Example #1
        public async Task GoToGlobAndWaitWithoutAltitude(GeoPoint location, IProgress <double> progress, double precisionMet, CancellationToken cancel)
            await GoToGlob(location, cancel);

            progress = progress ?? new Progress <double>();
            var startLocation  = this.GlobalPosition.Value;
            var startLocation0 = startLocation.SetAltitude(0);
            var startDistance  = Math.Abs(GeoMath.Distance(location, startLocation));
            var startDistance0 = Math.Abs(GeoMath.Distance(location.SetAltitude(0), startLocation0));

            Logger.Info("GoToAndWaitWithoutAltitude {0} with precision {2:F1} m. Distance to target {3:F1}", location, precisionMet, startDistance);
            if (startDistance0 <= precisionMet)
                Logger.Debug("Already in target, nothing to do", startLocation);

            var sw = new Stopwatch();

            Logger.Debug("Send command GoTo to vehicle", startLocation);
            await this.GoToGlob(location, cancel).ConfigureAwait(false);

            double dist = 0;

            while (!cancel.IsCancellationRequested)
                var loc  = this.GlobalPosition.Value;
                var loc0 = loc.SetAltitude(0);
                dist = Math.Abs(GeoMath.Distance(location, loc));
                var dist0 = Math.Abs(GeoMath.Distance(location.SetAltitude(0), loc0));
                var prog  = 1 - dist / startDistance;
                Logger.Trace("Distance to target {0:F1}, location: {1}, progress {2:P2}", dist, loc, prog);
                if (dist0 <= precisionMet)
                await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), cancel).ConfigureAwait(false);
            Logger.Info($"Complete {sw.Elapsed:hh\\:mm\\:ss} location error {dist:F1} m");
Example #2
        public override async Task FlyByLineGlob(GeoPoint start, GeoPoint stop, double precisionMet, CancellationToken cancel, Action firstPointComplete = null)
            const int    ApproachAngle         = 90;
            const int    PrePointDistanceParts = 2;
            const double GoToPrecisionErrorMet = 20.5;

            var waitForDetectingAzimuthTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3);
            var waitInPrePointTime          = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3);
            var waitForCorrectionTime       = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);

            var start0 = start.SetAltitude(0);
            var stop0  = stop.SetAltitude(0);

            var azimuth          = start0.Azimuth(stop0);
            var reverseAzimuth   = stop0.Azimuth(start0);
            var loiterRadius     = (_planeRadius.Value ?? await _planeRadius.FirstAsync(_ => _.HasValue)).Value;
            var realLoiterRadius = (int)(loiterRadius + GoToPrecisionErrorMet);

            var startPrePoint0          = start0.RadialPoint(PrePointDistanceParts * realLoiterRadius, reverseAzimuth);
            var pointDistanceFromGround = GeoMath.Distance(start0, stop0);
            var angle = Math.Abs(pointDistanceFromGround) > 0.001 ? GeoMath.RadiansToDegrees(Math.Atan(Math.Abs((start.Altitude) - (stop.Altitude)) / pointDistanceFromGround)) : 0.0;

            var height = GeoMath.HeightFromGroundRange(GeoMath.Distance(stop0, startPrePoint0), angle);

            if ((start.Altitude) - (stop.Altitude) < 0)
                height = (stop.Altitude) - height;
                height = (stop.Altitude) + height;

            //TODO if (height <= 0) нужно что-то делать!!!
            if (height <= 0)
                _logger.Info($"Impossible fly by line from altitude {start.Altitude}м to altitude {stop.Altitude}m");

            var firstPrePoint = startPrePoint0.RadialPoint(PrePointDistanceParts * realLoiterRadius, azimuth + ApproachAngle).SetAltitude(height);

            var r = await GoToPointUntilReachAzimuth(firstPrePoint, reverseAzimuth - 10, realLoiterRadius, 4, cancel, 2).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var secondPrePoint = startPrePoint0.RadialPoint(r, azimuth + ApproachAngle).SetAltitude(height);

            await GoToPointUntilReachAzimuth(secondPrePoint, reverseAzimuth + ApproachAngle - 10, realLoiterRadius, 2, cancel, 2).ConfigureAwait(false);
            await GoToGlobAndWait(stop, CallbackProgress <double> .Default, realLoiterRadius, cancel).ConfigureAwait(false);