Example #1
        private void grvLink_CellValueChanged(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.CellValueChangedEventArgs e)
            if (e.Column == colNumberDay || e.Column == colPersonNumber || e.Column == colNCType)
                decimal numberDay    = TextUtils.ToDecimal(grvLink.GetFocusedRowCellValue(colNumberDay));
                decimal personNumber = TextUtils.ToDecimal(grvLink.GetFocusedRowCellValue(colPersonNumber));
                decimal qty          = TextUtils.ToDecimal(grvLink.GetFocusedRowCellValue(colQty));
                decimal pricePerDay  = 0;// TextUtils.ToDecimal(grvLink.GetFocusedRowCellValue(colPricePerDay));

                if (e.Column == colNCType)
                    string ncType = TextUtils.ToString(grvLink.GetFocusedRowCellValue(colNCType));
                    int    costID = TextUtils.ToInt(grvLink.GetFocusedRowCellValue(colC_CostID));
                    string sql    = "select Price from C_CostNCType where C_CostID = " + costID + " and CostNCType = '" + ncType + "'";

                    pricePerDay = TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibQLSX.ExcuteScalar(sql));
                    pricePerDay = TextUtils.ToDecimal(grvLink.GetFocusedRowCellValue(colPricePerDay));

                grvLink.SetFocusedRowCellValue(colPricePerDay, pricePerDay);

                decimal price = numberDay * personNumber * pricePerDay;

                grvLink.SetFocusedRowCellValue(colPrice, price);
                grvLink.SetFocusedRowCellValue(colTongTien, qty * price);
Example #2
        private void cboProject_EditValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (cboProject.EditValue == null)
            string sql = "select sum(TotalReal*Price) from vGetProductOfProject1 where ProjectId = '" + TextUtils.ToString(cboProject.EditValue) + "'";

            txtPrice.EditValue = LibQLSX.ExcuteScalar(sql);
Example #3
        void saveDN(ProcessTransaction pt, int count, DataRow row)
            int     stt = TextUtils.ToInt(row["F1"]);
            decimal qty = TextUtils.ToDecimal(row["F7"]);

            C_QuotationDetail_SXModel item = new C_QuotationDetail_SXModel();

            item.C_QuotationID = Quotation.ID;
            item.ParentID      = 0;
            item.Qty           = item.QtyT = qty;
            item.PriceVT       = TextUtils.ToDecimal(row["F41"]);
            item.PriceVTTN     = TextUtils.ToDecimal(row["F42"]);
            item.PriceVTPS     = TextUtils.ToDecimal(row["F43"]);
            item.Manufacture   = TextUtils.ToString(row["F4"]);
            item.ModuleCode    = TextUtils.ToString(row["F3"]);
            item.ModuleName    = TextUtils.ToString(row["F2"]);
            item.Origin        = TextUtils.ToString(row["F5"]);

            item.C_ProductGroupID = TextUtils.ToInt(LibQLSX.ExcuteScalar("select ID from C_ProductGroup where Code = '" + TextUtils.ToString(row["F6"]) + "'"));

            item.ID = (int)pt.Insert(item);
            row["ID"] = item.ID;

            DataRow[] drs = _dtData.Select("F1 like '" + stt + ".%'");
            foreach (DataRow rowC in drs)
                decimal qtyC      = TextUtils.ToDecimal(rowC["F7"]);
                string  groupCode = TextUtils.ToString(rowC["F6"]);

                int groupID = TextUtils.ToInt(LibQLSX.ExcuteScalar("select ID from C_ProductGroup where Code = '" + groupCode + "'"));

                C_QuotationDetail_SXModel itemC = new C_QuotationDetail_SXModel();
                itemC.C_QuotationID    = Quotation.ID;
                itemC.ParentID         = item.ID;
                itemC.C_ProductGroupID = groupID;

                itemC.Qty       = qtyC;
                itemC.QtyT      = qtyC / item.Qty;
                itemC.PriceVT   = TextUtils.ToDecimal(rowC["F41"]);
                itemC.PriceVTTN = TextUtils.ToDecimal(row["F42"]);
                itemC.PriceVTPS = TextUtils.ToDecimal(row["F43"]);

                itemC.ModuleName  = TextUtils.ToString(rowC["F2"]);
                itemC.ModuleCode  = TextUtils.ToString(rowC["F3"]);
                itemC.Manufacture = TextUtils.ToString(rowC["F4"]);
                itemC.Origin      = TextUtils.ToString(rowC["F5"]);

                itemC.ID   = (int)pt.Insert(itemC);
                rowC["ID"] = itemC.ID;
Example #4
        private void frmShowStaff_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

            if (Model.ID != 0)
                txtBankAccount.Text         = Model.BankAccount;
                txtBHXH.Text                = Model.BHXH;
                txtBHYT.Text                = Model.BHYT;
                dtpBirthOfDate.EditValue    = Model.BirthOfDate;
                txtCMTND.Text               = Model.CMTND;
                txtCode.Text                = Model.Code;
                cboDepartment.SelectedValue = Model.DepartmentID;
                txtEmail.Text               = Model.Email;
                txtEmailCom.Text            = Model.EmailCom;
                txtFullName.Text            = Model.FullName;
                txtTelephone.Text           = Model.HandPhone;
                txtHomeAddress.Text         = Model.HomeAddress;
                txtJobDescription.Text      = Model.JobDescription;
                txtLoginName.Text           = Model.LoginName;
                txtMST.Text               = Model.MST;
                txtPasswordHash.Text      = MD5.DecryptPassword(Model.PasswordHash);
                txtPosition.Text          = Model.Position;
                txtQualifications.Text    = Model.Qualifications;
                cboSex.SelectedIndex      = Model.Sex;
                dtpStartWorking.EditValue = Model.StartWorking;
                pictureBox1.ImageLocation = Model.ImagePath;
                cboStatus.SelectedIndex   = Model.Status;
                lookUpEdit1.EditValue     = Model.UserGroupID;
                if (Model.UserGroupSXID > 0)
                    cboGroup.EditValue = Model.UserGroupSXID;
                    cboGroup.EditValue = LibQLSX.ExcuteScalar("select top 1 UserGroup1ID from Users with(nolock) where Account = '" + Model.LoginName + "'");

                if (txtLoginName.Text != "")
                    chkHasUser.Checked = true;
                txtPasswordHash.Text = "123456";
Example #5
        private void cboOrder_EditValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string orderId = TextUtils.ToString(grvCboOrder.GetFocusedRowCellValue(colOrderID));

            if (orderId == "")

            _type         = 0;
            _countProject = 0;

            cboUser.EditValue          = null;
            cboSupplier.EditValue      = null;
            cboNguoiPhuTrach.EditValue = null;

            txtCode.Text = TextUtils.ToString(grvCboOrder.GetFocusedRowCellValue(colOrderCode));
            txtName.Text = TextUtils.ToString(grvCboOrder.GetFocusedRowCellValue(colOrderSupplierName));

            DataTable dtPrice = loadPartOfOrder(txtCode.Text);

            decimal totalTransfer = TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibIE.ExcuteScalar("SELECT * FROM V_XNTC_VUVIEC WHERE (C_MA = '"
                                                                           + txtCode.Text.Trim() + "') AND (FK_TKCO LIKE '111%' OR FK_TKCO LIKE '112%') AND (FK_TKNO LIKE '331%') and C_KHACHHANG_MA = '"
                                                                           + TextUtils.ToString(grvCboOrder.GetFocusedRowCellValue(colOrderSupplierCode)) + "'"));

            decimal totalPrice = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtPrice.Compute("Sum(TotalPrice)", ""));

            txtTotalTH.EditValue  = totalPrice;
            txtDiffCost.EditValue = TextUtils.ToDecimal(grvCboOrder.GetFocusedRowCellValue(colOrderDiffCost));

            //Tính lại công thức lấy tổng tiền PO = tiền hàng + vat + chi phí vận chuyển 10/03/2018
            decimal deliveryNew = TextUtils.ToDecimal(
                LibQLSX.ExcuteScalar("select isnull(sum(isnull(Amount,0) ),0) FROM [dbo].vTransport where [OrderId]='" + orderId + "'")

            txtDeliveryCost.EditValue = deliveryNew;

            txtVAT.EditValue = TextUtils.ToDecimal(grvCboOrder.GetFocusedRowCellValue(colOrderVAT));
            decimal total = (TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalTH.EditValue) + TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtDiffCost.EditValue) + TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtDeliveryCost.EditValue));

            total = total + (TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtVAT.EditValue) * total / 100);
            txtTotal.EditValue = total;

            txtTotalTransfer.EditValue = totalTransfer;
            txtTotalRest.EditValue     = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotal.EditValue) - TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotalTransfer.EditValue);

            txtPercentPay.Text = "100";
            chkTM.Checked      = true;

            txtTM.EditValue = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtTotal.EditValue) * TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtPercentPay.EditValue) / 100;
            txtCK.EditValue = 0;

            DataTable     dtProject   = LibQLSX.Select("select * from vGetProjectWithOrder with(nolock) where OrderId = '" + orderId + "'");
            List <string> listProject = new List <string>();

            foreach (DataRow row in dtProject.Rows)
                string projectCode = TextUtils.ToString(row["ProjectCode"]) == "" ? "Mua vật tư sản xuất chung" : TextUtils.ToString(row["ProjectCode"]);
                if (!listProject.Contains(projectCode))

            cboNguoiPhuTrach.EditValue = TextUtils.ToString(grvCboOrder.GetFocusedRowCellValue(colOrderUserId));
            txtTarget.Text             = TextUtils.ArrayToString(" ,", listProject.ToArray());
Example #6
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (grvData.RowCount == 0)
            if (_dtData.Rows.Count == 0)
            int  count   = 0;
            bool isSaved = false;

            ProcessTransaction pt = new ProcessTransaction();


                DataRow[] drsIsSaved = _dtData.Select("ID > 0");
                if (drsIsSaved.Length > 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("Danh sách thiết bị đã được lưu!");

                DataRow[] drsParent = _dtData.Select("F2 = '0'");
                foreach (DataRow row in drsParent)
                    int stt = TextUtils.ToInt(row["F1"]);
                    //int parentID = TextUtils.ToInt(row["F2"]);
                    decimal qty = TextUtils.ToDecimal(row["F7"]);

                    C_QuotationDetail_KDModel item = new C_QuotationDetail_KDModel();
                    item.C_QuotationID = Quotation.ID;
                    item.ParentID      = 0;
                    item.Qty           = item.QtyT = qty;
                    item.PriceVT       = TextUtils.ToDecimal(row["F8"]);
                    //item.PriceVT = item.PriceVT;
                    item.Manufacture = TextUtils.ToString(row["F9"]);
                    item.ModuleCode  = TextUtils.ToString(row["F4"]);
                    item.ModuleName  = TextUtils.ToString(row["F3"]);
                    item.Origin      = TextUtils.ToString(row["F10"]);
                    item.VAT         = TextUtils.ToDecimal(row["F6"]) * 100;
                    item.PriceHD     = TextUtils.ToDecimal(row["F12"]);

                    //DataTable dtGroup = LibQLSX.Select();
                    string sqlGroup = "select ID from C_ProductGroup where Code = '" + TextUtils.ToString(row["F5"]) + "'";
                    item.C_ProductGroupID = TextUtils.ToInt(LibQLSX.ExcuteScalar(sqlGroup)); //dtGroup.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToInt(dtGroup.Rows[0][0]) : 0;

                    string sqlPercentXLKH = "select top 1 " + (Quotation.DepartmentId == "D018" ? "CustomerPercentKD1" : "CustomerPercentKD2")
                                            + " from C_ProductGroup where ID = " + item.C_ProductGroupID;
                    item.PercentXLKH = TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibQLSX.ExcuteScalar(sqlPercentXLKH));

                    item.ID = (int)pt.Insert(item);
                    row["ID"] = item.ID;

                    DataRow[] drs = _dtData.Select("F2 = '" + stt + "'");
                    foreach (DataRow rowC in drs)
                        int     sttC      = TextUtils.ToInt(rowC["F1"]);
                        int     parentIDC = TextUtils.ToInt(rowC["F2"]);
                        decimal qtyC      = TextUtils.ToDecimal(rowC["F7"]);
                        string  groupCode = TextUtils.ToString(rowC["F5"]);
                        int     groupID   = 0;

                        DataTable dtGroupC = LibQLSX.Select("select ID from C_ProductGroup where Code = '" + groupCode + "'");
                        groupID = dtGroupC.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToInt(dtGroupC.Rows[0][0]) : 0;

                        C_QuotationDetail_KDModel itemC = new C_QuotationDetail_KDModel();
                        itemC.C_QuotationID    = Quotation.ID;
                        itemC.ParentID         = item.ID;
                        itemC.C_ProductGroupID = groupID;

                        string sqlPercentXLKH1 = "select top 1 " + (Quotation.DepartmentId == "D018" ? "CustomerPercentKD1" : "CustomerPercentKD2")
                                                 + " from C_ProductGroup where ID = " + itemC.C_ProductGroupID;
                        item.PercentXLKH = TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibQLSX.ExcuteScalar(sqlPercentXLKH1));

                        itemC.VAT     = TextUtils.ToDecimal(rowC["F6"]) * 100;
                        itemC.Qty     = qtyC * item.Qty;
                        itemC.QtyT    = qtyC;
                        itemC.PriceVT = TextUtils.ToDecimal(rowC["F8"]);
                        //itemC.PriceVT = itemC.PriceVT;

