Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Twitter Profile creation on Buzz
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="siteName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private BaseResult CreateUpdateProfileOnBuzz(string siteName)
            BuzzTwitterProfile twitterProfile = null;
            var isProfileCreated = string.Empty;

            BuzzClient client;
                client = new BuzzClient();
                twitterProfile = new BuzzTwitterProfile();
                ISite site;

                    site = InputContext.TheSiteList.GetSite(siteName);

                    if (site != null)
                        twitterProfile.SiteURL = site.SiteName;
                        return new Error { Type = "SITEINVALIDACTION", ErrorMessage = String.Format("Site, '{0}' doesn't exist", siteName) };
                catch (Exception exc)
                    return new Error { Type = "SITEINVALIDACTION", ErrorMessage = String.Format("Site, '{0}' doesn't exist", siteName) };

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_profileId) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(_title) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(_commentForumURI) || twitterUserScreenNameList.Count < 1)
                    return new Error { Type = "TWITTERPROFILEMANDATORYFIELDSMISSING", ErrorMessage = "Please fill in the mandatory fields for creating/updating a profile" };

                twitterProfile.ProfileId = _profileId;
                twitterProfile.Title = _title;
                twitterProfile.SearchKeywords = _searchterms.Split(',').Where(x => x != " " && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).Distinct().Select(p => p.Trim()).ToList();
                twitterProfile.ProfileCountEnabled = _isCountsEnabled;
                twitterProfile.ProfileKeywordCountEnabled = _keywordCountsEnabled;
                twitterProfile.ModerationEnabled = _isModerationEnabled;
                twitterProfile.TrustedUsersEnabled = _isTrustedUsersEnabled;

                twitterProfile.Active = _isActive;

                var invalidTwitterName = string.Empty;

                List<string> twitterUserIds = AddValidUserToTheList(twitterUserScreenNameList, site, out invalidTwitterName);

                if (twitterUserIds != null && twitterUserIds.Count > 0)
                    twitterProfile.Users = twitterUserIds;
                    twitterProfile.Users = twitterUserScreenNameList;
                    if (false == string.IsNullOrEmpty(_pageAction) && _pageAction.ToUpper().Equals("UPDATEPROFILE"))
                        CreateTwitterProfileXML(twitterProfile, _commentForumURI, true);
                        return new Error { Type = "TWITTERRETRIEVEUSERINVALIDACTIONONUPDATE", ErrorMessage = "Error while retrieving the twitter user, '" + invalidTwitterName + "'. Check if the twitter screen name entered is valid on update" };
                        CreateTwitterProfileXML(twitterProfile, _commentForumURI, false);
                        return new Error { Type = "TWITTERRETRIEVEUSERINVALIDACTIONONCREATION", ErrorMessage = "Error while retrieving the twitter user, '" + invalidTwitterName + "'. Check if the twitter screen name entered is valid" };

                isProfileCreated = client.CreateUpdateProfile(twitterProfile);

                twitterProfile.Users = twitterUserScreenNameList; //Filling the xml with the screennames entered

            catch (Exception ex)
                twitterProfile.Users = twitterUserScreenNameList;

                CreateTwitterProfileXML(twitterProfile, _commentForumURI, false);


                return new Error { Type = "TWITTERPROFILECREATIONINVALIDACTION", ErrorMessage = String.Format("Twitter Profile, '{0}' creation failed", isProfileCreated) };

            if (isProfileCreated.Equals("OK"))
                //Create and map commentforum
                Comments commentObj = new Comments(dnaDiagnostic,readerCreator, AppContext.DnaCacheManager, InputContext.TheSiteList);

                CommentForum commentForum = new CommentForum();
                commentForum.isContactForm = false;
                commentForum.SiteName = siteName;
                if (false == string.IsNullOrEmpty(_commentForumURI))
                    commentForum.ParentUri = _commentForumURI; 
                    commentForum.ParentUri = string.Empty;

                commentForum.Id = _profileId;
                commentForum.Title = _title;

                    ISite site = InputContext.TheSiteList.GetSite(siteName);
                    BaseResult result;
                    if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(_pageAction)) || (false == _pageAction.ToLower().Equals("updateprofile")))
                        result = CreateCommentForum(siteName, commentObj, commentForum, site);
                        result = UpdateCommentForum(siteName, commentObj, site, commentForum);

                    if (!result.IsError())
                        ((Result)result).Message += " Your profile has been created, now please contact the DNA team to activate it.";

