private void GoWithdrawAccount_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Account_BO accountBO = new Account_BO(); ArrayList list = new ArrayList(accountBO.readAccount()); ArrayList userBill = new ArrayList(accountBO.getUserBill()); if (searchUserID.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Wrong!!! Enter the information fully"); } else { try { int flag = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { if (list[i].ToString() == searchUserID.Text) { flag = 1; break; } } if (flag == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Sorry!!! This account number isn't Exist"); searchUserID.Clear(); } if (flag == 1) { int m = 0; while (userBill[m].ToString() != searchUserID.Text) { m++; } int b; for (b = m; userBill[b].ToString() != "*"; b++) { } Home_Admin_AccountStatement_Show home_Admin_AccountRemove_Remove = new Home_Admin_AccountStatement_Show(); home_Admin_AccountRemove_Remove.giveIndex(list.IndexOf(list[i].ToString())); home_Admin_AccountRemove_Remove.giveUserBillIndex(m,b); home_Admin_AccountRemove_Remove.Show(); this.Hide(); } } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("No User Exists"); } } }
private void Document_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { setFullScreen(); setMainPanelPosition(); setRightOptionPanel(); rightOptionPnlTimer.Start(); Account_BO ab = new Account_BO(); ArrayList list = new ArrayList(ab.readAccount()); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i=i+13) { totalUserGridView.Rows.Add(list[i].ToString(), list[i + 1].ToString(), list[i + 2].ToString(), list[i + 3].ToString(), list[i + 4].ToString(), list[i + 5].ToString(), list[i + 6].ToString(), list[i + 7].ToString(), list[i + 8].ToString(), list[i + 9].ToString(), list[i+10].ToString()); } totalUser_lbl.Text = ab.getTotalUser().ToString(); }
private void GoRemoveAccount_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Account_BO accountBO = new Account_BO(); ArrayList list = new ArrayList(accountBO.readAccount()); if (searchRemoveAccount.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Wrong!!! Enter the information fully"); } else { try { int flag = 0; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { if (list[i].ToString() == searchRemoveAccount.Text) { Home_Admin_AccountRemove_Remove home_Admin_AccountRemove_Remove = new Home_Admin_AccountRemove_Remove(); home_Admin_AccountRemove_Remove.giveIndex(list.IndexOf(list[i].ToString())); home_Admin_AccountRemove_Remove.Show(); this.Hide(); flag = 1; break; } } if (flag == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Sorry!!! This account number isn't Exist"); searchRemoveAccount.Clear(); } } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("No User Exists"); } } }
private void Home_Admin_AccountWithdraw_Withdraw_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Account_BO account_BO = new Account_BO(); ArrayList list = new ArrayList(account_BO.readAccount()); ArrayList userBill = new ArrayList(account_BO.getUserBill()); setFullScreen(); setMainPanelPosition(); setRightOptionPanel(); rightOptionPnlTimer.Start(); try { int j; for (j = index1; list[j].ToString() != "*****"; j++) { } string k = list[j - 1].ToString(); int index = index1; int temp = index1; userID.Text = list[index].ToString(); userName.Text = list[index + 1].ToString(); address.Text = list[index + 2].ToString(); gender.Text = list[index + 3].ToString(); dateOfBirth.Text = list[index + 4].ToString(); occupation.Text = list[index + 5].ToString(); mob.Text = list[index + 7].ToString(); lan.Text = list[index + 8].ToString(); email.Text = list[index + 9].ToString(); stYear.Text = list[index + 10].ToString(); pictureBox.Load(k); //serYear.Text = list[index2].ToString(); //billing int m = 0; while (userBill[m].ToString() != list[index].ToString()) { m++; } int b; for (b = m; userBill[b].ToString() != "*"; b++) { } DateTime presentDate = DateTime.Now; lastPaidDate_lbl.Text = userBill[b - 3].ToString(); lastPaidAmount_lbl.Text = userBill[b - 2].ToString() + " TK"; previousDue_lbl.Text = userBill[b - 1].ToString() + " TK"; int dueBill = Convert.ToInt32(userBill[b - 1].ToString()); firstDate_lbl.Text = userBill[b-3].ToString(); lastDate_lbl.Text = presentDate.ToShortDateString(); DateTime prevDate = DateTime.Parse(userBill[b - 3].ToString()); TimeSpan defDate = presentDate.Subtract(prevDate); string defDays = defDate.Days.ToString(); double temp1 = (Convert.ToDouble(defDays) / 30); int totalMonth = (int)temp1; totalMonth_lbl.Text = totalMonth.ToString(); totalBill_lbl.Text = (totalMonth * 120 + dueBill).ToString(); /* jan.Text = "DUE"; feb.Text = "DUE"; mar.Text = "DUE"; apr.Text = "DUE"; may.Text = "DUE"; jun.Text = "DUE"; jul.Text = "DUE"; aug.Text = "DUE"; sep.Text = "DUE"; oct.Text = "DUE"; nov.Text = "DUE"; dec.Text = "DUE"; if (index2 - index1 == 10) { for (int i = index2 + 1; list[i].ToString() != "*****"; i++) { if (list[i].ToString() == "January" || list[i].ToString() == "February" || list[i].ToString() == "March" || list[i].ToString() == "April" || list[i].ToString() == "May" || list[i].ToString() == "June" || list[i].ToString() == "July" || list[i].ToString() == "August" || list[i].ToString() == "September" || list[i].ToString() == "October" || list[i].ToString() == "November" || list[i].ToString() == "December") { if (list[i].ToString() == "January") { jan.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "February") { feb.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "March") { mar.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "April") { apr.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "May") { may.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "June") { jun.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "July") { jul.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "August") { aug.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "September") { sep.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "October") { oct.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "November") { nov.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "December") { dec.Text = "PAID"; } } else { break; } } if (list[index2 + 1].ToString() == "February") { jan.Text = "N/A"; } else if (list[index2 + 1].ToString() == "March") { jan.Text = "N/A"; feb.Text = "N/A"; } else if (list[index2 + 1].ToString() == "April") { jan.Text = "N/A"; feb.Text = "N/A"; mar.Text = "N/A"; } else if (list[index2 + 1].ToString() == "May") { jan.Text = "N/A"; feb.Text = "N/A"; mar.Text = "N/A"; apr.Text = "N/A"; } else if (list[index2 + 1].ToString() == "June") { jan.Text = "N/A"; feb.Text = "N/A"; mar.Text = "N/A"; apr.Text = "N/A"; may.Text = "N/A"; } else if (list[index2 + 1].ToString() == "July") { jan.Text = "N/A"; feb.Text = "N/A"; mar.Text = "N/A"; apr.Text = "N/A"; may.Text = "N/A"; jun.Text = "N/A"; } else if (list[index2 + 1].ToString() == "August") { jan.Text = "N/A"; feb.Text = "N/A"; mar.Text = "N/A"; apr.Text = "N/A"; may.Text = "N/A"; jun.Text = "N/A"; jul.Text = "N/A"; } else if (list[index2 + 1].ToString() == "September") { jan.Text = "N/A"; feb.Text = "N/A"; mar.Text = "N/A"; apr.Text = "N/A"; may.Text = "N/A"; jun.Text = "N/A"; jul.Text = "N/A"; aug.Text = "N/A"; } else if (list[index2 + 1].ToString() == "October") { jan.Text = "N/A"; feb.Text = "N/A"; mar.Text = "N/A"; apr.Text = "N/A"; may.Text = "N/A"; jun.Text = "N/A"; jul.Text = "N/A"; aug.Text = "N/A"; sep.Text = "N/A"; } else if (list[index2 + 1].ToString() == "November") { jan.Text = "N/A"; feb.Text = "N/A"; mar.Text = "N/A"; apr.Text = "N/A"; may.Text = "N/A"; jun.Text = "N/A"; jul.Text = "N/A"; aug.Text = "N/A"; sep.Text = "N/A"; oct.Text = "N/A"; } else if (list[index2 + 1].ToString() == "December") { jan.Text = "N/A"; feb.Text = "N/A"; mar.Text = "N/A"; apr.Text = "N/A"; may.Text = "N/A"; jun.Text = "N/A"; jul.Text = "N/A"; aug.Text = "N/A"; sep.Text = "N/A"; oct.Text = "N/A"; nov.Text = "N/A"; } } else { for (int i = index2 + 1; list[i].ToString() != "*****"; i++) { if (list[i].ToString() == "January" || list[i].ToString() == "February" || list[i].ToString() == "March" || list[i].ToString() == "April" || list[i].ToString() == "May" || list[i].ToString() == "June" || list[i].ToString() == "July" || list[i].ToString() == "August" || list[i].ToString() == "September" || list[i].ToString() == "October" || list[i].ToString() == "November" || list[i].ToString() == "December") { if (list[i].ToString() == "January") { jan.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "February") { feb.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "March") { mar.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "April") { apr.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "May") { may.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "June") { jun.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "July") { jul.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "August") { aug.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "September") { sep.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "October") { oct.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "November") { nov.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "December") { dec.Text = "PAID"; } } else { break; } } }*/ } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Error !!!"); } }
private void Home_Admin_Withdraw_Show_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { setFullScreen(); setMainPanelPosition(); setRightOptionPanel(); rightOptionPnlTimer.Start(); Account_BO account_BO = new Account_BO(); ArrayList list = new ArrayList(account_BO.readAccount()); ArrayList userBill = new ArrayList(account_BO.getUserBill()); try { int j; for (j = index1; list[j].ToString() != "*****"; j++) { } string k = list[j - 1].ToString(); int index = index1; int temp = index1; userID.Text = list[index].ToString(); userName.Text = list[index + 1].ToString(); address.Text = list[index + 2].ToString(); gender.Text = list[index + 3].ToString(); dateOfBirth.Text = list[index + 4].ToString(); occupation.Text = list[index + 5].ToString(); mob.Text = list[index + 7].ToString(); lan.Text = list[index + 8].ToString(); email.Text = list[index + 9].ToString(); stYear.Text = list[index + 10].ToString(); pictureBox.Load(k); //serYear.Text = list[index2].ToString(); //billing int m = 0; while (userBill[m].ToString() != list[index].ToString()) { m++; } int b; for (b = m; userBill[b].ToString() != "*"; b++) { } DateTime presentDate = DateTime.Now; lastPaidDate_lbl.Text = userBill[b - 3].ToString(); lastPaidAmount_lbl.Text = userBill[b - 2].ToString() + " TK"; previousDue_lbl.Text = userBill[b - 1].ToString() + " TK"; int dueBill = Convert.ToInt32(userBill[b - 1].ToString()); firstDate_lbl.Text = userBill[b - 3].ToString(); lastDate_lbl.Text = presentDate.ToShortDateString(); DateTime prevDate = DateTime.Parse(userBill[b - 3].ToString()); TimeSpan defDate = presentDate.Subtract(prevDate); string defDays = defDate.Days.ToString(); double temp1 = (Convert.ToDouble(defDays) / 30); int totalMonth = (int)temp1; totalMonth_lbl.Text = totalMonth.ToString(); totalBill_lbl.Text = (totalMonth * 120 + dueBill).ToString() + " TK"; } catch { } }
private void Pay_btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Account_BO account_BO = new Account_BO(); ArrayList list = new ArrayList(account_BO.readAccount()); ArrayList userBill = new ArrayList(account_BO.getUserBill()); try { int temp = index1; int i; int k = 1; ; for (i = index1; list[i].ToString() != "*****"; i++) { k++; } int m = 0; while (userBill[m].ToString() != list[index1].ToString()) { m++; } int n; int o = 1; for (n = m; userBill[n].ToString() != "*"; n++) { o++; } userBill.RemoveRange(m, o); list.RemoveRange(temp, k); account_BO.createAccount(list); account_BO.decreaseTotalUser(); account_BO.setUserBill(userBill); MessageBox.Show("Account remove successfull..."); this.Hide(); Home_Admin home_Admin = new Home_Admin(); home_Admin.Show(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Wrong!!!"); } }