                        itemC.ModuleName  = TextUtils.ToString(rowC["F3"]);
                        itemC.ModuleCode  = TextUtils.ToString(rowC["F4"]);
                        itemC.Manufacture = TextUtils.ToString(rowC["F9"]);
                        itemC.Origin      = TextUtils.ToString(rowC["F10"]);

                        string pTK = TextUtils.ToString(rowC["F11"]);
                        if (pTK.ToUpper() == "TK1")
                            itemC.DepartmentId = "D009";
                        else if (pTK.ToUpper() == "TK2")
                            itemC.DepartmentId = "D028";
                            itemC.DepartmentId = "";

                        itemC.ID   = (int)pt.Insert(itemC);
                        rowC["ID"] = itemC.ID;
                isSaved = true;
                MessageBox.Show("Đã lưu trữ thành công " + count + "/" + _dtData.Rows.Count + " thiết bị!");
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Lưu trữ không thành công!" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message, TextUtils.Caption,
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            if (count > 0 && isSaved)
                if (this.LoadDataChange != null)
                    this.LoadDataChange(null, null);
        void loadDataOld()
            string fcmCode = TextUtils.ToString(cboFCM.EditValue);

            txtTotalVT.EditValue = LibQLSX.ExcuteScalar("select sum(isnull(TotalBuy,0) * isnull(Price,0)) FROM [vRequirePartFull_Order] where ProjectCode = '" + fcmCode + "' and isnull([OrderCode],'')<>''");
            int year = TextUtils.ToInt(cboYear.SelectedItem);
            //int month = cboMonth.SelectedIndex;

            DataTable dtLaiVay = loadLaiVay(fcmCode);

            string sqlStart = "SELECT a.PK_ID, a.C_MA, a.C_MOTA, a.[GroupCode] +'-'+ a.[GroupName] as [GroupCode]";
            string sqlEnd   = " FROM V_DM_KMP a where isnull([FK_GROUP],0) > 0";
            string sql      = ",[C_Value] = isnull((select sum([C_PRICE]) from [V_DM_FCM_DETAIL] where [C_CODE] like '" + fcmCode + "%' and [C_KMP_MA] = a.C_MA),0)";

            DataTable dtMonth = LibIE.Select("select distinct [C_Month] from [V_XNTC_REPORT_ALL] where [C_DTCP_MA] like '" + fcmCode + "%' and [C_YEAR] = " + year);

            sql += " ,[Total_NamTruoc] = isnull((SELECT sum([C_PSNO]) FROM [V_XNTC_REPORT_ALL]"
                   + " where [C_DTCP_MA] = '" + fcmCode + "' "
                   + " and (FK_TKNO like '154%' or FK_TKNO like '6321%' or FK_TKNO like '642%' or FK_TKNO like '521%' or FK_TKNO like '635%')"
                   + " and [C_KMP_MA] = a.C_MA "
                   + " and [C_Year] < " + year + "),0)";

            string exp = "Total_NamTruoc";

            foreach (DataRow row in dtMonth.Rows)
                string p = TextUtils.ToString(row["C_Month"]);
                sql += " ,[T_" + p + "] = isnull((SELECT sum([C_PSNO]) FROM [V_XNTC_REPORT_ALL]"
                       + " where [C_DTCP_MA] like '" + fcmCode + "%'"
                       + " and (FK_TKNO like '154%' or FK_TKNO like '6321%' or FK_TKNO like '642%' or FK_TKNO like '521%' or FK_TKNO like '635%')"
                       + " and [C_KMP_MA] = a.C_MA "
                       + " and [C_Year] = " + year
                       + " and [C_Month] = " + p + "),0) ";
                exp += "+ T_" + p;

            string    str    = sqlStart + sql + sqlEnd;
            DataTable dtData = LibIE.Select(str);

            #region Nhập chi phí vật tư thực tế của dự án
            DataRow[] drsVT = dtData.Select("C_MA = 'C27' or C_MA = 'C20' or C_MA = 'C24' or C_MA = 'C22'");
            foreach (DataRow r in drsVT)
                string kmpCode = TextUtils.ToString(r["C_MA"]);
                foreach (DataRow row in dtMonth.Rows)
                    string p    = TextUtils.ToString(row["C_Month"]);
                    string sql1 = "SELECT sum([C_PSNO]) FROM [V_XNTC_REPORT_ALL]"
                                  + " where [C_DTCP_MA] like '" + fcmCode + "%' "
                                  + " and (FK_TKNO like '154%' or FK_TKNO like '6321%' or FK_TKNO like '642%' or FK_TKNO like '521%' or FK_TKNO like '635%')"
                                  + " and [C_KMP_MA] = '" + kmpCode + "'"
                                  + " and [C_Year] = " + year
                                  + " and [C_Month] = " + p;

                    string sql2 = "SELECT sum([C_PSNO]) FROM [V_XNTC_REPORT_ALL]"
                                  + " where [C_DTCP_MA_LUU] like '" + fcmCode + "%' "
                                  + " and (FK_TKNO = '154' AND  FK_TKNO = '154')"
                                  //+ " and [C_KMP_MA] = '" + kmpCode + "'"
                                  + " and [C_Year] = " + year
                                  + " and [C_Month] = " + p;

                    r["T_" + p] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibIE.ExcuteScalar(sql1)) + TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibIE.ExcuteScalar(sql2));

            #region Nhập chi phí lãi vay thực tế của dự án
            DataRow[] drsLaiVay = dtData.Select("C_MA = 'C11'");

            foreach (DataRow r in drsLaiVay)
                string kmpCode = TextUtils.ToString(r["C_MA"]);
                foreach (DataRow row in dtMonth.Rows)
                    int     p    = TextUtils.ToInt(row["C_Month"]);
                    decimal cLai = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtLaiVay.Compute("SUM(LaiGop)", "C_Month = " + p + " and C_Year = " + year));
                    r["T_" + p] = cLai;

            DataColumnCollection columns = dtData.Columns;

            DataTable dtFCM = LibIE.Select("select top 1 * from T_DM_FCM where C_CODE = '" + fcmCode + "'");
            if (dtFCM.Rows.Count > 0)
                #region Add column
                DataRow dr1 = dtData.NewRow();
                dr1["PK_ID"]     = 0;
                dr1["C_MA"]      = "T1";
                dr1["C_MOTA"]    = "DT.Giá bán trên HĐ";
                dr1["GroupCode"] = "";
                dr1["C_Value"]   = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtFCM.Rows[0]["TotalHD"]);
                if (columns.Contains("Total_NamTruoc"))
                    dr1["Total_NamTruoc"] = 0;

                DataRow dr2 = dtData.NewRow();
                dr2["PK_ID"]     = 0;
                dr2["C_MA"]      = "T2";
                dr2["C_MOTA"]    = "DT.Giá bán theo quy định TPA";
                dr2["GroupCode"] = "";
                dr2["C_Value"]   = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtFCM.Rows[0]["TotalTPA"]);
                if (columns.Contains("Total_NamTruoc"))
                    dr2["Total_NamTruoc"] = 0;

                DataRow dr3 = dtData.NewRow();
                dr3["PK_ID"]     = 0;
                dr3["C_MA"]      = "T3";
                dr3["C_MOTA"]    = "DT.Thuế GTGT";
                dr3["GroupCode"] = "";
                dr3["C_Value"]   = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtFCM.Rows[0]["TotalVAT"]);
                if (columns.Contains("Total_NamTruoc"))
                    dr3["Total_NamTruoc"] = 0;

                DataRow dr4 = dtData.NewRow();
                dr4["PK_ID"]     = 0;
                dr4["C_MA"]      = "T4";
                dr4["C_MOTA"]    = "DT.Giá thực thu";
                dr4["GroupCode"] = "";
                dr4["C_Value"]   = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtFCM.Rows[0]["TotalReal"]);
                if (columns.Contains("Total_NamTruoc"))
                    dr4["Total_NamTruoc"] = 0;

                DataRow dr5 = dtData.NewRow();
                dr5["PK_ID"]     = 0;
                dr5["C_MA"]      = "T5";
                dr5["C_MOTA"]    = "DT.Tổng chi phí triển khai DA tại Khách Hàng";
                dr5["GroupCode"] = "";
                dr5["C_Value"]   = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtFCM.Rows[0]["TotalTrienKhai"]);
                if (columns.Contains("Total_NamTruoc"))
                    dr5["Total_NamTruoc"] = 0;

                DataRow dr6 = dtData.NewRow();
                dr6["PK_ID"]     = 0;
                dr6["C_MA"]      = "T6";
                dr6["C_MOTA"]    = "DT.Tổng chi phí nhân công trực tiếp";
                dr6["GroupCode"] = "";
                dr6["C_Value"]   = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtFCM.Rows[0]["TotalNC"]);
                if (columns.Contains("Total_NamTruoc"))
                    dr6["Total_NamTruoc"] = 0;

                DataRow dr7 = dtData.NewRow();
                dr7["PK_ID"]     = 0;
                dr7["C_MA"]      = "T7";
                dr7["C_MOTA"]    = "DT.Tổng chi phí quản lí phân bổ";
                dr7["GroupCode"] = "";
                dr7["C_Value"]   = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtFCM.Rows[0]["TotalPB"]);
                if (columns.Contains("Total_NamTruoc"))
                    dr7["Total_NamTruoc"] = 0;

                DataRow dr8 = dtData.NewRow();
                dr8["PK_ID"]     = 0;
                dr8["C_MA"]      = "T8";
                dr8["C_MOTA"]    = "DT.Chi phí bổ xung";
                dr8["GroupCode"] = "";
                dr8["C_Value"]   = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtFCM.Rows[0]["TotalBX"]);
                if (columns.Contains("Total_NamTruoc"))
                    dr8["Total_NamTruoc"] = 0;

                DataRow dr9 = dtData.NewRow();
                dr9["PK_ID"]     = 0;
                dr9["C_MA"]      = "T9";
                dr9["C_MOTA"]    = "DT.Loi Nhuan";
                dr9["GroupCode"] = "";
                dr9["C_Value"]   = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtFCM.Rows[0]["TotalProfit"]);
                if (columns.Contains("Total_NamTruoc"))
                    dr9["Total_NamTruoc"] = 0;
            DataRow[] drsTong = dtData.Select("C_MA like 'T%'", "C_MA ASC");

            #region Update Tổng
            foreach (DataRow r in drsTong)
                foreach (DataRow row in dtMonth.Rows)
                    string  p = TextUtils.ToString(row["C_Month"]);
                    decimal totalTrienKhai = 0;
                    decimal totalPB        = 0;
                    decimal totalReal      = 0;

