public override void ExecuteBuild()
            var Params = new ProjectParams
                Command: this,
                // Shared
                RawProjectPath: ProjectPath

            Log("********** CRYPTOKEYS COMMAND STARTED **********");

            string UE4EditorExe = HostPlatform.Current.GetUE4ExePath(Params.UE4Exe);

            if (!FileExists(UE4EditorExe))
                throw new AutomationException("Missing " + UE4EditorExe + " executable. Needs to be built first.");

            bool bCycleAllKeys       = ParseParam("updateallkeys");
            bool bCycleEncryptionKey = bCycleAllKeys || ParseParam("updateencryptionkey");
            bool bCycleSigningKey    = bCycleAllKeys || ParseParam("updatesigningkey");

            if (!bCycleAllKeys && !bCycleEncryptionKey && !bCycleSigningKey)
                throw new Exception("A target for key cycling must be specified when using the cryptokeys automation script\n\t-updateallkeys: Update all keys\n\t-updateencryptionkey: Update encryption key\n\t-updatesigningkey: Update signing key");

            FileReference OutputFile         = FileReference.Combine(ProjectPath.Directory, "Config", "DefaultCrypto.ini");
            FileReference NoRedistOutputFile = FileReference.Combine(ProjectPath.Directory, "Config", "NoRedist", "DefaultCrypto.ini");
            FileReference DestinationFile    = OutputFile;

            // If the project has a DefaultCrypto.ini in a NoRedist folder, we want to copy the newly generated file into that location
            if (FileReference.Exists(NoRedistOutputFile))
                DestinationFile = NoRedistOutputFile;

            string ChangeDescription = "Automated update of ";

            if (bCycleEncryptionKey)
                ChangeDescription += "encryption";

            if (bCycleSigningKey)
                if (bCycleEncryptionKey)
                    ChangeDescription += " and ";
                ChangeDescription += "signing";

            ChangeDescription += " key";

            if (bCycleEncryptionKey && bCycleSigningKey)
                ChangeDescription += "s";

            ChangeDescription += " for project " + Params.ShortProjectName;

            P4Connection SubmitP4 = null;
            int          NewCL    = 0;

            if (CommandUtils.P4Enabled)
                SubmitP4 = CommandUtils.P4;

                NewCL = SubmitP4.CreateChange(Description: ChangeDescription);
                SubmitP4.Revert(String.Format("-k \"{0}\"", DestinationFile.FullName));
                SubmitP4.Sync(String.Format("-k \"{0}\"", DestinationFile.FullName), AllowSpew: false);
                SubmitP4.Add(NewCL, String.Format("\"{0}\"", DestinationFile.FullName));
                SubmitP4.Edit(NewCL, String.Format("\"{0}\"", DestinationFile.FullName));

            string CommandletParams = "";

            if (bCycleAllKeys)
                CommandletParams = "-updateallkeys";
            else if (bCycleEncryptionKey)
                CommandletParams = "-updateencryptionkey";
            else if (bCycleSigningKey)
                CommandletParams = "-updatesigningkey";

            RunCommandlet(ProjectPath, UE4EditorExe, "CryptoKeys", CommandletParams);

            if (DestinationFile != OutputFile)
                FileReference.Move(OutputFile, DestinationFile);

            if (SubmitP4 != null)
                int ActualCL;
                SubmitP4.Submit(NewCL, out ActualCL);
        public override void ExecuteBuild()
            // Parse the target list
            string[] Targets = ParseParamValues("Target");
            if (Targets.Length == 0)
                throw new AutomationException("No targets specified (eg. -Target=\"UE4Editor Win64 Development\")");

            // Parse the archive path
            string ArchivePath = ParseParamValue("Archive");

            if (ArchivePath != null && (!ArchivePath.StartsWith("//") || ArchivePath.Sum(x => (x == '/')? 1 : 0) < 4))
                throw new AutomationException("Archive path is not a valid depot filename");

            // Prepare the build agenda
            UE4Build.BuildAgenda Agenda = new UE4Build.BuildAgenda();
            foreach (string Target in Targets)
                string[] Tokens = Target.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                UnrealTargetPlatform      Platform;
                UnrealTargetConfiguration Configuration;
                if (Tokens.Length < 3 || !Enum.TryParse(Tokens[1], true, out Platform) || !Enum.TryParse(Tokens[2], true, out Configuration))
                    throw new AutomationException("Invalid target '{0}' - expected <TargetName> <Platform> <Configuration>");

                Agenda.AddTarget(Tokens[0], Platform, Configuration, InAddArgs: String.Join(" ", Tokens.Skip(3)));

            // Build everything
            UE4Build Builder = new UE4Build(this);

            Builder.Build(Agenda, InUpdateVersionFiles: ArchivePath != null);

