protected void ImageButton_submit_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { if (check()) { ClassBLL classBLL = new ClassBLL(); string className = TextBox_className.Text.Trim(); string depart = DropDownList_depart.SelectedValue.Trim(); string grade = DropDownList_grade.SelectedValue.Trim(); string teacherID = DropDownList_teacher.SelectedValue.Trim(); Class clazz = new Class(); clazz.Depart = depart; clazz.Grade = grade; clazz.Name = className; clazz.StudCount = "0"; clazz.MonitorID = null; clazz.TeacherID = teacherID;; Response.Write("<script>alert('添加成功!');location.href='addClass.aspx';</script>"); } }
/// <summary> /// 绑定数据源 /// </summary> private void bind() { string courTableID = Request.QueryString["courTableID"]; CourseTableBLL ctBLL = new CourseTableBLL(); TeacherBLL teacherBLL = new TeacherBLL(); CourseBLL courBLL = new CourseBLL(); ClassBLL classBLL = new ClassBLL(); CourseTable ct = ctBLL.get(courTableID); Class clazz = classBLL.get(ct.ClassID); #region 页面数据绑定 className.Text = clazz.Name; courseName.Text = courBLL.get(ct.CourId).Name; teacherName.Text = teacherBLL.get(ct.TeachID).Name; week.Text = "第" + ct.Week + "周"; weekDay.Text = ct.WeekDay; classtTime.Text = ct.CourseTime; classAddress.Text = ct.Place; CommonBLL commBLL = new CommonBLL(); DataTable dt = commBLL.getAbsentStudent(courTableID,false); AspNetPager1.RecordCount = dt.Rows.Count; int from = (AspNetPager1.CurrentPageIndex - 1) * AspNetPager1.PageSize + 1; int to = from + AspNetPager1.PageSize - 1 > AspNetPager1.RecordCount ? AspNetPager1.RecordCount : from + AspNetPager1.PageSize - 1; GridView1.DataSource = PageUtil.getPaged(dt, from, to); GridView1.DataBind(); #endregion }
protected void Button_submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ClassBLL classBLL = new ClassBLL(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(classBLL.get(DropDownList_class.SelectedValue).MonitorID)) { AttendanceBLL attendBLL = new AttendanceBLL(); Attendance attend = new Attendance(); attend.Status = DropDownList_status.SelectedValue; attend.Remark = ""; attend.Recorder = "班长"; attend.RecorderID = classBLL.get(DropDownList_class.SelectedValue).MonitorID; attend.StudID = DropDownList_student.SelectedValue; attend.CourTableID = Label_courTableId.Text;; Response.Write("<script>alert('添加成功!');location.href='increaseStudentAttendanceRecords.aspx';</script>"); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('添加失败!该班级没有班长!');location.href='increaseStudentAttendanceRecords.aspx';</script>"); } }
/// <summary> /// 绑定数据源 /// </summary> private void bind() { string id = Request.QueryString["id"].ToString(); AttendanceBLL attendBLL = new AttendanceBLL(); attend = attendBLL.get(id); CourseTableBLL ctBLL = new CourseTableBLL(); CourseTable ct = ctBLL.get(attend.CourTableID); ClassBLL classBLL = new ClassBLL(); TeacherBLL teacherBLL = new TeacherBLL(); CourseBLL courseBLL = new CourseBLL(); StudentBLL stuBLL = new StudentBLL(); #region 绑定页面数据 Label_class.Text = classBLL.get(ct.ClassID).Name; Label_course.Text = courseBLL.get(ct.CourId).Name; Label_teacher.Text = teacherBLL.get(ct.TeachID).Name; Label_student.Text = stuBLL.get(attend.StudID).Name; Label_oldStatus.Text = attend.Status; Label_week.Text = ct.Week; Label_weekDay.Text = ct.WeekDay; Label_courseTime.Text = ct.CourseTime; Label_place.Text = ct.Place; #endregion }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { ClassBLL