public void AddVisible(Tree t, bool branchesVisible, bool frondsVisible, bool leavesVisible, bool billboardsVisible)
     if (branchesVisible)
     if (frondsVisible)
     if (leavesVisible)
     if (billboardsVisible)
        public TreeGroup(String filename, float size, float sizeVariance, SpeedWindWrapper speedWind, Forest forest, List<Vector3> locations)
            if (!initialized)

            name = String.Format("Forest: {0} File: {1} Instances: {2}", forest.Name, filename, locations.Count);
            this.forest = forest;

            this.speedWind = speedWind;

            speedTree = new SpeedTreeWrapper();

            speedTree.TextureFlip = true;
            speedTree.BranchWindMethod = WindMethod.WindGPU;
            speedTree.FrondWindMethod = WindMethod.WindGPU;
            speedTree.LeafWindMethod = WindMethod.WindGPU;

            float originalSize = 0f;
            float variance = 0f;
            speedTree.GetTreeSize(ref originalSize, ref variance);
            speedTree.OriginalSize = originalSize;
            speedTree.SetTreeSize(size, sizeVariance);

            treeTextures = speedTree.Textures;

            // make sure the tree doesn't have too many leaf texture groups
            Debug.Assert(treeTextures.LeafTextureFilenames.Length <= 3);

            // for trees with 3 leaf textures, reduce the number of rocking groups to 2
            // (from the default of 3), so that we don't overflow the number of available shader
            // param registers
            if (treeTextures.LeafTextureFilenames.Length == 3)
                speedTree.NumLeafRockingGroups = 2;

            speedTree.Compute(SpeedTreeUtil.ToSpeedTree(Matrix4.Identity), 1, true);

            speedTree.TreePosition = SpeedTreeUtil.ToSpeedTree(Vector3.Zero);

            // set lod limits
            speedTree.SetLodLimits(nearLOD, farLOD);

            // create the geometry object
            geometry = new TreeGeometry();

            // Setup branches

            // create the render operation
            branchRenderOp = new RenderOperation();
            branchRenderOp.operationType = OperationType.TriangleStrip;
            branchRenderOp.useIndices = true;

            // set up the material.
            branchMaterial = SetupTreeMaterial("SpeedTree/Branch", treeTextures.BranchTextureFilename, treeTextures.SelfShadowFilename, GenerateNormalMapTextureName(treeTextures.BranchTextureFilename), speedTree.BranchMaterial, !normalMapped, branchTechnique);

            // get number of branch LODs
            uint nBranchLODs = speedTree.NumBranchLodLevels;

            // allocate branch buffers
            branchVertexBuffers = new VertexData[nBranchLODs];
            branchIndexBuffers = new IndexData[nBranchLODs];

            for (short i = 0; i < nBranchLODs; i++)
                // set up the vertex and index buffers for the branch geometry
                speedTree.GetGeometry(geometry, SpeedTreeWrapper.GeometryFlags.BranchGeometry, i, -1, -1);
                BuildIndexedBuffer(geometry.Branches, true, out branchVertexBuffers[i], out branchIndexBuffers[i]);
            // Setup fronds

            // create the render operation
            frondRenderOp = new RenderOperation();
            frondRenderOp.operationType = OperationType.TriangleStrip;
            frondRenderOp.useIndices = true;

            // set up the material
            frondMaterial = SetupTreeMaterial("SpeedTree/Frond", treeTextures.CompositeFilename, treeTextures.SelfShadowFilename, null, speedTree.FrondMaterial, true, 0);

            uint nFrondLODs = speedTree.NumFrondLodLevels;

            // allocate frond buffer arrays
            frondVertexBuffers = new VertexData[nFrondLODs];
            frondIndexBuffers = new IndexData[nFrondLODs];

            for ( short i = 0; i < nFrondLODs; i++ )
                // build the frond geometry for each LOD
                speedTree.GetGeometry(geometry, SpeedTreeWrapper.GeometryFlags.FrondGeometry, -1, i, -1);
                BuildIndexedBuffer(geometry.Fronds, false, out frondVertexBuffers[i], out frondIndexBuffers[i]);

            // Setup Leaves

            TreeCamera saveCam = SpeedTreeWrapper.Camera;

            TreeCamera treeCamera = new TreeCamera();
            treeCamera.position = SpeedTreeUtil.ToSpeedTree(Vector3.Zero);
            treeCamera.direction = SpeedTreeUtil.ToSpeedTree(new Vector3(1,0,0));
            SpeedTreeWrapper.Camera = treeCamera;

            // set up render ops
            leaf0RenderOp = new RenderOperation();
            leaf0RenderOp.operationType = OperationType.TriangleList;
            leaf0RenderOp.useIndices = true;

            leaf1RenderOp = new RenderOperation();
            leaf1RenderOp.operationType = OperationType.TriangleList;
            leaf1RenderOp.useIndices = true;

