public static Image FrameSonogram(Image image, Image titleBar, TimeSpan minuteOffset, TimeSpan xAxisTicInterval, TimeSpan xAxisPixelDuration,
                                          TimeSpan labelInterval, int nyquist, int herzInterval)
            double secondsDuration = xAxisPixelDuration.TotalSeconds * image.Width;
            var    fullDuration    = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(secondsDuration);

            // init frequency scale
            int frameSize = image.Height;
            var freqScale = new FrequencyScale(nyquist, frameSize, herzInterval);

            SpectrogramTools.DrawGridLinesOnImage((Bitmap)image, minuteOffset, fullDuration, xAxisTicInterval, freqScale);

            int imageWidth  = image.Width;
            int trackHeight = 20;
            int imageHt     = image.Height + trackHeight + trackHeight + trackHeight;

            var timeBmp = DrawTimeTrack(minuteOffset, xAxisPixelDuration, xAxisTicInterval, labelInterval, imageWidth, trackHeight, "Seconds");

            var compositeBmp = new Bitmap(imageWidth, imageHt); //get canvas for entire image
            var gr           = Graphics.FromImage(compositeBmp);

            int offset = 0;

            gr.DrawImage(titleBar, 0, offset); //draw in the top time scale
            offset += timeBmp.Height;
            gr.DrawImage(timeBmp, 0, offset);  //draw
            offset += titleBar.Height;
            gr.DrawImage(image, 0, offset);    //draw
            offset += image.Height;
            gr.DrawImage(timeBmp, 0, offset);  //draw
Example #2
        public SpectrogramCepstral(AmplitudeSonogram sg, int minHz, int maxHz)
            : this(sg)
            this.DecibelsPerFrame   = sg.DecibelsPerFrame;
            this.DecibelsNormalised = sg.DecibelsNormalised;
            this.Duration           = sg.Duration;
            this.FrameCount         = sg.FrameCount;
            this.DecibelReference   = sg.DecibelReference;
            this.MaxAmplitude       = sg.MaxAmplitude;
            this.SampleRate         = sg.SampleRate;
            this.SigState           = sg.SigState;
            this.SnrData            = sg.SnrData;

            // subband highlighting no longer available
            //this.subBandMinHz = minHz;
            //this.subBandMaxHz = maxHz;

            //double[] noise_subband = BaseSonogram.ExtractModalNoiseSubband(this.SnrData.ModalNoiseProfile, minHz, maxHz, sg.doMelScale,
            //                                                   sonogram.Configuration.FreqBinCount, sonogram.FBinWidth);
            this.Data = SpectrogramTools.ExtractFreqSubband(sg.Data, minHz, maxHz,
                                                            this.Configuration.DoMelScale, sg.Configuration.FreqBinCount, sg.FBinWidth);

            // NO LONGER DO THIS >>>>             CalculateSubbandSNR(this.Data);
            this.Make(this.Data);          //converts amplitude matrix to cepstral sonogram
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This method assumes that the height of the passed sonogram image is half of the original frame size.
        /// This assumption allows the frequency scale grid lines to be placed at the correct intervals.
        /// </summary>
        public static Image FrameSonogram(
            Image sonogramImage,
            Image titleBar,
            TimeSpan minuteOffset,
            TimeSpan xAxisTicInterval,
            TimeSpan xAxisPixelDuration,
            TimeSpan labelInterval,
            int nyquist,
            int hertzInterval)
            double secondsDuration = xAxisPixelDuration.TotalSeconds * sonogramImage.Width;
            var    fullDuration    = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(secondsDuration);

            // init frequency scale
            int frameSize = sonogramImage.Height * 2;
            var freqScale = new FrequencyScale(nyquist, frameSize, hertzInterval);

            SpectrogramTools.DrawGridLinesOnImage((Bitmap)sonogramImage, minuteOffset, fullDuration, xAxisTicInterval, freqScale);

            int imageWidth = sonogramImage.Width;
            var timeBmp    = ImageTrack.DrawShortTimeTrack(minuteOffset, xAxisPixelDuration, xAxisTicInterval, labelInterval, imageWidth, "Seconds");

            Image[] imageArray = { titleBar, timeBmp, sonogramImage, timeBmp };
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Use this method to average a decibel spectrogram
        /// </summary>
        public static double[] CalculateAvgDecibelSpectrumFromSpectrogram(double[,] spectrogram)
            int frameCount   = spectrogram.GetLength(0);
            int freqBinCount = spectrogram.GetLength(1);

            double[] avgSpectrum = new double[freqBinCount];
            for (int j = 0; j < freqBinCount; j++)
                var    freqBin = MatrixTools.GetColumn(spectrogram, j);
                double av      = SpectrogramTools.AverageAnArrayOfDecibelValues(freqBin);
                avgSpectrum[j] = av;

Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// The data passed to this method must be the Spectral sonogram.
        /// </summary>
        public static Tuple <double[, ], double[]> GetCepstrogram(double[,] data, int minHz, int maxHz,
                                                                  int freqBinCount, double freqBinWidth, bool doMelScale, int ccCount)
            ImageTools.DrawMatrix(data, @"C:\SensorNetworks\Output\MFCC_LewinsRail\tempImage1.jpg", false);
            double[,] m = SpectrogramTools.ExtractFreqSubband(data, minHz, maxHz, doMelScale, freqBinCount, freqBinWidth);
            ImageTools.DrawMatrix(m, @"C:\SensorNetworks\Output\MFCC_LewinsRail\tempImage2.jpg", false);