private void Home_Admin_AccountRemove_Remove_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Account_BO account_BO = new Account_BO(); ArrayList list = new ArrayList(account_BO.readAccount()); setFullScreen(); setMainPanelPosition(); setRightOptionPanel(); rightOptionPnlTimer.Start(); int j; for (j = index1; list[j].ToString() != "*****"; j++) { } string k = list[j - 1].ToString(); int index = index1; int temp = index1; userID.Text = list[index].ToString(); userName.Text = list[index + 1].ToString(); address.Text = list[index + 2].ToString(); gender.Text = list[index + 3].ToString(); dateOfBirth.Text = list[index + 4].ToString(); occupation.Text = list[index + 5].ToString(); mob.Text = list[index + 7].ToString(); lan.Text = list[index + 8].ToString(); email.Text = list[index + 9].ToString(); stDate.Text = list[index + 10].ToString(); pictureBox.Load(k); }
private void Create_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { Account_BO account_Bo = new Account_BO(); Account_ENTITY account_Entity = new Account_ENTITY(); ArrayList bill = new ArrayList(account_Bo.getUserBill()); ArrayList listAccount = new ArrayList(account_Bo.readAccount()); try { if (userName.Text != "" &&entryDate_dtp.Text != null && ocupation_TextBox.Text != null && userID.Text != "" && genderCombo.Text != null && address.Text != "" && phoneNo.Text != "" && landline.Text != null && emailID.Text != null && this.dateOfBirth.Text != null && regFee != null && imagePath != null) { if (Convert.ToDouble(regFee.Text) == 120) { int flag = 0; for (int i = 0; i < listAccount.Count; i++) { if (listAccount[i].ToString() == userID.Text) { MessageBox.Show("Wrong!!! This User ID is already in used"); flag = 1; break; } } account_Entity.identity = "*****"; account_Entity.userID = userID.Text; account_Entity.userName = userName.Text; account_Entity.address = address.Text; account_Entity.gender = genderCombo.Text; account_Entity.dateOfBirth = dateOfBirth.Text; account_Entity.occupation = ocupation_TextBox.Text; account_Entity.regFee = Convert.ToInt32(regFee.Text); account_Entity.phoneNo = phoneNo.Text; account_Entity.landlineNo = landline.Text; account_Entity.emailID = emailID.Text; account_Entity.imagePath = imagePath; account_Entity.entryDate = entryDate_dtp.Text; if (flag == 0) { listAccount.Add(account_Entity.userID); listAccount.Add(account_Entity.userName); listAccount.Add(account_Entity.address); listAccount.Add(account_Entity.gender); listAccount.Add(account_Entity.dateOfBirth); listAccount.Add(account_Entity.occupation); listAccount.Add(account_Entity.regFee); listAccount.Add(account_Entity.phoneNo); listAccount.Add(account_Entity.landlineNo); listAccount.Add(account_Entity.emailID); listAccount.Add(account_Entity.entryDate); listAccount.Add(imagePath); listAccount.Add(account_Entity.identity); account_Bo.createAccount(listAccount); account_Bo.increaseTotalUser(); bill.Add(account_Entity.userID); bill.Add(account_Entity.entryDate); bill.Add(account_Entity.regFee); bill.Add("0"); bill.Add("*"); account_Bo.setUserBill(bill); try { Account_BO account_BO = new Account_BO(); ArrayList cost = new ArrayList(); ArrayList temp = new ArrayList(); cost = account_BO.getOwnerincome(); int f = 0; for (int i = 0; i < cost.Count; i++) { temp.Add(cost[i].ToString()); if (cost[i].ToString() == entryDate_dtp.Text) { temp.Add("Bill"); temp.Add(regFee.Text); for (int m = i + 1; m < cost.Count; m++) { temp.Add(cost[m].ToString()); } account_BO.setOwerIncome(temp); f = 1; } } if (f == 0) { cost.Add(entryDate_dtp.Text); cost.Add("Bill"); cost.Add(regFee.Text); cost.Add("*"); account_BO.setOwerIncome(cost); } } catch { } MessageBox.Show("The Account create successful"); account_Bo.setID_Generator(); Home_Admin ha = new Home_Admin(); this.Hide(); ha.Show(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Wrong!! You have to must deposit at least 120TK"); regFee.Clear(); } } else MessageBox.Show("Wrong!!! Enter the information fully"); } catch (Exception e1) { MessageBox.Show(e1.Message); } }
