public static new AssessmentModel deserialize(JsonObject input) { var model = (AssessmentModel)BMM.deserialize(input); var swot = input.GetNamedNumber("swot", -1); if (swot != -1) { model.swotControl.SelectedIndex = (int)swot; } return(model); }
public static new BusinessRuleModel deserialize(JsonObject input) { var model = (BusinessRuleModel)BMM.deserialize(input); var level = input.GetNamedNumber("enforcement-level", -1); if (level != -1) { model.enforcementCombo.SelectedIndex = (int)level; } return(model); }
public WarningItem(BMM model, Codes code) { this.InitializeComponent(); DataContext = this; this.model = model; this.code = code; var entry = new KeyValuePair <string, string>(); catalogue.TryGetValue(code, out entry); Warning_Short = String.Format("Model {0} \"{1}\": {2}.",, model.Title, entry.Key); Warning_Long = entry.Value; }
public static new InfluencerModel deserialize(JsonObject input) { var model = (InfluencerModel)BMM.deserialize(input); var influencer = input.GetNamedNumber("influencer", -1); if (influencer != -1) { model.influencerCombo.SelectedIndex = (int)influencer; } return(model); }
private void StackPanel_Drop(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { object item; if (e.Data.Properties.TryGetValue("Item", out item)) { Category category = (Category)item; BaseModel model = (category == Category.NOTE) ? (BaseModel) new NoteModel(username) : (category == Category.ASSESSMENT) ? (BaseModel) new AssessmentModel(username) : (category == Category.BUSINESS_RULE) ? (BaseModel) new BusinessRuleModel(username) : (category == Category.INFLUENCER) ? (BaseModel) new InfluencerModel(username) : (BaseModel) new BMM(category, username); model.LinkStartEvent += OnLinkStart; model.LinkEndEvent += OnLinkEnd; model.DeleteEvent += DeleteModel; model.MovedEvent += ModelMoved; model.MoveEndEvent += ModelStoppedMoving; models.Add(model); if (model is BMM) { BMM bpmm = (BMM)model; bpmm.BMMTappedEvent += infobar.BMMTapped; bpmm.WarningsAddedEvent += infobar.AddWarnings; bpmm.WarningsRemovedEvent += infobar.RemoveWarnings; foreach (var warnItem in bpmm.getWarnings()) { infobar.Warnings.Add(warnItem); } } Point pos = e.GetPosition(workspace); Canvas.SetLeft(model, pos.X); Canvas.SetTop(model, pos.Y); workspace.Children.Add(model); if (step == TourStep.V1 && category == Category.VISION || step == TourStep.G1 && category == Category.GOAL || step == TourStep.O1 && category == Category.OBJECTIVE || step == TourStep.S1 && category == Category.STRATEGY || step == TourStep.T1 && category == Category.TACTIC || step == TourStep.I1 && category == Category.INFLUENCER || step == TourStep.A1 && category == Category.ASSESSMENT || step == TourStep.P1 && category == Category.BUSINESS_POLICY || step == TourStep.R1 && category == Category.BUSINESS_RULE) { performStep(step + 1); } } }
private bool deserialize(string input) { JsonObject data; if (JsonObject.TryParse(input, out data) == false) { return(false); } var modelArray = data.GetNamedArray("models", null); foreach (var entry in modelArray) { var value = entry.GetObject().GetNamedNumber("category", -1); if (value == -1) { return(false); } var type = (Category)value; BaseModel model = (type == Category.NOTE) ? (BaseModel)NoteModel.deserialize(entry.GetObject()) : (type == Category.BUSINESS_RULE) ? BusinessRuleModel.deserialize(entry.GetObject()) : (type == Category.INFLUENCER) ? InfluencerModel.deserialize(entry.GetObject()) : (type == Category.ASSESSMENT) ? AssessmentModel.deserialize(entry.GetObject()) : BMM.deserialize(entry.GetObject()); if (model != null) { workspace.Children.Add(model); models.Add(model); } } var linkArray = data.GetNamedArray("links", null); foreach (var entry in linkArray) { var link = Link.deserialize(entry.GetObject()); if (link != null) { workspace.Children.Add(link); link.sourceModel.MovedEvent += link.sourceMoved; link.targetModel.MovedEvent += link.targetMoved; } } return(true); }
