyToLibraryIfAppropriate(force_copy);

                if (save_track)

            } catch (Exception) {

            counts[track.PrimarySourceId] = counts.ContainsKey(track.PrimarySourceId) ? counts[track.PrimarySourceId] + 1 : 1;

            // Reload every 20% or every 250 tracks, whatever is more (eg at most reload 5 times during an import)
            if (counts[track.PrimarySourceId] >= Math.Max(TotalCount / 5, 250))
                counts[track.PrimarySourceId] = 0;

Example #9
 private void OnItemAdded (FeedItem item)
     if (item.Enclosure != null) {
         DatabaseTrackInfo track = new DatabaseTrackInfo ();
         track.ExternalId = item.DbId;
         track.PrimarySource = source;
         (track.ExternalObject as PodcastTrackInfo).SyncWithFeedItem ();
         track.Save (false);
         RefreshArtworkFor (item.Feed);
     } else {
         // We're only interested in items that have enclosures
         item.Delete (false);
Example #10
        private void MigrateXspfTrack(Media.Playlists.Xspf.Playlist playlist, Track track)
            if (track.LocationCount <= 0) {

            DatabaseTrackInfo station = new DatabaseTrackInfo ();
            station.PrimarySource = source;
            station.IsLive = true;

            station.Uri = GetSafeUri (track.Locations[0]);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (track.Title)) {
                station.TrackTitle = track.Title;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (track.Creator)) {
                station.ArtistName = track.Creator;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (track.Annotation)) {
                station.Comment = track.Annotation;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (playlist.Title)) {
                station.Genre = playlist.Title;

            if (track.Info != null) {
                station.MoreInfoUri = GetSafeUri (track.Info);

            station.Save ();
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a track to is source. Does not actually set the tracks source.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="track">
 /// A <see cref="DatabaseTrackInfo"/> -- the track to be added to its set source
 /// </param>
 public override void AddTrack(DatabaseTrackInfo track)
     track.CanSaveToDatabase = false;
     track.PrimarySource = this;
     track.Save ();