Example #1
        public void CreateUser(string type)
            if (type == "Account")
                Console.WriteLine("Name of holder");
                string Name      = Console.ReadLine();
                string AccountID = Name.Substring(0, 3) + DateTime.Now.ToString();
                Console.WriteLine("Enter a bank Name");
                string BankName = Console.ReadLine();
                string Address = Console.ReadLine();
                Console.WriteLine("Contact number");
                string Contact = Console.ReadLine();
                Console.WriteLine("Enter UserID which you want");
                string UserID = Console.ReadLine();
                Console.WriteLine("Enter Password");
                string Password = Console.ReadLine();
                string BankID   = "";

                IEnumerable <Bank> LINQQuery =
                    from bank in Banks
                    where bank.BankName == BankName
                    select bank;
                Bank BankFound = LINQQuery.ElementAt <Bank>(0);
                BankID = BankFound.BankID;
                AccountHolder NewHolder = new AccountHolder(AccountID, BankID, 0, UserID, Password, Name, Address, Contact);
                Console.WriteLine("Account Holder created succesfully");
                string EmployeeID = "";
                Console.WriteLine("Enter an user ID");
                string UserID = Console.ReadLine();
                Console.WriteLine("Enter a Password");
                string Password = Console.ReadLine();
                string builder  = "";
                Random random   = new Random();
                char   ch;
                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    ch       = Convert.ToChar(Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(26 * random.NextDouble() + 65)));
                    builder += ch;
                EmployeeID = builder;
                Console.WriteLine("Enter a bank Name");
                string             BankName = Console.ReadLine();
                string             BankID   = "";
                IEnumerable <Bank> AddBankStaffLINQQuery =
                    from BankConsidered in Banks
                    where BankConsidered.BankName == BankName
                    select BankConsidered;
                Bank bank = AddBankStaffLINQQuery.ElementAt <Bank>(0);
                BankID = bank.BankID;
                Bankstaff NewStaff = new Bankstaff(EmployeeID, BankName, BankID, UserID, Password);
                Console.WriteLine("Bankstaff created succesfully");
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Manager manager;

            while (true)
                Console.WriteLine("Hi! Welcome To the ultimate banking console app!");
                Console.WriteLine("Select Login Method!");
                manager = new Manager();
                Console.WriteLine("1. Start with new bank");
                Console.WriteLine("2. Continue with existing bank");
                string inp   = Console.ReadLine();
                int    input = Convert.ToInt32(inp);
                switch (input)
                case 1:
                    Console.WriteLine("1. Create bank");
                    Console.WriteLine("2. Create user");
                    inp = Console.ReadLine();
                    int userInput = Convert.ToInt32(inp);
                    switch (userInput)
                    case 1:
                        Console.WriteLine("Give a Name To the bank");
                        string NameOfBank = Console.ReadLine();
                        Bank   bank       = manager.CreateBank(NameOfBank);

                    case 2:
                        Console.WriteLine("1. Account Holder");
                        Console.WriteLine("2. Bank Staff");
                        inp = Console.ReadLine();
                        int usersInput = Convert.ToInt32(inp);
                        switch (usersInput)
                        case 1:

                        case 2:

                case 2:
                    Console.WriteLine("1. Continue as account holder");
                    Console.WriteLine("2. Continue as bank staff");
                    inp = Console.ReadLine();
                    int userBankInput = Convert.ToInt32(inp);
                    switch (userBankInput)
                    case 1:
                        Console.WriteLine("Enter user ID");
                        string UserID = Console.ReadLine();
                        Console.WriteLine("Enter Password");
                        string Password = Console.ReadLine();
                        Console.WriteLine("Enter Bank Name");
                        string             BankName        = Console.ReadLine();
                        IEnumerable <Bank> QueryToFindBank =
                            from bank in manager.Banks
                            where bank.BankName == BankName
                            select bank;
                        Bank BankToLogin = QueryToFindBank.ElementAt(0);
                        IEnumerable <AccountHolder> QueryToFindUser =
                            from holder in BankToLogin.AccountHolders
                            where holder.UserID == UserID && holder.Password == Password
                            select holder;
                        if (QueryToFindUser.Count() > 0)
                            AccountHolder UserAction = QueryToFindUser.ElementAt(0);
                            Console.WriteLine("Logged In Succesfully");
                            Console.WriteLine("1.Deposit Money");
                            Console.WriteLine("2. Withdraw Money");
                            Console.WriteLine("3. Transfer Funds");
                            Console.WriteLine("4. View Transactions");
                            inp = Console.ReadLine();
                            int holdersInput = Convert.ToInt32(inp);
                            switch (holdersInput)
                            case 1:
                                Console.WriteLine("How much To deposit?");
                                int FundsToDeposit = Console.Read();

