Example #1
    /// <summary>
    /// This function is where the page gets to create and insert all the objects required
    /// </summary>
    public override void OnPageLoad()
        // See if we're wanting .net rendering?
        Context.Items["VirtualUrl"] = "NewMoveThread";

        // Now create the comment forum list object
        _moveThread = new MoveThread(_basePage);

        // Do any dotnet render stuff now
        if (UseDotNetRendering)
            // Populate the move to forum list
            MoveToForumID.Items.Add(new ListItem("Choose Destination", "0"));
            foreach (Topic topic in _basePage.CurrentSite.GetLiveTopics())
                MoveToForumID.Items.Add(new ListItem(topic.Title, topic.ForumId.ToString()));
Example #2
        public void TestShowDetailsForThreadModID()
            // Create a database context
            IInputContext context = DnaMockery.CreateDatabaseInputContext();

            int forumid;
            string subject;
            int modID;
            SetupPreModPost(context, out forumid, out subject, out modID);

            // Mock the current site
            ISite mockedSite = DnaMockery.CurrentMockery.NewMock<ISite>();

            XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
            xmlDoc.LoadXml("<TOPIC-LIST />");

            // Mock the viewing user
            IUser mockedUser = DnaMockery.CurrentMockery.NewMock<IUser>();

            // Use the move thread builder to get the details for the thread
            Stub.On(context).Method("GetParamIntOrZero").With("ThreadModID", "Get the ThreadModID").Will(Return.Value(modID));
            Stub.On(context).Method("GetParamCountOrZero").With("Move", "Do we have a move param").Will(Return.Value(0));
            Stub.On(context).Method("GetParamStringOrEmpty").With("cmd", "Have we been given a command?").Will(Return.Value(""));
            Stub.On(context).Method("GetParamCountOrZero").With("Undo", "Do we have a undo move param").Will(Return.Value(0));
            Stub.On(context).Method("GetParamIntOrZero").With("MoveToForumID", "Get the move to forum id").Will(Return.Value(0));
            MoveThread testMoveThread = new MoveThread(context);

            // Check to make sure the details come abck correctly
            XmlNode moveThreadNode = testMoveThread.RootElement.SelectSingleNode("//MOVE-THREAD-FORM");
            Assert.IsNotNull(moveThreadNode, "Failed to find the base node for the move thread.");
            Assert.AreEqual(subject, moveThreadNode.SelectSingleNode("//MOVE-THREAD-FORM/THREAD-SUBJECT").InnerText, "The thread subject is defferent to the one submitted");
            Assert.AreEqual(forumid.ToString(), moveThreadNode.SelectSingleNode("//MOVE-THREAD-FORM/OLD-FORUM-ID").InnerText, "The forumid is incorrect and should be " + forumid.ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual("1", moveThreadNode.SelectSingleNode("//MOVE-THREAD-FORM/ISPREMODPOSTING").InnerText, "The post is not a premod posting!!!");
Example #3
        public void TestMoveThreadViaModID()
            // Create a database context
            IInputContext context = DnaMockery.CreateDatabaseInputContext();

            int forumid;
            string subject;
            int modID;
            SetupPreModPost(context, out forumid, out subject, out modID);

            // Find another suitable forum to move the thread to
            int moveToForumID = 0;
            using (IDnaDataReader reader = context.CreateDnaDataReader(""))
                reader.ExecuteDEBUGONLY("select top 1 * from forums where siteid = 1 and title not in ('','User-journal','frontpage') and canread=1 and forumid != " + forumid.ToString() + " order by forumid desc");
                if (!reader.Read() || !reader.HasRows)
                    Assert.Fail("Failed to find another suitable forum to move the thread to");

                moveToForumID = reader.GetInt32("ForumID");

            // Mock the current site
            ISite mockedSite = DnaMockery.CurrentMockery.NewMock<ISite>();

            XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
            xmlDoc.LoadXml("<TOPIC-LIST />");

            // Mock the post to thread stored procedure call
            IDnaDataReader mockedReader = DnaMockery.CurrentMockery.NewMock<IDnaDataReader>();

            // Mock the viewing user
            IUser mockedUser = DnaMockery.CurrentMockery.NewMock<IUser>();

            // Use the move thread builder to get the details for the thread
            Stub.On(context).Method("GetParamIntOrZero").With("MoveToForumID", "Get the move to forum id").Will(Return.Value(moveToForumID));
            Stub.On(context).Method("GetParamIntOrZero").With("ThreadModID", "Get the ThreadModID").Will(Return.Value(modID));
            Stub.On(context).Method("GetParamCountOrZero").With("Move", "Do we have a move param").Will(Return.Value(1));
            Stub.On(context).Method("DoesParamExist").With("PostContent", "Do we have post content").Will(Return.Value(false));
            MoveThread testMoveThread = new MoveThread(context);

