Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Obtains line sections for a specific face in this path.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="face">The face of interest</param>
        /// <returns>The corresponding sections</returns>
        internal ILineGeometry[] GetSections(LegFace face)

            // Initialize position to the start of the path.
            IPosition p = new Position(m_From);

            // Initial bearing is whatever the rotation is.
            double bearing = m_Rotation;

            // Get the position at the start of the required leg.
            foreach (Leg leg in m_Legs)
                if (leg == face.Leg)

                leg.Project(ref p, ref bearing, m_ScaleFactor);

            // We've now got the position at the start of the required leg, and the bearing of the previous leg.
            // If the leg we actually want if a straight leg (or an extra leg layered on a straight), add on any
            // initial angle.
            StraightLeg sLeg = (face.Leg as StraightLeg);

            if (sLeg != null)
                bearing = sLeg.AddStartAngle(bearing);

            return(face.Leg.GetSpanSections(p, bearing, m_ScaleFactor, face.Spans));
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the path on the specified display
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="display">The display to draw to</param>
        internal void Render(ISpatialDisplay display)

            // Do nothing if the scale factor is undefined.
            if (Math.Abs(m_ScaleFactor) < MathConstants.TINY)

            // Initialize position to the start of the path.
            IPosition gotend = new Position(m_From);

            // Initial bearing is whatever the rotation is.
            double bearing = m_Rotation;

            for (int i = 0; i < m_Legs.Length; i++)
                Leg leg = m_Legs[i];

                // Include any angle specified at the start of the leg
                StraightLeg sLeg = (leg as StraightLeg);
                if (sLeg != null)
                    bearing = sLeg.AddStartAngle(bearing);

                // Determine exit bearing for circular leg (do it now, in case an extra leg complicates matters below)
                double      exitBearing = bearing;
                CircularLeg cLeg        = (leg as CircularLeg);
                if (cLeg != null)
                    exitBearing = cLeg.GetExitBearing(gotend, bearing, m_ScaleFactor);

                // Obtain geometry for each span and draw
                SpanInfo[]      spans    = leg.PrimaryFace.Spans;
                ILineGeometry[] sections = leg.GetSpanSections(gotend, bearing, m_ScaleFactor, spans);
                DrawSpans(display, spans, sections);

                // If we're dealing with the first face of a staggered leg, process the second face
                if (leg.AlternateFace != null)
                    spans    = leg.AlternateFace.Spans;
                    sections = leg.GetSpanSections(gotend, bearing, m_ScaleFactor, spans);
                    DrawSpans(display, spans, sections);

                // Get to the end of the leg
                gotend  = sections[sections.Length - 1].End;
                bearing = exitBearing;

            // Re-draw the terminal points to ensure that their color is on top.
Example #3
         * //	@mfunc	Create transient CeMiscText objects for any observed
         * //			angles that are part of this leg.
         * //
         * //			The caller is responsible for deleting the text
         * //			objects once done with them.
         * //
         * //	@parm	The point the observation must be made from.
         * //			Specify 0 for all points.
         * //	@parm	The operation this leg belongs to.
         * //	@parm	Scale factor to apply to the leg.
         * //	@parm	The position of a backsight prior to the BC (may
         * //			be undefined).
         * //	@parm	The position of the start of the leg.
         * //	@parm	The bearing to the start of the leg. Updated to
         * //			refer to the bearing to the end of the leg.
         * //	@parm	The position of the end of the leg.
         * //	@parm	List of pointers to created text objects (appended to).
         * //	@parm	Should lines be produced too?
         * //
         * //	@rdesc	TRUE if the specified from point was encountered (this
         * //			does not necessarily mean that any text needed to be
         * //			generated for it).
         * LOGICAL CeStraightLeg::CreateAngleText ( const CePoint* const pFrom
         *                                                                 , const CeOperation& op
         *                                                                 , const FLOAT8 sfac
         *                                                                 , const CeVertex& bs
         *                                                                 , const CeVertex& from
         *                                                                 , FLOAT8& bearing
         *                                                                 , CeVertex& to
         *                                                                 , CPtrList& text
         *                                                                 , const LOGICAL wantLinesToo ) const {
         * // Project to the end of the leg.
         * to = from;
         * this->Project(to,bearing,sfac);
         * // If a from point has been specified, and this leg does
         * // not start at it, just return.
         * if ( pFrom && GetpStartPoint(op)!=pFrom ) return FALSE;
         * // Return if this leg does not have an initial angle.
         * const FLOAT8 angle = fabs(m_StartAngle);
         * if ( angle<TINY ) return TRUE;
         * // Return if the angle is real-close to a right angle
         * if ( fabs(angle-PIDIV2  )<0.000001 ||
         *       fabs(angle-PIMUL1P5)<0.000001 ) return TRUE;
         * // Create the text.
         * MakeText(bs,from,to,m_StartAngle,text);
         * return TRUE;
         * } // end of CreateAngleText

        /// <summary>
        /// Breaks this leg into two legs. The break must leave at least
        /// one distance in each of the resultant legs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index">The index of the span that should be at the
        /// start of the extra leg.</param>
        /// <returns>The extra leg (at the end of the original leg).</returns>
        internal StraightLeg Break(int index)
            if (this.AlternateFace != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot break a staggered leg");

            // Can't break right at the start or end.
            int nTotal = PrimaryFace.Count;

            if (index <= 0 || index >= nTotal)

            // Create a new straight leg with the right number of spans.
            StraightLeg newLeg = new StraightLeg(PrimaryFace, index);