                    if (TextUtils.ToString(r["C_MA"]) == "T4")
                        string sql1 = "SELECT sum([C_PSNO]) FROM [V_XNTC_REPORT_ALL]"
                                      + " where [C_DTCP_MA] like '%" + fcmCode + "%' "
                                      + " and (FK_TKCO like '511%')"
                                      //+ " and [C_KMP_MA] in ('C13','C52','C03','C38','C39','C40','C43','C04','C41','C42','C46','C05','C44','C45')"
                                      + " and [C_Year] = " + year
                                      + " and [C_Month] = " + p;
                        string sql2 = "SELECT sum([C_PSNO]) FROM [V_XNTC_REPORT_ALL]"
                                      + " where [C_DTCP_MA] like '%" + fcmCode + "%' "
                                      + " and (FK_TKNO like '521%')"
                                      //+ " and [C_KMP_MA] in ('C13','C52','C03','C38','C39','C40','C43','C04','C41','C42','C46','C05','C44','C45')"
                                      + " and [C_Year] = " + year
                                      + " and [C_Month] = " + p;
                        r["T_" + p] = totalReal = TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibIE.ExcuteScalar(sql1)) - TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibIE.ExcuteScalar(sql2));
                    else if (TextUtils.ToString(r["C_MA"]) == "T5")
                        string sql1 = "SELECT sum([C_PSNO]) FROM [V_XNTC_REPORT_ALL]"
                                      + " where [C_DTCP_MA] like '%" + fcmCode + "%' "
                                      + " and (FK_TKNO like '154%' or FK_TKNO like '6321%' or FK_TKNO like '642%' or FK_TKNO like '521%' or FK_TKNO like '635%')"
                                      + " and [C_KMP_MA] in ('C13','C52','C03','C38','C39','C40','C43','C04','C41','C42','C46','C05','C44','C45')"
                                      + " and [C_Year] = " + year
                                      + " and [C_Month] = " + p;
                        r["T_" + p] = totalTrienKhai = TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibIE.ExcuteScalar(sql1));
                    else if (TextUtils.ToString(r["C_MA"]) == "T7")
                        string sql1 = "SELECT sum([C_PSNO]) FROM [V_XNTC_REPORT_ALL]"
                                      + " where [C_DTCP_MA] like '%" + fcmCode + "%' "
                                      + " and (FK_TKNO like '154%' or FK_TKNO like '6321%' or FK_TKNO like '642%' or FK_TKNO like '521%' or FK_TKNO like '635%')"
                                      + " and [C_KMP_MA] in ('C09P01','C09P03','C09P05','C09P06','C09P08','C09P09','C09P13','C09P14','C09P16','C09P20','C09P23'"
                                      + ",'C07','C12','C01','C06','C02','C17','C16','C32','C51','C47','C48',"
                                      + "'C50','C54','C55','C57','C10','C23','C25','C26','C11','C19','C31','C30','C53','C29','C33')"
                                      + " and [C_Year] = " + year
                                      + " and [C_Month] = " + p;
                        r["T_" + p] = totalPB = TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibIE.ExcuteScalar(sql1));
                    else if (TextUtils.ToString(r["C_MA"]) == "T9")
                        string sqlReal1 = "SELECT sum([C_PSNO]) FROM [V_XNTC_REPORT_ALL]"
                                          + " where [C_DTCP_MA] like '%" + fcmCode + "%' "
                                          + " and (FK_TKCO like '511%')"
                                          //+ " and [C_KMP_MA] in ('C13','C52','C03','C38','C39','C40','C43','C04','C41','C42','C46','C05','C44','C45')"
                                          + " and [C_Year] = " + year
                                          + " and [C_Month] = " + p;
                        string sqlReal2 = "SELECT sum([C_PSNO]) FROM [V_XNTC_REPORT_ALL]"
                                          + " where [C_DTCP_MA] like '%" + fcmCode + "%' "
                                          + " and (FK_TKNO like '521%')"
                                          //+ " and [C_KMP_MA] in ('C13','C52','C03','C38','C39','C40','C43','C04','C41','C42','C46','C05','C44','C45')"
                                          + " and [C_Year] = " + year
                                          + " and [C_Month] = " + p;
                        string sqlTrienKhai = "SELECT sum([C_PSNO]) FROM [V_XNTC_REPORT_ALL]"
                                              + " where [C_DTCP_MA] like '%" + fcmCode + "%' "
                                              + " and (FK_TKNO like '154%' or FK_TKNO like '6321%' or FK_TKNO like '642%' or FK_TKNO like '521%' or FK_TKNO like '635%')"
                                              + " and [C_KMP_MA] in ('C13','C52','C03','C38','C39','C40','C43','C04','C41','C42','C46','C05','C44','C45')"
                                              + " and [C_Year] = " + year
                                              + " and [C_Month] = " + p;
                        string sqlPB = "SELECT sum([C_PSNO]) FROM [V_XNTC_REPORT_ALL]"
                                       + " where [C_DTCP_MA] like '%" + fcmCode + "%' "
                                       + " and (FK_TKNO like '154%' or FK_TKNO like '6321%' or FK_TKNO like '642%' or FK_TKNO like '521%' or FK_TKNO like '635%')"
                                       + " and [C_KMP_MA] in ('C09P01','C09P03','C09P05','C09P06','C09P08','C09P09','C09P13','C09P14','C09P16','C09P20','C09P23'"
                                       + ",'C07','C12','C01','C06','C02','C17','C16','C32','C51','C47','C48',"
                                       + "'C50','C54','C55','C57','C10','C23','C25','C26','C11','C19','C31','C30','C53','C29','C33')"
                                       + " and [C_Year] = " + year
                                       + " and [C_Month] = " + p;
                        string sqlNhanCong = "SELECT sum([C_PSNO]) FROM [V_XNTC_REPORT_ALL]"
                                             + " where [C_DTCP_MA] like '%" + fcmCode + "%' "
                                             + " and (FK_TKNO like '154%' or FK_TKNO like '6321%' or FK_TKNO like '642%' or FK_TKNO like '521%' or FK_TKNO like '635%')"
                                             + " and [C_KMP_MA] in ('C09','C09P01','C09P07','C09P10','C09P11','C09P12','C09P17','C15','C34','C35','C36')"
                                             + " and [C_Year] = " + year
                                             + " and [C_Month] = " + p;
                        string sqlVT = "SELECT sum([C_PSNO]) FROM [V_XNTC_REPORT_ALL]"
                                       + " where [C_DTCP_MA] like '%" + fcmCode + "%' "
                                       + " and (FK_TKNO like '154%' or FK_TKNO like '6321%' or FK_TKNO like '642%' or FK_TKNO like '521%' or FK_TKNO like '635%')"
                                       + " and [C_KMP_MA] in ('C27','C20','C24','C22')"
                                       + " and [C_Year] = " + year
                                       + " and [C_Month] = " + p;
                        decimal totalLoiNhuan = TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibIE.ExcuteScalar(sqlReal1)) - TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibIE.ExcuteScalar(sqlReal2)) - TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibIE.ExcuteScalar(sqlNhanCong))
                                                - TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibIE.ExcuteScalar(sqlPB)) - TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibIE.ExcuteScalar(sqlTrienKhai)) - 0 - TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibIE.ExcuteScalar(sqlVT));
                        r["T_" + p] = totalLoiNhuan;
                        r["T_" + p] = 0;

            dtData.Columns.Add("LuyKe", typeof(decimal), exp);
            dtData.Columns.Add("ChenhLech", typeof(decimal), "C_Value - (" + exp + ")");

            dtData.Columns["PK_ID"].Caption          = "PK_ID";
            dtData.Columns["C_MA"].Caption           = "Mã";
            dtData.Columns["C_MOTA"].Caption         = "Tên";
            dtData.Columns["GroupCode"].Caption      = "Nhóm";
            dtData.Columns["C_Value"].Caption        = "Tổng tiền";
            dtData.Columns["Total_NamTruoc"].Caption = "Năm trước";
            dtData.Columns["LuyKe"].Caption          = "Lũy kế";
            dtData.Columns["ChenhLech"].Caption      = "Chênh lệch (DK-TT)";

            grdData.DataSource = dtData;

            grvData.Columns[0].Visible = false;
            //grvData.Columns[3].GroupIndex = 0;
            grvData.Columns[3].Visible = false;
            grvData.Columns[4].Visible = false;

            for (int i = 5; i < dtData.Columns.Count; i++)
                grvData.Columns[i].DisplayFormat.FormatType   = FormatType.Numeric;
                grvData.Columns[i].DisplayFormat.FormatString = "n0";

            grvData.Columns[1].Fixed = FixedStyle.Left;
            grvData.Columns[2].Fixed = FixedStyle.Left;
            grvData.Columns[3].Fixed = FixedStyle.Left;
            grvData.Columns[4].Fixed = FixedStyle.Left;

            grvData.Columns["LuyKe"].AppearanceCell.BackColor     = Color.Yellow;
            grvData.Columns["ChenhLech"].AppearanceCell.BackColor = Color.YellowGreen;
        void loadData()
            string fcmCode = TextUtils.ToString(cboFCM.EditValue);
            int    year    = TextUtils.ToInt(cboYear.SelectedItem);

            txtTotalVT.EditValue = LibQLSX.ExcuteScalar("select sum(isnull(TotalBuy,0) * isnull(Price,0))  FROM [vRequirePartFull_Order] where ProjectCode = '" + fcmCode + "' and isnull([OrderCode],'') <> ''");

            DataTable dtLaiVay = loadLaiVay(fcmCode);
            DataTable dtMonth  = LibIE.Select("select distinct [C_Month] from [V_XNTC_REPORT_ALL] where [C_DTCP_MA] like '" + fcmCode + "%' and [C_YEAR] = " + year);


            string exp = "NamTruoc";

            foreach (DataRow row in dtMonth.Rows)
                string p = TextUtils.ToString(row["C_Month"]);
                _dtData.Columns.Add("T_" + p, typeof(decimal));
                exp += "+ T_" + p;

            foreach (DataRow r in _dtData.Rows)
                string sql1 = TextUtils.ToString(r["SqlText1"]);
                string sql2 = TextUtils.ToString(r["SqlText2"]);

                if (sql1 == "")

                foreach (DataColumn c in _dtData.Columns)
                    if (c.ColumnName == "NamTruoc")
                        if (sql2 == "")
                            r["NamTruoc"] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibIE.ExcuteScalar(sql1 + " and C_DTCP_MA like '" + fcmCode + "%' and [C_Year] < " + year));
                            r["NamTruoc"] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibIE.ExcuteScalar(sql1 + " and C_DTCP_MA like '" + fcmCode + "%' and [C_Year] < " + year))
                                            - TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibIE.ExcuteScalar(sql2 + " and C_DTCP_MA like '" + fcmCode + "%' and [C_Year] < " + year));

                    if (c.ColumnName.StartsWith("T_"))
                        if (sql2 == "")
                            r[c.ColumnName] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibIE.ExcuteScalar(sql1 + " and C_DTCP_MA like '" + fcmCode + "%' and [C_Year] = " + year + " and [C_Month] = " + c.ColumnName.Replace("T_", "")));
                            r[c.ColumnName] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibIE.ExcuteScalar(sql1 + " and C_DTCP_MA like '" + fcmCode + "%' and [C_Year] = " + year + " and [C_Month] = " + c.ColumnName.Replace("T_", "")))
                                              - TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibIE.ExcuteScalar(sql2 + " and C_DTCP_MA like '" + fcmCode + "%' and [C_Year] = " + year + " and [C_Month] = " + c.ColumnName.Replace("T_", "")));

            #region Nhập chi phí lãi vay thực tế của dự án
            DataRow[] drsLaiVay = _dtData.Select("STT = 28");

            foreach (DataRow r in drsLaiVay)
                r["NamTruoc"] = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtLaiVay.Compute("SUM(LaiGop)", "C_Month <= 12 and C_Year = " + (year - 1)));;
                foreach (DataRow row in dtMonth.Rows)
                    int     p    = TextUtils.ToInt(row["C_Month"]);
                    decimal cLai = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtLaiVay.Compute("SUM(LaiGop)", "C_Month = " + p + " and C_Year = " + year));
                    r["T_" + p] = cLai;

            _dtData.Columns.Add("LuyKe", typeof(decimal), exp);
            _dtData.Columns.Add("ChenhLech", typeof(decimal), "C_Value - (" + exp + ")");

            //_dtData.Columns["PK_ID"].Caption = "PK_ID";
            _dtData.Columns["Code"].Caption = "STT";
            _dtData.Columns["Name"].Caption = "Tên";
            //_dtData.Columns["GroupCode"].Caption = "Nhóm";
            _dtData.Columns["C_Value"].Caption   = "Tổng tiền";
            _dtData.Columns["NamTruoc"].Caption  = "Năm trước";
            _dtData.Columns["LuyKe"].Caption     = "Lũy kế";
            _dtData.Columns["ChenhLech"].Caption = "Chênh lệch (DK-TT)";

            grdData.DataSource = _dtData;

            grvData.Columns["STT"].Visible      = false;
            grvData.Columns["SqlText1"].Visible = false;
            grvData.Columns["SqlText2"].Visible = false;

            for (int i = 4; i < _dtData.Columns.Count; i++)
                grvData.Columns[i].DisplayFormat.FormatType   = FormatType.Numeric;
                grvData.Columns[i].DisplayFormat.FormatString = "n0";


            grvData.Columns["Code"].Fixed = FixedStyle.Left;
            grvData.Columns["Name"].Fixed = FixedStyle.Left;
            //grvData.Columns["SqlText1"].Fixed = FixedStyle.Left;
            //grvData.Columns["SqlText2"].Fixed = FixedStyle.Left;
            //grvData.Columns["Group"].Fixed = FixedStyle.Left;
            grvData.Columns["C_Value"].Fixed  = FixedStyle.Left;
            grvData.Columns["NamTruoc"].Fixed = FixedStyle.Left;

            grvData.Columns["Group"].GroupIndex = 0;
            grvData.Columns["Group"].Visible    = false;

            grvData.Columns["LuyKe"].AppearanceCell.BackColor     = Color.Yellow;
            grvData.Columns["ChenhLech"].AppearanceCell.BackColor = Color.YellowGreen;

            grvData.Columns["LuyKe"].SummaryItem.FieldName     = "LuyKe";
            grvData.Columns["LuyKe"].SummaryItem.SummaryType   = DevExpress.Data.SummaryItemType.Sum;
            grvData.Columns["LuyKe"].SummaryItem.DisplayFormat = "{0:n0}";

            grvData.GroupSummary.Add(DevExpress.Data.SummaryItemType.Sum, "LuyKe", grvData.Columns["LuyKe"], "{0:n0}");
            grvData.GroupSummary.Add(DevExpress.Data.SummaryItemType.Sum, "NamTruoc", grvData.Columns["NamTruoc"], "{0:n0}");
            foreach (DataRow row in dtMonth.Rows)
                string p = TextUtils.ToString(row["C_Month"]);
                grvData.GroupSummary.Add(DevExpress.Data.SummaryItemType.Sum, "T_" + p, grvData.Columns["T_" + p], "{0:n0}");
                grvData.Columns["T_" + p].Width = 90;
            grvData.Columns["NamTruoc"].Width = 100;
            grvData.Columns["Code"].Width     = 80;
            grvData.Columns["LuyKe"].Width    = 200;

Example #9
        private void btnExportDetail_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string projectCode = TextUtils.ToString(grvData.GetFocusedRowCellValue(colProjectCode));

            if (projectCode == "")

            string    sql = "exec spProjectProblemAll -1,'" + projectCode + "', '', 0";
            DataTable dt  = LibQLSX.Select(sql);

            if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)

            string localPath        = "";
            FolderBrowserDialog fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog();

            if (fbd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                localPath = fbd.SelectedPath + "\\VanDeChiTiet - " + projectCode + ".xlsx";

            string filePath = Application.StartupPath + "\\Templates\\PhongDuAn\\VanDeChiTiet.xlsx";

