private void btnProcessMultipleCourts_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // If the background thread is running then clicking this
            // button causes a cancel, otherwise clicking this button
            // launches the background thread.
            _multipleTransactions = new List <PacerImportTransaction>();

            if (_asyncWorker.IsBusy)
                btnProcessMultipleCourts.IsEnabled = false;
                lblProcessingStatus.Content        = "Canceling...";

                // Notify the worker thread that a cancel has been requested.
                // The cancel will not actually happen until the thread in the
                // DoWork checks the bwAsync.CancellationPending flag, for this
                // reason we set the label to "Canceling...", because we haven't
                // actually cancelled yet.

                if (grdCourts.SelectedItems == null || grdCourts.SelectedItems.Count == 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("Please Select a Court!");
                    btnProcessMultipleCourts.Content = "Cancel";
                    lblProcessingStatus.Content      = "Processing...";

                    MutipleProcessSpec _spec = new MutipleProcessSpec();
                    _spec.Courts = grdCourts.SelectedItems.ToList();
                    radProgressBarDownload.Maximum = grdCourts.SelectedItems.Count;

                    if (rdoUseSpecifiedDate.IsChecked == true)
                        _spec.StartDate = rdpStartDate.SelectedDate;
                        _spec.EndDate   = rdpEndDate.SelectedDate;

                    _spec.FiledOnly        = (bool)rdoFiled.IsChecked;
                    _spec.GeocodeAddresses = (bool)chkGeocodeAddresses.IsChecked;

                    // Kickoff the worker thread to begin it's DoWork function.
        private void bwAsync_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
                // The Sender is the BackgroundWorker object we need it to
                // report progress and check for cancellation.
                BackgroundWorker   bwAsync = sender as BackgroundWorker;
                MutipleProcessSpec _spec   = (MutipleProcessSpec)e.Argument;

                int    i      = 0;
                string _state = "Checking ECF Versions...";
                bwAsync.ReportProgress(0, _state);

                _state = CourtService.CheckECFVersions();
                bwAsync.ReportProgress(0, _state);

                foreach (object _court in _spec.Courts)

                    //refresh court from ID to get version that may have been updated

                    if ((_spec.FiledOnly == true && (((Court)_court).LastPacerLoadFileDate == DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1).ToShortDateString()))) ||
                        (_spec.FiledOnly == false && (((Court)_court).LastPacerLoadDischargeDate == DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1).ToShortDateString()))))
                        //do nothing
                        // Periodically report progress to the main thread so that it can
                        // update the UI.
                        _state = "Downloading cases for  " + ((Court)_court).CourtName + "...";
                        bwAsync.ReportProgress(Convert.ToInt32(i * (100.0 / _courts.Count)), _state);
                        PacerImportTransaction _transaction = new PacerImportTransaction();

                        _transaction.CourtID         = ((Court)_court).ID;
                        _transaction.CourtName       = ((Court)_court).CourtName;
                        _transaction.DischargedCases = !_spec.FiledOnly;

                        if (_spec.StartDate != null)
                            _transaction.StartDate = (DateTime)_spec.StartDate;
                        //filed only cases use the LastPacerLoadFileDate
                        else if (_spec.FiledOnly == true)
                            if (((DateTime)((Court)_court).LastPacerLoadFileDate) > DateTime.MinValue)
                                _transaction.StartDate = ((DateTime)((Court)_court).LastPacerLoadFileDate).AddDays(1);
                                _transaction.StartDate = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1);
                        //discharged cases use the LastPacerLoadFileDate
                        else if (_spec.FiledOnly == false)
                            if (((DateTime)((Court)_court).LastPacerLoadDischargeDate) > DateTime.MinValue)
                                _transaction.StartDate = ((DateTime)((Court)_court).LastPacerLoadDischargeDate).AddDays(1);
                                _transaction.StartDate = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1);

                        if (_spec.EndDate != null)
                            _transaction.EndDate = (DateTime)_spec.EndDate;
                            _transaction.EndDate = DateTime.Parse(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1).ToShortDateString());

                        _transaction.PacerFileFormatID = ((Court)_court).PacerFileFormatID;

                        //check if the transaction overlaps prior periods to avoid extra chanrges, if so throw an error



                        // Periodically check if a Cancellation request is pending.  If the user
                        // clicks cancel the line _asyncWorker.CancelAsync();
                        if (bwAsync.CancellationPending)
                            // Pause for bit to demonstrate that there is time between
                            // "Cancelling..." and "Canceled".
                            // Thread.Sleep(1200);

                            // Set the e.Cancel flag so that the WorkerCompleted event
                            // knows that the process was canceled.
                            e.Cancel = true;
            catch (Exception ex)