            // Include the build products for UAT and UBT if required
            if (ParseParam("WithUAT"))
            if (ParseParam("WithUBT"))

            // Archive the build products
            if (ArchivePath != null)
                // Create an output folder
                string OutputFolder = Path.Combine(CommandUtils.CmdEnv.LocalRoot, "ArchiveForUGS");

                // Create a temp folder for storing stripped PDB files
                string SymbolsFolder = Path.Combine(OutputFolder, "Symbols");

                // Get the Windows toolchain
                Platform WindowsTargetPlatform = Platform.GetPlatform(UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64);

                // Figure out all the files for the archive
                string ZipFileName = Path.Combine(OutputFolder, "");
                using (Ionic.Zip.ZipFile Zip = new Ionic.Zip.ZipFile())
                    Zip.UseZip64WhenSaving = Ionic.Zip.Zip64Option.Always;
                    foreach (string BuildProduct in Builder.BuildProductFiles)
                        if (!File.Exists(BuildProduct))
                            throw new AutomationException("Missing build product: {0}", BuildProduct);
                        if (BuildProduct.EndsWith(".pdb", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            string StrippedFileName = CommandUtils.MakeRerootedFilePath(BuildProduct, CommandUtils.CmdEnv.LocalRoot, SymbolsFolder);
                            WindowsTargetPlatform.StripSymbols(new FileReference(BuildProduct), new FileReference(StrippedFileName));
                            Zip.AddFile(StrippedFileName, Path.GetDirectoryName(CommandUtils.StripBaseDirectory(StrippedFileName, SymbolsFolder)));
                            Zip.AddFile(BuildProduct, Path.GetDirectoryName(CommandUtils.StripBaseDirectory(BuildProduct, CommandUtils.CmdEnv.LocalRoot)));
                    // Create the zip file
                    Console.WriteLine("Writing {0}...", ZipFileName);

                // Submit it to Perforce if required
                if (CommandUtils.AllowSubmit)
                    // Delete any existing clientspec for submitting
                    string ClientName = Environment.MachineName + "_BuildForUGS";

                    // Create a brand new one
                    P4ClientInfo Client = new P4ClientInfo();
                    Client.Owner    = CommandUtils.P4Env.User;
                    Client.Host     = Environment.MachineName;
                    Client.Stream   = ArchivePath.Substring(0, ArchivePath.IndexOf('/', ArchivePath.IndexOf('/', 2) + 1));
                    Client.RootPath = Path.Combine(OutputFolder, "Perforce");
                    Client.Name     = ClientName;
                    Client.Options  = P4ClientOption.NoAllWrite | P4ClientOption.NoClobber | P4ClientOption.NoCompress | P4ClientOption.Unlocked | P4ClientOption.NoModTime | P4ClientOption.RmDir;
                    Client.LineEnd  = P4LineEnd.Local;
                    P4.CreateClient(Client, AllowSpew: false);

                    // Create a new P4 connection for this workspace
                    P4Connection SubmitP4 = new P4Connection(Client.Owner, Client.Name, P4Env.ServerAndPort);
                    SubmitP4.Revert("-k //...");

                    // Figure out where the zip file has to go in Perforce
                    P4WhereRecord WhereZipFile = SubmitP4.Where(ArchivePath, false).FirstOrDefault(x => !x.bUnmap && x.Path != null);
                    if (WhereZipFile == null)
                        throw new AutomationException("Couldn't locate {0} in this workspace");

                    // Get the latest version of it
                    int NewCL = SubmitP4.CreateChange(Description: String.Format("[CL {0}] Updated binaries", P4Env.Changelist));
                    SubmitP4.Sync(String.Format("-k \"{0}\"", ArchivePath), AllowSpew: false);
                    CommandUtils.CopyFile(ZipFileName, WhereZipFile.Path);
                    SubmitP4.Add(NewCL, String.Format("\"{0}\"", ArchivePath));
                    SubmitP4.Edit(NewCL, String.Format("\"{0}\"", ArchivePath));

                    // Submit it
                    int SubmittedCL;
                    SubmitP4.Submit(NewCL, out SubmittedCL);
                    if (SubmittedCL <= 0)
                        throw new AutomationException("Submit failed.");
                    Console.WriteLine("Submitted in changelist {0}", SubmittedCL);
		public override void ExecuteBuild()
			// Parse the target list
			string[] Targets = ParseParamValues("Target");
			if(Targets.Length == 0)
				throw new AutomationException("No targets specified (eg. -Target=\"UE4Editor Win64 Development\")");

			// Parse the archive path
			string ArchivePath = ParseParamValue("Archive");
			if(ArchivePath != null && (!ArchivePath.StartsWith("//") || ArchivePath.Sum(x => (x == '/')? 1 : 0) < 4))
				throw new AutomationException("Archive path is not a valid depot filename");