                File.Copy(filePath, localPath, true);
                MessageBox.Show("Lỗi: File excel đang được mở.");

            using (WaitDialogForm fWait = new WaitDialogForm("Vui lòng chờ trong giây lát...", "Đang tạo biểu mẫu..."))
                System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US");
                Excel.Application app       = default(Excel.Application);
                Excel.Workbook    workBoook = default(Excel.Workbook);
                Excel.Worksheet   workSheet = default(Excel.Worksheet);
                    app = new Excel.Application();
                    workBoook = app.Workbooks[1];
                    workSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)workBoook.Worksheets[1];

                    string nguoiPhuTrach = TextUtils.ToString(LibQLSX.ExcuteScalar("select UserName from vProject where ProjectCode = '" + projectCode + "'"));

                    for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                        workSheet.Cells[4, 1]  = TextUtils.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ProjectCode"]);
                        workSheet.Cells[4, 2]  = TextUtils.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ProjectName"]);
                        workSheet.Cells[4, 3]  = nguoiPhuTrach;// TextUtils.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["UserName"]);
                        workSheet.Cells[4, 4]  = TextUtils.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["DatePhatSinh"]);
                        workSheet.Cells[4, 5]  = TextUtils.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ModuleCode"]);
                        workSheet.Cells[4, 6]  = TextUtils.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["Content"]);
                        workSheet.Cells[4, 7]  = TextUtils.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["DName"]);
                        workSheet.Cells[4, 8]  = TextUtils.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["Reason"]);
                        workSheet.Cells[4, 9]  = TextUtils.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["DName"]);
                        workSheet.Cells[4, 10] = TextUtils.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["UserName"]);
                        //workSheet.Cells[4, 11] = TextUtils.ToString(dt.Rows[i][""]);
                        workSheet.Cells[4, 12] = TextUtils.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["StatusText"]) == "" ? "Chưa xử lý" : TextUtils.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["StatusText"]);
                        //workSheet.Cells[4, 13] = TextUtils.ToString(dt.Rows[i][""]);
                        //workSheet.Cells[4, 14] = TextUtils.ToString(dt.Rows[i][""]);


                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (app != null)

Example #10
        private void btnAddModule_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            #region Check
            if (txtModuleCode.Text.Trim() == "")
                MessageBox.Show("Bạn phải thêm mã module!", TextUtils.Caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            if (txtModuleName.Text.Trim() == "")
                MessageBox.Show("Bạn phải thêm tên module!", TextUtils.Caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            if (txtManufacture.Text.Trim() == "")
                MessageBox.Show("Bạn phải thêm hãng!", TextUtils.Caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            if (txtOrigin.Text.Trim() == "")
                MessageBox.Show("Bạn phải thêm xuất xứ!", TextUtils.Caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            if (TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtPriceVTSX.EditValue) == 0 && cboProduct.EditValue != null)
                MessageBox.Show("Bạn phải điền giá vật tư sản xuất!", TextUtils.Caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            if (TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtQtyT.EditValue) == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Bạn phải điền số lượng!", TextUtils.Caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            if (cboProductGroup.EditValue == null && cboProduct.EditValue != null)
                MessageBox.Show("Bạn phải chọn một nhóm sản phẩm!", TextUtils.Caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            C_QuotationDetail_KDModel item = new C_QuotationDetail_KDModel();

            item.C_QuotationID    = Quotation.ID;
            item.ParentID         = TextUtils.ToInt(cboProduct.EditValue);
            item.C_ProductGroupID = TextUtils.ToInt(cboProductGroup.EditValue);
            //if (item.C_ProductGroupID > 0)
            item.PriceVT = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtPriceVTSX.EditValue);

            string sql = "select top 1 " + (Quotation.DepartmentId == "D018" ? "CustomerPercentKD1" : "CustomerPercentKD2")
                         + " from C_ProductGroup where ID = " + item.C_ProductGroupID;
            item.PercentXLKH = TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibQLSX.ExcuteScalar(sql));

            if (item.ParentID > 0)
                item.QtyT = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtQtyT.EditValue);
                item.Qty  = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtQtyT.EditValue) * TextUtils.ToDecimal(grvCboProduct.GetFocusedRowCellValue(colPQty));

                C_QuotationDetail_KDModel itemP = (C_QuotationDetail_KDModel)C_QuotationDetail_KDBO.Instance.FindByPK(item.ParentID);
                itemP.C_ProductGroupID = 0;
                item.Qty = item.QtyT = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtQtyT.EditValue);

            item.Manufacture = txtManufacture.Text.Trim();
            item.ModuleCode  = item.ModuleCodeHD = txtModuleCode.Text.Trim().ToUpper();
            item.ModuleName  = item.ModuleNameHD = txtModuleName.Text.Trim();
            item.Origin      = txtOrigin.Text.Trim();

            item.VAT = TextUtils.ToDecimal(txtVAT.EditValue);

            item.ID = (int)C_QuotationDetail_KDBO.Instance.Insert(item);

            //if (item.ParentID > 0)
            //    C_QuotationDetail_KDModel itemP = (C_QuotationDetail_KDModel)C_QuotationDetail_KDBO.Instance.FindByPK(item.ParentID);
            //    //itemP.PriceVTSX += item.PriceVTSX;
            //    //itemP.PriceVTLD += item.PriceVTLD;
            //    //itemP.PriceVTPS += item.PriceVTPS;
            //    //itemP.PriceVTTN += item.PriceVTTN;
            //    itemP.PriceVT += item.PriceVT;
            //    C_QuotationDetail_KDBO.Instance.Update(itemP);

            //    //calculateCost(item);

            MessageBox.Show("Lưu trữ thành công.", TextUtils.Caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);


            txtPriceVTSX.EditValue = 0;
            txtQtyT.EditValue      = 1;
            txtModuleName.Text     = txtModuleCode.Text = "";
Example #11
        private void btnCheckHoaDon_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            for (int i = 0; i < grvData.RowCount; i++)
                string completeDate      = TextUtils.ToString(grvData.GetRowCellValue(i, colCompletedDate));
                int    payVoucherID      = TextUtils.ToInt(grvData.GetRowCellValue(i, colPayVoucherID));
                string poCode            = TextUtils.ToString(grvData.GetRowCellValue(i, colItemCode));
                int    caseVoucherDebtID = TextUtils.ToInt(grvData.GetRowCellValue(i, colID));
                if (caseVoucherDebtID == 0)
                if (completeDate != "")
                if (payVoucherID == 1)//Nợ hóa đơn
                    string sqlTotalVat = "SELECT TotalVAT = case when dbo.vOrderNew.IsTranferAfferVAT = 1 then isnull(dbo.vOrderNew.VAT,10)*dbo.vOrderNew.TotalPrice /100" +
                                         " else isnull(dbo.vOrderNew.VAT,10)*(dbo.vOrderNew.TotalPrice+dbo.vOrderNew.DeliveryCost)/100 end " +
                                         " from vOrderNew with(nolock) where vOrderNew.OrderCode = '" + poCode + "'";
                    string sqlInvoice = "select sum(T_XNTC.C_PSNO) FROM T_XNTC INNER JOIN T_DM_VUVIEC ON T_XNTC.FK_VUVIEC = T_DM_VUVIEC.PK_ID" +
                                        " WHERE (T_DM_VUVIEC.C_MA = '" + poCode + "') AND (T_XNTC.FK_TKNO LIKE '133%')";

                    decimal totalVAT     = TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibQLSX.ExcuteScalar(sqlTotalVat));
                    decimal totalInvoice = TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibIE.ExcuteScalar(sqlInvoice));

                    decimal chenhLech = totalVAT - totalInvoice;
                    if (chenhLech <= 10 && chenhLech >= -10)
                        string sqlDateTra = "select top 1 C_NGAYLAP FROM T_XNTC INNER JOIN T_DM_VUVIEC ON T_XNTC.FK_VUVIEC = T_DM_VUVIEC.PK_ID" +
                                            " WHERE (T_DM_VUVIEC.C_MA = '" + poCode + "') AND (T_XNTC.FK_TKNO LIKE '133%')" +
                                            " order by C_NGAYLAP desc";
                        DateTime?dateNgayTra = TextUtils.ToDate2(LibIE.ExcuteScalar(sqlDateTra));
                        if (dateNgayTra.HasValue)
                            string sqlUpdate = "update CaseVoucherDebt set CompletedDate = '" + dateNgayTra.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' where ID = " + caseVoucherDebtID;

                    if (chenhLech < -10)
                        string sqlUpdateChenhLech = "update CaseVoucherDebt set TotalDiff = " + chenhLech + " where ID = " + caseVoucherDebtID;

                if (payVoucherID == 2)//Nợ báo giá
                    string sql = "SELECT TOP 1 [C_NGAYLAP]"
                                 + " FROM [tanphat].[dbo].[V_XNTC_VUVIEC] with (nolock)"
                                 + " where [C_MA] = '" + poCode + "' and FK_TKNO LIKE '133%' and [FK_PHANXUONG] = 115";

                    DateTime?dateNgayLap = TextUtils.ToDate2(LibIE.ExcuteScalar(sql));
                    if (dateNgayLap.HasValue)
                        string sqlUpdate = "update CaseVoucherDebt set CompletedDate = '" + dateNgayLap.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "' where ID = " + caseVoucherDebtID;
            MessageBox.Show("Hoàn thành Check báo giá, hóa đơn", TextUtils.Caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
Example #12
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool _isSaved = false;

            if (treeData.AllNodesCount == 0)
            treeData.FocusedNode = null;

            DataTable dtSource = (DataTable)treeData.DataSource;

            DataRow[] drsVatTu = dtSource.Select("(PriceVT is null or PriceVT = 0) and (C_ProductGroupID > 0 and ParentID > 0)");
            if (drsVatTu.Length > 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Bạn chưa nhập đủ VẬT TƯ SẢN XUẤT cho các hạng mục.", TextUtils.Caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);

            int costID = (Quotation.DepartmentId == "D018" ? 73 : 72);//Phòng KD1->lấy ra chi phí nhân công KD2 không thì lấy chi phí nhân công KD1

            using (WaitDialogForm fWait = new WaitDialogForm("Vui lòng chờ trong giây lát...", "Đang xử lý..."))
                #region Save item
                for (int i = 0; i < treeData.AllNodesCount; i++)
                    int id = TextUtils.ToInt(treeData.GetNodeByVisibleIndex(i).GetValue(colDetailID));
                    C_QuotationDetail_SXModel item = (C_QuotationDetail_SXModel)C_QuotationDetail_SXBO.Instance.FindByPK(id);

                    item.ModuleCode = TextUtils.ToString(treeData.GetNodeByVisibleIndex(i).GetValue(colModuleCode));
                    item.ModuleName = TextUtils.ToString(treeData.GetNodeByVisibleIndex(i).GetValue(colModuleName));
                    item.PriceVTLD  = TextUtils.ToDecimal(treeData.GetNodeByVisibleIndex(i).GetValue(colPriceVTLD));
                    item.PriceVTPS  = TextUtils.ToDecimal(treeData.GetNodeByVisibleIndex(i).GetValue(colPriceVTPS));
                    item.PriceVT    = TextUtils.ToDecimal(treeData.GetNodeByVisibleIndex(i).GetValue(colPriceVTSX));
                    item.PriceVTTN  = TextUtils.ToDecimal(treeData.GetNodeByVisibleIndex(i).GetValue(colPriceVTTN));

                    item.PriceHD = TextUtils.ToDecimal(treeData.GetNodeByVisibleIndex(i).GetValue(colPriceHD));

                    item.C_ProductGroupID = TextUtils.ToInt(treeData.GetNodeByVisibleIndex(i).GetValue(colProductGroupID));
                    item.VAT  = TextUtils.ToDecimal(treeData.GetNodeByVisibleIndex(i).GetValue(colVAT));
                    item.QtyT = TextUtils.ToDecimal(treeData.GetNodeByVisibleIndex(i).GetValue(colQtyT));

                    string sqlPB = "select sum(ValuePercentSX) from vC_CostProductGroupLinkNew where C_CostGroupNew_Code in ('N01','N08','N09','N11') and C_ProductGroupID = " + item.C_ProductGroupID + " and [C_VersionID] = " + Quotation.C_VersionID;
                    string sqlNC = "select sum(ValuePercentSX) from vC_CostProductGroupLinkNew where C_CostGroupNew_Code in ('N02','N03','N04','N07.02','N07.03') and C_ProductGroupID = " + item.C_ProductGroupID + " and [C_VersionID] = " + Quotation.C_VersionID;

                    decimal totalPercentCP_PB = TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibQLSX.ExcuteScalar(sqlPB)) / 100;
                    decimal totalPercentCP_NC = TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibQLSX.ExcuteScalar(sqlNC)) / 100;

                    item.TotalPercentCP_NC = totalPercentCP_NC;
                    item.TotalPercentCP_PB = totalPercentCP_PB;

                    int parentID = TextUtils.ToInt(treeData.GetNodeByVisibleIndex(i).GetValue(colParentID));
                    if (parentID == 0)
                        item.Qty = item.QtyT;
                        C_QuotationDetail_SXModel parent = (C_QuotationDetail_SXModel)C_QuotationDetail_SXBO.Instance.FindByPK(parentID);
                        item.Qty = item.QtyT * parent.Qty;

                    item.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now;
                    item.UpdatedBy   = Global.AppUserName;

