Example #1
        public static void DecodeCAT02I020(byte[] Data)
            // Get an instance of bit ops
            Bit_Ops BO = new Bit_Ops();

            //Extract the first octet
            BO.DWord[Bit_Ops.Bits0_7_Of_DWord] = Data[CAT02.CurrentDataBufferOctalIndex + 1];

            double Result = 0.0;

            if (BO.DWord[Bit_Ops.Bit0] == true)
                Result = LSB_1;
            if (BO.DWord[Bit_Ops.Bit1] == true)
                Result = Result + LSB_2;
            if (BO.DWord[Bit_Ops.Bit2] == true)
                Result = Result + LSB_3;
            if (BO.DWord[Bit_Ops.Bit3] == true)
                Result = Result + LSB_4;
            if (BO.DWord[Bit_Ops.Bit4] == true)
                Result = Result + LSB_5;
            if (BO.DWord[Bit_Ops.Bit5] == true)
                Result = Result + LSB_6;
            if (BO.DWord[Bit_Ops.Bit6] == true)
                Result = Result + LSB_7;
            if (BO.DWord[Bit_Ops.Bit7] == true)
                Result = Result + LSB_8;

            // Now assign it to the generic list
            CAT02.I002DataItems[CAT02.ItemIDToIndex("020")].value = Result;

            // Leave it at the current index for the next decode
            CAT02.CurrentDataBufferOctalIndex = CAT02.CurrentDataBufferOctalIndex + 1;
Example #2
        public static void DecodeCAT02I000(byte[] Data)
            // First define CAT01I002 class
            CAT02I000UserData MyI002UserData = new CAT02I000UserData();

            // Get an instance of bit ops
            Bit_Ops BO = new Bit_Ops();

            //Extract the first octet
            BO.DWord[Bit_Ops.Bits0_7_Of_DWord] = Data[CAT02.CurrentDataBufferOctalIndex];

            int result = BO.DWord[Bit_Ops.Bits0_7_Of_DWord];

            switch (result)
            case 1:
                MyI002UserData.Message_Type = CAT02I000Types.Message_Type.North_Marker_Msg;
                FormMain MainFrame = Application.OpenForms[0] as FormMain;

            case 2:
                MyI002UserData.Message_Type = CAT02I000Types.Message_Type.Sector_Crossing_Msg;

            case 3:
                MyI002UserData.Message_Type = CAT02I000Types.Message_Type.South_Marker_Msg;

            case 8:
                MyI002UserData.Message_Type = CAT02I000Types.Message_Type.Activation_Of_Blind_Zone_Filtering;

            case 9:
                MyI002UserData.Message_Type = CAT02I000Types.Message_Type.Stop_Of_Blind_Zone_Filtering;


            // Now assign it to the generic list
            CAT02.I002DataItems[CAT02.ItemIDToIndex("000")].value = MyI002UserData.Message_Type;
Example #3
        // This method will accept a buffer of data with the assumption that
        // category has been determined. It will then decode the data and save
        // it in the shared buffer. Every time a message is passed in the data
        // will be appended to the buffer. This means that each line will contain
        // data for one message. For data items which are not in the message,
        // indicated by the FSPEC field, N/A will be inserted instead. The shared
        // buffer is loacted in the SharedData and will not be saved. It is responsibility
        // of the user to save the data in a file it desired.
        public static void Do(byte[] Data)
            // BitExtractor BE = new BitExtractor();

            // I002/000, Message Type                        1
            if (CAT02.I002DataItems[CAT02.ItemIDToIndex("000")].CurrentlyPresent == true)

            //  I002/020 Sector Number                       1
            if (CAT02.I002DataItems[CAT02.ItemIDToIndex("020")].CurrentlyPresent == true)

            //  I002/030 Time of Day                         3
            if (CAT02.I002DataItems[CAT02.ItemIDToIndex("030")].CurrentlyPresent == true)

            //  I002/041 Antenna Rotation Period             2
            if (CAT02.I002DataItems[CAT02.ItemIDToIndex("041")].CurrentlyPresent == true)
            //  I002/050 Station Configuration Status        1+
            if (CAT02.I002DataItems[CAT02.ItemIDToIndex("050")].CurrentlyPresent == true)

            //  I002/060 Station Processing Mode             1+
            if (CAT02.I002DataItems[CAT02.ItemIDToIndex("060")].CurrentlyPresent == true)

            //  FX Field Extension Indicator

            //  I002/070 Plot Count Values                   (1 + 2 X N)
            if (CAT02.I002DataItems[CAT02.ItemIDToIndex("070")].CurrentlyPresent == true)