private void GoWithdrawAccount_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Account_BO accountBO = new Account_BO(); ArrayList list = new ArrayList(accountBO.readAccount()); if (searchUserID.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("Wrong!!! Enter the information fully"); } else { try { int flag = 0; int i1 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { if (list[i].ToString() == searchUserID.Text) { flag = 1; i1 = i; break; } } /* for (int i = i1; list[i].ToString() != "*****"; i++) { if (list[i].ToString() == stYear.Text) { flag1 = 1; i2 = i; break; } }*/ if (flag == 1) { try { Home_Admin_AccountWithdraw_Withdraw home_Admin_AccountWithdraw_Withdraw = new Home_Admin_AccountWithdraw_Withdraw(); home_Admin_AccountWithdraw_Withdraw.giveIndex(i1); //home_Admin_AccountWithdraw_Withdraw.giveYear(i2); this.Hide(); home_Admin_AccountWithdraw_Withdraw.Show(); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Error!!!"); } } if (flag == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Sorry!!! This account number isn't Exist"); searchUserID.Clear(); } /* if (flag1 == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Sorry!!! This year isn't Exist"); stYear.ResetText(); }*/ } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("No User Exists"); } } }
public void Home_Admin_AccountStatement_Show_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Account_BO account_BO = new Account_BO(); ArrayList list = new ArrayList(account_BO.readAccount()); ArrayList userBill = new ArrayList(account_BO.getUserBill()); setFullScreen(); setMainPanelPosition(); setRightOptionPanel(); rightOptionPnlTimer.Start(); try { int j; for (j = index1; list[j].ToString() != "*****"; j++) { } string k = list[j - 1].ToString(); int index = index1; int temp = index1; userID.Text = list[index].ToString(); userName.Text = list[index + 1].ToString(); address.Text = list[index + 2].ToString(); gender.Text = list[index + 3].ToString(); dateOfBirth.Text = list[index + 4].ToString(); occupation.Text = list[index + 5].ToString(); mob.Text = list[index + 7].ToString(); lan.Text = list[index + 8].ToString(); email.Text = list[index + 9].ToString(); stYear.Text = list[index + 10].ToString(); pictureBox.Load(k); userDataGridView.Rows.Clear(); for (int i = f +1; i < l; i = i+3) { userDataGridView.Rows.Add(userBill[i].ToString(), userBill[i + 1].ToString(), userBill[i + 2].ToString()); } /*jan.Text = "DUE"; feb.Text = "DUE"; mar.Text = "DUE"; apr.Text = "DUE"; may.Text = "DUE"; jun.Text = "DUE"; jul.Text = "DUE"; aug.Text = "DUE"; sep.Text = "DUE"; oct.Text = "DUE"; nov.Text = "DUE"; dec.Text = "DUE"; if (index2 - index1 == 10) { for (int i = index2 + 1; list[i].ToString() != "*****"; i++) { if (list[i].ToString() == "January" || list[i].ToString() == "February" || list[i].ToString() == "March" || list[i].ToString() == "April" || list[i].ToString() == "May" || list[i].ToString() == "June" || list[i].ToString() == "July" || list[i].ToString() == "August" || list[i].ToString() == "September" || list[i].ToString() == "October" || list[i].ToString() == "November" || list[i].ToString() == "December") { if (list[i].ToString() == "January") { jan.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "February") { feb.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "March") { mar.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "April") { apr.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "May") { may.