private void btnSbmt_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string confirme = txtBoxCurrPass.Text; string newUsername = txtBoxNewUsername.Text; if (info.GetType() == typeof(AdminClass)) { AdminClass admin = (AdminClass)info; bool done = admin.ChangeUsername(confirme, newUsername); if (done) { MessageBox.Show("Username updated succssesfully"); Application.Exit(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Enter a correct password"); } } else if (info.GetType() == typeof(CustomerClass)) { CustomerClass customer = (CustomerClass)info; bool done = customer.ChangeUserName(confirme, newUsername); if (done) { MessageBox.Show("Username updated succssesfully"); Application.Exit(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Enter a correct password"); } } }
public ViewTransactions(Object o) { InitializeComponent(); dataGridView1.AutoGenerateColumns = true; dataGridView1.RowsDefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.LightGray; dataGridView1.AlternatingRowsDefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.White; if (o.GetType() == typeof(AdminClass)) { AdminClass adminInfo = (AdminClass)o; dataGridView1.DataSource = adminInfo.GetTransactionReport().Tables[0]; } else if (o.GetType() == typeof(CustomerClass)) { CustomerClass customer = (CustomerClass)o; dataGridView1.DataSource = customer.getTransactions().Tables[0]; } dataGridView1.Columns[3].DisplayIndex = 0; dataGridView1.Columns[0].DisplayIndex = 1; dataGridView1.Columns[1].DisplayIndex = 2; dataGridView1.Columns[2].DisplayIndex = 3; dataGridView1.Columns[4].DisplayIndex = 4; dataGridView1.Columns[0].HeaderText = "From Account Number"; dataGridView1.Columns[1].HeaderText = "To Account Number"; dataGridView1.Columns[2].HeaderText = "IBAN"; dataGridView1.Columns[3].HeaderText = "Date / Time"; dataGridView1.Columns[4].HeaderText = "Transfer Amount"; }
public PayBills(CustomerClass cl) { List <string> l = new List <string>(); c = cl; ds = c.GetCooperativeName(); foreach (DataTable table in ds.Tables) { foreach (DataRow dr in table.Rows) { l.Add(dr[0].ToString()); } } if (l.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("There Is No Bills !!"); this.Close(); } else { InitializeComponent(); foreach (string s in l) { comboBox1.Items.Add(s); } this.Show(); } }
private void btnSbmtLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int idx = cmboUserType.SelectedIndex; if (idx == 0) { this.Hide(); AdminMasterClass master = new AdminMasterClass(txtbxUsernameLogin.Text, txtbxPassLogin.Text); if (master.Login()) { AdminMaster adminMaster = new AdminMaster(master); adminMaster.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Please Enter Correct Username and Password"); Application.Restart(); } } else if (idx == 1) { this.Hide(); AdminClass a = new AdminClass(txtbxUsernameLogin.Text, txtbxPassLogin.Text); if (a.Login()) { Admin admin = new Admin(a); admin.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Please Enter Correct Username and Password!"); Application.Restart(); } } else if (idx == 2) { this.Hide(); CustomerClass cstmr = new CustomerClass(txtbxUsernameLogin.Text, txtbxPassLogin.Text); if (cstmr.Login()) { Customer customer = new Customer(cstmr); customer.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Please Enter Correct Username and Password!"); Application.Restart(); } } }
public ShowCustomerInfo(CustomerClass cus) { InitializeComponent(); txtBxAccount.Text = cus.AccountNumber; txtBxAccountType.Text = cus.AccountType; txtBxAddress.Text = cus.StreetAddress; txtBxBalance.Text = cus.Balance.ToString(); txtBxCreationDate.Text = cus.Created.ToString(); txtBxDateOfBirth.Text = cus.Birth.ToString(); txtBxExpDate.Text = cus.Expired.ToString(); txtBxFName.Text = cus.Fname; txtBxGender.Text = cus.Gender; txtBxLName.Text = cus.Lname; txtBxMName.Text = cus.Mname; txtBxNationality.Text = cus.Nation; txtBxPhone.Text = cus.PhoneNumber; }
public Customer(CustomerClass c) { InitializeComponent(); customerInfo = c; string username = c.UserName; if (username.Length > 8) { string tmp = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { tmp += username[i]; } tmp += ".."; username = tmp; } lblUserName.Text = username; }
private void btnSbmt_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string confirme = txtBoxCurrPass.Text; string newPass = txtBoxNewPass.Text; string confirmNewPass = txtBoxConfirmPass.Text; if (newPass.Equals(confirmNewPass)) { if (info.GetType() == typeof(AdminClass)) { AdminClass admin = (AdminClass)info; bool done = admin.ChangePassword(confirme, newPass); if (done) { MessageBox.Show("Password updated succssesfully"); Application.Exit(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Enter a correct password"); } } else if (info.GetType() == typeof(CustomerClass)) { CustomerClass customer = (CustomerClass)info; bool done = customer.ChangePassword(confirme, newPass, confirmNewPass); if (done) { MessageBox.Show("Password updated succssesfully"); Application.Exit(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Enter a correct password"); } } } else { MessageBox.Show("New passwords don't match!"); } }
public TransferSameBank(CustomerClass customerinfo) { InitializeComponent(); c = customerinfo; }