                    CreateTwitterProfileXML(twitterProfile, commentForum.ParentUri, true);

                    return result;
                catch (Exception e)
                    CreateTwitterProfileXML(twitterProfile, commentForum.ParentUri, true);


                    return new Error { Type = "SITEINVALIDACTION", ErrorMessage = String.Format("Site, '{0}' doesn't exist", siteName) };
                return new Error { Type = "TWITTERPROFILECREATIONINVALIDACTION", ErrorMessage = String.Format("Twitter Profile, '{0}' creation failed", isProfileCreated) };
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Get specific profile details from Buzz
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="twitterProfileId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private BaseResult GetProfileFromBuzz(string twitterProfileId)
            BuzzClient client;
            BuzzTwitterProfile twitterProfile = null;
            CommentForum commentForum = null;
            Comments commentObj = new Comments(dnaDiagnostic, readerCreator, AppContext.DnaCacheManager, InputContext.TheSiteList);
                client = new BuzzClient();
                twitterProfile = new BuzzTwitterProfile();
                commentForum = new CommentForum();

                //Get the twitter profile from Buzz

                twitterProfile = client.GetProfile(twitterProfileId);

                if (twitterProfile != null)
                    var twitterUserIds = string.Empty;

                    if (twitterProfile.Users.Count > 0)
                        twitterUserIds = string.Join(",", twitterProfile.Users.ToArray());
                        twitterProfile.Users = GetTwitterScreenNamesFromDNA(twitterUserIds);

                        ISite site = InputContext.TheSiteList.GetSite(_siteName);

                        if (site != null)
                            commentForum = commentObj.GetCommentForumByUid(twitterProfile.ProfileId, site);

                            if (commentForum != null)
                                _commentForumURI = commentForum.ParentUri;
                    catch (Exception ex)

                    //seperate method to fill up the twitter profile xml
                    CreateTwitterProfileXML(twitterProfile, _commentForumURI, true);
                    string[] str1 = InputContext.CurrentDnaRequest.UrlReferrer.AbsoluteUri.Split('?').ToArray();

                    var commentforumlistURI = string.Empty;

                    if (commentForum != null && (false == String.IsNullOrEmpty(commentForum.SiteName)) )
                        commentforumlistURI = str1[0].Replace("moderation", commentForum.SiteName);
                        commentforumlistURI = commentforumlistURI.Replace("twitterprofilelist", "commentforumlist?dnahostpageurl=" + commentForum.ParentUri.Trim());

                        return new Result("TwitterProfileRetrieved", String.Format("Twitter profile, '{0}' retrieved successfully.", twitterProfileId), commentforumlistURI);

                    return new Result("TwitterProfileRetrieved", String.Format("Twitter profile, '{0} retrieved successfully but comment forum hasn't been created yet.", twitterProfileId));
                    return new Error { Type = "GETTWITTERPROFILEINVALIDACTION", ErrorMessage = "Twitter Profile retrieval from Buzz failed" };
            catch (Exception ex)
                return new Error { Type = "GETTWITTERPROFILEINVALIDACTION", ErrorMessage = "Twitter Profile retrieval failed" };
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to create the fill up the twitter profile with values
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="twitterProfile"></param>
        /// <param name="commentForumParentURI"></param>
        /// <param name="isExists"></param>
        private void CreateTwitterProfileXML(BuzzTwitterProfile twitterProfile, string commentForumParentURI, bool isExists)
            string str = StringUtils.SerializeToXmlReturnAsString(twitterProfile);

            var actualXml = str.Replace("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>", "");
            actualXml = actualXml.Replace("xmlns:i=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" xmlns=\"BBC.Dna.SocialAPI\"", "").Trim();
            actualXml = actualXml.Replace("xmlns:d2p1=\"http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays\"", "").Trim();
            actualXml = actualXml.Replace("d2p1:string", "item");

            actualXml = actualXml.Replace("</profile>", "<commentforumparenturi>" + commentForumParentURI + "</commentforumparenturi></profile>");

            //As the values are persisted even if there is a failure, we need to introduce another node to see if the 
            //profile exists or a new profile. This is used in making the fields readonly in xslt
            if (isExists)
                actualXml = actualXml.Replace("</profile>", "<exists> </exists></profile>");

            //Making all the XML Nodes uppercase
            actualXml = StringUtils.ConvertXmlTagsToUppercase(actualXml);

            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
            XmlNode appendNode = doc.DocumentElement;

            ImportAndAppend(appendNode, "");
Example #4
        private static BuzzTwitterProfile CreateNewProfile(string profileID)
            BuzzTwitterProfile profile = new BuzzTwitterProfile();
            if (profileID.Length == 0)
                profile.ProfileId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                profile.ProfileId = profileID;

            return profile;