                DataTable dtCostVT = LibQLSX.Select("select sum(isnull(Qty,0)*(isnull(PriceVT,0)+isnull(PriceVTTN,0)+isnull(PriceVTPS,0)+isnull(PriceVTLD,0)))"
                                                    + ", sum(isnull(Qty,0)*isnull(TotalPercentCP_NC,0))"
                                                    //+ ", sum(isnull(Qty,0)*isnull(TotalPercentCP_PB,0))"
                                                    + " from C_QuotationDetail_SX where (ParentID > 0 or (ParentID = 0 and C_ProductGroupID > 0)) and [C_QuotationID] = " + Quotation.ID);
                decimal totalAllVT           = dtCostVT.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtCostVT.Rows[0][0]) : 0;
                decimal totalAllPercentCP_NC = dtCostVT.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtCostVT.Rows[0][1]) : 0;
                //decimal totalAllPercentCP_PB = dtCostVT.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtCostVT.Rows[0][2]) : 0;

                if (Quotation.StatusNC == 1)
                    #region Tính nhân công theo % phân bổ
                    for (int i = 0; i < treeData.AllNodesCount; i++)
                        int id = TextUtils.ToInt(treeData.GetNodeByVisibleIndex(i).GetValue(colDetailID));
                        C_QuotationDetail_SXModel item = (C_QuotationDetail_SXModel)C_QuotationDetail_SXBO.Instance.FindByPK(id);

                        if (item.ParentID == 0 && item.C_ProductGroupID == 0)

                        decimal profitPercent = TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibQLSX.ExcuteScalar("select top 1 ProfitPercentSX from C_ProductGroup where ID = " + item.C_ProductGroupID)) / 100;

                        decimal percentPB = item.TotalPercentCP_NC + item.TotalPercentCP_PB;

                        decimal totalVT = item.PriceVT + item.PriceVTLD + item.PriceVTPS + item.PriceVTTN;

                        decimal tyle = (item.TotalPercentCP_NC + totalVT) / (totalAllPercentCP_NC + totalAllVT);
                        item.TotalDP    = Quotation.TotalDP_SX * tyle;      //dự phòng
                        item.TotalVC    = Quotation.TotalCPVCHB_C13 * tyle; //vận chuyển
                        item.TotalBX    = Quotation.TotalBXHB_C52 * tyle;   //bốc xếp
                        item.PriceDiLai = Quotation.TotalDiLai * tyle;      //Đi lại

                        item.TotalPB_DA = item.TotalDP + item.TotalVC + item.TotalBX + item.PriceDiLai;

                        item.PriceCP  = item.TotalPB_DA + totalVT;
                        item.PriceTPA = item.PriceCP * (1 + profitPercent) / (1 - percentPB * (1 + profitPercent));

                        item.TotalPB     = item.TotalPercentCP_PB / 100 * item.PriceTPA;
                        item.TotalNC     = item.TotalPercentCP_NC / 100 * item.PriceTPA;
                        item.TotalProfit = profitPercent * (item.PriceCP + (percentPB * item.PriceTPA));


                    #region Tính nhân công theo công nhật

                    decimal totalAllNC = TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibQLSX.ExcuteScalar("select sum(isnull(Qty,0) * isnull(Price,0)) from vC_CostQuotationItemLinkSX"
                                                                                  + " where IsDirect = 1 and [C_QuotationID] = " + Quotation.ID));

                    for (int i = 0; i < treeData.AllNodesCount; i++)
                        int id = TextUtils.ToInt(treeData.GetNodeByVisibleIndex(i).GetValue(colDetailID));
                        C_QuotationDetail_SXModel item = (C_QuotationDetail_SXModel)C_QuotationDetail_SXBO.Instance.FindByPK(id);

                        if (item.ParentID == 0 && item.C_ProductGroupID == 0)

                        decimal profitPercent = TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibQLSX.ExcuteScalar("select top 1 ProfitPercentSX from C_ProductGroup where ID = " + item.C_ProductGroupID)) / 100;
                        decimal percentPB     = item.TotalPercentCP_PB;

                        decimal totalVT = item.PriceVT + item.PriceVTLD + item.PriceVTPS + item.PriceVTTN;
                        decimal totalNC = TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibQLSX.ExcuteScalar("select sum(Price) from C_CostQuotationItemLinkNew where IsDirect = 1 and C_QuotationDetail_SXID = " + item.ID));

                        item.TotalNC    = totalNC;
                        item.TotalDP    = Quotation.TotalDP_SX * (item.TotalNC + totalVT) / (totalAllNC + totalAllVT);      //dự phòng
                        item.TotalVC    = Quotation.TotalCPVCHB_C13 * (item.TotalNC + totalVT) / (totalAllNC + totalAllVT); //vận chuyển
                        item.TotalBX    = Quotation.TotalBXHB_C52 * (item.TotalNC + totalVT) / (totalAllNC + totalAllVT);   //bốc xếp
                        item.PriceDiLai = Quotation.TotalDiLai * (item.TotalNC + totalVT) / (totalAllNC + totalAllVT);      //Đi lại

                        item.TotalPB_DA = item.TotalDP + item.TotalVC + item.TotalBX;

                        item.PriceCP  = item.TotalNC + item.TotalPB_DA + totalVT;
                        item.PriceTPA = item.PriceCP * (1 + profitPercent) / (1 - percentPB * (1 + profitPercent));

                        item.TotalPB = percentPB * item.PriceTPA;
                        //item.TotalNC = item.TotalPercentCP_NC * item.PriceTPA;
                        item.TotalProfit = profitPercent * (item.PriceCP + (percentPB * item.PriceTPA));



                #region Save parent
                ArrayList listParent = C_QuotationDetail_SXBO.Instance.FindByExpression(new Expression("ParentID", 0)
                                                                                        .And(new Expression("C_ProductGroupID", 0))
                                                                                        .And(new Expression("C_QuotationID", Quotation.ID)));

                if (listParent != null)
                    foreach (var item in listParent)
                        C_QuotationDetail_SXModel itemP = (C_QuotationDetail_SXModel)item;

                        DataTable dtChild = LibQLSX.Select("select PriceVTLD=Sum(QtyT*PriceVTLD),PriceVTPS=Sum(QtyT*PriceVTPS),PriceVT=Sum(QtyT*PriceVT),PriceVTTN=Sum(QtyT*PriceVTTN)"
                                                           + ",TotalNC=Sum(QtyT*TotalNC),TotalPB_DA=Sum(QtyT*TotalPB_DA),TotalPB=Sum(QtyT*TotalPB),PriceCP=Sum(QtyT*PriceCP),PriceTPA=Sum(QtyT*PriceTPA),PriceHD=Sum(QtyT*PriceHD)"
                                                           + ",TotalProfit=Sum(QtyT*TotalProfit)"
                                                           + ",TotalDP=Sum(QtyT*TotalDP),TotalVC=Sum(QtyT*TotalVC),TotalBX=Sum(QtyT*TotalBX) from C_QuotationDetail_SX where ParentID = " + itemP.ID);

                        itemP.PriceVTLD   = dtChild.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtChild.Rows[0]["PriceVTLD"]) : itemP.PriceVTLD;
                        itemP.PriceVTPS   = dtChild.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtChild.Rows[0]["PriceVTPS"]) : itemP.PriceVTPS;
                        itemP.PriceVT     = dtChild.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtChild.Rows[0]["PriceVT"]) : itemP.PriceVT;
                        itemP.PriceVTTN   = dtChild.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtChild.Rows[0]["PriceVTTN"]) : itemP.PriceVTTN;
                        itemP.TotalNC     = dtChild.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtChild.Rows[0]["TotalNC"]) : itemP.TotalNC;
                        itemP.TotalPB_DA  = dtChild.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtChild.Rows[0]["TotalPB_DA"]) : itemP.TotalPB_DA;
                        itemP.TotalPB     = dtChild.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtChild.Rows[0]["TotalPB"]) : itemP.TotalPB;
                        itemP.PriceCP     = dtChild.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtChild.Rows[0]["PriceCP"]) : itemP.PriceCP;
                        itemP.PriceTPA    = dtChild.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtChild.Rows[0]["PriceTPA"]) : itemP.PriceTPA;
                        itemP.PriceHD     = dtChild.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtChild.Rows[0]["PriceHD"]) : itemP.PriceHD;
                        itemP.TotalProfit = dtChild.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtChild.Rows[0]["TotalProfit"]) : itemP.TotalProfit;

                        itemP.TotalDP = dtChild.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtChild.Rows[0]["TotalDP"]) : itemP.TotalDP;
                        itemP.TotalVC = dtChild.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtChild.Rows[0]["TotalVC"]) : itemP.TotalVC;
                        itemP.TotalBX = dtChild.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtChild.Rows[0]["TotalBX"]) : itemP.TotalBX;


                _isSaved = true;

            MessageBox.Show("Lưu trữ thành công.", TextUtils.Caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

            if (_isSaved)
                if (this.LoadDataChange != null)
                    this.LoadDataChange(null, null);
Example #13
        private void btnCreateDirection_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            grvData.FocusedRowHandle = -1;

            DataTable dtDirectionType = LibQLSX.Select("SELECT * FROM [ProjectDirectionType]");
            DataTable dtMaterialModel = LibQLSX.Select("SELECT * FROM [MaterialsModel]");
            string    projectCode     = TextUtils.ToString(grvProject.GetFocusedRowCellValue(colProjectCode));

            DataRow[] drs = _dtData.Select("Check = 1 and ProjectDirectionID is null");
            if (drs.Length == 0)

            //ProcessTransaction pt = new ProcessTransaction();

            ProjectDirectionModel direction = new ProjectDirectionModel();

            direction.Code        = "";
            direction.Name        = "Chỉ thị ngày: " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
            direction.ProjectCode = projectCode;
            direction.ProjectId   = TextUtils.ToString(cboProject.EditValue);
            direction.CreatedBy   = Global.AppUserName;
            direction.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;
            direction.ID          = (int)ProjectDirectionBO.Instance.Insert(direction);

            for (int i = 0; i < drs.Length; i++)
                //DateTime maxDate = new DateTime(1990, 1, 1);
                //string statusText = TextUtils.ToString(drs[i]["StatusText"]);
                //if (statusText != "") continue;
                string   moduleCode      = TextUtils.ToString(drs[i]["ProjectModuleCode"]);
                decimal  parentQty       = TextUtils.ToDecimal(drs[i]["TotalReal"]);
                DateTime?dateAboutE      = TextUtils.ToDate2(drs[i]["DateAboutE"]);
                string   projectModuleId = TextUtils.ToString(drs[i]["ProjectModuleId"]);
                string   note            = TextUtils.ToString(drs[i]["Note"]);

                DataTable dtLink = new DataTable();
                dtLink = TextUtils.GetDMVT(moduleCode, true);
                DataRow[] drsL = dtLink.Select("F3 = 'TPA'");
                if (drsL.Length > 0)
                    dtLink = drsL.CopyToDataTable();

                //dtLink = LibQLSX.Select("select * from vMaterialModuleLink with(nolock) where ThongSo = 'TPA' and ModuleCode = '" + moduleCode + "'");
                string   moduleGroup   = moduleCode.Substring(0, 6);
                string   serverPathMat = string.Format(@"/Thietke.Ck/{0}/{1}.Ck/MAT.{1}", moduleGroup, moduleCode);
                string   serverPathCad = string.Format(@"/Thietke.Ck/{0}/{1}.Ck/CAD.{1}", moduleGroup, moduleCode);
                string[] array         = DocUtils.GetContentList(serverPathMat);

                #region Update ProjectModule
                ArrayList arr = ProjectModuleBO.Instance.FindByAttribute("ProjectModuleId", projectModuleId);
                if (arr.Count > 0)
                    ProjectModuleModel model = (ProjectModuleModel)arr[0];
                    model.ProjectDirectionID = direction.ID;

                #region In phim
                if (array != null)
                    for (int i1 = 0; i1 < array.Length; i1++)
                        string    partsCode = array[i1].Split('-')[0];
                        DataRow[] drsLink   = dtLink.Select("F4 = '" + partsCode + "' or F4 like '" + partsCode + "-%'");
                        decimal   qty       = parentQty * (drsLink.Length > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(drsLink[0]["QtyReal"]) : 1);

                        //DataTable dtDetail = LibQLSX.Select("select top 1 * from ProjectDirectionDetail where ProjectDirectionTypeID = 2 and PartsCode = '"
                        //    + partsCode + "' and ProjectDirectionID = " + direction.ID);
                        //if (dtDetail.Rows.Count > 0)
                        //    ProjectDirectionDetailModel detail = (ProjectDirectionDetailModel)ProjectDirectionDetailBO.Instance.FindByPK(TextUtils.ToInt(dtDetail.Rows[0]["ID"]));
                        //    detail.Qty += qty;
                        //    ProjectDirectionDetailBO.Instance.Update(detail);
                        ProjectDirectionDetailModel detail = new ProjectDirectionDetailModel();
                        detail.ProjectModuleId    = projectModuleId;
                        detail.ProjectDirectionID = direction.ID;
                        //projectDirection.Material = TextUtils.ToString(dtLink.Rows[j]["VatLieu"]);
                        detail.ModuleCode = moduleCode;
                        detail.PartsCode  = partsCode;
                        //projectDirection.PartsName = TextUtils.ToString(dtLink.Rows[j]["PartsName"]);
                        detail.ProjectCode = projectCode;

                        detail.Qty = qty;

                        //projectDirection.STT = TextUtils.ToString(dtLink.Rows[j]["STT"]);
                        detail.ThongSo = "TPA";
                        //projectDirection.Unit = TextUtils.ToString(dtLink.Rows[j]["Unit"]);
                        detail.UserId = "";

