A generic class for parsing command line input given a collection of CmdLineArg(s). Should handle some nice things, like hypens/spaces in quotes, etc, type conversion, etc
        public void TestHypensInArguments()
            string[] args = "-somefile \"this-is-a-terrible-filename.txt\" -another param ".Split(' ');

            var dest = new CommandTestObj();
            CmdLineArg[] Arguments = new CmdLineArg[] {
                new CmdLineArg() { Flag = "somefile", DataType=typeof(string), PropertyName="somefile"},
                new CmdLineArg() { Flag = "another", DataType=typeof(string), PropertyName="another"}

            CmdLineJobBase cmds = new CmdLineJobBase();
            Assert.IsTrue(cmds.Load(args, Arguments, dest), "Load failed!");

            Assert.AreEqual("param", dest.another, "parameter after filename with hypens was clobbered");
            Assert.AreEqual("this-is-a-terrible-filename.txt", dest.somefile, "failed on filename with hyphens");
        public void TestInvalidArguments()
            string[] args = "-realarg abcde -realagr defghi ".Split(' ');

            var dest = new CommandTestObj();
            CmdLineArg[] Arguments = new CmdLineArg[] {
                new CmdLineArg() { Flag = "realarg", DataType=typeof(string), PropertyName="somefile"}

            CmdLineJobBase cmds = new CmdLineJobBase();

            bool loadDidFail = cmds.Load(args, Arguments, dest);

            //switched this, nunit was being weird
            Assert.IsTrue(loadDidFail == false, "Load Succeeded???");  //assert should pass, load should fail
        public void TestTypeConversion()
            string[] args = "-string abcdef ghijklmno pqrstuvwxyz -double 3.14159265359 -int 8".Split(' ');

            var dest = new CommandTestObj();
            CmdLineArg[] Arguments = new CmdLineArg[] {
                new CmdLineArg() { Flag = "string", DataType=typeof(string), PropertyName="str"},
                new CmdLineArg() { Flag = "double", DataType=typeof(double), PropertyName="dbl"},
                new CmdLineArg() { Flag = "int", DataType=typeof(int), PropertyName="it"},

            CmdLineJobBase cmds = new CmdLineJobBase();
            Assert.IsTrue(cmds.Load(args, Arguments, dest), "Load failed!");

            Assert.AreEqual("abcdef ghijklmno pqrstuvwxyz", dest.str, "failed on string with spaces");
            Assert.AreEqual(3.14159265359, dest.dbl, "failed on double parsing");
            Assert.AreEqual(8, dest.it, "failed on integer parsing");
        public void TestParamDisambiguation()
            string[] args = "-f 1 -fo 2 -foo 3".Split(' ');

            var dest = new CommandTestObj();
            CmdLineArg[] Arguments = new CmdLineArg[] {
                new CmdLineArg() { Flag = "f", DataType=typeof(int), PropertyName="f"},
                new CmdLineArg() { Flag = "fo", DataType=typeof(int), PropertyName="fo"},
                new CmdLineArg() { Flag = "foo", DataType=typeof(int), PropertyName="foo"},

            CmdLineJobBase cmds = new CmdLineJobBase();
            Assert.IsTrue(cmds.Load(args, Arguments, dest), "Load failed!");

            Assert.AreEqual(1, dest.f, "failed on 'f'");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, dest.fo, "failed on 'fo'");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, dest.foo, "failed on 'foo'");