private static string _extSourceConnection; //!< IP address or name of the Scope

        //  shkv 3/4/2015 Fixing the external source issue.
        /// <summary>
        /// Instantiate the %SCOPE class if it is not already open
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="create">Each time you call GetScope(), you need to pass "true" if you want a new session, "false" if you are just looking up the existing session</param>
        /// <returns>Return new or existing session</returns>
        public static EXTSOURCE GetExtSource(bool create = true)
            if (create == true)
                TekVISANet.VISA EXTSOURCEVisaSession = new TekVISANet.VISA();
                //_scope = new SCOPE(_scope.SCOPEVisaSession);
                string status = "";
                _extSourceConnection = AwgSetupSteps.ExtSourceConnectionIP;
                _extSourceConnection = "TCPIP::" + _extSourceConnection + "::INSTR";

                //bool openSuccessFul = EXTSOURCEVisaSession.Open(_extSourceConnection);
                bool openSuccessFul = EXTSOURCEVisaSession.Open(_extSourceConnection, TekVISANet.TekVISADefs.AccessModes.VI_NO_LOCK, 90000, 5);
                if (!openSuccessFul)
                    int retry = 4;
                        openSuccessFul = EXTSOURCEVisaSession.Open(_extSourceConnection);
                    } while ((--retry >= 0) && (!openSuccessFul));

                        status = _extSource.ErrorDescription();
                    catch (Exception)
                        status = "Object reference not set to an instance of an object.";
                    //See if the status string contains the word "Success"
                    Regex validatePreMatcher = new Regex(@"Success.+");
                    Match match = validatePreMatcher.Match(status);
                    // Check the status string to see if the operation was sucessful
                    if (!match.Success)
                        Assert.Inconclusive("Attempt to Open connection failed: " + status);
                _extSource = new EXTSOURCE(EXTSOURCEVisaSession);
                //! \TODO: Figure out how to test for a valid session and assert here if false
            return(_extSource); // Otherwise, return the existing session