            // set up the material
            leafMaterial = SetupTreeMaterial("SpeedTree/Leaf", treeTextures.CompositeFilename, null, null, speedTree.LeafMaterial, true, 0);

            uint nLeafLODs = speedTree.NumLeafLodLevels;

            // allocate leaf buffer arrays
            leafVertexBuffers = new VertexData[nLeafLODs];
            leafIndexBuffers = new IndexData[nLeafLODs];

            float [] lodLeafAdjust = speedTree.LeafLodSizeAdjustments;

            for ( short i = 0; i < nLeafLODs; i++ )
                // build the leaf geometry for each LOD
                speedTree.GetGeometry(geometry, SpeedTreeWrapper.GeometryFlags.LeafGeometry, -1, -1, i);
                BuildLeafBuffer(geometry.Leaves0, lodLeafAdjust[i], out leafVertexBuffers[i], out leafIndexBuffers[i]);

            // restore the camera afte getting leaf buffers
            SpeedTreeWrapper.Camera = saveCam;

            bounds = new AxisAlignedBox();

            // build all the trees and accumulate bounds
            foreach (Vector3 loc in locations)
                SpeedTreeWrapper treeInstance = speedTree.MakeInstance();
                treeInstance.OriginalSize = originalSize;
                Tree t = new Tree(this, treeInstance, loc);



            boundingRadius = (bounds.Maximum - bounds.Minimum).Length / 2;

            // create the buckets
            branchBuckets = new Dictionary<int, List<Tree>>[nBranchLODs];
            frondBuckets = new Dictionary<int, List<Tree>>[nFrondLODs];
            leafBuckets = new Dictionary<int, List<Tree>>[nLeafLODs];
            billboardBucket = new Dictionary<int, List<Tree>>[1];

            // initialize the bucket dictionaries
            for (int i = 0; i < nBranchLODs; i++)
                branchBuckets[i] = new Dictionary<int, List<Tree>>();
            for (int i = 0; i < nFrondLODs; i++)
                frondBuckets[i] = new Dictionary<int, List<Tree>>();
            for (int i = 0; i < nLeafLODs; i++)
                leafBuckets[i] = new Dictionary<int, List<Tree>>();
            billboardBucket[0] = new Dictionary<int, List<Tree>>();
        public void RenderLeaves(RenderSystem targetRenderSystem, int positionParamIndex, Tree t)
            if (meterRenderingOfTrees)

            // set the position register in the hardware
            positionParameters.SetConstant(positionParamIndex, t.Location.x, t.Location.y, t.Location.z, 0);
            targetRenderSystem.BindGpuProgramParameters(GpuProgramType.Vertex, positionParameters);

            if (t.Leaf0RenderArgs.Active)
                targetRenderSystem.SetAlphaRejectSettings(CompareFunction.Greater, (byte)t.Leaf0RenderArgs.AlphaTestValue);
                int lod = t.Leaf0RenderArgs.LOD;
                leaf0RenderOp.vertexData = leafVertexBuffers[lod];
                leaf0RenderOp.indexData = leafIndexBuffers[lod];

                if (leaf0RenderOp.vertexData != null)
            if (t.Leaf1RenderArgs.Active)
                targetRenderSystem.SetAlphaRejectSettings(CompareFunction.Greater, (byte)t.Leaf1RenderArgs.AlphaTestValue);

                int lod = t.Leaf1RenderArgs.LOD;
                leaf1RenderOp.vertexData = leafVertexBuffers[lod];
                leaf1RenderOp.indexData = leafIndexBuffers[lod];
                if (leaf1RenderOp.vertexData != null)
            if (meterRenderingOfTrees)
        protected void AddToBucket(Dictionary<int, List<Tree>>[] buckets, TreeRenderArgs args, Tree t)
            if (args.Active)
                int lod = args.LOD;
                int alpha = args.AlphaTestValue;

                if (!buckets[lod].ContainsKey(alpha))
                    buckets[lod][alpha] = new List<Tree>();
        public void RenderBranch(RenderSystem targetRenderSystem, int positionParamIndex, Tree t)
            if (meterRenderingOfTrees)

            int lod = t.BranchRenderArgs.LOD;

            if ((branchVertexBuffers[lod] != null) && (branchIndexBuffers[lod] != null))

                targetRenderSystem.SetAlphaRejectSettings(CompareFunction.Greater, (byte)t.BranchRenderArgs.AlphaTestValue);

                // set the position register in the hardware
                positionParameters.SetConstant(positionParamIndex, t.Location.x, t.Location.y, t.Location.z, 0);
                targetRenderSystem.BindGpuProgramParameters(GpuProgramType.Vertex, positionParameters);

                branchRenderOp.vertexData = branchVertexBuffers[lod];
                branchRenderOp.indexData = branchIndexBuffers[lod];
            if (meterRenderingOfTrees)