            // Retain the spans prior to that

Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a straight leg.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="items">Array of path items.</param>
        /// <param name="si">Index to the item where the leg data starts.</param>
        /// <param name="nexti">Index of the item where the next leg starts.</param>
        /// <returns>The new leg.</returns>
        static StraightLeg CreateStraightLeg(PathItem[] items, int si, out int nexti)
            // Get the leg ID.
            int legnum = items[si].LegNumber;

            // How many distances have we got?
            int ndist = 0;
            for (nexti = si; nexti < items.Length && items[nexti].LegNumber == legnum; nexti++)
                if (items[nexti].IsDistance)

            // Create the leg.
            StraightLeg leg = new StraightLeg(ndist);

            // Assign each distance.
            ndist = 0;
            for (int i = si; i < nexti; i++)
                Distance d = items[i].GetDistance();
                if (d != null)
                    // See if there is a qualifier after the distance
                    LegItemFlag qual = LegItemFlag.Null;
                    if ((i + 1) < nexti)
                        PathItemType nexttype = items[i + 1].ItemType;

                        if (nexttype == PathItemType.MissConnect)
                            qual = LegItemFlag.MissConnect;

                        if (nexttype == PathItemType.OmitPoint)
                            qual = LegItemFlag.OmitPoint;

                    leg.PrimaryFace.SetDistance(d, ndist, qual);


            // If the first item is an angle, remember it as part of the leg.
            if (items[si].ItemType == PathItemType.Angle)
                leg.StartAngle = items[si].Value;
            else if (items[si].ItemType == PathItemType.Deflection)

            // Return a reference to the new leg
            return leg;
Example #5
        //	@mfunc	Create transient CeMiscText objects for any observed
        //			angles that are part of this leg.
        //			The caller is responsible for deleting the text
        //			objects once done with them.
        //	@parm	The point the observation must be made from.
        //			Specify 0 for all points.
        //	@parm	The operation this leg belongs to.
        //	@parm	Scale factor to apply to the leg.
        //	@parm	The position of a backsight prior to the BC (may
        //			be undefined).
        //	@parm	The position of the start of the leg.
        //	@parm	The bearing to the start of the leg. Updated to
        //			refer to the bearing to the end of the leg.
        //	@parm	The position of the end of the leg.
        //	@parm	List of pointers to created text objects (appended to).
        //	@parm	Should lines be produced too?
        //	@rdesc	TRUE if the specified from point was encountered (this
        //			does not necessarily mean that any text needed to be
        //			generated for it).

        LOGICAL CeStraightLeg::CreateAngleText ( const CePoint* const pFrom
                                       , const CeOperation& op
                                       , const FLOAT8 sfac
                                       , const CeVertex& bs
                                       , const CeVertex& from
                                       , FLOAT8& bearing
                                       , CeVertex& to
                                       , CPtrList& text
                                       , const LOGICAL wantLinesToo ) const {

        // Project to the end of the leg.
        to = from;

        // If a from point has been specified, and this leg does
        // not start at it, just return.
        if ( pFrom && GetpStartPoint(op)!=pFrom ) return FALSE;

        // Return if this leg does not have an initial angle.
        const FLOAT8 angle = fabs(m_StartAngle);
        if ( angle<TINY ) return TRUE;

        // Return if the angle is real-close to a right angle
        if ( fabs(angle-PIDIV2  )<0.000001 ||
         fabs(angle-PIMUL1P5)<0.000001 ) return TRUE;

        // Create the text.

        return TRUE;

        } // end of CreateAngleText
        /// <summary>
        /// Breaks this leg into two legs. The break must leave at least
        /// one distance in each of the resultant legs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index">The index of the span that should be at the
        /// start of the extra leg.</param>
        /// <returns>The extra leg (at the end of the original leg).</returns>
        internal StraightLeg Break(int index)
            if (this.AlternateFace != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot break a staggered leg");

            // Can't break right at the start or end.
            int nTotal = PrimaryFace.Count;
            if (index <= 0 || index >= nTotal)
                return null;

            // Create a new straight leg with the right number of spans.
            StraightLeg newLeg = new StraightLeg(PrimaryFace, index);

            // Retain the spans prior to that

            return newLeg;
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a straight leg.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="items">Array of path items.</param>
        /// <param name="si">Index to the item where the leg data starts.</param>
        /// <param name="nexti">Index of the item where the next leg starts.</param>
        /// <returns>The new leg.</returns>
        static StraightLeg CreateStraightLeg(PathItem[] items, int si, out int nexti)
            // Get the leg ID.
            int legnum = items[si].LegNumber;

            // How many distances have we got?
            int ndist = 0;

            for (nexti = si; nexti < items.Length && items[nexti].LegNumber == legnum; nexti++)
                if (items[nexti].IsDistance)

            // Create the leg.
            StraightLeg leg = new StraightLeg(ndist);

            // Assign each distance.
            ndist = 0;
            for (int i = si; i < nexti; i++)
                Distance d = items[i].GetDistance();
                if (d != null)
                    // See if there is a qualifier after the distance
                    LegItemFlag qual = LegItemFlag.Null;
                    if ((i + 1) < nexti)
                        PathItemType nexttype = items[i + 1].ItemType;

                        if (nexttype == PathItemType.MissConnect)
                            qual = LegItemFlag.MissConnect;

                        if (nexttype == PathItemType.OmitPoint)
                            qual = LegItemFlag.OmitPoint;

                    leg.PrimaryFace.SetDistance(d, ndist, qual);

            // If the first item is an angle, remember it as part of the leg.
            if (items[si].ItemType == PathItemType.Angle)
                leg.StartAngle = items[si].Value;
            else if (items[si].ItemType == PathItemType.Deflection)

            // Return a reference to the new leg