Example #1
        internal override void ReadData(AwesomeReader ar)
            ar.BaseStream.Position += 8; // Skips constants

            int count = ar.ReadInt32();

            ar.BaseStream.Position += 4;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                // Reads vox entry (32 bytes)
                VoxEntry ev = new VoxEntry();
                ev.Start = ar.ReadSingle();
                ev.End   = ar.ReadSingle();

                ev.Pitch                = ar.ReadInt24() & 0xFF;
                ev.PitchAlt             = ar.ReadByte();
                ar.BaseStream.Position += 4; // Always 0

                ev.Lyric                = ar.ReadUInt64();
                ev.NoteType             = (VoxNote)ar.ReadInt32();
                ar.BaseStream.Position += 4; // Always 0

Example #2
        protected override void ImportData(AwesomeReader ar)
            ar.ReadInt32(); // Always 8
            ar.ReadInt32(); // Size of each VoxEntry (32 bytes)

            int count = ar.ReadInt32();

            ar.ReadInt32(); // Offset to entries (Always 4)

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                // Reads vox entry (32 bytes)
                VoxEntry entry = new VoxEntry();

                entry.Start = ar.ReadSingle();
                entry.End   = ar.ReadSingle();
                ar.ReadInt16(); // 2 zero'd bytes

                entry.Pitch          = (sbyte)ar.ReadByte();
                entry.SecondaryPitch = (sbyte)ar.ReadByte();
                ar.ReadInt32(); // Always 0

                entry.Lyric    = ar.ReadInt64();
                entry.NoteType = ar.ReadInt32();
                ar.ReadInt32(); // Always 0