classBLL = new ClassBLL(); CourseBLL courBLL = new CourseBLL(); TeacherBLL teachBLL = new TeacherBLL(); //绑定页面查询条件的数据 DropDownList_class.DataSource = classBLL.getAll(); DropDownList_class.DataTextField = "name"; DropDownList_class.DataBind(); DropDownList_class.Items.Insert(0, "全部班级"); DropDownList_course.DataSource = courBLL.getAll(); DropDownList_course.DataTextField = "name"; DropDownList_course.DataBind(); DropDownList_course.Items.Insert(0, "全部课程"); DropDownList_teacher.DataSource = teachBLL.getTeachers(); DropDownList_teacher.DataTextField = "name"; DropDownList_teacher.DataBind(); DropDownList_teacher.Items.Insert(0, "全部教师"); bind(); } }
protected void ImageButton_submit_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { if (check()) { ClassBLL classBLL = new ClassBLL(); StudentBLL stuBLL = new StudentBLL(); UserBLL userBLL = new UserBLL(); string stuId = TextBox_stuId.Text.Trim(); string name = TextBox_name.Text.Trim(); string gender = RadioButton_male.Checked ? "男" : "女"; string birth = DropDownList_yearPart1.SelectedValue + DropDownList_yearPart2.SelectedValue + DropDownList_yearPart3.SelectedValue + DropDownList_yearPart4.SelectedValue; birth += DropDownList_month.SelectedValue; string phone = TextBox_phone.Text.Trim(); string address = TextBox_address.Text.Trim(); string classID = DropDownList_class.SelectedValue; if (stuBLL.getByStuId(stuId) == null) { if (userBLL.getByUsername(stuId) == null) { #region 在用户表中创建新用户 User user = new User(); user.UserName = stuId; user.Password = EncryptUtil.MD5Encrypt("12345678"); user.Type = "4";; #endregion Class clazz = classBLL.get(classID); clazz.StudCount = (Convert.ToInt32(clazz.StudCount) + 1).ToString(); classBLL.update(clazz); Student stu = new Student(); stu.StuId = stuId; stu.Name = name; stu.Gender = gender; stu.Birth = birth; stu.Phone = phone; stu.Address = address; stu.ClassID = classID; stu.UserID = userBLL.getByUsername(stuId).Id;; Response.Write("<script>alert('添加成功!');location.href='addStudent.aspx';</script>"); } else Response.Write("<script>alert('添加失败,用户名已存在!');location.href='addStudent.aspx';</script>"); } else { checkStuId.ErrorMessage = "学号已存在!"; checkStuId.IsValid = false; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { ClassBLL classBLL = new ClassBLL(); //绑定页面查询条件的数据 DropDownList_class.DataSource = classBLL.getAll(); DropDownList_class.DataTextField = "name"; DropDownList_class.DataBind(); DropDownList_class.Items.Insert(0, "全院"); bind(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { ClassBLL classBLL = new ClassBLL(); DropDownList_class.DataSource = classBLL.getAll(); DropDownList_class.DataTextField = "name"; DropDownList_class.DataValueField = "ID"; DropDownList_class.DataBind(); bind(); } }
protected void ImageButton_delete_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { ImageButton imageButton = sender as ImageButton; string id = imageButton.CommandArgument; Class clazz = new Class(); clazz.Id = id; ClassBLL classBLL = new ClassBLL(); classBLL.delete(clazz); Response.Write("<script>alert('删除成功!');location.href='showClasses.aspx';</script>"); }