                        detail.ProjectDirectionTypeID = 2;//In
                        DataRow[] drsDirectionType = dtDirectionType.Select("ID = " + detail.ProjectDirectionTypeID);
                        detail.MakeTime = TextUtils.ToDecimal(drsDirectionType[0]["TimeDK"]);

                        detail.FilePath = serverPathMat + "/" + array[i1];
                        detail.FileName = array[i1];

                        detail.StartDateDK = null; //dateAboutE;
                        detail.EndDateDK   = null; //dateAboutE != null ? dateAboutE.Value.AddHours((double)(parentQty * detail.MakeTime)) : dateAboutE;
                        detail.StartDate   = null;
                        detail.EndDate     = null;

                        detail.IsNew       = 0;
                        detail.IsDeleted   = 0;
                        detail.CreatedBy   = Global.AppUserName;
                        detail.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;

                        detail.Note = note;

                        //catch (Exception)
                        //    throw;


                #region Other
                for (int j = 0; j < dtLink.Rows.Count; j++)
                    string  partsCode = TextUtils.ToString(dtLink.Rows[j]["F4"]);
                    decimal qty       = parentQty * TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtLink.Rows[j]["QtyReal"]);
                    string  material  = TextUtils.ToString(dtLink.Rows[j]["F8"]);

                    int projectDirectionTypeID = TextUtils.ToInt(dtLink.Rows[j]["ProjectDirectionTypeID"]);
                    if (partsCode.StartsWith("PCB"))
                        projectDirectionTypeID = 4;
                    //    DataRow[] drsMaterialModel = dtMaterialModel.Select("MaterialsId = '" + material + "'");
                    //    projectDirectionTypeID = drsMaterialModel.Length > 0 ? 3 : TextUtils.ToInt(drsMaterialModel[0]["ProjectDirectionTypeID"]);

                    //DataTable dtDetail = LibQLSX.Select("select top 1 * from ProjectDirectionDetail where ProjectDirectionTypeID = " + projectDirectionTypeID + " and PartsCode = '"
                    //    + partsCode + "' and ProjectDirectionID = " + direction.ID);
                    //if (dtDetail.Rows.Count > 0)
                    //    ProjectDirectionDetailModel detail = (ProjectDirectionDetailModel)ProjectDirectionDetailBO.Instance.FindByPK(TextUtils.ToInt(dtDetail.Rows[0]["ID"]));
                    //    detail.Qty += qty;
                    //    ProjectDirectionDetailBO.Instance.Update(detail);
                    ProjectDirectionDetailModel detail = new ProjectDirectionDetailModel();
                    detail.ProjectModuleId    = projectModuleId;
                    detail.ProjectDirectionID = direction.ID;
                    detail.Material           = material;
                    detail.ModuleCode         = moduleCode;
                    detail.PartsCode          = partsCode;
                    detail.PartsName          = TextUtils.ToString(dtLink.Rows[j]["F2"]);
                    detail.ProjectCode        = projectCode;
                    detail.Qty = qty;

                    detail.STT     = TextUtils.ToString(dtLink.Rows[j]["F1"]);
                    detail.ThongSo = "TPA";
                    //detail.Unit = TextUtils.ToString(dtLink.Rows[j]["F6"]);
                    //detail.MaVatLieu = TextUtils.ToString(dtLink.Rows[j]["F5"]);
                    detail.MaVatLieu = TextUtils.ToString(dtLink.Rows[j]["F5"]);
                    string unitPart = TextUtils.ToString(LibQLSX.ExcuteScalar("select top 1 Unit from Parts where PartsCode = N'" + detail.MaVatLieu + "'"));
                    detail.Unit   = unitPart;
                    detail.UserId = "";

                    detail.ProjectDirectionTypeID = projectDirectionTypeID;

                    if (detail.PartsCode.StartsWith("PCB"))
                        string serverPathPCB = string.Format("/Thietke.Dt/PCB/{0}/PRD.{0}/", detail.PartsCode);
                        detail.FilePath    = serverPathPCB + "TPAT." + detail.PartsCode.Substring(4, 7) + ".doc";//PCB.B060101
                        detail.FileName    = "TPAT." + detail.PartsCode.Substring(4, 7) + ".doc";
                        detail.StartDateDK = dateAboutE;
                        detail.EndDateDK   = dateAboutE != null?dateAboutE.Value.AddHours((double)(parentQty *detail.MakeTime)) : dateAboutE;
                        detail.FilePath    = serverPathCad + "/" + detail.PartsCode + ".dwg";
                        detail.FileName    = detail.PartsCode + ".dwg";
                        detail.StartDateDK = null;
                        detail.EndDateDK   = null;

                    DataRow[] drsDirectionType = dtDirectionType.Select("ID = " + detail.ProjectDirectionTypeID);
                    detail.MakeTime = drsDirectionType.Length > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(drsDirectionType[0]["TimeDK"]) : 3;

                    detail.StartDate = null;
                    detail.EndDate   = null;

                    detail.IsNew       = 0;
                    detail.IsDeleted   = 0;
                    detail.CreatedBy   = Global.AppUserName;
                    detail.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;

                    detail.Note = note;


                    //if (maxDate < detail.EndDateDK)
                    //    maxDate = (DateTime)detail.EndDateDK;
                    //catch (Exception)
                    //    throw;

                #region Lắp ráp
                //DataTable dtDetail1 = LibQLSX.Select("select top 1 * from ProjectDirectionDetail where ProjectDirectionTypeID > 4 and PartsCode = '"
                //        + moduleCode + "' and ProjectDirectionID = " + direction.ID);
                //if (dtDetail1.Rows.Count > 0)
                //    ProjectDirectionDetailModel detail = (ProjectDirectionDetailModel)ProjectDirectionDetailBO.Instance.FindByPK(TextUtils.ToInt(dtDetail1.Rows[0]["ID"]));
                //    detail.Qty += parentQty;
                //    ProjectDirectionDetailBO.Instance.Update(detail);
                ProjectDirectionDetailModel directionDetail = new ProjectDirectionDetailModel();
                directionDetail.ProjectModuleId    = projectModuleId;
                directionDetail.ProjectDirectionID = direction.ID;
                //directionDetail.Material = TextUtils.ToString(dtLink.Rows[j]["VatLieu"]);
                directionDetail.ModuleCode  = moduleCode;
                directionDetail.PartsCode   = moduleCode;
                directionDetail.PartsName   = TextUtils.ToString(drs[i]["ProjectModuleName"]);
                directionDetail.ProjectCode = projectCode;
                directionDetail.Qty         = parentQty;

                //directionDetail.STT = TextUtils.ToString(dtLink.Rows[j]["STT"]);
                directionDetail.ThongSo  = "TPA";
                directionDetail.Unit     = "BỘ";
                directionDetail.UserId   = "";
                directionDetail.FilePath = "";

                DataRow[] drsDirectionType1 = dtDirectionType.Select("Code = '" + moduleCode.Substring(0, 6) + "'");
                if (drsDirectionType1.Length > 0)
                    directionDetail.ProjectDirectionTypeID = TextUtils.ToInt(drsDirectionType1[0]["ID"]);
                    directionDetail.MakeTime = TextUtils.ToDecimal(drsDirectionType1[0]["TimeDK"]);
                    directionDetail.MakeTime = 0;

                directionDetail.StartDateDK = null; //maxDate;
                directionDetail.EndDateDK   = null; //directionDetail.StartDateDK != null ? directionDetail.StartDateDK.Value.AddHours((double)(directionDetail.Qty * directionDetail.MakeTime)) : directionDetail.StartDateDK;
                directionDetail.StartDate   = null;
                directionDetail.EndDate     = null;

                directionDetail.IsNew     = 0;
                directionDetail.IsDeleted = 0;

                directionDetail.CreatedBy   = Global.AppUserName;
                directionDetail.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;

                directionDetail.Note = note;

                //catch (Exception)
                //    throw;
            MessageBox.Show("Tạo chỉ thị thành công", TextUtils.Caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

            frmProjectDirection frm = new frmProjectDirection();
            frm.ProjectDirectionID = direction.ID;
            //catch (Exception ex)
            //    MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, TextUtils.Caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            //    pt.CloseConnection();
Example #14
        void saveCN(ProcessTransaction pt, int count, DataRow row)
            int     stt = TextUtils.ToInt(row["F1"]);
            decimal qty = TextUtils.ToDecimal(row["F7"]);

            C_QuotationDetail_SXModel item = new C_QuotationDetail_SXModel();

            item.C_QuotationID = Quotation.ID;
            item.ParentID      = 0;
            item.Qty           = item.QtyT = qty;
            item.PriceVT       = TextUtils.ToDecimal(row["F47"]);
            item.PriceVTTN     = TextUtils.ToDecimal(row["F48"]);
            item.PriceVTPS     = TextUtils.ToDecimal(row["F49"]);
            item.Manufacture   = TextUtils.ToString(row["F4"]);
            item.ModuleCode    = TextUtils.ToString(row["F3"]);
            item.ModuleName    = TextUtils.ToString(row["F2"]);
            item.Origin        = TextUtils.ToString(row["F5"]);

            item.C_ProductGroupID = TextUtils.ToInt(LibQLSX.ExcuteScalar("select ID from C_ProductGroup where Code = '" + TextUtils.ToString(row["F6"]) + "'"));

            item.ID = (int)pt.Insert(item);
            row["ID"] = item.ID;

            DataRow[] drs = _dtData.Select("F1 like '" + stt + ".%'");
            foreach (DataRow rowC in drs)
                decimal qtyC      = TextUtils.ToDecimal(rowC["F7"]);
                string  groupCode = TextUtils.ToString(rowC["F6"]);

                int groupID = TextUtils.ToInt(LibQLSX.ExcuteScalar("select ID from C_ProductGroup where Code = '" + groupCode + "'"));

                C_QuotationDetail_SXModel itemC = new C_QuotationDetail_SXModel();
                itemC.C_QuotationID    = Quotation.ID;
                itemC.ParentID         = item.ID;
                itemC.C_ProductGroupID = groupID;

                itemC.Qty       = qtyC;
                itemC.QtyT      = qtyC / item.Qty;
                itemC.PriceVT   = TextUtils.ToDecimal(rowC["F47"]);
                itemC.PriceVTTN = TextUtils.ToDecimal(row["F48"]);
                itemC.PriceVTPS = TextUtils.ToDecimal(row["F49"]);

                itemC.ModuleName  = TextUtils.ToString(rowC["F2"]);
                itemC.ModuleCode  = TextUtils.ToString(rowC["F3"]);
                itemC.Manufacture = TextUtils.ToString(rowC["F4"]);
                itemC.Origin      = TextUtils.ToString(rowC["F5"]);

                itemC.ID   = (int)pt.Insert(itemC);
                rowC["ID"] = itemC.ID;

                #region Chi phí nhân công

                //Phòng thiết kê
                C_CostQuotationItemLinkNewModel linkP24 = new C_CostQuotationItemLinkNewModel();
                linkP24.C_CostID = Quotation.CreatedDepartmentID == 18 ? 101 : 61;
                linkP24.C_QuotationDetail_SXID = itemC.ID;
                linkP24.NumberDay    = TextUtils.ToDecimal(rowC["F10"]);
                linkP24.PersonNumber = TextUtils.ToDecimal(rowC["F9"]);
                linkP24.CostNCType   = TextUtils.ToString(rowC["F12"]);
                linkP24.TotalR       = linkP24.NumberDay * linkP24.PersonNumber;
                linkP24.Price        = linkP24.TotalR * TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibQLSX.ExcuteScalar("select Price from C_CostNCType where C_CostID = "
                                                                                                 + linkP24.C_CostID + " and CostNCType = '" + linkP24.CostNCType + "'"));//pricePerDay;
                linkP24.IsDirect = 1;

                //Phòng SXLR
                C_CostQuotationItemLinkNewModel linkP07 = new C_CostQuotationItemLinkNewModel();
                linkP07.C_CostID = 64;
                linkP07.C_QuotationDetail_SXID = itemC.ID;
                linkP07.NumberDay    = TextUtils.ToDecimal(rowC["F16"]);
                linkP07.PersonNumber = TextUtils.ToDecimal(rowC["F15"]);
                linkP07.CostNCType   = TextUtils.ToString(rowC["F17"]);
                linkP07.TotalR       = linkP07.NumberDay * linkP07.PersonNumber;
                linkP07.Price        = linkP07.TotalR * TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibQLSX.ExcuteScalar("select Price from C_CostNCType where C_CostID = "
                                                                                                 + linkP07.C_CostID + " and CostNCType = '" + linkP07.CostNCType + "'")); //pricePerDay;
                linkP07.IsDirect = 1;

                //Phòng Service
                C_CostQuotationItemLinkNewModel linkP12 = new C_CostQuotationItemLinkNewModel();
                linkP12.C_CostID = 63;
                linkP12.C_QuotationDetail_SXID = itemC.ID;
                linkP12.NumberDay    = TextUtils.ToDecimal(rowC["F21"]);
                linkP12.PersonNumber = TextUtils.ToDecimal(rowC["F20"]);
                linkP12.CostNCType   = TextUtils.ToString(rowC["F22"]);
                linkP12.TotalR       = linkP12.NumberDay * linkP12.PersonNumber;
                linkP12.Price        = linkP12.TotalR * TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibQLSX.ExcuteScalar("select Price from C_CostNCType where C_CostID = "
                                                                                                 + linkP12.C_CostID + " and CostNCType = '" + linkP12.CostNCType + "'"));//pricePerDay;
                linkP12.IsDirect = 1;