            //double[] modalNoise = SNR.CalculateModalNoise(m, 7); //calculate modal noise profile and smooth
            //m = SNR.NoiseReduce_Standard(m, modalNoise);
            //m = SNR.NoiseReduce_FixedRange(m, this.Configuration.DynamicRange);

            m = MFCCStuff.Cepstra(m, ccCount);
            m = DataTools.normalise(m);
            ImageTools.DrawMatrix(m, @"C:\SensorNetworks\Output\MFCC_LewinsRail\tempImage3.jpg", false);
            return(Tuple.Create(m, (double[])null));
Example #6
        // ################################# STATIC METHODS BELOW HERE ###############################

        public static Image DrawSpectrogramAnnotated(double[,] data, SpectrogramSettings config, SpectrogramAttributes attributes)
            // normalise the data between 0 and 95th percentiles
            int    binCount = 100;
            double min;
            double max;

            DataTools.MinMax(data, out min, out max);
            double binWidth  = (max - min) / binCount;
            var    histogram = Histogram.Histo(data, binCount, min, max, binWidth);

            int    percentile   = 95;
            int    binId        = Histogram.GetPercentileBin(histogram, percentile);
            double upperBound   = min + (binId * percentile);
            var    normedMatrix = MatrixTools.NormaliseInZeroOne(data, min, upperBound);

             * int minPercentile = 5;
             * int minBinId = Histogram.GetPercentileBin(histogram, minPercentile);
             * double lowerBound = min + (minBinId * minPercentile);
             * int maxPercentile = 95;
             * int maxBinId = Histogram.GetPercentileBin(histogram, maxPercentile);
             * double upperBound = min + (maxBinId * maxPercentile);
             * var normedMatrix = MatrixTools.NormaliseInZeroOne(data, lowerBound, upperBound);
            int nyquist   = attributes.NyquistFrequency;
            int frameSize = config.WindowSize;

            // assuming linear frequency scale
            int finalBinCount = frameSize / 2;
            var scaleType     = FreqScaleType.Linear;

            // if doing mel scale then
            if (config.DoMelScale)
                finalBinCount = 256; //128; //512; // 256; // 100; // 40; // 200; //
                scaleType     = FreqScaleType.Mel;

            var freqScale = new FrequencyScale(scaleType, nyquist, frameSize, finalBinCount, hertzGridInterval: 1000);

            var image          = SpectrogramTools.GetImage(normedMatrix, nyquist, config.DoMelScale);
            var annotatedImage = SpectrogramTools.GetImageFullyAnnotated(image, config.SourceFileName + ": " + scaleType.ToString(), freqScale.GridLineLocations, attributes.Duration);

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a Spectrogram and Cepstrogram from the passed recording. These are NOT noise reduced.
        /// however, tuple also returns the modal noise and sub-band modal noise.
        /// </summary>
        public static Tuple <SpectrogramStandard, SpectrogramCepstral, double[], double[]> GetAllSonograms(AudioRecording recording, SonogramConfig sonoConfig, int minHz, int maxHz)
            int  sr                 = recording.SampleRate;
            bool doMelScale         = sonoConfig.DoMelScale;
            int  ccCount            = sonoConfig.mfccConfig.CcCount;
            bool includeDelta       = sonoConfig.mfccConfig.IncludeDelta;
            bool includeDoubleDelta = sonoConfig.mfccConfig.IncludeDoubleDelta;

            sonoConfig.SourceFName = recording.BaseName;

            var basegram = new AmplitudeSonogram(sonoConfig, recording.WavReader);
            var sonogram = new SpectrogramStandard(basegram);  //spectrogram has dim[N,257]

            Log.WriteLine("Signal: Duration={0}, Sample Rate={1}", sonogram.Duration, sr);
                $"Frames: Size={0}, Count={1}, Duration={2:f1}ms, Overlap={5:f0}%, Offset={3:f1}ms, Frames/s={4:f1}",
                sonogram.FrameDuration * 1000,
                sonogram.FrameStep * 1000,
                sonoConfig.WindowOverlap * 100);

            int binCount = (int)(maxHz / sonogram.FBinWidth) - (int)(minHz / sonogram.FBinWidth) + 1;

            Log.WriteLine("Freqs : {0} Hz - {1} Hz. (Freq bin count = {2})", minHz, maxHz, binCount);
            Log.WriteLine("MFCCs : doMelScale=" + doMelScale + ";  ccCount=" + ccCount + ";  includeDelta=" + includeDelta + ";  includeDoubleDelta=" + includeDoubleDelta);

            double[] modalNoise = sonogram.SnrData.ModalNoiseProfile;

            //extract sub-band modal noise profile
            double[] noiseSubband = SpectrogramTools.ExtractModalNoiseSubband(modalNoise, minHz, maxHz, doMelScale, sonogram.NyquistFrequency, sonogram.FBinWidth);

            // CALCULATE CEPSTRO-GRAM.  //cepstrogram has dim[N,13]
            var cepstrogram = new SpectrogramCepstral(basegram, minHz, maxHz);
            var tuple       = Tuple.Create(sonogram, cepstrogram, modalNoise, noiseSubband);