public void bind() { courTableID = Request.QueryString["courTableID"]; User user = Session["User"] as User; TeacherBLL teachBLL = new TeacherBLL(); StudentBLL studBLL = new StudentBLL(); CourseTableBLL ctBLL = new CourseTableBLL(); CourseTable ct = ctBLL.get(courTableID); ClassBLL classBll = new ClassBLL(); Class cla = classBll.get(ct.ClassID); className.Text = cla.Name; dt = studBLL.getByClassId(ct.ClassID).Tables[0]; if (Session["attenList"] != null) { attenList = Session["attenList"] as List<Attendance>; } else { attenList = new List<Attendance>(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { Attendance attend = new Attendance(); attend.Status = "正常"; attend.Remark = ""; attend.Recorder = "教师"; attend.RecorderID = teachBLL.getByUserId(user.Id).Id; attend.StudID = dr["ID"].ToString(); attend.CourTableID = courTableID; attenList.Add(attend); } } AspNetPager1.RecordCount = dt.Rows.Count; int from = (AspNetPager1.CurrentPageIndex - 1) * AspNetPager1.PageSize + 1; int to = from + AspNetPager1.PageSize - 1 > AspNetPager1.RecordCount ? AspNetPager1.RecordCount : from + AspNetPager1.PageSize - 1; GridView1.DataSource = PageUtil.resort(PageUtil.getPaged(dt, from, to)); GridView1.DataBind(); initStatusAndRemark(); }
private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region // //ClassBLL objClass1BLL = new ClassBLL(); //ClassModel objClass = new ClassModel(); //objClass.ClaNum = txtbClassNum.Text; //objClass.ClaName = txtbClass.Text; //objClass.DeptNum = txtbDeptNum.Text; //objClass.ProNum = txtbcmbProNum.Text; //if (objClass1BLL.AddClass(objClass) == true) // MessageBox.Show("数据添加成功"); //else // MessageBox.Show("数据添加成功"); //dgvClass.DataSource = objClass1BLL.ShowClass(); #endregion #region 使用实体类在各层传递数据: if (cmbClaNum.Text == "" || cmbClaName.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("班号、班名都不能为空!\n 请重新输入!"); } else { ClassBLL objClassBLL = new ClassBLL(); ClassModel objClassModel = new ClassModel(); objClassModel.ClaNum = cmbClaNum.Text; objClassModel.ClaName = cmbClaName.Text; objClassModel.DeptNum = cmbDeptNum.Text; objClassModel.DeptName = cmbDeptName.Text; objClassModel.ProNum = cmbProNum.Text; //objClassModel.ProName = cmbProName.Text; if (objClassBLL.AddClass(objClassModel)==true) { MessageBox.Show("添加成功!"); } else MessageBox.Show("添加失败!"); } #endregion ShowClass(); }
/// <summary> /// 绑定数据源 /// </summary> private void bind() { string classId = Request.QueryString["classID"]; ClassBLL classBLL = new ClassBLL(); CommonBLL commBLL = new CommonBLL(); Label_className.Text = classBLL.get(classId).Name; DataTable dt = commBLL.getWeekAverageAttendaceRateByClassID(classId, false); AspNetPager1.RecordCount = dt.Rows.Count; int from = (AspNetPager1.CurrentPageIndex - 1) * AspNetPager1.PageSize + 1; int to = from + AspNetPager1.PageSize - 1 > AspNetPager1.RecordCount ? AspNetPager1.RecordCount : from + AspNetPager1.PageSize - 1; GridView1.DataSource = PageUtil.getPaged(dt, from, to); GridView1.DataBind(); }
private void btnDel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region 使用实体类在各层传递数据 ClassBLL objClass1BLL = new ClassBLL(); ClassModel objClassModel = new ClassModel(); objClassModel.ClaNum = cmbClaNum.Text; if (objClass1BLL.DeleteClass(objClassModel) == true) { objClass1BLL.DeleteClass(objClassModel); MessageBox.Show("数据删除成功"); } else { MessageBox.Show("数据删除失败"); } #endregion ShowClass(); }
protected void ImageButton_delete_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { ImageButton imageButton = sender as ImageButton; string id = imageButton.CommandArgument; ClassBLL classBLL = new ClassBLL(); StudentBLL stuBLL = new StudentBLL(); UserBLL userBLL = new UserBLL(); Student stu = stuBLL.get(id); User user = userBLL.get(stu.UserID); stuBLL.delete(stu); userBLL.delete(user); Class clazz = classBLL.get(stu.ClassID); clazz.StudCount = (Convert.ToInt32(clazz.StudCount) - 1).ToString(); classBLL.update(clazz); Response.Write("<script>alert('删除成功!');location.href='showStudents.aspx';</script>"); }
