private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!working)
         working = true;
             sql = @"select t.attachmentid,t.ID,a.filename,a.filesuffix from pdfshrinklog t   
                   left join List_Attachment a on  where t.iscompress=0 order by ID desc";
             DataTable dt = DBMgr.GetDataTable(sql);
             if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)//如果一次性送多个文件进入压缩程序,会有错误提示,所以每次只送一条记录
                 DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0];
                 if (File.Exists(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["filedir"] + dr["FILENAME"]))//先判断原始文件存在
                     if ((dr["FILESUFFIX"] + "").ToUpper() == "PDF" || (dr["FILESUFFIX"] + "").ToUpper() == ".PDF")
                         System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(@"D:\Apago\PDFShrink\PDFShrink.exe", @"D:\ftpserver\" + dr["FILENAME"]);
                         sql = "update pdfshrinklog set iscompress='1',shrinktime=sysdate WHERE ID='" + dr["ID"] + "'";
         catch (Exception ex)
             this.button1.Text = ex.Message;
             working           = false;
     working = false;
        private void timer7_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PdfReader pdfReader;

            if (!working7)
                working7 = true;
                    string    sql = "select l.*,o.filepages as pages,o.code from list_attachment l left join list_order o on l.ORDERCODE=o.CODE WHERE l.splitstatus=1 and l.filepages is null and  ROWNUM <=100";
                    DataTable dt  = DBMgr.GetDataTable(sql);
                    if (dt.Rows.Count != 0)
                        foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                            string filename = dr["FILENAME"].ToString();
                            int    id       = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ID"].ToString());
                            pdfReader = new PdfReader(@"d:\ftpserver\" + filename);
                            int totalPages = pdfReader.NumberOfPages;

                            DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery("update list_attachment set FILEPAGES=" + totalPages + " where id=" + id);
                            if (dr["pages"] == null && dr["code"] != null)
                                DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery("update list_order set FILEPAGES=" + totalPages + " where CODE='" + dr["code"].ToString() + "'");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    this.button7.Text = ex.Message;
                    working7          = false;
                working7 = false;
        private void timer6_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!working6)
                working6 = true;
                    PdfReader pdfReader;
                    string    sql = @"select * from FILEMANAGE where businessno is not null and filetype='CustomsFile' and valid IS NULL and filename is null 
                            and createtime >= to_date('2016-10-1 0:00:00','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') and createtime < to_date('2016-11-10 0:00:00','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') 
                            and ROWNUM<=5";

                    DataTable dt_filemanage = DBMgrMov.GetDataTable(sql);
                    string    ordercode     = string.Empty;
                    //int attachmentid=2;and createtime > to_date('2015-12-31 23:59:59','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') and ROWNUM<=5";
                    foreach (DataRow dr in dt_filemanage.Rows)
                        string fileid       = string.Empty;
                        string filemanageid = string.Empty;
                        ordercode = dr["businessno"].ToString();
                        DataTable dt_list = DBMgr.GetDataTable("select * from list_attachment where ORDERCODE='" + ordercode + "' and filetype=44");
                        if (dt_list.Rows.Count == 0)
                            fileid       = dr["fileid"].ToString();
                            filemanageid = dr["id"].ToString();
                            DataTable dt_fileitem = DBMgrMov.GetDataTable("select * from fileitem where id='" + fileid + "'");
                            //DataTable dt_filemanagedetail = DBMgrMov.GetDataTable("select * from filemanagedetail where filemanageid='" + filemanageid + "'");
                            if (dt_fileitem.Rows.Count != 0)
                                string fileitemPath = dt_fileitem.Rows[0]["path"].ToString().Trim();
                                string fileitemName = dt_fileitem.Rows[0]["name"].ToString().Trim();
                                string item_id      = dt_fileitem.Rows[0]["id"].ToString().Trim();

                                //if (!Directory.Exists(direc_pdf + @"\item\"+fileitemPath))
                                //    Directory.CreateDirectory(direc_pdf + @"\item\"+fileitemPath);
                                //bool success = ftp.DownloadFile(fileitemPath + fileitemName, direc_pdf + @"\item\" + fileitemPath + fileitemName);
                                string filename     = @"/item/" + fileitemPath + "/" + fileitemName;
                                string originalname = fileitemName;
                                int    filetype     = 44;
                                int    sizes        = Convert.ToInt32(dt_fileitem.Rows[0]["filesize"].ToString());
                                int    isupload     = 1;
                                string filesuffix   = dt_fileitem.Rows[0]["extname"].ToString();
                                string filetypename = "订单文件";
                                int    splitstatus  = 1;
                                //if (dt_filemanagedetail.Rows.Count != 0)
                                //    splitstatus = 1;
                                string url       = "" + fileitemPath + "/" + item_id + "_" + fileitemName;
                                int    filepages = 0;

