public static void BadOrbit(int FGIAvoid) { print("[BMSHyperdrive]: Activating BMSHyperdrive.BadStuff.BadOrbit. Cleverly inventing new destination."); ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("Unfortunately, your jump drive malfunctioned, and it will now be taking you to anywhere but your destination.", 7, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER); List <CelestialBody> Bodies = FlightGlobals.Bodies; System.Random rnd = new System.Random(); int TargetFGI = rnd.Next(1, Bodies.Count); if (TargetFGI != FGIAvoid) { WarpDriver.MedTechWarp(Bodies[TargetFGI], 1200000); } else { int NewTarget = rnd.Next(1, Bodies.Count); if (NewTarget == FGIAvoid) { print("[IID]: Error. Could not go to anywhere but the target. Unexisting vessel."); ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("The infinite improbability drive has failed, and will now unexist you.", 7, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER); Unexist(); } else { WarpDriver.MedTechWarp(Bodies[FGIAvoid], 1200000); } } }
public virtual void BMSHyperdrive() { try { float RandomLimitValue = (PlanetCount + 1); print("[BMSHyperdrive]: Bodies loaded. Number of bodies: " + PlanetCount + "."); if (Bodies[TargetFGI] != null) { print(Utils.Log("starting. Jumping to body: " + Bodies[TargetFGI] + ".")); ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage(Utils.Log("starting.Jumping to body: " + Bodies[TargetFGI] + "."), 5, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER); WarpDriver.LowTechWarp(Bodies[TargetFGI], timeError); } else { Debug.LogError("Exception: List " + Bodies + "Contains no instance of an object with type CelestialBody at list place " + TargetFGI + "."); ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("Sorry, the BMSHyperdrive cannot jump to that location. We also cannot open the pod bay doors. Blame the engineers.", 5, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER); throw new NullReferenceException(); return; } } catch (NullReferenceException nre) { Debug.LogError(nre.Message); Debug.LogError("List " + Bodies + "Contains no instance of an object with type CelestialBody at list place " + TargetFGI + "."); } }
public virtual void BackHomeDrive() { List <CelestialBody> Bodies = FlightGlobals.Bodies; ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("[BMSHyperdrive]: starting.Jumping to body: " + Bodies[1] + ".", 5, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER); WarpDriver.LowTechWarp(Bodies[1], 23000); }
public virtual void BMSHyperdrive() { List <CelestialBody> Bodies = FlightGlobals.Bodies; int PlanetCount = Bodies.Count; float RandomLimitValue = (PlanetCount + 1); print(Utils.Log("Bodies loaded. Number of bodies: " + PlanetCount + ".")); System.Random rnd = new System.Random(); int TargetFGI = rnd.Next(1, PlanetCount); int ProbabilityGen = rnd.Next(1, (int)Unexistor2); if (ProbabilityGen == 32 && settings.allowExistFail) { BadStuff.Unexist(); } if (ProbabilityGen == 73 && settings.allowKerbalDeath) { BadStuff.CrewDie(); } if (ProbabilityGen == 42 && settings.allowBadOrbit) { BadStuff.BadOrbit(TargetFGI); } else { if (Bodies[TargetFGI] != null) { print(Utils.Log("starting. Jumping to body: " + Bodies[TargetFGI] + ".")); ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("BMSHyperdrive starting.Jumping to body: " + Bodies[TargetFGI] + ".", 5, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER); WarpDriver.MedTechWarp(Bodies[TargetFGI], timeError); } else { Debug.Log(Utils.Log("NullReferenceException: List " + Bodies + "Contains no instance of an object of type CelestialBody at index " + TargetFGI + ".")); ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("Sorry, the BMSHyperdrive cannot jump to that location. We also cannot open the pod bay doors. Blame the engineers.", 5, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER); NullRef(); return; } } }
public virtual void BMSHyperdrive() { List <CelestialBody> Bodies = FlightGlobals.Bodies; int PlanetCount = Bodies.Count; int RandomLimiter = (PlanetCount + 1); print(Utils.Log("Bodies loaded. Number of bodies: " + PlanetCount + ".")); System.Random rnd = new System.Random(); //Linux is the best- TMSP int TargetFGI = rnd.Next(1, RandomLimiter); if (Bodies[TargetFGI] != null) { ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("BMSHyperdrive starting.Jumping to body: " + Bodies[TargetFGI] + ".", 5, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER); print(Utils.Log("starting. Jumping to body: " + Bodies[TargetFGI] + ".")); WarpDriver.MedTechWarp(Bodies[TargetFGI], timeError); } else { ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("Sorry, the BMSHyperdrive cannot jump to that location. We also cannot open the pod bay doors. Blame the engineers.", 5, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER); NullRef(); return; } }
public virtual void Eeloo() { List <CelestialBody> Bodies = FlightGlobals.Bodies; WarpDriver.MedTechWarp(Bodies[16], 23000); }
public virtual void NobodyLikesDres() { List <CelestialBody> Bodies = FlightGlobals.Bodies; WarpDriver.MedTechWarp(Bodies[15], 23000); }
public virtual void ThatOneSpeck() { List <CelestialBody> Bodies = FlightGlobals.Bodies; WarpDriver.MedTechWarp(Bodies[13], 23000); }
public virtual void BoppingBop() { List <CelestialBody> Bodies = FlightGlobals.Bodies; WarpDriver.MedTechWarp(Bodies[11], 23000); }
public virtual void JoolIsCool() { List <CelestialBody> Bodies = FlightGlobals.Bodies; WarpDriver.MedTechWarp(Bodies[8], 23000); }
public virtual void ILikeIke() { List <CelestialBody> Bodies = FlightGlobals.Bodies; WarpDriver.MedTechWarp(Bodies[7], 23000); }
public virtual void BackHomeDrive() { List <CelestialBody> Bodies = FlightGlobals.Bodies; WarpDriver.MedTechWarp(Bodies[1], 23000); }