                            case 2:
                                Console.WriteLine("How much To withdraw");
                                int    FundsToWithdraw = Console.Read();
                                double FundsRemaining  = UserAction.WithdrawAmount(FundsToWithdraw);
                                if (FundsRemaining == 0)
                                    Console.WriteLine("Insuficient Funds");
                                    Console.WriteLine("Funds remaining is " + FundsRemaining);

                            case 3:
                                Console.WriteLine("Determine the type pf transfer");
                                Console.WriteLine("1. RTGS");
                                Console.WriteLine("2. IMPS");
                                inp = Console.ReadLine();
                                int transferType = Convert.ToInt32(inp);
                                switch (transferType)
                                case 1:
                                    Console.WriteLine("Funds To transfer");
                                    int FundsToTranfer = Console.Read();
                                    Console.WriteLine("AccountID To trasnfer To");
                                    string AccountIDToTransfer = Console.ReadLine();
                                    Console.WriteLine("Bank ID To transfer To");
                                    string BankIDToTransfer = Console.ReadLine();
                                    double charges          = 0;
                                    if (BankIDToTransfer == UserAction.BankID)
                                        charges = 0;
                                        charges = BankToLogin.RTGSOwnBank * FundsToTranfer;
                                    FundsToTranfer += (int)charges;
                                    IEnumerable <Bank> QueryToFindAccount =
                                        from BankToSelect in manager.Banks
                                        where BankToSelect.BankID == BankIDToTransfer
                                        select BankToSelect;
                                    Bank BankSelected = QueryToFindAccount.ElementAt(0);
                                    IEnumerable <Account> QueryToFIndHolder =
                                        from AccountSelected in BankSelected.Accounts
                                        where AccountSelected.AccountID == AccountIDToTransfer
                                        select AccountSelected;
                                    QueryToFIndHolder.ElementAt(0).Funds += FundsToTranfer;
                                    IEnumerable <Account> QueryToFindDebitor =
                                        from accounts in BankToLogin.Accounts
                                        where accounts.AccountID == UserAction.AccountID
                                        select accounts;
                                    QueryToFindDebitor.ElementAt(0).Funds -= FundsToTranfer;

                                case 2:
                                    Console.WriteLine("Funds To transfer");
                                    FundsToTranfer = Console.Read();
                                    Console.WriteLine("AccountID To trasnfer To");
                                    AccountIDToTransfer = Console.ReadLine();
                                    Console.WriteLine("Bank ID To transfer To");
                                    BankIDToTransfer = Console.ReadLine();
                                    charges          = 0;
                                    if (BankIDToTransfer == UserAction.BankID)
                                        charges = BankToLogin.IMPSOwnBank * FundsToTranfer;
                                        charges = BankToLogin.IMPSOtherBank * FundsToTranfer;
                                    FundsToTranfer    += (int)charges;
                                    QueryToFindAccount =
                                        from BankToSelect in manager.Banks
                                        where BankToSelect.BankID == BankIDToTransfer
                                        select BankToSelect;
                                    BankSelected      = QueryToFindAccount.ElementAt(0);
                                    QueryToFIndHolder =
                                        from AccountSelected in BankSelected.Accounts
                                        where AccountSelected.AccountID == AccountIDToTransfer
                                        select AccountSelected;
                                    QueryToFIndHolder.ElementAt(0).Funds += FundsToTranfer;
                                    QueryToFindDebitor =
                                        from accounts in BankToLogin.Accounts
                                        where accounts.AccountID == UserAction.AccountID
                                        select accounts;
                                    QueryToFindDebitor.ElementAt(0).Funds -= FundsToTranfer;

                            case 4:
                                Console.WriteLine("Your Transactions are:-");
                                List <Transactions> TransactionsToDisplay = UserAction.viewTransactions();
                                foreach (Transactions transactionToDisplay in TransactionsToDisplay)
                                    Console.WriteLine("TransactionID : " + transactionToDisplay.TransactionID);
                                    Console.WriteLine("Date of transaction: " + transactionToDisplay.TransactionDate);
                                    Console.WriteLine("Funds Transferred: " + transactionToDisplay.Amount);
                                    Console.WriteLine("Beneficiary: " + transactionToDisplay.To);

                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid credentials");


                    case 2:

                        Console.WriteLine("Enter UserID");
                        UserID = Console.ReadLine();
                        Console.WriteLine("Enter Password");
                        Password = Console.ReadLine();
                        Console.WriteLine("Enter Bank Name");
                        BankName = Console.ReadLine();
                        Bankstaff staffHandler = new Bankstaff();
                        QueryToFindBank =
                            from bank in manager.Banks
                            where bank.BankName == BankName
                            select bank;
                        BankToLogin = QueryToFindBank.ElementAt(0);
                        IEnumerable <Bankstaff> QueryToFindBankStaff =
                            from holder in BankToLogin.BankStaffs
                            where holder.UserID == UserID && holder.Password == Password
                            select holder;
                        if (QueryToFindBankStaff.Count() > 0)
                            Console.WriteLine("1. Create Account");
                            Console.WriteLine("2. Update Account");
                            Console.WriteLine("3. Delete Account");
                            Console.WriteLine("4. Add Currency");
                            Console.WriteLine("5. Edit charges");
                            Console.WriteLine("6. View Transactions in Bank");
                            Console.WriteLine("7. Revert a transaction");
                            inp       = Console.ReadLine();
                            userInput = Convert.ToInt32(inp);
                            switch (userInput)
                            case 1:
                                Console.WriteLine("Enter name");
                                string accountName = Console.ReadLine();
                                Console.WriteLine("Enter a user iD");
                                UserID = Console.ReadLine();
                                foreach (AccountHolder accountHold in BankToLogin.AccountHolders)
                                    if (accountHold.UserID == UserID)
                                        Account newAccount = staffHandler.CreateAccount(accountName, UserID);

                            case 2:
                                Console.WriteLine("Enter account ID");
                                string AccountID = Console.ReadLine();
                                foreach (Account account in BankToLogin.Accounts)
                                    if (account.AccountID == AccountID)
                                        Account tempAccount = staffHandler.UpdateAccount(account);

                            case 3:
                                Console.WriteLine("Enter account ID");
                                AccountID = Console.ReadLine();
                                foreach (Account account in BankToLogin.Accounts)
                                    if (account.AccountID == AccountID)
                                        Console.WriteLine("Account deleted :)");

                            case 4:
                                foreach (Bank bank in manager.Banks)
                                    if (bank.BankID == staffHandler.BankID)
                                        Console.WriteLine("Enter Name of currency");
                                        string currencyName = Console.ReadLine();
                                        Console.WriteLine("Enter exchange rate");
                                        string exchange     = Console.ReadLine();
                                        int    ExchangeRate = Convert.ToInt32(exchange);
                                        bank.Currencies.Add(staffHandler.AddCurrency(currencyName, ExchangeRate));
                                        Console.WriteLine("Added currency");

                            case 5:
                                foreach (Bank bank in manager.Banks)
                                    if (bank.BankID == staffHandler.BankID)
                                        Console.WriteLine("Enter new RTGS charges for same bank");
                                        inp = Console.ReadLine();
                                        int rtgsSame = Convert.ToInt32(inp);
                                        Console.WriteLine("Enter new IMPS charges for same bank");
                                        inp = Console.ReadLine();
                                        int impsSame = Convert.ToInt32(inp);
                                        Console.WriteLine("Enter new RTGS charges for other bank");
                                        inp = Console.ReadLine();
                                        int rtgsOther = Convert.ToInt32(inp);
                                        Console.WriteLine("Enter new IMPS charges for other bank");
                                        inp = Console.ReadLine();
                                        int impsOther = Convert.ToInt32(inp);
                                        bank.RTGSOwnBank = rtgsSame;
                                        bank.RTGSOwnBank = rtgsOther;
                                        bank.IMPSOwnBank = impsSame;
                                        bank.IMPSOwnBank = impsOther;

                            case 6:
                                foreach (Bank bank in manager.Banks)
                                    if (bank.BankID == staffHandler.BankID)
                                        List <Transactions> Transactions = bank.GetTransactions();
                                        foreach (Transactions transactionToDisplay in Transactions)
                                            Console.WriteLine("TransactionID : " + transactionToDisplay.TransactionID);
                                            Console.WriteLine("Date of transaction: " + transactionToDisplay.TransactionDate);
                                            Console.WriteLine("Funds Transferred: " + transactionToDisplay.Amount);
                                            Console.WriteLine("Beneficiary: " + transactionToDisplay.To);

                            case 7:
                                Console.WriteLine("Enter Transaction ID To be reverted");
                                string idToRevert = Console.ReadLine();
                                foreach (Bank bank in manager.Banks)
                                    if (bank.BankID == staffHandler.BankID)
                                        foreach (Transactions transaction in bank.GetTransactions())
                                            if (transaction.TransactionID == idToRevert)
                                                foreach (Account account in bank.Accounts)
                                                    if (transaction.From == account.AccountID)
                                                        account.Funds += transaction.Amount;
                                                foreach (Account account in bank.Accounts)
                                                    if (transaction.To == account.AccountID)
                                                        account.Funds -= transaction.Amount;
                                                        Console.WriteLine("Reversion successful");

                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid input detected! Terminating...");