                                System.Uri uri = new Uri(url);
                                //pdfReader = new PdfReader(@"d:\ftpserver\" + filename);
                                pdfReader = new PdfReader(uri);
                                filepages = pdfReader.NumberOfPages;

                                string sqlupdate = "insert into list_attachment (filename,originalname,filetype,sizes,ordercode,filesuffix,filetypename,splitstatus,isupload,filepages,uploadtime,ordercount) "
                                                   + "values  ('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}',to_date('" + dr["createtime"].ToString() + "','yyyy-MM-dd HH24:mi:ss'),0)";
                                sqlupdate = string.Format(sqlupdate, filename, originalname, filetype, sizes, ordercode, filesuffix, filetypename, splitstatus, isupload, filepages);
                                int updateSuccess = DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlupdate);

                                // DataTable dt_fileitem_new = DBMgrMov.GetDataTable("select id from list_attachment where ordercode='" + ordercode + "'");
                                //if (dt_fileitem_new.Rows.Count > 1)
                                //    attachmentid = Convert.ToInt32(dt_fileitem_new.Rows[0]["id"].ToString());
                        //if (dt_filemanagedetail.Rows.Count!=0)

                        //    foreach (DataRow dr_filemanagedetail in dt_filemanagedetail.Rows)
                        //    {
                        //     string filename=dr_filemanagedetail["filename"].ToString().Replace(@"D:\RW\Files\AppFiles\Portal\","");
                        //     string path=filename.Substring(0,filename.IndexOf(@"\")+1);
                        //     //if (!Directory.Exists(direc_pdf + @"\detail\" + path))
                        //     //   {
                        //     //       Directory.CreateDirectory(direc_pdf + @"\detail\" + path);
                        //     //   }
                        //     //bool success=ftp.DownloadFile(filename, direc_pdf + @"\detail\" + filename);
                        //         string sourcefilename = @"\detail\" + filename;
                        //         string filename_a=filename.Substring(filename.IndexOf(@"\") + 1, filename.Length);

                        //         int filetypeid=0;
                        //         string subtypename=dr_filemanagedetail["subtypename"].ToString();
                        //         switch (subtypename)
                        //        {
                        //            case "箱单":
                        //            filetypeid=52;
                        //            break;
                        //            case "其他1":
                        //            filetypeid=54;
                        //            break;
                        //            case "货物清单":
                        //            filetypeid=101;
                        //            break;
                        //            case "提运单":
                        //            filetypeid=49;
                        //            break;
                        //            case "委托协议":
                        //            filetypeid = 53;
                        //            break;
                        //            case "发票":
                        //            filetypeid=51;
                        //            break;
                        //            case "合同":
                        //            filetypeid=50;
                        //            break;
                        //        }
                        //         string pages = dr_filemanagedetail["pages"].ToString();
                        //         string spliteusername = dr_filemanagedetail["spliteusername"].ToString();
                        //         string splitetime = dr_filemanagedetail["splitetime"].ToString();
                        //            //更新详细文件表
                        //         string sqlupdate = "insert into list_attachmentdetail (sourcefilename,filename,attachmentid,filetypeid,splitetime,ordercode,pages,spliteusername) "
                        //                          + "values  ('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}')";
                        //         sqlupdate = string.Format(sqlupdate, sourcefilename, filename_a, attachmentid, filetypeid,splitetime,ordercode,pages,spliteusername);
                        //         DBMgrMov.ExecuteNonQuery(sqlupdate);

                        //    }

                        DBMgrMov.ExecuteNonQuery("update FILEMANAGE  set filename='Y' where businessno='" + ordercode + "' and filetype='CustomsFile' and valid IS NULL and filename is null");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    this.button6.Text = ex.Message;
                    working6          = false;

                working6 = false;
        private bool update_entorder(FileStruct fs, string directory, string contractno)
            bool content = false;

                string enterprisecode = string.Empty;
                string enterprisename = string.Empty;
                string prefix         = fs.Name.Substring(0, 3);
                string entid          = string.Empty;
                if (prefix == "E1P" || prefix == "E1B" || prefix == "IMP" || prefix == "IMB")
                    enterprisecode = "3223640003";//海关10位编码  空运出口
                    enterprisename = "仁宝电子科技(昆山)有限公司";
                if (prefix == "E1W" || prefix == "E2W" || prefix == "E1D" || prefix == "E2D" || prefix == "E7D" || prefix == "IMW" || prefix == "IMD" || prefix == "LMW" || prefix == "LMD" || prefix == "IAD" || prefix == "IEW" || prefix == "IED" || prefix == "E7W" || prefix == "LDD" || prefix == "LGW" || prefix == "LGD" || prefix == "LDW")
                    enterprisecode = "3223640047";
                    enterprisename = "仁宝信息技术(昆山)有限公司";
                if (prefix == "E1C" || prefix == "E1Q" || prefix == "E1O" || prefix == "IMQ" || prefix == "IMC" || prefix == "E2Q" || prefix == "E2C" || prefix == "LGC")
                    enterprisecode = "3223640038";
                    enterprisename = "仁宝资讯工业(昆山)有限公司";
                if (prefix == "IVS" || prefix == "EAS")
                    enterprisecode = "3223660037";
                    enterprisename = "昆山柏泰电子技术服务有限公司";
                //code是企业编号 仁宝格式 E1Q1603927_sheet.txt
                int    start      = fs.Name.LastIndexOf("_");
                int    end        = fs.Name.LastIndexOf(".");
                string suffix     = fs.Name.Substring(end + 1, 3).ToUpper();//文件扩展名
                string filetype   = fs.Name.Substring(start + 1, end - start - 1).ToUpper();
                int    filetypeid = 0;
                switch (filetype)
                case "CONTRACT":
                    filetypeid = 50;