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "June") { jun.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "July") { jul.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "August") { aug.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "September") { sep.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "October") { oct.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "November") { nov.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "December") { dec.Text = "PAID"; } } else { break; } } if (list[index2 + 1].ToString() == "February") { jan.Text = "N/A"; } else if (list[index2 + 1].ToString() == "March") { jan.Text = "N/A"; feb.Text = "N/A"; } else if (list[index2 + 1].ToString() == "April") { jan.Text = "N/A"; feb.Text = "N/A"; mar.Text = "N/A"; } else if (list[index2 + 1].ToString() == "May") { jan.Text = "N/A"; feb.Text = "N/A"; mar.Text = "N/A"; apr.Text = "N/A"; } else if (list[index2 + 1].ToString() == "June") { jan.Text = "N/A"; feb.Text = "N/A"; mar.Text = "N/A"; apr.Text = "N/A"; may.Text = "N/A"; } else if (list[index2 + 1].ToString() == "July") { jan.Text = "N/A"; feb.Text = "N/A"; mar.Text = "N/A"; apr.Text = "N/A"; may.Text = "N/A"; jun.Text = "N/A"; } else if (list[index2 + 1].ToString() == "August") { jan.Text = "N/A"; feb.Text = "N/A"; mar.Text = "N/A"; apr.Text = "N/A"; may.Text = "N/A"; jun.Text = "N/A"; jul.Text = "N/A"; } else if (list[index2 + 1].ToString() == "September") { jan.Text = "N/A"; feb.Text = "N/A"; mar.Text = "N/A"; apr.Text = "N/A"; may.Text = "N/A"; jun.Text = "N/A"; jul.Text = "N/A"; aug.Text = "N/A"; } else if (list[index2 + 1].ToString() == "October") { jan.Text = "N/A"; feb.Text = "N/A"; mar.Text = "N/A"; apr.Text = "N/A"; may.Text = "N/A"; jun.Text = "N/A"; jul.Text = "N/A"; aug.Text = "N/A"; sep.Text = "N/A"; } else if (list[index2 + 1].ToString() == "November") { jan.Text = "N/A"; feb.Text = "N/A"; mar.Text = "N/A"; apr.Text = "N/A"; may.Text = "N/A"; jun.Text = "N/A"; jul.Text = "N/A"; aug.Text = "N/A"; sep.Text = "N/A"; oct.Text = "N/A"; } else if (list[index2 + 1].ToString() == "December") { jan.Text = "N/A"; feb.Text = "N/A"; mar.Text = "N/A"; apr.Text = "N/A"; may.Text = "N/A"; jun.Text = "N/A"; jul.Text = "N/A"; aug.Text = "N/A"; sep.Text = "N/A"; oct.Text = "N/A"; nov.Text = "N/A"; } } else { for (int i = index2 + 1; list[i].ToString() != "*****"; i++) { if (list[i].ToString() == "January" || list[i].ToString() == "February" || list[i].ToString() == "March" || list[i].ToString() == "April" || list[i].ToString() == "May" || list[i].ToString() == "June" || list[i].ToString() == "July" || list[i].ToString() == "August" || list[i].ToString() == "September" || list[i].ToString() == "October" || list[i].ToString() == "November" || list[i].ToString() == "December") { if (list[i].ToString() == "January") { jan.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "February") { feb.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "March") { mar.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "April") { apr.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "May") { may.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "June") { jun.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "July") { jul.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "August") { aug.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "September") { sep.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "October") { oct.