/// <summary> /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load /// all of your content. /// </summary> protected override void LoadContent() { // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures. spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); p.Load(Content); hud.Load(Content); intro.Load(Content, graphics); oMenu.Load(); background = new Background(GraphicsDevice, Content); loadingScreen = new LoadingScreen(Content, graphics.GraphicsDevice); foreach (Weapon wep in p.weapList) { wep.Load(Content, p.GetDirection()); } }
/// <summary> /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load /// all of your content. /// </summary> protected override void LoadContent() { // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures. spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); structOptionsMain = new StructOptionsMain(); structOptionsMain.Graphics = graphics; structOptionsMain.Content = Content; structOptionsMain.SpriteBatch = spriteBatch; structOptionsMain.SpriteFont = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("MenuFont"); structOptionsMain.Ch = ch; oMenu = new OptionsMenu(structOptionsMain); p.Load(Content); p.SetPlayerPos(spriteBatch); hud.Load(Content); intro.Load(Content, graphics); credit.Load(Content, graphics); oMenu.Init(); gameOverMenu.Load(); shield.Load(); pickUp.Load(Content); if (spawnPickup >= 70) { pickUp.Load(Content); } machineGun.Load(); extraLife.Load(); speedUp.Load(); mainMenu.Load(graphics.GraphicsDevice, scores); background = new Background(GraphicsDevice, Content); loadingScreen = new LoadingScreen(Content, graphics.GraphicsDevice); kbm.Load(); foreach (Weapon wep in p.weapList) { wep.Load(Content, p.GetDirection()); } }
/// <summary> /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load /// all of your content. /// </summary> protected override void LoadContent() { player = new Sprite(graphics, Content.Load<Texture2D>("playerShip")); alien = new Alien(Content, graphics, player); spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); background = new Background(graphics.GraphicsDevice, spriteBatch, Content); bullets = new BulletList(); asteroids = new Asteroid(Content, graphics); keyboard = new KeyBoardManager(Content); collision = new Collision(player, alien, bullets, asteroids); font = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Font"); }
/// <summary> /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load /// all of your content. /// </summary> protected override void LoadContent() { // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures. spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); p.Load(Content); p.SetPlayerPos(spriteBatch); hud.Load(Content); mainMenu = new MainMenu(Content, graphics, ch); intro.Load(Content, graphics); oMenu.Load(); mainMenu.Load(Content, graphicsDevice); background = new Background(GraphicsDevice, Content); loadingScreen = new LoadingScreen(Content, graphics.GraphicsDevice); alien = new Alien(Content.Load<Texture2D>("AlienShip"), new Vector2(50, 100), Vector2.Zero, 0f, 2f, Content.Load<Texture2D>("AlienBullet")); foreach (Weapon wep in p.weapList) { wep.Load(Content, p.GetDirection()); } }
