Example #1
        public GLESHardwareVertexBuffer(HardwareBufferManagerBase manager, VertexDeclaration vertexDeclaration, int numVertices, BufferUsage usage, bool useShadowBuffer)
            : base(manager, vertexDeclaration, numVertices, usage, false, useShadowBuffer)
            if (!useShadowBuffer)
                throw new AxiomException("Only supported with shadowBuffer");

            var buffers = new int[1];

            GL.GenBuffers(1, buffers);
            this._bufferID = buffers[0];

            if (this._bufferID == 0)
                throw new AxiomException("Cannot create GL ES vertex buffer");

            (Root.Instance.RenderSystem as GLESRenderSystem).BindGLBuffer(GLenum.ArrayBuffer, this._bufferID);
            GL.BufferData(GLenum.ArrayBuffer, new IntPtr(sizeInBytes), IntPtr.Zero, GLESHardwareBufferManager.GetGLUsage(usage));
        public GLESHardwareIndexBuffer(HardwareBufferManagerBase manager, IndexType type, int numIndices, BufferUsage usage, bool useShadowBuffer)
            : base(manager, type, numIndices, usage, false, useShadowBuffer)
            if (type == IndexType.Size32)
                throw new AxiomException("32 bit hardware buffers are not allowed in OpenGL ES.");

            if (!useShadowBuffer)
                throw new AxiomException("Only support with shadowBuffer");

            OpenGL.GenBuffers(1, ref this._bufferId);
            if (this._bufferId == 0)
                throw new AxiomException("Cannot create GL index buffer");

            OpenGL.BindBuffer(All.ElementArrayBuffer, this._bufferId);
            OpenGL.BufferData(All.ElementArrayBuffer, new IntPtr(sizeInBytes), IntPtr.Zero, GLESHardwareBufferManager.GetGLUsage(usage));
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        protected override void UpdateFromShadow()
            if (useShadowBuffer && shadowUpdated && !suppressHardwareUpdate)
                var srcData = shadowBuffer.Lock(lockStart, lockSize, BufferLocking.ReadOnly);
                OpenGL.BindBuffer(All.ElementArrayBuffer, this._bufferId);

                var srcPtr = new IntPtr(srcData.Ptr);
                // Update whole buffer if possible, otherwise normal
                if (lockStart == 0 && lockSize == sizeInBytes)
                    OpenGL.BufferData(All.ElementArrayBuffer, new IntPtr(sizeInBytes), srcPtr, GLESHardwareBufferManager.GetGLUsage(usage));
                    OpenGL.BufferSubData(All.ElementArrayBuffer, new IntPtr(lockStart), new IntPtr(lockSize), srcPtr);
                shadowUpdated = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="offset"> </param>
        /// <param name="length"> </param>
        /// <param name="src"> </param>
        /// <param name="discardWholeBuffer"> </param>
        public override void WriteData(int offset, int length, BufferBase src, bool discardWholeBuffer)
            OpenGL.BindBuffer(All.ElementArrayBuffer, this._bufferId);
            // Update the shadow buffer
            if (useShadowBuffer)
                var destData = shadowBuffer.Lock(offset, length, discardWholeBuffer ? BufferLocking.Discard : BufferLocking.Normal);
                Memory.Copy(src, destData, length);

            var srcPtr = src.Ptr;

            if (offset == 0 && length == sizeInBytes)
                OpenGL.BufferData(All.ElementArrayBuffer, new IntPtr(sizeInBytes), ref srcPtr, GLESHardwareBufferManager.GetGLUsage(usage));
                if (discardWholeBuffer)
                    OpenGL.BufferData(All.ElementArrayBuffer, new IntPtr(sizeInBytes), IntPtr.Zero, GLESHardwareBufferManager.GetGLUsage(usage));
                // Now update the real buffer
                OpenGL.BufferSubData(All.ElementArrayBuffer, new IntPtr(offset), new IntPtr(length), ref srcPtr);

            if (src.Ptr != srcPtr)
                LogManager.Instance.Write("[GLES2] HardwareIndexBuffer.WriteData - buffer pointer modified by GL.BufferData.");
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="offset"> </param>
        /// <param name="length"> </param>
        /// <param name="locking"> </param>
        /// <returns> </returns>
        protected override BufferBase LockImpl(int offset, int length, BufferLocking locking)
            All access = 0;

            if (isLocked)
                throw new AxiomException("Invalid attempt to lock an index buffer that has already been locked");