                //Phòng PLD
                C_CostQuotationItemLinkNewModel linkPLD = new C_CostQuotationItemLinkNewModel();
                linkPLD.C_CostID = 103;
                linkPLD.C_QuotationDetail_SXID = itemC.ID;
                linkPLD.NumberDay    = TextUtils.ToDecimal(rowC["F30"]);
                linkPLD.PersonNumber = TextUtils.ToDecimal(rowC["F29"]);
                linkPLD.CostNCType   = TextUtils.ToString(rowC["F31"]);
                linkPLD.TotalR       = linkPLD.NumberDay * linkPLD.PersonNumber;
                linkPLD.Price        = linkPLD.TotalR * TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibQLSX.ExcuteScalar("select Price from C_CostNCType where C_CostID = "
                                                                                                 + linkPLD.C_CostID + " and CostNCType = '" + linkPLD.CostNCType + "'"));//pricePerDay;
                linkPLD.IsDirect = 1;

                //Phòng PCG
                C_CostQuotationItemLinkNewModel linkPCG = new C_CostQuotationItemLinkNewModel();
                linkPCG.C_CostID = 104;
                linkPCG.C_QuotationDetail_SXID = itemC.ID;
                linkPCG.NumberDay    = TextUtils.ToDecimal(rowC["F35"]);
                linkPCG.PersonNumber = TextUtils.ToDecimal(rowC["F34"]);
                linkPCG.CostNCType   = TextUtils.ToString(rowC["F36"]);
                linkPCG.TotalR       = linkPCG.NumberDay * linkPCG.PersonNumber;
                linkPCG.Price        = linkPCG.TotalR * TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibQLSX.ExcuteScalar("select Price from C_CostNCType where C_CostID = "
                                                                                                 + linkPCG.C_CostID + " and CostNCType = '" + linkPCG.CostNCType + "'"));//pricePerDay;
                linkPCG.IsDirect = 1;
Example #15
        void sendKcsMail(int index)
            string subject = "";
            string content = "";
            string to      = "";

            using (WaitDialogForm fWait = new WaitDialogForm("Vui lòng chờ trong giây lát...", "Đang load dữ liệu..."))
                int    id = TextUtils.ToInt(grvData.GetRowCellValue(index, colID));
                string departmentCodeGL = grvData.GetRowCellValue(index, colDepartmentCodeGL).ToString();
                string departmentMailGL = "";
                    departmentMailGL = ((DepartmentModel)DepartmentBO.Instance.FindByAttribute("Code", departmentCodeGL)[0]).Email;
                    //departmentMailGL = "*****@*****.**";
                    departmentMailGL = "[email protected];[email protected];[email protected];[email protected];[email protected]";
                ModulesModel  product     = (ModulesModel)ModulesBO.Instance.FindByAttribute("Code", grvData.GetRowCellValue(index, colModuleCode).ToString())[0];
                string        productCode = product.Code;
                string        projectCode = TextUtils.ToString(grvData.GetRowCellValue(index, colProjectCode));
                List <string> listEmail   = getListMail(productCode);

                #region Mở outlook
                int count = Process.GetProcesses().Where(o => o.ProcessName.Contains("OUTLOOK")).Count();
                if (count == 0)
                    catch (Exception)
                #endregion Mở outlook

                subject = string.Format("ERROR REPORT - {0} - {1}", TextUtils.ToString(grvData.GetRowCellValue(index, colCode)), productCode);

                DataTable dtProjectUser = LibQLSX.Select("SELECT p.ProjectCode, u.UserName FROM Project p INNER JOIN Users u ON p.UserId = u.UserId where p.ProjectCode='" + projectCode + "'");
                string    projectUser   = dtProjectUser.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToString(dtProjectUser.Rows[0][1]) : "";

                DataTable dtConfig = TextUtils.Select("select KeyValue from [ConfigSystem] where [KeyName]='KcsToTK_Email'");
                content = dtConfig.Rows[0][0].ToString();
                content = content.Replace("<ErrorCode>", "<b>" + grvData.GetRowCellValue(index, colCode).ToString() + "</b>")
                          .Replace("<ProjectCode>", "<b>" + projectCode + "</b>")
                          .Replace("<ProjectUser>", "<b>" + projectUser == "" ? "Không tìm thấy" : projectUser + "</b>")
                          .Replace("<ProductCode>", "<b>" + productCode + "</b>")
                          .Replace("<ProductName>", product.Name)
                          .Replace("<UserFind>", grvData.GetRowCellValue(index, colUserFind) == null ? "Không tìm thấy" : grvData.GetRowCellValue(index, colUserFind).ToString())
                          .Replace("<TQ>", grvData.GetRowCellValue(index, colTQ) == null ? "Không tìm thấy" : grvData.GetRowCellValue(index, colTQ).ToString())
                          .Replace("<Description>", grvData.GetRowCellValue(index, colDes).ToString())
                          .Replace("<Ck>", NVCoKhi == "" ? "Không tìm thấy" : NVCoKhi)
                          .Replace("<Dn>", NVDien == "" ? "Không tìm thấy" : NVDien)
                          .Replace("<Dt>", NVDT == "" ? "Không tìm thấy" : NVDT);
                if (departmentCodeGL == "TK")//Phong TK
                    foreach (string item in listEmail)
                        to += item.ToLower() + ";";
                    to = departmentMailGL + ";";

                string supplierId = TextUtils.ToString(grvData.GetRowCellValue(index, colSupplierId));
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(supplierId))
                    to += TextUtils.ToString(LibQLSX.ExcuteScalar("SELECT Email FROM dbo.Suppliers WHERE SupplierId = '" + supplierId + "'"));

            frmSendEmailAttach frm = new frmSendEmailAttach();
            frm.Subject = subject;
            //frm.CC = "*****@*****.**";
            frm.To      = to;
            frm.Content = content;
            if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                ModuleErrorModel errorModel = (ModuleErrorModel)ModuleErrorBO.Instance.FindByPK(TextUtils.ToInt(grvData.GetRowCellValue(index, colID)));
                errorModel.CreateMailContent = Global.AppFullName + " - " + Environment.MachineName + " đã gửi mail vào ngày: " + DateTime.Now;
Example #16
        private void btnExcelDetail_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (PaymentTable.ID == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Bạn phải lưu lại trước khi xuất file", TextUtils.Caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);
            string path             = "";
            FolderBrowserDialog fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog();

            if (fbd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                path = fbd.SelectedPath;

            string filePath    = Application.StartupPath + "\\Templates\\PhongKeToan\\MauChungTu.xlsx";
            string currentPath = path + "\\ChungTu-" + PaymentTable.Number + ".xlsx";

                File.Copy(filePath, currentPath, true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Có lỗi khi tạo bảng kê thanh toán chi tiết!" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message,
                                TextUtils.Caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);

            using (WaitDialogForm fWait = new WaitDialogForm("Vui lòng chờ trong giây lát...", "Đang tạo biểu mẫu..."))
                System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US");
                Excel.Application app       = default(Excel.Application);
                Excel.Workbook    workBoook = default(Excel.Workbook);
                Excel.Worksheet   workSheet = default(Excel.Worksheet);
                    app = new Excel.Application();
                    workBoook = app.Workbooks[1];
                    workSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)workBoook.Worksheets[1];

                    DataTable dtItem = LibQLSX.Select("select * from vPaymentTableItem with(nolock) where PaymentTableID = " + PaymentTable.ID);

                    for (int i = 0; i < dtItem.Rows.Count; i++)
                        string orderCode = TextUtils.ToString(dtItem.Rows[i]["Code"]);
                        //if (orderCode == "NCC1016.201702.007")
                        //    MessageBox.Show("a");
                        string   listProjects = TextUtils.ToString(dtItem.Rows[i]["Target"]);
                        decimal  vat          = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtItem.Rows[i]["VAT"]);
                        decimal  delivery     = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtItem.Rows[i]["DeliveryCost"]);
                        decimal  percentPay   = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtItem.Rows[i]["PercentPay"]);
                        decimal  totalTH      = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtItem.Rows[i]["TotalTH"]);
                        string[] arrProject   = listProjects.Split(',');
                        if (arrProject.Length == 1)
                            //workSheet.Cells[8, 1] = i + 1;
                            workSheet.Cells[8, 5]  = orderCode.Length > 7 ? orderCode.Substring(0, 7) : orderCode;
                            workSheet.Cells[8, 19] =
                                (TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtItem.Rows[i]["TotalCash"]) +
                            workSheet.Cells[8, 7]  = TextUtils.ToString(dtItem.Rows[i]["Name"]);
                            workSheet.Cells[8, 20] = TextUtils.ToString(dtItem.Rows[i]["DCode"]);
                            workSheet.Cells[8, 21] = TextUtils.ToString(dtItem.Rows[i]["CostCode"]);
                            workSheet.Cells[8, 22] = TextUtils.ToString(dtItem.Rows[i]["Target"]);
                            workSheet.Cells[8, 23] = orderCode;

                        else if (arrProject.Length > 1)
                            //if (orderCode == "NCC1281.201803.017")
                            //    MessageBox.Show(orderCode);

                            //arrProject = arrProject.OrderByDescending(c => c).ToArray();
                            foreach (string projectCode in arrProject)
                                decimal total = 0;
                                if (orderCode.Length > 7)
                                    string sql = "";
                                    //bool isSXC = false;
                                    if (!projectCode.Trim().StartsWith("Mua"))
                                        sql = "select sum(TotalPrice) as total from vGetPartWithOrder_New060318 where OrderCode = '" + orderCode +
                                              "' and ProjectCode = '" + projectCode.Trim() + "'";
                                        //isSXC = true;
                                        sql = "select sum(TotalPrice) as total from vGetPartWithOrder_New060318 where OrderCode = '" + orderCode +
                                              "' and (ProjectCode is null or ProjectCode = '')";
                                    //DataTable dtSum = LibQLSX.Select(sql);
                                    decimal totalTH_Project   = TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibQLSX.ExcuteScalar(sql));
                                    decimal total_TH_Delivery = (delivery / (totalTH == 0 ? 1 : totalTH) * totalTH_Project) + totalTH_Project;

                                    total = Math.Round((total_TH_Delivery + total_TH_Delivery * vat / 100) * (percentPay / 100));
                                    total = TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtItem.Rows[i]["TotalCash"]) + TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtItem.Rows[i]["TotalCK"]);

                                workSheet.Cells[8, 5]  = orderCode.Length > 7 ? orderCode.Substring(0, 7) : orderCode;
                                workSheet.Cells[8, 19] = total;
                                workSheet.Cells[8, 7]  = TextUtils.ToString(dtItem.Rows[i]["Name"]);
                                workSheet.Cells[8, 20] = TextUtils.ToString(dtItem.Rows[i]["DCode"]);
                                workSheet.Cells[8, 21] = TextUtils.ToString(dtItem.Rows[i]["CostCode"]);
                                workSheet.Cells[8, 22] = projectCode.Trim();
                                workSheet.Cells[8, 23] = orderCode;


                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (app != null)
Example #17
        private void btnTongHopVanDe_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            grvProject.FocusedRowHandle = -1;

            DataTable dtProject = (DataTable)grdProject.DataSource;

            DataRow[] drs = dtProject.Select("check = 1");

            if (drs.Length == 0)

            string listProject = "'";

            for (int i = 0; i < drs.Length; i++)
                if (i == (drs.Length - 1))
                    listProject += drs[i]["ProjectCode"] + "'";
                    listProject += drs[i]["ProjectCode"] + ",";

            //string projectCode = TextUtils.ToString(grvProject.GetFocusedRowCellValue(colPProjectCode));

            string    sql = "exec spProjectProblemSummary ''," + listProject;
            DataTable dt  = LibQLSX.Select(sql);

            if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)

            string localPath        = "";
            FolderBrowserDialog fbd = new FolderBrowserDialog();

            if (fbd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                localPath = fbd.SelectedPath + "\\TongHopVanDe - " + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") + ".xlsx";

            string filePath = Application.StartupPath + "\\Templates\\PhongDuAn\\TongHopVanDe.xlsx";

                File.Copy(filePath, localPath, true);
                MessageBox.Show("Lỗi: File excel đang được mở.");

            using (WaitDialogForm fWait = new WaitDialogForm("Vui lòng chờ trong giây lát...", "Đang tạo biểu mẫu..."))
                System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US");
                Excel.Application app       = default(Excel.Application);
                Excel.Workbook    workBoook = default(Excel.Workbook);
                Excel.Worksheet   workSheet = default(Excel.Worksheet);
                    app = new Excel.Application();
                    workBoook = app.Workbooks[1];
                    workSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)workBoook.Worksheets[1];

                    for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                        string projectCode   = TextUtils.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["ProjectCode"]);
                        string nguoiPhuTrach = TextUtils.ToString(LibQLSX.ExcuteScalar("select top 1 UserName from vProject where ProjectCode = '" + projectCode + "'"));

                        workSheet.Cells[5, 1] = i + 1;
                        workSheet.Cells[5, 2] = projectCode;
                        workSheet.Cells[5, 3] = nguoiPhuTrach;

                        workSheet.Cells[5, 4] = TextUtils.ToInt(dt.Rows[i]["Total"]);
                        workSheet.Cells[5, 5] = TextUtils.ToInt(dt.Rows[i]["Total_CXL"]);

                        //workSheet.Cells[5, 6] = TextUtils.ToString(dt.Rows[i][""]);
                        //workSheet.Cells[5, 7] = TextUtils.ToString(dt.Rows[i][""]);

