UnpackColor() public static method

Unpack a color value from memory
public static UnpackColor ( PixelFormat pf, IntPtr src ) : ColorEx
pf PixelFormat Pixelformat in which to read the color
src System.IntPtr Source memory location
return Axiom.Core.ColorEx
Example #1
        private void Unpack(ref ColorEx dst, int x, int y, int z, PixelFormat format, BufferBase src, PixelBox srcbox,
                            int elemsize)
            var data = src + (elemsize * ((x) + (y) * srcbox.RowPitch + (z) * srcbox.SlicePitch));

            dst = PixelConverter.UnpackColor(format, data);
Example #2
        private void _unpackDXTColor(PixelFormat pf, DXTColorBlock block, ColorEx[] pCol)
            // Note - we assume all values have already been endian swapped

            // Colour lookup table
            var derivedColours = new ColorEx[4];

            using (var src = BufferBase.Wrap(block.colour_0, 1))
                derivedColours[0] = PixelConverter.UnpackColor(PixelFormat.R5G6B5, src);

            using (var src = BufferBase.Wrap(block.colour_1, 1))
                derivedColours[1] = PixelConverter.UnpackColor(PixelFormat.R5G6B5, src);

            if (pf == PixelFormat.DXT1 && block.colour_0 <= block.colour_1)
                // 1-bit alpha

                // one intermediate colour, half way between the other two
                derivedColours[2] = (derivedColours[0] + derivedColours[1]) / 2;
                // transparent colour
                derivedColours[3] = new ColorEx(0, 0, 0, 0);
                // first interpolated colour, 1/3 of the way along
                derivedColours[2] = (derivedColours[0] * 2 + derivedColours[1]) / 3;
                // second interpolated colour, 2/3 of the way along
                derivedColours[3] = (derivedColours[0] + derivedColours[1] * 2) / 3;

            // Process 4x4 block of texels
            for (var row = 0; row < 4; ++row)
                for (var x = 0; x < 4; ++x)
                    // LSB come first
                    var colIdx = (byte)block.indexRow[row] >> (x * 2) & 0x3;
                    if (pf == PixelFormat.DXT1)
                        // Overwrite entire colour
                        pCol[(row * 4) + x] = derivedColours[colIdx];
                        // alpha has already been read (alpha precedes colour)
                        var col = pCol[(row * 4) + x];
                        col.r = derivedColours[colIdx].r;
                        col.g = derivedColours[colIdx].g;
                        col.b = derivedColours[colIdx].b;