public void bind() { List<Attendance> attenList = Session["attenList"] as List<Attendance>; CourseTableBLL ctBLL = new CourseTableBLL(); TeacherBLL teachBll = new TeacherBLL(); CourseBLL courBLL = new CourseBLL(); ClassBLL classBLL = new ClassBLL(); CourseTable ct = ctBLL.get(attenList[0].CourTableID); Class clazz = classBLL.get(ct.ClassID); #region 页面数据绑定 className.Text = clazz.Name; courseName.Text = courBLL.get(ct.CourId).Name; teacherName.Text = teachBll.get(ct.TeachID).Name; week.Text = "第" + ct.Week + "周"; weekDay.Text = ct.WeekDay; classtTime.Text = ct.CourseTime; classAddress.Text = ct.Place; lateNumber.Text = attenList.Where(x => x.Status.Equals("迟到")).ToList().Count.ToString(); absences.Text = attenList.Where(x => !x.Status.Equals("正常")).ToList().Count.ToString(); allNumber.Text = clazz.StudCount; attRate.Text = FormatUtil.doubleToPercent(attenList.Where(x => x.Status.Equals("正常")).ToList().Count / Convert.ToDouble(clazz.StudCount)); DataTable dt = transferListToDataTable(attenList); AspNetPager1.RecordCount = dt.Rows.Count; int from = (AspNetPager1.CurrentPageIndex - 1) * AspNetPager1.PageSize + 1; int to = from + AspNetPager1.PageSize - 1 > AspNetPager1.RecordCount ? AspNetPager1.RecordCount : from + AspNetPager1.PageSize - 1; GridView1.DataSource = PageUtil.resort(PageUtil.getPaged(dt, from, to)); GridView1.DataBind(); #endregion }
public void bind() { User user = (User)Session["user"]; ClassBLL classBLL = new ClassBLL(); StudentBLL studBll = new StudentBLL(); Student stud = studBll.getByUserId(user.Id); Class clazz = classBLL.get(stud.ClassID); className.Text = clazz.Name; CommonBLL commBLL = new CommonBLL(); DataTable dt = commBLL.getClassStudentAttendStatistics(clazz.Id, stud.Id, false); AspNetPager1.RecordCount = dt.Rows.Count; int from = (AspNetPager1.CurrentPageIndex - 1) * AspNetPager1.PageSize + 1; int to = from + AspNetPager1.PageSize - 1 > AspNetPager1.RecordCount ? AspNetPager1.RecordCount : from + AspNetPager1.PageSize - 1; GridView1.DataSource = PageUtil.getPaged(dt, from, to); GridView1.DataBind(); }
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region 使用实体类在三层中传递数据 ClassBLL objClass1BLL = new ClassBLL(); ClassModel objClassModel = new ClassModel(); DataBaseOperaClass objDataBase = new DataBaseOperaClass(); objClassModel.ClaNum = cmbClaNum.Text; dgvClass.DataSource = objClass1BLL.SearchClass(objClassModel); #endregion ShowClass(); }
private void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region // //ClassBLL objClass1BLL = new ClassBLL(); //ClassModel objClass = new ClassModel(); ////objClass.ClaNum = dgvClass[0, dgvClass.CurrentRow.Index].Value.ToString(); //objClass.ClaNum = txtClassNum.Text; //objClass.ClaName = txtClassName.Text; //objClass.DeptNum = cmbDeptNum.Text; //objClass.ProNum = cmbProNum.Text; //if (objClass1BLL.ChangeClass(objClass) == true) // MessageBox.Show("数据修改成功"); //else // MessageBox.Show("数据修改失败"); //dgvClass.DataSource = objClass1BLL.ShowClass(); #endregion #region 使用实体类在各层传递数据 //if (txtStuNum.Text == "") if (cmbClaNum.Text == "" || cmbClaName.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("班号、班名不能为空!\n 请重新输入!"); } else { ClassBLL objClassBLL = new ClassBLL(); ClassModel objClassModel = new ClassModel(); objClassModel.ClaName = cmbClaName.Text; objClassModel.ClaNum = cmbClaNum.Text; objClassModel.DeptNum = cmbDeptNum.Text; objClassModel.ProNum = cmbProNum.Text; if(objClassBLL.ChangeClass(objClassModel)==true) { MessageBox.Show("修改成功!"); } else MessageBox.Show("修改失败!"); } #endregion ShowClass(); }
