private static void ValidateModConfiguration(ModConfiguration mod)
     if (mod.Name == null || mod.Name.Length < 2)
         throw new Exception("Mod name must have length at least 2");
     if (mod.Version == null)
         throw new Exception("Mod must have a version");
     if (mod.TargetAuroraVersion == null)
         throw new Exception("Mod must have an Aurora version");
     if (mod.ExecuteCommand == null)
         if (mod.Type == ModType.EXE || mod.Type == ModType.UTILITY || mod.Type == ModType.ROOTUTILITY)
             throw new Exception("Mod of type " + mod.Type.ToString() + " must define an Exe");
     else if (mod.ExecuteCommand.Equals("Aurora.exe"))
         throw new Exception("Mod exe can not be Aurora.exe");
        public static ModConfiguration ModConfigurationFromIni(string modIniPath)
            if (!File.Exists(modIniPath) || Path.GetFileName(modIniPath) != "mod.ini")
                throw new Exception($"Path {modIniPath} not a valid mod.ini file");
            var settings = FromKeyValueString(File.ReadAllText(modIniPath));

            var mod = new ModConfiguration(Path.GetDirectoryName(modIniPath));

            // Required
            if (settings.ContainsKey("Name"))
                mod.Name = settings["Name"];
            if (settings.ContainsKey("Type"))
                mod.Type = Enum.Parse <ModType>(settings["Type"], true);
            if (settings.ContainsKey("Status"))
                mod.Status = Enum.Parse <ModStatus>(settings["Status"], true);
            if (settings.ContainsKey("Version"))
                mod.Version = SemVersion.Parse(settings["Version"], false);
            if (settings.ContainsKey("AuroraVersion"))
                mod.TargetAuroraVersion = new ModCompabitilityVersion(settings["AuroraVersion"]);

            // Optional at least some of the time
            if (settings.ContainsKey("Executable"))
                mod.ExecuteCommand = settings["Executable"];
            else if (settings.ContainsKey("Exe"))
                mod.ExecuteCommand = settings["Exe"];
            mod.Updates = settings.ContainsKey("Updates") ? settings["Updates"] : null;
            mod.ModInternalConfigFile = settings.ContainsKey("Config") ? settings["Config"] : null;