            BufferBase retPtr = null;

            if (length < MapBufferThreshold)
                retPtr = ((GLESHardwareBufferManager)HardwareBufferManager.Instance).AllocateScratch(length);
                if (retPtr != null)
                    this._lockedToScratch       = true;
                    this._scratchOffset         = offset;
                    this._scratchSize           = length;
                    this._scratchPtr            = retPtr;
                    this._scratchUploadOnUnlock = (locking != BufferLocking.ReadOnly);

                    if (locking != BufferLocking.Discard)
                        this.ReadData(offset, length, retPtr);
                throw new AxiomException("Invalid Buffer lockSize");

            if (retPtr == null)
                OpenGL.BindBuffer(All.ElementArrayBuffer, this._bufferId);
                // Use glMapBuffer
                if (locking == BufferLocking.Discard)
                    OpenGL.BufferData(All.ElementArrayBuffer, new IntPtr(sizeInBytes), IntPtr.Zero, GLESHardwareBufferManager.GetGLUsage(usage));
                if ((usage & BufferUsage.WriteOnly) != 0)
                    access = All.WriteOnlyOes;

                IntPtr pBuffer = OpenGLOES.MapBuffer(All.ElementArrayBuffer, access);
                if (pBuffer == IntPtr.Zero)
                    throw new AxiomException("Index Buffer: Out of memory");
                    // return offset
                    retPtr = BufferBase.Wrap(pBuffer, sizeInBytes);

                this._lockedToScratch = false;
            isLocked = true;

Example #6
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="primary"></param>
		private void CheckCaps( RenderTarget primary )
			_rsCapabilities = new RenderSystemCapabilities();

			_rsCapabilities.DeviceName = OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.GL.GetString( All.Renderer );
			_rsCapabilities.VendorName = OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.GL.GetString( All.Vendor );
			_rsCapabilities.RendersystemName = Name;

			// GL ES 1.x is fixed function only
			_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.FixedFunction );
			// Multitexturing support and set number of texture units
			int units = 0;
			OpenGL.GetInteger( All.MaxTextureUnits, ref units );
			_rsCapabilities.TextureUnitCount = units;

			// Check for hardware stencil support and set bit depth
			int stencil = 0;
			OpenGL.GetInteger( All.StencilBits, ref stencil );
			GLESConfig.GlCheckError( this );

			if ( stencil != 0 )
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.StencilBuffer );
				_rsCapabilities.StencilBufferBitCount = stencil;

			// Scissor test is standard
			_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.ScissorTest );

			// Vertex Buffer Objects are always supported by OpenGL ES
			_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.VertexBuffer );

			// OpenGL ES - Check for these extensions too
			// For 1.1, http://www.khronos.org/registry/gles/api/1.1/glext.h
			// For 2.0, http://www.khronos.org/registry/gles/api/2.0/gl2ext.h

			if ( _glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc" ) ||
				_glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_AMD_compressed_3DC_texture" ) ||
				_glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_AMD_compressed_ATC_texture" ) ||
				_glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture" ) ||
				_glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_OES_compressed_paletted_texture" ) )
				// TODO: Add support for compression types other than pvrtc
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.TextureCompression );

				if ( _glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc" ) )
					_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.TextureCompressionPVRTC );

			if ( _glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic" ) )
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.AnisotropicFiltering );

			if ( _glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_OES_framebuffer_object" ) )
				LogManager.Instance.Write( "[GLES] Framebuffers are supported." );
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.FrameBufferObjects );
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.HardwareRenderToTexture );
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.PBuffer );
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.HardwareRenderToTexture );

			// Cube map
			if ( _glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_OES_texture_cube_map" ) )
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.CubeMapping );

			if ( _glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_OES_stencil_wrap" ) )
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.StencilWrap );

			if ( _glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_OES_blend_subtract" ) )
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.AdvancedBlendOperations );

			if ( _glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_ANDROID_user_clip_plane" ) )
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.UserClipPlanes );

			if ( _glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_OES_texture3D" ) )
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.Texture3D );

			// GL always shares vertex and fragment texture units (for now?)
			_rsCapabilities.VertexTextureUnitsShared = true;
			// Hardware support mipmapping
			_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.Automipmap );

			if ( _glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias" ) )
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.MipmapLODBias );

