public Automaton(Automaton source) { this.stateList = new List<State>(source.stateList); this.startState = source.startState; this.mExpression = source.mExpression; this.intermediateStates = new List<State>(source.intermediateStates); this.finalStates = new List<State>(source.finalStates); this.currentState = new State(source.currentState); }
public State(State source) { uniqueID = source.uniqueID; title = source.title; category = source.category; transition = source.transition; name =; connect = source.connect; connectsWith = source.connectsWith; alive = source.alive; }
//public: //FUNCTIONS public Automaton() { //startState = new State(); currentState = new State(); //startState = new State(); currentState = startState; /*intermediateStates = new List<State>(); finalStates = new List<State>(); mDictionary = new List<string>(); stateList = new List<State>(); startState = new State();*/ }
private void pbxDraw_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { drag = -1; if (doubleClick) { tbxName.Enabled = true; tbxID.Enabled = true; tbxConnectTo.Enabled = true; tbxConnectWith.Enabled = true; //radiobtnOpen.Enabled = false; //radioButton2.Enabled = false; //radioButton3.Enabled = false; int m = findStatePoint(new Point(e.X, e.Y)); if (m < myAutomaton.stateList.Count && m > -1) { selectedState = myAutomaton.stateList[m]; } showSelectedStateInfo(); doubleClick = false; setComboBox(); comboBox1.SelectedText =; drawDiagram(); } else if (cbxDraw.Checked) { int n = findStatePoint(new Point(e.X, e.Y)); if (n >= 0) { if (newState[mdState].connect.Length > 0) { newState[mdState].connect += "_"; } newState[mdState].connect += newState[n].name;//n.ToString(); tbxDraw.Size = new Size(20, 20); tbxDraw.Visible = true; tbxDraw.Focus(); Point p = new Point((statePoints[mdState].X+statePoints[n].X)/2 + pbxDraw.Location.X, (statePoints[mdState].Y + statePoints[n].Y)/2+pbxDraw.Location.Y); tbxDraw.Location = p; selectedState = newState[mdState]; if (selectedState.category == "Initial") { radioInitial.Checked = true; } if (selectedState.category == "Intermediate") { radioInter.Checked = true; } if (selectedState.category.Contains("Final")) { cbxFinal.Checked = true; } myAutomaton = new Automaton();; } drawDiagram(); tbxID.Text = selectedState.uniqueID.ToString(); tbxConnectTo.Text = selectedState.connect.ToString(); tbxConnectWith.Text = selectedState.connectsWith; } }
private void pbxDraw_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (!cbxDraw.Checked) { drag = findStatePoint(new Point(e.X, e.Y)); } if (!btnAdd.Enabled) { tbxID.Enabled = true; tbxName.Enabled = true; tbxConnectTo.Enabled = true; tbxConnectWith.Enabled = true; tbxDrawName.Clear(); tbxDrawName.Focus(); tbxDrawName.Visible = true; tbxDrawName.Location = new Point(e.X+pbxDraw.Location.X, e.Y); myAutomaton = new Automaton(); myAutomaton.intermediateStates = new List<State>(); myAutomaton.finalStates = new List<State>(); myAutomaton.stateList = new List<State>(); myAutomaton.startState = new State(); myAutomaton.currentState = new State(); State st = new State(); //if (myAutomaton.currentState == null) { myAutomaton.currentState = myAutomaton.stateList[0]; } if (statePoints == null) //if(myAutomaton.stateList.Count == 0) { //myAutomaton st.category = "Initial"; myAutomaton.startState = st; //myAutomaton.currentState = st; statePoints = new List<Point>(); } else { st.category = "Intermediate"; //myAutomaton.intermediateStates.Add(st); } btnAdd.Enabled = true; //statePoints.Insert(statePoints.Count, statePoints.Add(new Point(e.X - wid / 4, e.Y - wid / 4)); c = statePoints.Count; wid = (pbxDraw.Height-170) / (c); if (c > 1) { st.category = "Intermediate"; radioInitial.Enabled = true; radioInter.Enabled = true; } st.uniqueID = c - 1; st.transition = 1; //st.connect = textBox4.Text; //st.connectsWith = textBox5.Text; //myAutomaton.startState = new State(); newState.Add(st); selectedState = st;; //myAutomaton.currentState = newState[0]; //setStatePoints(); drawDiagram(); tbxID.Text = st.uniqueID.ToString(); //drawStatePoints(); tbxDrawName.Focus(); } else { int n = findStatePoint(new Point(e.X, e.Y)); if (n >= 0) { mdState = n; drawDiagram(); } } }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { tbxDrawName.Visible = false; radioInitial.Checked = true; radioInter.Enabled = true; //tbxFile.Text = "../../XMLFile5.xml"; myParser = new Parser(); myAutomaton = new Automaton(); newState = new List<State>(); g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);//pbxDraw.CreateGraphics(); statePoints = new List<Point>(); selectedState = new State(); c = statePoints.Count+1; wid = (pbxDraw.Width-170) / (c); }