public void Init() { //STRUCT CHECKBOX structCheckBox = new StructCheckBox(); graphics.PreferMultiSampling = structCheckBox.StateCheckBox; graphics.ApplyChanges(); this.spriteFont = structOptionsMain.SpriteFont; //SONG CONFIG //song = Content.Load<Song>("Ismo_Kan_Niet_Hangen_Met_Je"); //MediaPlayer.Play(song); MediaPlayer.Volume = 1f; //STRUCT SOUND strucSound = new StructSound(); strucSound.PosArrowLeft = new Vector2(2.64f, 3.17f); strucSound.TxSoundBar = Content.Load<Texture2D>("SoundBar"); strucSound.TxSoundBarCursor = Content.Load<Texture2D>("SoundBarCursor"); strucSound.TxArrowLeft = Content.Load<Texture2D>("ArrowLeft"); strucSound.TxArrowRight = Content.Load<Texture2D>("ArrowRight"); strucSound.PosSoundBar = new Vector2(2.34f, 2.6f); strucSound.PosSoundBarCursor = new Vector2(1.77f, 3.30f); strucSound.PosArrowLeft = new Vector2(2.65f, 3.17f); strucSound.PosArrowRight = new Vector2(1.53f, 3.17f); strucSound.SizeArrow = new Vector2(43, 35); strucSound.SizeSoundBar = new Vector2(200, 10); strucSound.SizeSoundBarCursor = new Vector2(22, 35); tSound = new TSoundOption(structOptionsMain, strucSound); //STRUCT RESOLUTION structResolution = new StructResolution(); structResolution.TxResolutionBar = Content.Load<Texture2D>("ResolutionBar"); structResolution.TxArrowLeft = Content.Load<Texture2D>("ArrowLeft"); structResolution.TxArrowRight = Content.Load<Texture2D>("ArrowRight"); structResolution.PosArrowLeft = new Vector2(2.65f, 2.5f); structResolution.PosArrowRight = new Vector2(1.53f, 2.5f); structResolution.PosResolutionBar = new Vector2(2.35f, 2.5f); structResolution.SizeArrow = new Vector2(43, 35); structResolution.SizeResolutionBar = new Vector2(200, 35); tResolution = new TResolutionOption(structOptionsMain, structResolution); //R.I.P. -> tResolution = new TResolutionOption(graphics, txResolutionBar, txArrowLeft, txArrowRight, posResolutionBar, sizeResolutionBar, posArrowLeft, posArrowRight, sizeArrow, Color.White); //STRUCT CHECKBOX structCheckBox.TxCheckedBox = Content.Load<Texture2D>("CheckboxTrue"); structCheckBox.TxUnCheckedBox = Content.Load<Texture2D>("CheckboxFalse"); structCheckBox.PosCheckBoxLeft = new Vector2(2.63f, 2); structCheckBox.PosCheckBoxRight = new Vector2(1.67f, 2); structCheckBox.VecSizeCheckBox = new Vector2(35, 35); cbAlias = new TCheckBoxOption(structOptionsMain, structCheckBox); //R.I.P. -> cbAlias = new TCheckBoxOption(graphics, checkedBox, unCheckedBox, posCheckBoxLeft, posCheckBoxRight, vecSizeCheckBox, stateCheckBox, Color.White); //STRUCT OPTIONS TEXT structOptionsText.TxBack = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Back"); structOptionsText.TxKeybindings = Content.Load<Texture2D>("Keybindings"); structOptionsText.TxSelectArrow = Content.Load<Texture2D>("SelectArrow"); structOptionsText.TextHeader = "JUST ANOTHER OPTIONS MENU"; structOptionsText.TextSound = "SOUND"; structOptionsText.TextResolution = "RESOLUTION"; structOptionsText.TextAlias = "ANTI ALIASING"; structOptionsText.TextAliasOn = "ON"; structOptionsText.TextAliasOff = "OFF"; structOptionsText.PosBack = new Vector2(2.1f, 1.5f); structOptionsText.PosKeybindings = new Vector2(2.3f, 1.7f); structOptionsText.PosHeader = new Vector2(2.9f, 5f); structOptionsText.PosSelectArrow = new Vector2(22f, 3.3f); structOptionsText.PosSound = new Vector2(3.80f, 3.2f); structOptionsText.PosResolution = new Vector2(5.8f, 2.5f); structOptionsText.PosAlias = new Vector2(8.3f, 2f); structOptionsText.PosAliasOn = new Vector2(2.35f, 2f); structOptionsText.PosAliasOff = new Vector2(1.55f, 2f); structOptionsText.SizeBack = new Vector2(65, 20); structOptionsText.SizeKeybindings = new Vector2(172, 20); structOptionsText.SizeSelectArrow = new Vector2(46, 46); oText = new OptionsText(structOptionsMain, structOptionsText); //R.I.P. -> oText = new OptionsText(graphics, txBackground, txBack, posBack, sizeBack, txSelectArrow, posSelectArrow, sizeSelectArrow, spriteFont, textHeader, posHeader, textSound, posSound, textResolution, posResolution, textAlias, posAlias, textAliasOn, posAliasOn, textAliasOff, posAliasOff, Color.White); //BACKGROUND bg = new Background(graphics.GraphicsDevice, Content); //INITIALIZE framesPassed = 0; selectedNumber = 0; tResolution.ChangeResolution(new Vector2(1024, 576)); }