Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Get font data for embedding
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pIncFont"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static byte[] GetFontData(Font pIncFont)
            using (MyDeviceContext dc = new MyDeviceContext())
                Font newFont = new Font(pIncFont.FontFamily, pIncFont.FontFamily.GetEmHeight(pIncFont.Style), pIncFont.Style, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                dc.SelectedFont = newFont;

                uint cbSize = GetFontData(dc.GetHdc(), 0, 0, IntPtr.Zero, 0);
                if (cbSize == 0)
                    throw new Win32Exception();
                IntPtr buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)cbSize);

                cbSize = GetFontData(dc.GetHdc(), 0, 0, buffer, cbSize);
                byte[] resultingBuffer = new byte[cbSize];
                Marshal.Copy(buffer, resultingBuffer, 0, (int)cbSize);
Example #2
        // Parse a glyph outline in native format
        public int GetGlyphWidth(Font pIncFont, int charIndex)
            GLYPHMETRICS metrics = new GLYPHMETRICS();
            MAT2         matrix  = new MAT2();

            matrix.eM11.value = 1;
            matrix.eM12.value = 0;
            matrix.eM21.value = 0;
            matrix.eM22.value = 1;

            using (MyDeviceContext dc = new MyDeviceContext())
                Font newFont = new Font(pIncFont.FontFamily, pIncFont.FontFamily.GetEmHeight(pIncFont.Style), pIncFont.Style, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                dc.SelectedFont = newFont;

                if (GetGlyphOutline(dc.GetHdc(), (uint)charIndex, (uint)GGO_GLYPH_METRICS, out metrics, 0, IntPtr.Zero, ref matrix) != GDI_ERROR)
                    return((int)((float)metrics.gmCellIncX * 1000.0f / (float)pIncFont.FontFamily.GetEmHeight(pIncFont.Style)));
                    //return metrics.gmBlackBoxX;
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Get Font Metrics
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pIncFont"></param>
        public FontMetrics(Font pIncFont)
            using (MyDeviceContext dc = new MyDeviceContext())
                Font newFont = new Font(pIncFont.FontFamily, pIncFont.FontFamily.GetEmHeight(pIncFont.Style), pIncFont.Style, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                dc.SelectedFont = newFont;

                uint cbSize = GetOutlineTextMetrics(dc.GetHdc(), 0, IntPtr.Zero);
                if (cbSize == 0)
                    throw new Win32Exception();
                IntPtr buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)cbSize);
                    if (GetOutlineTextMetrics(dc.GetHdc(), cbSize, buffer) != 0)
                        OUTLINETEXTMETRIC otm;
                        otm = (OUTLINETEXTMETRIC)Marshal.PtrToStructure(buffer, typeof(OUTLINETEXTMETRIC));
                        this.italicAngle = otm.otmItalicAngle;
                        IntPtr newPtr;
                            newPtr   = new IntPtr(buffer.ToInt32() + otm.otmpFullName);
                            fullName = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(newPtr);
                        catch { }
                            newPtr   = new IntPtr(buffer.ToInt32() + otm.otmpFaceName);
                            faceName = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(newPtr);
                        catch { }
                            newPtr     = new IntPtr(buffer.ToInt32() + otm.otmpFamilyName);
                            familyName = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(newPtr);
                        catch { }
                            newPtr    = new IntPtr(buffer.ToInt32() + otm.otmpStyleName);
                            styleName = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(newPtr);
                        catch { }

                        this.capHeight = (int)otm.otmsCapEmHeight;
                        this.fontBBox  = otm.otmrcFontBox;
                        this.stemV     = otm.otmTextMetrics.tmMaxCharWidth;
                        this.firstChar = otm.otmTextMetrics.tmFirstChar;
                        this.lastChar  = otm.otmTextMetrics.tmLastChar;
                        if (this.LastChar == 0)
                            this.LastChar = 255;

                        /// load embedding license
                        /// If bit 1 of otmfsType is set, embedding is not permitted for the font.
                        /// If bit 1 is clear, the font can be embedded.
                        /// If bit 2 is set, the embedding is read-only.
                        if ((otm.otmfsType & 0x01) == 0x01)
                            embeddingLicense = EmbeddingLicense.NotAllowed;
                            embeddingLicense = EmbeddingLicense.Allowed;
                        if ((otm.otmfsType & 0x02) == 0x02)
                            embeddingLicense = EmbeddingLicense.AllowedReadOnly;

                        // make flag
                        // taken from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd162774(VS.85).aspx
                        if (otm.otmPanoseNumber.bProportion == 0x04)
                            flags |= 1;
                        if (otm.otmPanoseNumber.bFamilyType == 0x03)
                            flags |= 8;
                        if (otm.otmPanoseNumber.bFamilyType == 0x02)
                            flags |= 32;                             // nonsymbolic font
                            flags |= 4;                             // symbolic font

