Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts a backup action, using a file-to-file comparison to look for changes.
        /// Safer than database backups, allows for modification of jobs at the user's risk. However, can be bottlenecked by IO speeds.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="action">The action containing the source, destination and files to backup</param>
        public void Start(BackupAction backupAction)
            action = backupAction;
            Console.WriteLine("Proceeding with a simple file cross-comparison backup job");
            Console.WriteLine("Difference mechanism: Write-time based");
            Console.WriteLine("Backing up " + action.SourcePath + " to " + action.DestinationPath);

            List <string> deletedFiles  = RecursiveFileFinder.ProcessPath(action.DestinationPath, false);
            List <string> relativeFiles = new List <string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < action.FilesToCopy.Count; i++)
                relativeFiles.Add(action.FilesToCopy[i].Replace(action.SourcePath, "").Trim('\\').Trim('/'));
            deletedFiles.RemoveAll((s) => relativeFiles.Contains(s.Replace(action.DestinationPath, "").Trim('\\').Trim('/')));
            deletedFiles.RemoveAll((s) => s.Contains(".copyMinus"));

            foreach (var file in action.FilesToCopy)
                string targetPath = action.DestinationPath + (file.Replace(action.SourcePath, ""));
                if (File.Exists(targetPath))
                    if (action.Comparator.WasFileUpdated(file, targetPath)) // file changed
                        PushNewCopy(file, targetPath);
                        Console.WriteLine("Replaced file " + Path.GetFileName(targetPath));
                        if (Program.Verbose)
                            Console.WriteLine("File doesn't need replacing " + Path.GetFileName(targetPath));
                    if (!Directory.Exists(targetPath.Replace(Path.GetFileName(file), "")))
                        Directory.CreateDirectory(targetPath.Replace(Path.GetFileName(file), "")); //ensure the directory to backup to exists
                    File.Copy(file, targetPath, false);
                    Console.WriteLine("Added new file " + Path.GetFileName(targetPath));
            foreach (var file in deletedFiles)
                PushNewCopy(null, file);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts a backup action, using an internal database to speed up file comparation.
        /// Good for cases of relatively slow IO speeds.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="action">The action containing the source, destination and files to backup</param>
        public void Start(BackupAction backupAction)
            action = backupAction;
            Console.WriteLine("Proceeding with a database based comparison backup job");
            Console.WriteLine("Difference mechanism: Write-time based");
            Console.WriteLine("Backing up " + action.SourcePath + " to " + action.DestinationPath);

            using (var db = new FileContext(action.ActionName))
                deletedFiles = new List <ProcessedFile>(db.Files.Where((f) => f.FilePath.Contains(action.SourcePath)));
                ProcessedFile cataloguedFile;
                foreach (var file in action.FilesToCopy)
                    string targetPath = action.DestinationPath + (file.Replace(action.SourcePath, ""));
                    if ((cataloguedFile = db.Files.Find(file, targetPath)) == null)
                        CatalogueAndCopyNewFile(db, targetPath, file);
                        ReplaceCataloguedFile(db, cataloguedFile);
                foreach (var file in deletedFiles)
                    PushNewCopy(null, file.BackupPath);

                var count = db.SaveChanges();

                if (Program.Verbose)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} records saved to database", count);

                    Console.WriteLine("All files in database:");
                    foreach (var file in db.Files)
                        Console.WriteLine(" - {0}", file.FileName);