Example #1
        private bool HandleFeedUpdated(FeedUpdatedMessage fm)
            List<FeedContent> fromFeed = fm.FeedItems;

            // Gets news balloons to be displayed
            Dictionary<string, ServerBalloon> fromServer = m_bubbles;
            int old = fromServer.Count, popped = 0, added = 0;

            foreach(ServerBalloon b in fromServer.Values)
                // Check if the bubble need to be keept, or deleted
                if(fromFeed.Find(c => c.ContentID == b.ID) == null) {
                    // Pop the balloon in the server not present in the feed
                    EnqueueMessage(new PopObjectMessage(b.ID), fm.Sender);

            foreach(FeedContent i in fromFeed)
                if(!fromServer.ContainsKey(i.ContentID)) {
                    // Add the new balloon to the server and send content and state
                    EnqueueMessage(new NewBalloonMessage(i.ContentID, Direction.Any,
                        0.2f, Vector2D.Zero), fm.Sender);
                    EnqueueMessage(new BalloonContentUpdateMessage(i.ContentID,
                        (BalloonType)i.Type, i.Title, i.Excerpt, i.URL, i.ImageURL), fm.Sender);
                    EnqueueMessage(new BalloonStateUpdateMessage(i.ContentID, 0,
                        Colour.Parse(i.BalloonColour), i.Votes), fm.Sender);

            // remove all existing planes
            foreach (ServerPlane plane in m_planes.Values)
                if (plane.Screen != null)
                    plane.Screen.Connection.SendMessage(new PopObjectMessage(plane.ID));

            // add a new plane
            string planeID = String.Format("PLANE-{0}", m_nextPlaneID++);
            PlaneType planeType = (PlaneType)m_random.Next((int)PlaneType.InvalidType);
            Direction screenSide;
            Vector2D velocity;
            if (m_random.Next(2) == 0)
                screenSide = Direction.Left;
                velocity = Configuration.PlaneVelocityRight;
                screenSide = Direction.Right;
                velocity = Configuration.PlaneVelocityLeft;
            EnqueueMessage(new PopObjectMessage(planeID));
            EnqueueMessage(new NewPlaneMessage(planeID, planeType, screenSide,
                Configuration.PlaneInitialY, velocity, 0.0f));

            Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Server had {0} balloons, popped {1}, added {2}", old, popped, added));
            return true;
Example #2
        private bool HandleFeedUpdated(FeedUpdatedMessage fm)
            List<FeedContent> fromFeed = fm.FeedItems;

            // Gets news balloons to be displayed
            Dictionary<string, ServerBalloon> fromServer = m_bubbles;
            int old = fromServer.Count, popped = 0, added = 0;

            foreach(KeyValuePair<string, ServerBalloon> i in fromServer)
                ServerBalloon b = i.Value;
                // Check if the bubble need to be keept, or deleted
                if(fromFeed.Find(c => c.ContentID == b.ID) == null) {
                    // Pop the balloon in the server not present in the feed
                    EnqueueMessage(new PopBalloonMessage(b.ID), fm.Sender);

            foreach(FeedContent i in fromFeed)
                if(!fromServer.ContainsKey(i.ContentID)) {
                    // Add the new balloon to the server and send content and state
                    EnqueueMessage(new NewBalloonMessage(i.ContentID, Direction.Any,
                        0.2f, Configuration.VelocityLeft), fm.Sender);
                    EnqueueMessage(new BalloonContentUpdateMessage(i.ContentID,
                        (BalloonType)i.Type, i.Title, i.Excerpt, i.URL, i.ImageURL), fm.Sender);
                    EnqueueMessage(new BalloonStateUpdateMessage(i.ContentID, 0,
                        Colour.Parse(i.BalloonColour), i.Votes), fm.Sender);

            Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Server had {0} balloons, popped {1}, added {2}", old, popped, added));
            return true;