private async void performStep(TourStep nextStep) { step = nextStep; switch (nextStep) { case TourStep.None: storyboard.Stop(); if (storyboard.Children.Count == 1) { storyboard.Children.RemoveAt(0); } highlightedBrush.Color = Colors.Transparent; guideBubble.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; Guide = ""; step = TourStep.None; tourButton.Icon = new SymbolIcon(Symbol.Help); tourButton.Label = "Start Tour"; tourButton.Click -= endTour; tourButton.Click += startTour; break; case TourStep.V1: visionIcon.Background = highlightBrush(); Guide = "Business Motivation Models need Ends to justify any planned Means. The highest End is an organization's Vision. " + "So, let's start by formulating a Vision for our cancer research institute.\nSimply drag a Vision element onto the workspace."; guideBubble.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; break; case TourStep.V2: Vision = (BMM)workspace.Children.Last(); Vision.headerBorder.Background = highlightBrush(); Vision.headerBox.KeyUp += Tour_TextBoxEdited; Guide = "Good job! Next, we should give our Vision a descriptive name. Double-tap its header and enter e.g.:\"Cancer Research\". To finish editing, press [Enter]."; break; case TourStep.V3: Vision.headerBox.KeyUp -= Tour_TextBoxEdited; Vision.descriptionBox.KeyUp += Tour_TextBoxEdited; Vision.descriptionBorder.Background = highlightBrush(); Guide = "Next, we formulate the Vision itself. Double-tap its description and enter e.g.: " + "\"The ultimate defeat of cancer and further education of young academics with exclusively non-profit activities\". Again, finish by pressing [Enter]."; break; case TourStep.G1: Vision.descriptionBox.KeyUp -= Tour_TextBoxEdited; goalIcon.Background = highlightBrush(); Guide = "Excellent. This Vision describes the final purpose of our cancer reserach institute. In order to reach it we need to formulate smaller Goals." + "\nSo let's place a Goal on our workspace, next."; break; case TourStep.G2: Goal = (BMM)workspace.Children.Last(); Goal.Title = "Attractive Employer"; Goal.Description = "Become an attractive employer for young academics, especially for PhD students."; Goal.anchor.Background = highlightBrush(); Vision.LinkEndEvent += Tour_linkEstablished; Guide = "To save you some time I already formulated this Goal. Note how it describes exactly one of many possible targets for the Vision: " + "To educate young academics the institute needs to attract many of them." + "\nPlease link the Goal with the Vision by dragging from the Goal's link achor and releasing somewhere on the Vision."; break; case TourStep.O1: Vision.LinkEndEvent -= Tour_linkEstablished; objectiveIcon.Background = highlightBrush(); Guide = "The next step is to state concrete and realizable Objectives to achieve our Goal. Please add an Objective to the workspace."; break; case TourStep.O2: Objective = (BMM)workspace.Children.Last(); Objective.anchor.Background = highlightBrush(); Objective.Title = "Known by PhDs"; Objective.Description = "Within the next two years become familiar to at least 90% of the PhD students in the field of Medicine and Biology."; Goal.LinkEndEvent += Tour_linkEstablished; Guide = "Again, we skip the typing work. Pay attention to the difference between Goals and Objectives." + " While Goals represent single inconcrete targets for the Vision, Objectives are meant to be precise enough to derive Business Processes from them." + "\nSince this Objective helps realizing our \"Attractive Employer\" Goal, let's link the two."; break; case TourStep.S1: Goal.LinkEndEvent -= Tour_linkEstablished; strategyIcon.Background = highlightBrush(); Guide = "We could add more Goals and Objectives, for example the Goal to become nation-wide leading institute in cancer research by year X " + "or the Objective to become well known by undergraduates as well, you get the idea.