            // Check to make sure the move worked correclty
            XmlNode moveThreadNode = testMoveThread.RootElement.SelectSingleNode("//MOVE-THREAD-FORM");
            Assert.IsNotNull(moveThreadNode, "Failed to find the base node for the move thread.");
            Assert.IsNull(moveThreadNode.SelectSingleNode("//ERROR"), "We had an Error!");
            Assert.AreEqual(subject, moveThreadNode.SelectSingleNode("//MOVE-THREAD-FORM/THREAD-SUBJECT").InnerText, "The thread subject is defferent to the one submitted");
            Assert.AreEqual(forumid.ToString(), moveThreadNode.SelectSingleNode("//MOVE-THREAD-FORM/OLD-FORUM-ID").InnerText, "The old forumid is incorrect and should be " + forumid.ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual(moveToForumID.ToString(), moveThreadNode.SelectSingleNode("//MOVE-THREAD-FORM/NEW-FORUM-ID").InnerText, "The new forumid is incorrect and should be " + moveToForumID.ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual("1", moveThreadNode.SelectSingleNode("//MOVE-THREAD-FORM/ISPREMODPOSTING").InnerText, "The post is not a premod posting!!!");
Example #4
        public void TestCreateCommentForumWithUnicodeTitleAndThenMoveIt_ReturnsMovedThread()
            Console.WriteLine("Before MoveThreadTests - TestCreateCommentForumWithUnicodeTitleAndThenMoveIt");

            DnaTestURLRequest request = new DnaTestURLRequest("haveyoursay");
            request.UseIdentitySignIn = true;
            request.UseEditorAuthentication = true;

            string server = DnaTestURLRequest.CurrentServer;

            // Setup the request url
            string uid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            string encodedTitle = "\u041D\u0435 \u043F\u0430\u043D\u0438\u043A\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 1st Forums Title";
            string hosturl = "http://" + server + "/dna/haveyoursay/acs";

            string url = "acswithoutapi?dnauid=" + uid + "&dnainitialtitle=" + encodedTitle + "&dnahostpageurl=" + hosturl + "&dnaforumduration=0&skin=purexml";

            // now get the response
            XmlDocument xml = request.GetLastResponseAsXML();

            string comment = "\u03CC\u03C7\u03B9 \u03C0\u03B1\u03BD\u03B9\u03BA\u03CC\u03C2 1st Comment " + uid;
            // Now check to make sure we can post to the comment box
            request.RequestSecurePage("acswithoutapi?dnauid=" + uid + "&dnaaction=add&dnacomment=" + comment + "&dnahostpageurl=" + hosturl + "&skin=purexml");
            // Check to make sure that the page returned with the correct information
            xml = request.GetLastResponseAsXML();
            int forumID = 0;
            Int32.TryParse(xml.SelectSingleNode("/H2G2/COMMENTBOX/FORUMTHREADPOSTS").Attributes["FORUMID"].Value, out forumID);

            int threadid = 0;
            Int32.TryParse(xml.SelectSingleNode("/H2G2/COMMENTBOX/FORUMTHREADPOSTS/POST").Attributes["THREAD"].Value, out threadid);

            // Setup the 2nd comment forum
            string uid2 = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            string encodedTitle2 = "\u041D\u0435 \u043F\u0430\u043D\u0438\u043A\u0443\u0439\u0442\u0435 2nd Forums Title";
            string hosturl2 = "http://" + server + "/dna/haveyoursay/acs";

            string url2 = "acswithoutapi?dnauid=" + uid2 + "&dnainitialtitle=" + encodedTitle2 + "&dnahostpageurl=" + hosturl2 + "&dnaforumduration=0&skin=purexml";

            // now get the response
            XmlDocument xml2 = request.GetLastResponseAsXML();

            //string comment2 = "\u03CC\u03C7\u03B9 \u03C0\u03B1\u03BD\u03B9\u03BA\u03CC\u03C2" + uid2;
            // Now check to make sure we can post to the comment box
            // request.RequestPage("acswithoutapi?dnauid=" + uid2 + "&dnaaction=add&dnacomment=" + comment2 + "&dnahostpageurl=" + hosturl2 + "&skin=purexml");
            // Check to make sure that the page returned with the correct information
            //xml = request.GetLastResponseAsXML();
            int forumID2 = 0;
            Int32.TryParse(xml2.SelectSingleNode("/H2G2/COMMENTBOX/FORUMTHREADPOSTS").Attributes["FORUMID"].Value, out forumID2);