                        if (!(otm.otmPanoseNumber.bSerifStyle == 0x0b || otm.otmPanoseNumber.bSerifStyle == 0x0c || otm.otmPanoseNumber.bSerifStyle == 0x0d))
                            flags |= 2;
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Get Font Metrics
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pIncFont"></param>
        public FontMetrics(Font pIncFont)
            using (MyDeviceContext dc = new MyDeviceContext())
                Font newFont = new Font(pIncFont.FontFamily, pIncFont.FontFamily.GetEmHeight(pIncFont.Style), pIncFont.Style, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                dc.SelectedFont = newFont;

                uint cbSize = GetOutlineTextMetrics(dc.GetHdc(), 0, IntPtr.Zero);
                if (cbSize == 0) throw new Win32Exception();
                IntPtr buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)cbSize);
                    if (GetOutlineTextMetrics(dc.GetHdc(), cbSize, buffer) != 0)
                        OUTLINETEXTMETRIC otm;
                        otm = (OUTLINETEXTMETRIC)Marshal.PtrToStructure(buffer,	typeof(OUTLINETEXTMETRIC));
              			this.italicAngle = otm.otmItalicAngle;
                        IntPtr newPtr;
                            newPtr = new IntPtr(buffer.ToInt32() + otm.otmpFullName);
                            fullName = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(newPtr);
                        catch { }
                            newPtr = new IntPtr(buffer.ToInt32() + otm.otmpFaceName);
                            faceName = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(newPtr);
                        catch { }
                            newPtr = new IntPtr(buffer.ToInt32() + otm.otmpFamilyName);
                            familyName = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(newPtr);
                        catch { }
                            newPtr = new IntPtr(buffer.ToInt32() + otm.otmpStyleName);
                            styleName = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(newPtr);
                        catch { }

                        this.capHeight = (int)otm.otmsCapEmHeight;
                        this.fontBBox = otm.otmrcFontBox;
                        this.stemV = otm.otmTextMetrics.tmMaxCharWidth;
                        this.firstChar = otm.otmTextMetrics.tmFirstChar;
                        this.lastChar = otm.otmTextMetrics.tmLastChar;
                        if (this.LastChar == 0)
                            this.LastChar = 255;

                        /// load embedding license
                        /// If bit 1 of otmfsType is set, embedding is not permitted for the font.
                        /// If bit 1 is clear, the font can be embedded.
                        /// If bit 2 is set, the embedding is read-only.
                        if ((otm.otmfsType & 0x01) == 0x01)
                            embeddingLicense = EmbeddingLicense.NotAllowed;
                            embeddingLicense = EmbeddingLicense.Allowed;
                        if ((otm.otmfsType & 0x02) == 0x02)
                            embeddingLicense = EmbeddingLicense.AllowedReadOnly;

                        // make flag
                        // taken from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd162774(VS.85).aspx
                        if (otm.otmPanoseNumber.bProportion == 0x04)
                            flags |= 1;
                        if (otm.otmPanoseNumber.bFamilyType == 0x03)
                            flags |= 8;
                        if (otm.otmPanoseNumber.bFamilyType == 0x02)
                            flags |= 32; // nonsymbolic font
                            flags |= 4; // symbolic font

                        if (!(otm.otmPanoseNumber.bSerifStyle == 0x0b || otm.otmPanoseNumber.bSerifStyle == 0x0c || otm.otmPanoseNumber.bSerifStyle == 0x0d))
                            flags |= 2;

Example #5
        // Parse a glyph outline in native format
        public int GetGlyphWidth(Font pIncFont, int charIndex)
            GLYPHMETRICS metrics = new GLYPHMETRICS();
            MAT2 matrix = new MAT2();
            matrix.eM11.value = 1;
            matrix.eM12.value = 0;
            matrix.eM21.value = 0;
            matrix.eM22.value = 1;

            using (MyDeviceContext dc = new MyDeviceContext())
                Font newFont = new Font(pIncFont.FontFamily, pIncFont.FontFamily.GetEmHeight(pIncFont.Style), pIncFont.Style, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                dc.SelectedFont = newFont;

                if (GetGlyphOutline(dc.GetHdc(), (uint)charIndex, (uint)GGO_GLYPH_METRICS, out metrics, 0, IntPtr.Zero, ref matrix) != GDI_ERROR)
                    return (int)((float)metrics.gmCellIncX * 1000.0f / (float)pIncFont.FontFamily.GetEmHeight(pIncFont.Style));
                    //return metrics.gmBlackBoxX;
            return 0;
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Get font data for embedding
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pIncFont"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static byte[] GetFontData(Font pIncFont)
            using (MyDeviceContext dc = new MyDeviceContext())
                Font newFont = new Font(pIncFont.FontFamily, pIncFont.FontFamily.GetEmHeight(pIncFont.Style), pIncFont.Style, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
                dc.SelectedFont = newFont;

                uint cbSize = GetFontData(dc.GetHdc(), 0, 0, IntPtr.Zero, 0);
                if (cbSize == 0) throw new Win32Exception();
                IntPtr buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)cbSize);

                cbSize = GetFontData(dc.GetHdc(), 0, 0, buffer, cbSize);
                byte[] resultingBuffer = new byte[cbSize];
                Marshal.Copy(buffer, resultingBuffer, 0, (int)cbSize);
                return resultingBuffer;