                case "INVOICE":
                    filetypeid = 51;

                case "PACKING":
                    filetypeid = 52;

                case "SHEET":
                    filetypeid = 44;

                    filetypeid = 50;
                sql = "select * from ent_order where code='" + contractno + "'";
                DataTable dt_ent = DBMgr.GetDataTable(sql);
                if (dt_ent.Rows.Count == 0)
                    sql   = "select ENT_ORDER_ID.Nextval from dual";
                    entid = DBMgr.GetDataTable(sql).Rows[0][0] + "";
                            ('{3}','{0}',sysdate,sysdate,(select fun_AutoQYBH(sysdate) from dual),'{1}','{2}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','COMPAL01','2369','昆山综保')";
                    sql   = string.Format(sql, contractno, enterprisecode, enterprisename, entid, "3223980002", "江苏飞力达国际物流股份有限公司", "3223980002", "江苏飞力达国际物流股份有限公司");
                    entid = dt_ent.Rows[0]["ID"] + "";
                sql = @"select * from list_attachment where originalname='" + fs.Name + "' and entid='" + entid + "'";
                DataTable dt_att = DBMgr.GetDataTable(sql);//因为客户有可能会重复传文件,此是表记录不需要变化,替换文件即可
                if (dt_att.Rows.Count > 0)
                    sql = "delete from list_attachment where id='" + dt_att.Rows[0]["ID"] + "'";
                //dt_att = DBMgr.GetDataTable("select LIST_ATTACHMENT_ID.Nextval ATTACHMENTID from dual");
                sql = string.Format(sql, "/" + directory + "/" + fs.Name, fs.Name, filetypeid, fs.Size, entid, suffix, enterprisecode);
                int result = DBMgr.ExecuteNonQuery(sql);
                if (result > 0 && fs.Name.IndexOf(".txt") > 0)
                    db.ListRightPush("compal_sheet_topdf_queen", "{ENTID:'" + entid + "',FILENAME:" + "'/" + directory + "/" + fs.Name + "'}");//保存随附文件ID到队列
                content = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                this.button3.Text = "database_" + ex.Message;
                content           = false;
 private void timer2_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!working2)
         working2 = true;
         if (db.KeyExists("recognizetask"))
             string json = db.ListLeftPop("recognizetask");
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(json))
                     JObject jo = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);
                     sql = @"select t.* from list_attachment t where t.ordercode='" + jo.Value <string>("ordercode") + "' and upper(t.filesuffix)='PDF'";
                     DataTable dt = DBMgr.GetDataTable(sql);
                     if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                         guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                         ConvertPDF2Image(direc_pdf + dt.Rows[0]["FILENAME"], direc_img, guid, 1, 1, ImageFormat.Jpeg, Definition.Ten);
                         BarcodeDecoder barcodeDecoder = new BarcodeDecoder();
                         if (File.Exists(direc_img + guid + ".Jpeg"))
                             System.Drawing.Bitmap image = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(direc_img + guid + ".Jpeg");
                             Dictionary <DecodeOptions, object> decodingOptions = new Dictionary <DecodeOptions, object>();
                             List <BarcodeFormat> possibleFormats = new List <BarcodeFormat>(10);
                             decodingOptions.Add(DecodeOptions.TryHarder, true);
                             decodingOptions.Add(DecodeOptions.PossibleFormats, possibleFormats);
                             Result decodedResult = barcodeDecoder.Decode(image, decodingOptions);
                             //while (decodedResult == null)
                             //    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500);
                             if (decodedResult != null)//有些PDF文件并无条形码
                                 barcode = decodedResult.Text;
                                 sql = "update list_order set cusno='" + barcode + "' where code='" + jo.Value <string>("ordercode") + "'";
                 catch (Exception ex)
                     this.button2.Text = ex.Message;
                     this.button2.Text = json + "识别条码失败!";
                     //db.ListRightPush("recognizetask", json);
                     working2 = false;
         working2 = false;