\nTo keep it simple, we finish Ends and continue with Means instead." + "\nPlease drag a Strategy to the workspace."; break; case TourStep.S2: Strategy = (BMM)workspace.Children.Last(); Strategy.Title = "Excellent Working Conditions"; Strategy.Description = "Establish excellent working conditions for young academics, for PhD students in particular."; Strategy.anchor.Background = highlightBrush(); Goal.LinkEndEvent += Tour_linkEstablished; Guide = "Developing good working conditions is one possible strategy to attain the Goal \"Attractive Employer\"." + " Another strategy could be to offer exceptionally high salary.\nBut let's link this one with our Goal."; break; case TourStep.T1: Goal.LinkEndEvent -= Tour_linkEstablished; tacticIcon.Background = highlightBrush(); Guide = "Next, just like with the pair of Goal and Objective a Strategy sometimes needs concrete Tactics that implement it." + " Organizations sometimes choose to not make this distinction, but for the sake of completeness,\nplease add a Tactic to your workspace."; break; case TourStep.T2: Tactic = (BMM)workspace.Children.Last(); Tactic.Title = "Annual Festival"; Tactic.Description = "Celebrate annual festivals to which employees can also contribute."; Tactic.anchor.Background = highlightBrush(); Strategy.LinkEndEvent += Tour_linkEstablished; Guide = "By celebrating annual festivals the Strategy \"Excellent Working Conditions\" is implemented.\nA link should visualize this relationship."; break; case TourStep.I1: Strategy.LinkEndEvent -= Tour_linkEstablished; influencerIcon.Background = highlightBrush(); Guide = "Well done! So far we have defined some Ends and corresponding Means for our organization." + "\nThe next important concept are Influencers.\nDrag an Influencer onto the workspace."; break; case TourStep.I2: Influencer = (InfluencerModel)workspace.Children.Last(); Influencer.Title = "Survey on Research Money"; Influencer.Description = "According to a survey of institute X, 35% of the society believe that taxpayer's money is not used effectively in research institutes."; Influencer.influencerCombo.Background = highlightBrush(); Influencer.influencerCombo.SelectionChanged += Tour_ComboSelectionChanged; Guide = "Influencers represent changes of the environment that might affect the organization's activities and plans." + " Note that Influencers are neutral. Their actual impact will be dealt with later.\nIt is possible to categorize Influencers." + " Select \"Environment\" for this one."; break; case TourStep.A1: Influencer.influencerCombo.SelectionChanged -= Tour_ComboSelectionChanged; assessmentIcon.Background = highlightBrush(); Guide = "I have mentioned that Influencers are formulated in a neutral way. In fact, a motivation should never be directly derived from an Influencer." + " Instead, in order to evaluate its impact on the organization, an Assessment can be made.\nPlease add an Assessment to the workspace."; break; case TourStep.A2: Assessment = (AssessmentModel)workspace.Children.Last(); Assessment.Title = "Festivals Reputation"; Assessment.Description = "The annual festivals of the institute might lead to negative public perception."; Assessment.anchor.Background = highlightBrush(); Guide = "This Assessment addresses the Influencer's impact on the Tactic \"Annual Festival\"." + " The Influencer might also affect other parts of the organizational plan, for each such impact, a new Assessment should be created." + "\n Link this one with its Influencer and with mentioned Tactic."; Influencer.LinkEndEvent += Tour_linkEstablished; Tactic.LinkEndEvent += Tour_linkEstablished; break; case TourStep.A3: foreach (var link in findLinks(Influencer)) { if (link.sourceModel == Assessment || link.targetModel == Assessment) { Influencer.LinkEndEvent -= Tour_linkEstablished; return; } } Tactic.LinkEndEvent -= Tour_linkEstablished; break; case TourStep.A4: Influencer.LinkEndEvent -= Tour_linkEstablished; Tactic.LinkEndEvent -= Tour_linkEstablished; Assessment.swotControl.Background = highlightBrush(); Assessment.swotControl.SelectionChanged += Tour_ComboSelectionChanged; Guide = "Note that an impact can be of various nature. It can be an internal Strength or Weakness or an external Threat or Opportunity." + "\nClassify this one as a Threat."; break; case TourStep.P1: Assessment.swotControl.SelectionChanged -= Tour_ComboSelectionChanged; policyIcon.Background = highlightBrush(); Guide = "After an Assessment has been made it should not go without consequences." + " Let's create a Business Policy to counter the Threat to our cancer research institute.\nDrag a Business Policy onto the workspace."; break; case TourStep.P2: BusinessPolicy = (BMM)workspace.Children.Last(); BusinessPolicy.Title = "Thrifty Budget"; BusinessPolicy.Description = "The institute shall use its budget task-oriented and thrifty."; BusinessPolicy.anchor.Background = highlightBrush(); Tactic.LinkEndEvent += Tour_linkEstablished; Guide = "This Business Policy is motivated by the newly made Assessment, but it also supports the non-profit part of the institute's Vision." + " Since it restricts the Tactic \"Annual Festival\", let's link the two."; break; case TourStep.R1: Tactic.LinkEndEvent -= Tour_linkEstablished; ruleIcon.Background = highlightBrush(); Guide = "We are almost done! The last thing I'd like to demonstrate is the Business Rule." + "\nYou might have noticed, that the Business Policy is not very precise as a restriction. It is still arguable which investions are necessarys, " + "so that the Policy is not directly enforceable.\nAdd a Business Rule to the workspace to see an example of an enforceable Directive."; break; case TourStep.R2: BusinessRule = (BusinessRuleModel)workspace.Children.Last(); BusinessRule.Title = "Student Salary"; BusinessRule.Description = "Undergraduates and students with Master's degree shall receive an ordinary research assistant salary at most."; BusinessRule.enforcementCombo.Background = highlightBrush(); BusinessRule.enforcementCombo.SelectionChanged += Tour_ComboSelectionChanged; Guide = "This rule is directly enforceable since it is objectively possible to determine if the rule is broken or not." + "Additionally you can classify the Rule's enforcement level. I would choose \"Strictly\" for this one, what do you say?"; break; case TourStep.R3: BusinessRule.enforcementCombo.SelectionChanged -= Tour_ComboSelectionChanged; BusinessRule.anchor.Background = highlightBrush(); BusinessPolicy.LinkEndEvent += Tour_linkEstablished; Goal.LinkEndEvent += Tour_linkEstablished; Guide = "Lastly, since our Business Rule reduces the budget for employees it also supports the Policy \"Thrifty Budget\" and restricts the Goal" + " \"Attractive Employer\". We should draw links to the two."; break; case TourStep.R4: foreach (var link in findLinks(BusinessPolicy)) { if (link.sourceModel == BusinessRule || link.targetModel == BusinessRule) { BusinessPolicy.LinkEndEvent -= Tour_linkEstablished; return; } } Goal.LinkEndEvent -= Tour_linkEstablished; break; case TourStep.R5: BusinessPolicy.LinkEndEvent -= Tour_linkEstablished; Goal.LinkEndEvent -= Tour_linkEstablished; storyboard.Stop(); storyboard.Children.RemoveAt(0); highlightedBrush.Color = Colors.Transparent; guideBubble.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; Guide = ""; step = TourStep.None; tourButton.Icon = new SymbolIcon(Symbol.MapPin); tourButton.Label = "Start Tour"; tourButton.Click -= endTour; tourButton.Click += startTour; MessageDialog tourEnd = new MessageDialog("You have learnt the most important concepts of the Business Motivation Model. For further reading explore our documentation. " + "Otherwise, you can go on and create your own diagram now. Tap the trashcan to clear the workspace. I wish you and your organization much success!" , "Congratulations!"); await tourEnd.ShowAsync(); break; } }