/// <summary>
        /// Empty constructor for the Macro Tags tool window.
        /// </summary>
        public FormMacroTagsToolWindow(TagCollection tagCollection)

            _tagCollection = tagCollection;
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Replaces a series of tags with appropriate values. Assumes you are either parsing a folder path or just need a preview of the returned values.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="macro">The macro to parse. A macro usually includes tags such as %count% and %date%.</param>
 /// <param name="tagCollection">A collection of macro tags to parse.</param>
 /// <returns>A parsed macro containing the appropriate values of respective tags in the provided macro.</returns>
 public static string ParseTags(string macro, TagCollection tagCollection)
     return(ParseTags(preview: true, string.Empty, macro, 0,
                      new ImageFormat(ImageFormatSpec.NAME_JPEG, ImageFormatSpec.EXTENSION_JPEG), string.Empty, tagCollection));
Example #3
        private static void CheckAndCreateFiles()
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.CommandFile))
                FileSystem.CommandFile = FileSystem.DefaultCommandFile;

                FileSystem.AppendToFile(FileSystem.ConfigFile, "\nCommandFile=" + FileSystem.DefaultCommandFile);

                if (!FileSystem.FileExists(FileSystem.DefaultCommandFile))

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.ApplicationSettingsFile))
                FileSystem.ApplicationSettingsFile = FileSystem.DefaultApplicationSettingsFile;

                FileSystem.AppendToFile(FileSystem.ConfigFile, "\nApplicationSettingsFile=" + FileSystem.DefaultApplicationSettingsFile);

                if (!FileSystem.DirectoryExists(FileSystem.DefaultSettingsFolder))

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.UserSettingsFile))
                FileSystem.UserSettingsFile = FileSystem.DefaultUserSettingsFile;

                FileSystem.AppendToFile(FileSystem.ConfigFile, "\nUserSettingsFile=" + FileSystem.DefaultUserSettingsFile);

                if (!FileSystem.DirectoryExists(FileSystem.DefaultSettingsFolder))


            Log.WriteMessage("Loading user settings");
            Log.WriteDebugMessage("User settings loaded");

            Log.WriteDebugMessage("Attempting upgrade of application settings from old version of application (if needed)");

            Log.WriteDebugMessage("Attempting upgrade of user settings from old version of application (if needed)");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.ScreenshotsFile))
                ImageFormatCollection imageFormatCollection = new ImageFormatCollection();
                ScreenCollection      screenCollection      = new ScreenCollection();

                ScreenshotCollection screenshotCollection = new ScreenshotCollection(imageFormatCollection, screenCollection);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.EditorsFile))
                // Loading the editor collection will automatically create the default editors and add them to the collection.
                EditorCollection editorCollection = new EditorCollection();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.RegionsFile))
                RegionCollection regionCollection = new RegionCollection();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.ScreensFile))
                // Loading the screen collection will automatically create the available screens and add them to the collection.
                ScreenCollection screenCollection = new ScreenCollection();
                screenCollection.LoadXmlFileAndAddScreens(new ImageFormatCollection());

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.TriggersFile))
                // Loading triggers will automatically create the default triggers and add them to the collection.
                TriggerCollection triggerCollection = new TriggerCollection();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.TagsFile))
                // Loading tags will automatically create the default tags and add them to the collection.
                TagCollection tagCollection = new TagCollection();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileSystem.SchedulesFile))
                // Loading schedules will automatically create the default schedules and add them to the collection.
                ScheduleCollection scheduleCollection = new ScheduleCollection();
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Replaces series of tags with appropriate values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="preview">Determines if this is a preview of a macro. We either use screen capture date/time or DateTime.Now depending on this boolean.</param>
        /// <param name="name">The name of a region or screen when parsing the %name% tag.</param>
        /// <param name="macro">The macro to parse. A macro usually includes tags such as %count% and %date%.</param>
        /// <param name="screenNumber">The screen number. For example, if this is the second display then the screen number is 2.</param>
        /// <param name="format">The image format to use as an image file extension when parsing the %format% tag.</param>
        /// <param name="activeWindowTitle">The title of the active window.</param>
        /// <param name="tagCollection">A collection of macro tags to parse.</param>
        /// <returns>A parsed macro containing the appropriate values of respective tags in the provided macro.</returns>
        public static string ParseTags(bool preview, string name, string macro, int screenNumber, ImageFormat format, string activeWindowTitle, TagCollection tagCollection)
            foreach (Tag tag in tagCollection)
                if (tag.Type == TagType.TimeOfDay)
                    DateTime dt;

                    if (preview || screenCapture == null)
                        dt = DateTime.Now;
                        dt = screenCapture.DateTimeScreenshotsTaken;

                    string morningValue   = tag.TimeOfDayMorningValue;
                    string afternoonValue = tag.TimeOfDayAfternoonValue;
                    string eveningValue   = tag.TimeOfDayEveningValue;

                    // Temporarily make this tag a DateTimeFormat type because we're going to recursively call ParseTagsForFilePath
                    // for each macro tag in the morning, afternoon, and evening fields.
                    tag.Type = TagType.DateTimeFormat;

                    // Recursively call the same method we're in to parse each field as if it was a date/time macro tag.
                    // This can achieve some interesting results such as being able to call the same %timeofday% tag
                    // in onto itself because it will use its own date/time format value, but the intention is to have tags
                    // like %date%, %time%, %hour%, %minute%, and %second% be used in the morning, afternoon, and evening fields.
                    morningValue   = ParseTags(preview, name, morningValue, screenNumber, format, activeWindowTitle, tagCollection);
                    afternoonValue = ParseTags(preview, name, afternoonValue, screenNumber, format, activeWindowTitle, tagCollection);
                    eveningValue   = ParseTags(preview, name, eveningValue, screenNumber, format, activeWindowTitle, tagCollection);

                    // Now that we have the new parsed values based on date/time macro tags we can set this tag back to its TimeOfDay type.
                    tag.Type = TagType.TimeOfDay;

                    if (dt.TimeOfDay >= tag.TimeOfDayMorningStart.TimeOfDay &&
                        dt.TimeOfDay <= tag.TimeOfDayMorningEnd.TimeOfDay)
                        macro = macro.Replace(tag.Name, morningValue);

                    if (dt.TimeOfDay >= tag.TimeOfDayAfternoonStart.TimeOfDay &&
                        dt.TimeOfDay <= tag.TimeOfDayAfternoonEnd.TimeOfDay)
                        macro = macro.Replace(tag.Name, afternoonValue);

                    if (dt.TimeOfDay >= tag.TimeOfDayEveningStart.TimeOfDay &&
                        dt.TimeOfDay <= tag.TimeOfDayEveningEnd.TimeOfDay)
                        macro = macro.Replace(tag.Name, eveningValue);

                    // Split the evening start time and evening end time into separate checks if the user wants to extend
                    // the time of what they consider "evening" to also include the next morning.
                    if (tag.EveningExtendsToNextMorning)
                        DateTime dayStart = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, 0, 0, 0);
                        DateTime dayEnd   = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, 23, 59, 59);

                        if (dt.TimeOfDay >= tag.TimeOfDayEveningStart.TimeOfDay &&
                            dt.TimeOfDay <= dayEnd.TimeOfDay)
                            macro = macro.Replace(tag.Name, eveningValue);

                        if (dt.TimeOfDay >= dayStart.TimeOfDay &&
                            dt.TimeOfDay <= tag.TimeOfDayEveningEnd.TimeOfDay)
                            macro = macro.Replace(tag.Name, eveningValue);
                    macro = ParseTag(preview, name, macro, screenNumber, format, activeWindowTitle, tag);