                        workSheet.Cells[5, 8] = TextUtils.ToInt(dt.Rows[i]["TotalTK"]);
                        workSheet.Cells[5, 9] = TextUtils.ToInt(dt.Rows[i]["TotalTK_CXL"]);

                        workSheet.Cells[5, 10] = TextUtils.ToInt(dt.Rows[i]["TotalVT"]);
                        workSheet.Cells[5, 11] = TextUtils.ToInt(dt.Rows[i]["TotalVT_CXL"]);

                        workSheet.Cells[5, 12] = TextUtils.ToInt(dt.Rows[i]["TotalSXLR"]);
                        workSheet.Cells[5, 13] = TextUtils.ToInt(dt.Rows[i]["TotalSXLR_CXL"]);

                        workSheet.Cells[5, 14] = TextUtils.ToInt(dt.Rows[i]["TotalSV"]);
                        workSheet.Cells[5, 15] = TextUtils.ToInt(dt.Rows[i]["TotalSV_CXL"]);

                        workSheet.Cells[5, 16] = TextUtils.ToInt(dt.Rows[i]["TotalCG"]);
                        workSheet.Cells[5, 17] = TextUtils.ToInt(dt.Rows[i]["TotalCG_CXL"]);

                        workSheet.Cells[5, 18] = TextUtils.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["TotalKhac"]);
                        workSheet.Cells[5, 19] = TextUtils.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["TotalKhac_CXL"]);

                        //workSheet.Cells[5, 20] = TextUtils.ToString(dt.Rows[i][""]);


                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (app != null)

Example #18
        private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool _isSaved = false;

            if (treeData.AllNodesCount == 0)
            treeData.FocusedNode = null;

            DataTable dtSource = (DataTable)treeData.DataSource;

            DataRow[] drsQty = dtSource.Select("(QtyT is null or QtyT = 0) and C_ProductGroupID > 0");
            //DataRow[] drsVatTu = dtSource.Select("(PriceVT is null or PriceVT = 0) and C_ProductGroupID > 0");
            int checkVT  = dtSource.AsEnumerable().Count(o => TextUtils.ToDecimal(o.Field <decimal>("PriceVT")) == 0 && TextUtils.ToInt(o.Field <object>("C_ProductGroupID")) > 0);
            int checkQty = dtSource.AsEnumerable().Count(o => TextUtils.ToDecimal(o.Field <decimal>("QtyT")) == 0 && TextUtils.ToInt(o.Field <object>("C_ProductGroupID")) > 0);

            if (checkQty > 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Bạn chưa nhập số lượng cho các hạng mục.", TextUtils.Caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);
            if (checkVT > 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Bạn chưa nhập đủ VẬT TƯ SẢN XUẤT cho các hạng mục.", TextUtils.Caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);

            int costID = (Quotation.DepartmentId == "D018" ? 73 : 72);//Phòng KD1->lấy ra chi phí nhân công KD2 không thì lấy chi phí nhân công KD1

            using (WaitDialogForm fWait = new WaitDialogForm("Vui lòng chờ trong giây lát...", "Đang xử lý..."))
                #region Tính vật tư
                for (int i = 0; i < treeData.AllNodesCount; i++)
                    int id = TextUtils.ToInt(treeData.GetNodeByVisibleIndex(i).GetValue(colDetailID));
                    C_QuotationDetail_KDModel item = (C_QuotationDetail_KDModel)C_QuotationDetail_KDBO.Instance.FindByPK(id);

                    item.ModuleCode       = TextUtils.ToString(treeData.GetNodeByVisibleIndex(i).GetValue(colModuleCode));
                    item.ModuleName       = TextUtils.ToString(treeData.GetNodeByVisibleIndex(i).GetValue(colModuleName));
                    item.PriceVT          = TextUtils.ToDecimal(treeData.GetNodeByVisibleIndex(i).GetValue(colPriceVT));
                    item.PriceHD          = TextUtils.ToDecimal(treeData.GetNodeByVisibleIndex(i).GetValue(colPriceHD));
                    item.C_ProductGroupID = TextUtils.ToInt(treeData.GetNodeByVisibleIndex(i).GetValue(colProductGroupID));
                    item.VAT          = TextUtils.ToDecimal(treeData.GetNodeByVisibleIndex(i).GetValue(colVAT));
                    item.QtyT         = TextUtils.ToDecimal(treeData.GetNodeByVisibleIndex(i).GetValue(colQtyT));
                    item.DepartmentId = TextUtils.ToString(treeData.GetNodeByVisibleIndex(i).GetValue(colDepartmentId));
                    //item.CustomerType = TextUtils.ToInt(treeData.GetNodeByVisibleIndex(i).GetValue(colCustomerType));

                    item.PercentXLKH = TextUtils.ToDecimal(treeData.GetNodeByVisibleIndex(i).GetValue(colPercentXLKH));

                    int parentID = TextUtils.ToInt(treeData.GetNodeByVisibleIndex(i).GetValue(colParentID));
                    if (parentID == 0)
                        item.Qty = item.QtyT;
                        C_QuotationDetail_KDModel parent = (C_QuotationDetail_KDModel)C_QuotationDetail_KDBO.Instance.FindByPK(parentID);
                        item.Qty = item.QtyT * parent.Qty;


                #region Tính giá, chi phí
                //DataTable dtCostVT = LibQLSX.Select("select sum(Qty*PriceVT) from C_QuotationDetail_KD where (ParentID > 0 or (ParentID = 0 and C_ProductGroupID > 0)) and [C_QuotationID] = " + Quotation.ID);
                //decimal totalCostVT = dtCostVT.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtCostVT.Rows[0][0]) : 0;
                string  sqlSumCostVT = "select sum(isnull(Qty,0)*isnull(PriceVT,0)) from C_QuotationDetail_KD where (ParentID > 0 or (ParentID = 0 and C_ProductGroupID > 0)) and [C_QuotationID] = " + Quotation.ID;
                decimal totalCostVT  = TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibQLSX.ExcuteScalar(sqlSumCostVT));

                for (int i = 0; i < treeData.AllNodesCount; i++)
                    int id = TextUtils.ToInt(treeData.GetNodeByVisibleIndex(i).GetValue(colDetailID));
                    C_QuotationDetail_KDModel item = (C_QuotationDetail_KDModel)C_QuotationDetail_KDBO.Instance.FindByPK(id);

                    if (item.ParentID == 0 && item.C_ProductGroupID == 0)

                    DataTable dtProductGroup = LibQLSX.Select("select top 1 ProfitPercentKD, CustomerPercentKD1, CustomerPercentKD2, ProfitPercentKD_OEM, XLPercent from C_ProductGroup where ID = " + item.C_ProductGroupID);
                    decimal   profitPercent  = 0;

                    if (Quotation.DepartmentId == "D018")
                        profitPercent = dtProductGroup.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtProductGroup.Rows[0]["XLPercent"]) / 100 : 0;
                        if (Quotation.CustomerType == 1)//EUS
                            profitPercent = dtProductGroup.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtProductGroup.Rows[0]["ProfitPercentKD"]) / 100 : 0;
                        if (Quotation.CustomerType == 2)//OEM
                            profitPercent = dtProductGroup.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtProductGroup.Rows[0]["ProfitPercentKD_OEM"]) / 100 : 0;

                    decimal xuLyPhanGuiPercent = item.PercentXLKH;

                    decimal chiXucTienBanHang = (Quotation.CustomerCash * item.PriceVT) / totalCostVT;
                    if (Quotation.DepartmentId == "D018")
                        chiXucTienBanHang = chiXucTienBanHang / (1 - xuLyPhanGuiPercent / 100);

                    decimal priceDuPhong = (Quotation.TotalDP_KD * item.PriceVT) / totalCostVT;

                    decimal totalPercentCP = TextUtils.ToDecimal(LibQLSX.ExcuteScalar("select Sum(" + (Quotation.DepartmentId == "D018" ? "ValuePercentKD1" : "ValuePercentKD2")
                                                                                      + ") from vC_CostProductGroupLinkNew where IsDeleted = 0 and C_CostGroupNew_Code in ('N01','N05','N08','N09','N11') "
                                                                                      + " and C_ProductGroupID = " + item.C_ProductGroupID + " and [C_VersionID] = " + Quotation.C_VersionID)) / 100;

                    item.TotalBX       = Quotation.TotalBX_KD * item.PriceVT / totalCostVT;
                    item.TotalVC       = Quotation.TotalVC_KD * item.PriceVT / totalCostVT;
                    item.TotalDP       = priceDuPhong;
                    item.TotalCustomer = chiXucTienBanHang;
                    item.TotalXL       = Quotation.IsVAT == 1 ? xuLyPhanGuiPercent / 100 * chiXucTienBanHang : 0;

                    item.PriceCP = (item.PriceVT + item.TotalBX + item.TotalVC + priceDuPhong) * (1 + profitPercent) / (1 - totalPercentCP * (1 + profitPercent));

                    item.PriceTPA        = chiXucTienBanHang + item.PriceCP * (1 + item.VAT / 100);
                    item.PriceTPA_PreVAT = item.PriceTPA / (1 + item.VAT / 100);
                    item.PriceVAT        = (item.PriceTPA_PreVAT - chiXucTienBanHang) * item.VAT / 100;
                    item.PriceVAT_HD     = ((item.PriceHD / (1 + item.VAT / 100)) - chiXucTienBanHang) * item.VAT / 100;

                    item.PriceReal = item.PriceHD - item.PriceVAT_HD - chiXucTienBanHang;



                    decimal totalAllCP = (item.TotalVC + item.TotalBX + item.PriceVT + item.TotalNC + item.TotalNC_KD + item.TotalPB + item.TotalDP);
                    item.TotalProfitQD = item.PriceCP - totalAllCP;
                    item.TotalProfitTT = item.PriceHD - totalAllCP - item.PriceVAT_HD - chiXucTienBanHang;

                #region Tính thiết bị cha
                ArrayList listParent = C_QuotationDetail_KDBO.Instance.FindByExpression(new Expression("ParentID", 0)
                                                                                        .And(new Expression("C_ProductGroupID", 0))
                                                                                        .And(new Expression("C_QuotationID", Quotation.ID)));

                if (listParent != null)
                    foreach (var item in listParent)
                        C_QuotationDetail_KDModel itemP = (C_QuotationDetail_KDModel)item;
                        DataTable dtChild = LibQLSX.Select("select Sum(QtyT*PriceVT),Sum(QtyT*PriceTPA),Sum(QtyT*PriceCP),Sum(QtyT*PriceTPA_PreVAT)"
                                                           + ",Sum(QtyT*PriceVAT),Sum(QtyT*PriceHD),Sum(QtyT*TotalXL)"
                                                           + ",Sum(QtyT*PriceReal),Sum(QtyT*TotalDP),Sum(QtyT*TotalCustomer),Sum(QtyT*TotalProfitQD),Sum(QtyT*TotalProfitTT)"
                                                           + ",Sum(QtyT*TotalNC_KD),Sum(QtyT*TotalNC),Sum(QtyT*TotalPB)"
                                                           + ",Sum(QtyT*TotalBX),Sum(QtyT*TotalVC)"
                                                           + " from C_QuotationDetail_KD where ParentID = " + itemP.ID);

                        itemP.PriceVT         = dtChild.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtChild.Rows[0][0]) : itemP.PriceVT;
                        itemP.PriceTPA        = dtChild.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtChild.Rows[0][1]) : itemP.PriceTPA;
                        itemP.PriceCP         = dtChild.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtChild.Rows[0][2]) : itemP.PriceCP;
                        itemP.PriceTPA_PreVAT = dtChild.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtChild.Rows[0][3]) : itemP.PriceTPA_PreVAT;
                        itemP.PriceVAT        = dtChild.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtChild.Rows[0][4]) : itemP.PriceVAT;
                        itemP.PriceHD         = dtChild.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtChild.Rows[0][5]) : itemP.PriceHD;
                        itemP.TotalXL         = dtChild.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtChild.Rows[0][6]) : itemP.TotalXL;
                        itemP.PriceReal       = dtChild.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtChild.Rows[0][7]) : itemP.PriceReal;
                        itemP.TotalDP         = dtChild.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtChild.Rows[0][8]) : itemP.TotalDP;
                        itemP.TotalCustomer   = dtChild.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtChild.Rows[0][9]) : itemP.TotalCustomer;
                        itemP.TotalProfitQD   = dtChild.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtChild.Rows[0][10]) : itemP.TotalProfitQD;
                        itemP.TotalProfitTT   = dtChild.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtChild.Rows[0][11]) : itemP.TotalProfitTT;

                        itemP.TotalNC_KD = dtChild.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtChild.Rows[0][12]) : itemP.TotalNC_KD;
                        itemP.TotalNC    = dtChild.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtChild.Rows[0][13]) : itemP.TotalNC;
                        itemP.TotalPB    = dtChild.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtChild.Rows[0][14]) : itemP.TotalPB;

                        itemP.TotalBX = dtChild.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtChild.Rows[0][15]) : itemP.TotalBX;
                        itemP.TotalVC = dtChild.Rows.Count > 0 ? TextUtils.ToDecimal(dtChild.Rows[0][16]) : itemP.TotalVC;


                _isSaved = true;

            MessageBox.Show("Lưu trữ thành công.", TextUtils.Caption, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

            if (_isSaved)
                if (this.LoadDataChange != null)
                    this.LoadDataChange(null, null);