private void ShowClass() { ClassBLL objClass1BLL = new ClassBLL(); dgvClass.DataSource = objClass1BLL.ShowClass(); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { CourseTableBLL ctBLL = new CourseTableBLL(); ClassBLL classBLL = new ClassBLL(); CourseBLL courBLL = new CourseBLL(); TeacherBLL teachBLL = new TeacherBLL(); DropDownList_class.DataSource = classBLL.getAll(); DropDownList_class.DataTextField = "name"; DropDownList_class.DataValueField = "ID"; DropDownList_class.DataBind(); DropDownList_course.DataSource = courBLL.getByClassId(DropDownList_class.SelectedValue); DropDownList_course.DataTextField = "name"; DropDownList_course.DataValueField = "ID"; DropDownList_course.DataBind(); string filterTeacher = "classID='" + DropDownList_class.SelectedValue + "' and courId='" + DropDownList_course.SelectedValue + "'"; DataTable tempDt = PageUtil.getProcessedDataTable(ctBLL.getAll().Tables[0], filterTeacher, null, false); DataView dv = tempDt.DefaultView; tempDt = dv.ToTable(true, "teachID"); foreach (DataRow dr in tempDt.Rows) { Teacher teacher = teachBLL.get(dr["teachID"].ToString()); DropDownList_teacher.Items.Add(new ListItem(teacher.Name, teacher.Id)); } bind(); } }
/// <summary> /// 绑定数据源 /// </summary> private void bind() { string id = Request.QueryString["ID"].ToString(); string week = Request.QueryString["week"].ToString(); CourseBLL courBLL = new CourseBLL(); TeacherBLL teacherBLL = new TeacherBLL(); ClassBLL classBLL = new ClassBLL(); CourseTableBLL ctBLL = new CourseTableBLL(); ct = ctBLL.get(id); #region 页面数据绑定 Label_course.Text = courBLL.get(ct.CourId).Name; Label_teacher.Text = teacherBLL.get(ct.TeachID).Name; Label_class.Text = classBLL.get(ct.ClassID).Name; PageUtil.bindDropDownList(DropDownList_semester_from, ct.Semester.Substring(0, 4)); PageUtil.bindDropDownList(DropDownList_semester_to, ct.Semester.Substring(5, 4)); PageUtil.bindDropDownList(DropDownList_semester_end, ct.Semester.Substring(9, 3)); PageUtil.bindDropDownList(DropDownList_week_from, week.Split('-')[0]); PageUtil.bindDropDownList(DropDownList_week_to, week.Split('-')[1]); PageUtil.bindDropDownList(DropDownList_weekDay, ct.WeekDay); TextBox_place.Text = ct.Place; PageUtil.bindDropDownList(DropDownList_courseTime, ct.CourseTime.Split('节')[0]); #endregion }
/// <summary> /// 绑定数据源 /// </summary> private void bind() { CourseBLL courBLL = new CourseBLL(); TeacherBLL teacherBLL = new TeacherBLL(); ClassBLL classBLL = new ClassBLL(); //绑定 "课程名称" 数据源 DropDownList_course.DataSource = courBLL.getAll(); DropDownList_course.DataTextField = "name"; DropDownList_course.DataValueField = "ID"; DropDownList_course.DataBind(); //绑定 "任课老师" 数据源 DropDownList_teacher.DataSource = teacherBLL.getTeachers(); DropDownList_teacher.DataTextField = "name"; DropDownList_teacher.DataValueField = "ID"; DropDownList_teacher.DataBind(); //绑定 "班级名称" 数据源 DropDownList_class.DataSource = classBLL.getAll(); DropDownList_class.DataTextField = "name"; DropDownList_class.DataValueField = "ID"; DropDownList_class.DataBind(); }