private void drawDiagram() { setComboBox(); if (!selectedState.alive) { selectedState = myAutomaton.stateList[0]; } current = myAutomaton.currentState; myAutomaton = new Automaton();; myAutomaton.currentState = current; wid = Math.Max(wid, 80); wid = Math.Min(wid, 200); //using (g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)) using (g = pbxDraw.CreateGraphics()) { g.Clear(Color.CornflowerBlue); drawConnections(); drawStatePoints(); drawCurrentState(); drawStateIDs(); } //pbxDraw.Image = bmp; //bmp = new Bitmap(pbxDraw.Width, pbxDraw.Height); //pbxDraw.DrawToBitmap(bmp, pbxDraw.ClientRectangle); //pbxDraw.BackgroundImage = bmp; }
private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (comboBox1.SelectedIndex >= 0 && comboBox1.SelectedIndex < newState.Count) { int n = findIndex(comboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString()); if (n >= 0) { selectedState = newState[n]; } } showSelectedStateInfo(); drawDiagram(); }
private void tbxDraw_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter) { if (tbxDraw.Text != "") { if (newState[mdState].connectsWith.Length > 0) { newState[mdState].connectsWith += "_"; } newState[mdState].connectsWith += tbxDraw.Text; selectedState = newState[mdState]; myAutomaton = new Automaton();; tbxDraw.Clear(); tbxDraw.Visible = false; drawDiagram(); showSelectedStateInfo(); } } }
private void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { tbxDraw.Visible = false; tbxDrawName.Visible = false; drawDiagram(); if (tbxName.Text != "") { = tbxName.Text; } if(tbxID.Text != "") {selectedState.uniqueID = System.Convert.ToInt32(tbxID.Text);} if(tbxConnectTo.Text != "") {selectedState.connect = tbxConnectTo.Text;} if(tbxConnectWith.Text != "") {selectedState.connectsWith = tbxConnectWith.Text;} if (radioInter.Checked) { selectedState.category = "Intermediate"; } if (cbxFinal.Checked) { selectedState.category += "_Final"; } if(selectedState.uniqueID < newState.Count) {newState[selectedState.uniqueID] = selectedState;} if (tbxDraw.Text != "") { if (newState[mdState].connectsWith.Length > 0) { newState[mdState].connectsWith += "_"; } newState[mdState].connectsWith += tbxDraw.Text; selectedState = newState[mdState]; myAutomaton = new Automaton();; tbxDraw.Clear(); } //myAutomaton = new Automaton(); //; /*if (selectedState.uniqueID == 0) { myAutomaton.startState = selectedState; } else { myAutomaton.intermediateStates[selectedState.uniqueID - 1] = selectedState; }*/ tbxID.Text = selectedState.uniqueID.ToString(); tbxConnectTo.Text = selectedState.connect.ToString(); tbxConnectWith.Text = selectedState.connectsWith; //myAutomaton.currentState = newState[0]; drawDiagram(); }
public bool build(System.Collections.Generic.List<Automaton_GUI.State> input) { //*************************************************************************************************************** // Name: public bool build( List<XML>Parser.State> input ) // Description: This function takes a list of States to build an Automaton. The list of states must // have only one starting state, at least one final state, and may have final states. This function will // sort the states into the according categories. It will also create the dictionary based on the State's IDs. //*************************************************************************************************************** //if (intermediateStates == null) { intermediateStates = new List<Automaton_GUI.State>(); } //if(finalStates == null) { finalStates = new