            // Create a database context
            IInputContext context = DnaMockery.CreateDatabaseInputContext();

            // Mock the viewing user
            IUser mockedUser = DnaMockery.CurrentMockery.NewMock<IUser>();

            // Mock the current site
            ISite mockedSite = DnaMockery.CurrentMockery.NewMock<ISite>();

            XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
            xmlDoc.LoadXml("<TOPIC-LIST />");

            // Use the move thread builder to get the details for the thread
            Stub.On(context).Method("GetParamIntOrZero").With("ThreadModID", "Get the ThreadModID").Will(Return.Value(0));
            Stub.On(context).Method("GetParamIntOrZero").With("ThreadID", "Get the thread to move").Will(Return.Value(threadid));
            Stub.On(context).Method("GetParamCountOrZero").With("Move", "Do we have a move param").Will(Return.Value(1));
            Stub.On(context).Method("GetParamIntOrZero").With("MoveToForumID", "Get the move to forum id").Will(Return.Value(forumID2));
            Stub.On(context).Method("DoesParamExist").With("PostContent", "Do we have post content").Will(Return.Value(false));
            MoveThread testMoveThread = new MoveThread(context);

            //get the second url again and it should contain the first urls post
            xml = request.GetLastResponseAsXML();
            bool movedText = xml.SelectSingleNode("/H2G2/COMMENTBOX/FORUMTHREADPOSTS/POST[TEXT='" + comment + "']") != null;

            Assert.IsTrue(movedText, "Post to the 1st Forum has not been moved to the second" + xml.InnerText);

            Console.WriteLine("After MoveThreadTests - TestCreateCommentForumWithUnicodeTitleAndThenMoveIt");

Example #5
        public void TestMoveThreadViaModIDToInvalidForum()
            // Create a database context
            IInputContext context = DnaMockery.CreateDatabaseInputContext();

            int forumid;
            string subject;
            int modID;
            SetupPreModPost(context, out forumid, out subject, out modID);

            // Get the highest forumid in the database and add 1 to it. This will be the invalid forumid
            int moveToForumID = 0;
            using (IDnaDataReader reader = context.CreateDnaDataReader(""))
                reader.ExecuteDEBUGONLY("select ForumID = MAX(forumID) + 1 From Forums");
                if (!reader.Read() || !reader.HasRows)
                    Assert.Fail("Failed to find another suitable forum to move the thread to");

                moveToForumID = reader.GetInt32("ForumID");

            // Mock the viewing user
            IUser mockedUser = DnaMockery.CurrentMockery.NewMock<IUser>();

            // Mock the current site
            ISite mockedSite = DnaMockery.CurrentMockery.NewMock<ISite>();

            XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
            xmlDoc.LoadXml("<TOPIC-LIST />");

            // Use the move thread builder to get the details for the thread
            Stub.On(context).Method("GetParamIntOrZero").With("ThreadModID", "Get the ThreadModID").Will(Return.Value(modID));
            Stub.On(context).Method("GetParamCountOrZero").With("Move", "Do we have a move param").Will(Return.Value(1));
            Stub.On(context).Method("GetParamIntOrZero").With("MoveToForumID", "Get the move to forum id").Will(Return.Value(moveToForumID));
            MoveThread testMoveThread = new MoveThread(context);

            // Check to make sure the move worked correclty
            XmlNode moveThreadNode = testMoveThread.RootElement.SelectSingleNode("//MOVE-THREAD-FORM");
            Assert.IsNotNull(moveThreadNode, "Failed to find the base node for the move thread.");
            Assert.IsNotNull(moveThreadNode.SelectSingleNode("//ERROR"), "We should have returned an error");
            Assert.AreEqual("Could not find move to forum", moveThreadNode.SelectSingleNode("//ERROR").InnerText, "Incorrect error returned");
            Assert.AreEqual(subject, moveThreadNode.SelectSingleNode("//MOVE-THREAD-FORM/THREAD-SUBJECT").InnerText, "The thread subject is defferent to the one submitted");
            Assert.AreEqual(forumid.ToString(), moveThreadNode.SelectSingleNode("//MOVE-THREAD-FORM/OLD-FORUM-ID").InnerText, "The forumid is incorrect and should be " + forumid.ToString());
            Assert.AreEqual("1", moveThreadNode.SelectSingleNode("//MOVE-THREAD-FORM/ISPREMODPOSTING").InnerText, "The post is not a premod posting!!!");