			// Prepare the build agenda
			UE4Build.BuildAgenda Agenda = new UE4Build.BuildAgenda();
			foreach(string Target in Targets)
				string[] Tokens = Target.Split(new char[]{ ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

				UnrealTargetPlatform Platform;
				UnrealTargetConfiguration Configuration;
				if(Tokens.Length < 3 || !Enum.TryParse(Tokens[1], true, out Platform) || !Enum.TryParse(Tokens[2], true, out Configuration))
					throw new AutomationException("Invalid target '{0}' - expected <TargetName> <Platform> <Configuration>");

				Agenda.AddTarget(Tokens[0], Platform, Configuration, InAddArgs: String.Join(" ", Tokens.Skip(3)));

			// Build everything
			UE4Build Builder = new UE4Build(this);
			Builder.Build(Agenda, InUpdateVersionFiles: ArchivePath != null);

			// Include the build products for UAT and UBT if required

			// Archive the build products
			if(ArchivePath != null)
				// Create an output folder
				string OutputFolder = Path.Combine(CommandUtils.CmdEnv.LocalRoot, "ArchiveForUGS");

				// Create a temp folder for storing stripped PDB files
				string SymbolsFolder = Path.Combine(OutputFolder, "Symbols");

				// Get the Windows toolchain
				UEToolChain WindowsToolChain = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatform(UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64).CreateContext(null).CreateToolChain(CPPTargetPlatform.Win64);

				// Figure out all the files for the archive
				Ionic.Zip.ZipFile Zip = new Ionic.Zip.ZipFile();
				Zip.UseZip64WhenSaving = Ionic.Zip.Zip64Option.Always;
				foreach(string BuildProduct in Builder.BuildProductFiles)
						throw new AutomationException("Missing build product: {0}", BuildProduct);
					if(BuildProduct.EndsWith(".pdb", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
						string StrippedFileName = CommandUtils.MakeRerootedFilePath(BuildProduct, CommandUtils.CmdEnv.LocalRoot, SymbolsFolder);
						WindowsToolChain.StripSymbols(BuildProduct, StrippedFileName);
						Zip.AddFile(StrippedFileName, Path.GetDirectoryName(CommandUtils.StripBaseDirectory(StrippedFileName, SymbolsFolder)));
						Zip.AddFile(BuildProduct, Path.GetDirectoryName(CommandUtils.StripBaseDirectory(BuildProduct, CommandUtils.CmdEnv.LocalRoot)));
				// Create the zip file
				string ZipFileName = Path.Combine(OutputFolder, "");
				Console.WriteLine("Writing {0}...", ZipFileName);

				// Submit it to Perforce if required
					// Delete any existing clientspec for submitting
					string ClientName = Environment.MachineName + "_BuildForUGS";

					// Create a brand new one
					P4ClientInfo Client = new P4ClientInfo();
					Client.Owner = CommandUtils.P4Env.User;
					Client.Host = Environment.MachineName;
					Client.Stream = ArchivePath.Substring(0, ArchivePath.IndexOf('/', ArchivePath.IndexOf('/', 2) + 1));
					Client.RootPath = Path.Combine(OutputFolder, "Perforce");
					Client.Name = ClientName;
					Client.Options = P4ClientOption.NoAllWrite | P4ClientOption.NoClobber | P4ClientOption.NoCompress | P4ClientOption.Unlocked | P4ClientOption.NoModTime | P4ClientOption.RmDir;
					Client.LineEnd = P4LineEnd.Local;
					P4.CreateClient(Client, AllowSpew: false);

					// Create a new P4 connection for this workspace
					P4Connection SubmitP4 = new P4Connection(Client.Owner, Client.Name, P4Env.P4Port);
					SubmitP4.Revert("-k //...");

					// Figure out where the zip file has to go in Perforce
					P4WhereRecord WhereZipFile = SubmitP4.Where(ArchivePath, false).FirstOrDefault(x => !x.bUnmap && x.Path != null);
					if(WhereZipFile == null)
						throw new AutomationException("Couldn't locate {0} in this workspace");

					// Get the latest version of it
					int NewCL = SubmitP4.CreateChange(Description: String.Format("[CL {0}] Updated binaries", P4Env.Changelist));
					SubmitP4.Sync(String.Format("-k \"{0}\"", ArchivePath), AllowSpew:false);
					CommandUtils.CopyFile(ZipFileName, WhereZipFile.Path);
					SubmitP4.Add(NewCL, String.Format("\"{0}\"", ArchivePath));
					SubmitP4.Edit(NewCL, String.Format("\"{0}\"", ArchivePath));

					// Submit it
					int SubmittedCL;
					SubmitP4.Submit(NewCL, out SubmittedCL);
					if(SubmittedCL <= 0)
						throw new AutomationException("Submit failed.");
					Console.WriteLine("Submitted in changelist {0}", SubmittedCL);