			//blending support
			_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.TextureBlending );

			// DOT3 support is standard
			_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.Dot3 );

			if ( _rsCapabilities.HasCapability( Capabilities.VertexBuffer ) )
				hardwareBufferManager = new GLESHardwareBufferManager();
				hardwareBufferManager = new GLESDefaultHardwareBufferManager();

			/// Do this after extension function pointers are initialised as the extension
			/// is used to probe further capabilities.
			int rttMode = 0;
			if ( ConfigOptions.ContainsKey( "RTT Preferred Mode" ) )
				ConfigOption opt = ConfigOptions[ "RTT Preferred Mode" ];
				// RTT Mode: 0 use whatever available, 1 use PBuffers, 2 force use copying
				if ( opt.Value == "PBuffer" )
					rttMode = 1;
				else if ( opt.Value == "Copy" )
					rttMode = 2;
			LogManager.Instance.Write( "[GLES] 'RTT Preferred Mode' = {0}", rttMode );
			// Check for framebuffer object extension
			if ( _rsCapabilities.HasCapability( Capabilities.FrameBufferObjects ) && ( rttMode < 1 ) )
				if ( _rsCapabilities.HasCapability( Capabilities.HardwareRenderToTexture ) )
					// Create FBO manager
					LogManager.Instance.Write( "[GLES] Using GL_OES_framebuffer_object for rendering to textures (best)" );
					_rttManager = new GLESFBORTTManager();
				// Check GLSupport for PBuffer support
				if ( _rsCapabilities.HasCapability( Capabilities.PBuffer ) && rttMode < 2 )
					if ( _rsCapabilities.HasCapability( Capabilities.HardwareRenderToTexture ) )
						// Use PBuffers
						_rttManager = new GLESPBRTTManager();
						LogManager.Instance.Write( "[GLES] Using PBuffers for rendering to textures" );
					// No pbuffer support either -- fallback to simplest copying from framebuffer
					_rttManager = new GLESCopyingRTTManager();
					LogManager.Instance.Write( "[GLES] Using framebuffer copy for rendering to textures (worst)" );
					LogManager.Instance.Write( "[GLES] Warning: RenderTexture size is restricted to size of framebuffer." );
				_rsCapabilities.MultiRenderTargetCount = 1;

			// Point size
			float ps = 0;
			OpenGL.GetFloat( All.PointSizeMax, ref ps );
			GLESConfig.GlCheckError( this );
			_rsCapabilities.MaxPointSize = ps;

			// Point sprites
			if ( _glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_OES_point_sprite" ) )
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.PointSprites );

			_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.PointExtendedParameters );

			// UBYTE4 always supported
			_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.VertexFormatUByte4 );

			// Infinite far plane always supported
			_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.InfiniteFarPlane );

			// hardware occlusion support
			_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.HardwareOcculusion );

			//// Check for Float textures
			if ( _glSupport.CheckExtension( "GL_OES_texture_half_float" ) )
				_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.TextureFloat );

			// Alpha to coverage always 'supported' when MSAA is available
			// although card may ignore it if it doesn't specifically support A2C
			_rsCapabilities.SetCapability( Capabilities.AlphaToCoverage );
Example #7
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="primary"></param>
		protected void InitializeContext( RenderTarget primary )
			// Set main and current context
			_mainContext = (GLESContext)primary[ "GLCONTEXT" ];
			LogManager.Instance.Write( _mainContext == null ? "maincontext NULL" : "maincontext NOT NULL" );
			_currentContext = _mainContext;

			// Set primary context as active
			if ( _currentContext != null )

			// intialize GL extensions and check capabilites

			LogManager.Instance.Write( "***************************" );
			LogManager.Instance.Write( "*** GLES Renderer Started ***" );
			LogManager.Instance.Write( "***************************" );

			// log hardware info
			LogManager.Instance.Write( "Vendor: {0}", _glSupport.Vendor );
			LogManager.Instance.Write( "Video Board: {0}", _glSupport.VideoCard );
			LogManager.Instance.Write( "Version: {0}", _glSupport.Version );

			LogManager.Instance.Write( "Extensions supported: " );

			foreach ( string ext in _glSupport.Extensions )
				LogManager.Instance.Write( ext );

			// create our special program manager
			this._gpuProgramManager = new GLESGpuProgramManager();

			// query hardware capabilites
			CheckCaps( primary );