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "November") { nov.Text = "PAID"; } else if (list[i].ToString() == "December") { dec.Text = "PAID"; } } else { break; } } } /* if (index2 - index1 == 5) { if (list[index2 + 1].ToString() == "February") { dt.Rows.Add("PAID"); } else if (list[index2 + 1].ToString() == "February") { dt.Rows.Add("NILL","PAID"); } else if (list[index2 + 1].ToString() == "March") { dt.Rows.Add("NILL", "NILL","PAID"); } else if (list[index2 + 1].ToString() == "April") { dt.Rows.Add("NILL", "NILL","NILL","PAID"); } else if (list[index2 + 1].ToString() == "May") { dt.Rows.Add("NILL", "NILL","NILL","NILL","PAID"); } else if (list[index2 + 1].ToString() == "June") { dt.Rows.Add("NILL", "NILL", "NILL", "NILL","NILL", "PAID"); } else if (list[index2 + 1].ToString() == "July") { dt.Rows.Add("NILL", "NILL", "NILL", "NILL", "NILL","NILL","PAID"); } else if (list[index2 + 1].ToString() == "August") { dt.Rows.Add("NILL", "NILL", "NILL", "NILL", "NILL","NILL","NILL","PAID"); } else if (list[index2 + 1].ToString() == "September") { dt.Rows.Add("NILL", "NILL", "NILL", "NILL", "NILL", "NILL", "NILL","NILL", "PAID"); } else if (list[index2 + 1].ToString() == "October") { dt.Rows.Add("NILL", "NILL", "NILL", "NILL", "NILL", "NILL", "NILL", "NILL","NILL", "PAID"); } else if (list[index2 + 1].ToString() == "November") { dt.Rows.Add("NILL", "NILL", "NILL", "NILL", "NILL", "NILL", "NILL", "NILL", "NILL","NILL", "PAID"); } else if (list[index2 + 1].ToString() == "December") { dt.Rows.Add("NILL", "NILL", "NILL", "NILL", "NILL", "NILL", "NILL", "NILL", "NILL","NILL","NILL", "PAID"); } } /*for (int i = index2 + 1; list[i].ToString() != "*****"; i++) { if (list[i].ToString() == "January" || list[i].ToString() == "February" || list[i].ToString() == "March" || list[i].ToString() == "April" || list[i].ToString() == "May" || list[i].ToString() == "June" || list[i].ToString() == "July" || list[i].ToString() == "August" || list[i].ToString() == "September" || list[i].ToString() == "October" || list[i].ToString() == "November" || list[i].ToString() == "December") { if (list[i].ToString() == "January") { lt.SubItems.Add("PAID"); } if (list[i].ToString() == "February") { lt.SubItems.Add("PAID"); } if (list[i].ToString() == "March") { lt.SubItems.Add("PAID"); } if (list[i].ToString() == "April") { lt.SubItems.Add("PAID"); } if (list[i].ToString() == "May") { lt.SubItems.Add("PAID"); } if (list[i].ToString() == "June") { lt.SubItems.Add("PAID"); } if (list[i].ToString() == "July") { lt.SubItems.Add("PAID"); } if (list[i].ToString() == "August") { lt.SubItems.Add("PAID"); } if (list[i].ToString() == "September") { lt.SubItems.Add("PAID"); } if (list[i].ToString() == "October") { lt.SubItems.Add("PAID"); } if (list[i].ToString() == "November") { lt.SubItems.Add("PAID"); } if (list[i].ToString() == "December") { lt.SubItems.Add("PAID"); } } else { break; } }*/ } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Error !!!"); } }
private void update_Create_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Account_BO account_BO = new Account_BO(); ArrayList list = new ArrayList(account_BO.readAccount()); try { int temp = index1; if (update_userName_txt.Text != "" && update_Ocupation_TextBox.Text != null && update_Gender_com.Text != null && update_address.Text != null && update_phoneNo.Text != "" && update_Landline.Text != null && update_EmailID.Text != null && imagePath != null && update_dop_dtp.Text != null) { list[temp + 1] = update_userName_txt.Text; list[temp + 2] = update_address.Text; list[temp + 3] = update_Gender_com.Text; list[temp + 4] = update_dop_dtp.Text; list[temp + 5] = update_Ocupation_TextBox.Text; list[temp + 7] = update_phoneNo.Text; list[temp + 8] = update_Landline.Text; list[temp + 9] = update_EmailID.Text; int i; for (i = index1; list[i].ToString() != "*****"; i++) { } int j = i - 1; list[j] = imagePath; account_BO.createAccount(list); Home_Admin_AccountUpdate_Update_Show home_Admin_AccountStatement_Update_Show = new Home_Admin_AccountUpdate_Update_Show(); home_Admin_AccountStatement_Update_Show.giveIndex(index1); home_Admin_AccountStatement_Update_Show.Show(); this.Hide(); } else MessageBox.Show("Wrong!!! Enter the information carefully"); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Error !!"); } }