List<Automaton_GUI.State>(); } if (mDictionary == null) { mDictionary = new List<string>(); } if (stateList == null) { stateList = new List<State>(); } foreach (State s in input) { stateList.Add(s); if (s.category.Contains("Initial")) { if (startState == null) { startState = s; currentState = s; Console.WriteLine("State: " + s.uniqueID + " set as Initial"); } else { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Start State already set!"); return false; } }//initial state else if (s.category.Contains("Intermediate")) { intermediateStates.Add(s); Console.WriteLine("State: " + s.uniqueID + " set as Intermediate"); }//intermediate state else if (s.category.Contains("Final")) { finalStates.Add(s); Console.WriteLine("State: " + s.uniqueID + " set as Final"); }//final state else { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Your category for State" + s.uniqueID + " is all sorts of messed up"); return false; }//category error //update dictionary mDictionary.Add(; } if (stateList.Count == 0) { stateList.Add(new State()); } startState = stateList[0]; currentState = startState; if (finalStates.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: No Final States!"); return false; } else return true; }
public bool solve(State current, string mExp) { Automaton tmp = new Automaton(this); tmp.currentState = new State(current); tmp.mExpression = mExp; int count = 0; string acc = ""; do{ count++; acc = tmp.move(false); if (acc == "reject") { return false; } } while ((acc != "accept" && tmp.mExpression.Length > 0)||(tmp.currentState.connectsWith.Contains("&"))) ; return acc == "accept"; }
public bool runInputExpression() { //mExpression = 1_2_3_4_ State currentState = startState; string nextID; mExpression.Remove(0, 2); //delete starting state while (mExpression.Length != 0) { nextID = ""; while (mExpression[0] != '_') nextID += mExpression[0]; if (currentState.canMove(nextID)) currentState = move(nextID); } return false; }
public string move(bool pass) { /* * This functions takes the user input expression (mExpression) and moves the currentState to a connected state * if the initial input string (ex[0]) matches one of the accepted transition strings (cs[i]) * The initial user input string (ex[0]) is dropped from mExpression at the end * currentState will move at most once each function call * Returns true if you've reached a final state, false otherwise */ ///ex - user input string as an array ("a_b_c" -> [a, b, c]) //string[] ex = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(mExpression, "_"); //cs - list of acceptable strings for corresponding transitions string[] cs = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(this.currentState.connectsWith, "_"); //next - list of connected states string[] next = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(this.currentState.connect, "_"); if (cs.Length == next.Length) { for (int i = 0; i < cs.Length; i++) { if (mExpression.Length > 0) { string[] transitions = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(cs[i], ","); for (int j = 0; j < transitions.Length; j++) { if (this.mExpression[0].ToString() == transitions[j]) { int n = findIndex(next[i]);//System.Convert.ToInt32(next[i]); if(n >= 0) { if (stateList[n].alive) { if (solve(stateList[n], this.mExpression.Substring(1)) || pass) { this.currentState = this.stateList[n]; this.mExpression = this.mExpression.Substring(1); if (this.currentState.category.Contains("Final") && this.mExpression.Length == 0) { return "accept"; } return "false"; } } } } } } if (cs[i] == "&") { int n = findIndex(next[i]); if (n >= 0 && n != this.currentState.uniqueID) { if ((stateList[n].alive && solve(stateList[n], this.mExpression))|| pass) { this.currentState = this.stateList[n]; if (this.currentState.category.Contains("Final") && this.mExpression.Length == 0) { return "accept"; } return "false"; } } } } } if (this.currentState.category.Contains("Final") && this.mExpression.Length == 0) { return "accept"; } if (this.mExpression.Length > 0) { this.mExpression = this.mExpression.Substring(1); } return "reject"; }