			// create a specialized instance, which registers itself as the singleton instance of HardwareBufferManager
			// use software buffers as a fallback, which operate as regular vertex arrays
			if ( this._rsCapabilities.HasCapability( Capabilities.VertexBuffer ) )
				hardwareBufferManager = new GLESHardwareBufferManager();
				hardwareBufferManager = new GLESDefaultHardwareBufferManager();

			// by creating our texture manager, singleton TextureManager will hold our implementation
			textureManager = new GLESTextureManager( _glSupport );
			_polygonMode = GLFill;
			this._glInitialized = true;
Example #8
        protected override void UpdateFromShadow()
            if (useShadowBuffer && shadowUpdated && !suppressHardwareUpdate)
                var srcData = shadowBuffer.Lock(lockStart, lockSize, BufferLocking.ReadOnly);

                (Root.Instance.RenderSystem as GLESRenderSystem).BindGLBuffer(GLenum.ArrayBuffer, this._bufferID);

                //Update whole buffer if possible, otherwise normal
                if (lockStart == 0 && lockSize == sizeInBytes)
                    GL.BufferData(GLenum.ArrayBuffer, new IntPtr(sizeInBytes), srcData.Pin(), GLESHardwareBufferManager.GetGLUsage(usage));
                    //Ogre FIXME: GPU frequently stalls here - DJR
                    GL.BufferSubData(GLenum.ArrayBuffer, new IntPtr(lockStart), new IntPtr(lockSize), srcData.Pin());

                shadowUpdated = false;
Example #9
        public override void WriteData(int offset, int length, BufferBase src, bool discardWholeBuffer)
            //Update the shadow buffer
            if (useShadowBuffer)
                var destData = shadowBuffer.Lock(offset, length, discardWholeBuffer ? BufferLocking.Discard : BufferLocking.Normal);
                src = destData;

            if (offset == 0 && length == sizeInBytes)
                GL.BufferData(GLenum.ArrayBuffer, new IntPtr(sizeInBytes), src.Pin(), GLESHardwareBufferManager.GetGLUsage(usage));
                if (discardWholeBuffer)
                    GL.BufferData(GLenum.ArrayBuffer, new IntPtr(sizeInBytes), IntPtr.Zero, GLESHardwareBufferManager.GetGLUsage(usage));
                GL.BufferSubData(GLenum.ArrayBuffer, new IntPtr(offset), new IntPtr(length), src.Pin());
Example #10
        protected override BufferBase LockImpl(int offset, int length, BufferLocking locking)
            if (IsLocked)
                throw new AxiomException("Invalid attempt to lock an index buffer that has already been locked.");
            BufferBase retPtr;
            var        glBufManager = (HardwareBufferManager.Instance as GLESHardwareBufferManager);

            //Try to use scratch buffers for smaller buffers
            if (length < glBufManager.MapBufferThreshold)
                retPtr = glBufManager.AllocateScratch(length);

                if (retPtr != null)
                    this._lockedToScratch       = true;
                    this._scratchOffset         = offset;
                    this._scratchSize           = length;
                    this._scratchPtr            = retPtr;
                    this._scratchUploadOnUnlock = (locking != BufferLocking.ReadOnly);

                    if (locking != BufferLocking.Discard)
                        //have to read back the data before returning the pointer
                        this.ReadData(offset, length, retPtr);
                throw new AxiomException("Invalid Buffer lockSize");

            if (retPtr == null)
                GLenum access = GLenum.Zero;
                (Root.Instance.RenderSystem as GLESRenderSystem).BindGLBuffer(GLenum.ArrayBuffer, this._bufferID);

                if (locking == BufferLocking.Discard)
                    //Discard the buffer
                    GL.BufferData(GLenum.ArrayBuffer, new IntPtr(sizeInBytes), IntPtr.Zero, GLESHardwareBufferManager.GetGLUsage(usage));
                if ((usage & BufferUsage.WriteOnly) == BufferUsage.WriteOnly)
                    access = GLenum.WriteOnlyOes;

                var pbuffer = GL.Oes.MapBuffer(GLenum.ArrayBuffer, access);

                if (pbuffer == IntPtr.Zero)
                    throw new AxiomException("Vertex Buffer: Out of memory");

                //return offsetted
                retPtr = BufferBase.Wrap(pbuffer, sizeInBytes) + offset;
                this._lockedToScratch = false;
            isLocked = true;