            //  I002/100 Dynamic Window - Type 1             8
            if (CAT02.I002DataItems[CAT02.ItemIDToIndex("100")].CurrentlyPresent == true)

            //  I002/090 Collimation Error 2
            if (CAT02.I002DataItems[CAT02.ItemIDToIndex("090")].CurrentlyPresent == true)

            //  I002/080 Warning/Error Conditions            1+
            if (CAT02.I002DataItems[CAT02.ItemIDToIndex("080")].CurrentlyPresent == true)

            // All CAT02 data has been decoded, so lets save off the message data to the global
            // storage for latter usage
            MainASTERIXDataStorage.CAT02Data CAT02MessageData = new MainASTERIXDataStorage.CAT02Data();
            foreach (CAT02.CAT02DataItem Item in CAT02.I002DataItems)
                CAT02.CAT02DataItem MyItem = new CAT02.CAT02DataItem();
                MyItem.CurrentlyPresent = Item.CurrentlyPresent;
                MyItem.Description      = Item.Description;
                MyItem.HasBeenPresent   = Item.HasBeenPresent;
                MyItem.ID    = Item.ID;
                MyItem.value = Item.value;
Example #4
        public static void DecodeCAT02I030(byte[] Data)
            CAT02I030Types.CAT02I030_Time_Of_The_Day_User_Type MyCAT02I030 = new CAT02I030Types.CAT02I030_Time_Of_The_Day_User_Type();

            // Get an instance of bit ops
            Bit_Ops BO = new Bit_Ops();

            //Extract the first octet
            BO.DWord[Bit_Ops.Bits0_7_Of_DWord]   = Data[CAT02.CurrentDataBufferOctalIndex + 3];
            BO.DWord[Bit_Ops.Bits8_15_Of_DWord]  = Data[CAT02.CurrentDataBufferOctalIndex + 2];
            BO.DWord[Bit_Ops.Bits16_23_Of_DWord] = Data[CAT02.CurrentDataBufferOctalIndex + 1];

            double Result = 0.0;

            if (BO.DWord[Bit_Ops.Bit0] == true)
                Result = LSB_1;
            if (BO.DWord[Bit_Ops.Bit1] == true)
                Result = Result + LSB_2;
            if (BO.DWord[Bit_Ops.Bit2] == true)
                Result = Result + LSB_3;
            if (BO.DWord[Bit_Ops.Bit3] == true)
                Result = Result + LSB_4;
            if (BO.DWord[Bit_Ops.Bit4] == true)
                Result = Result + LSB_5;
            if (BO.DWord[Bit_Ops.Bit5] == true)
                Result = Result + LSB_6;
            if (BO.DWord[Bit_Ops.Bit6] == true)
                Result = Result + LSB_7;
            if (BO.DWord[Bit_Ops.Bit7] == true)
                Result = Result + LSB_8;
            if (BO.DWord[Bit_Ops.Bit8] == true)
                Result = Result + LSB_9;
            if (BO.DWord[Bit_Ops.Bit9] == true)
                Result = Result + LSB_10;
            if (BO.DWord[Bit_Ops.Bit10] == true)
                Result = Result + LSB_11;
            if (BO.DWord[Bit_Ops.Bit11] == true)
                Result = Result + LSB_12;
            if (BO.DWord[Bit_Ops.Bit12] == true)
                Result = Result + LSB_13;
            if (BO.DWord[Bit_Ops.Bit13] == true)
                Result = Result + LSB_14;
            if (BO.DWord[Bit_Ops.Bit14] == true)
                Result = Result + LSB_15;
            if (BO.DWord[Bit_Ops.Bit15] == true)
                Result = Result + LSB_16;
            if (BO.DWord[Bit_Ops.Bit16] == true)
                Result = Result + LSB_17;
            if (BO.DWord[Bit_Ops.Bit17] == true)
                Result = Result + LSB_18;
            if (BO.DWord[Bit_Ops.Bit18] == true)
                Result = Result + LSB_19;
            if (BO.DWord[Bit_Ops.Bit19] == true)
                Result = Result + LSB_20;
            if (BO.DWord[Bit_Ops.Bit20] == true)
                Result = Result + LSB_21;
            if (BO.DWord[Bit_Ops.Bit21] == true)
                Result = Result + LSB_22;
            if (BO.DWord[Bit_Ops.Bit22] == true)
                Result = Result + LSB_23;
            if (BO.DWord[Bit_Ops.Bit23] == true)
                Result = Result + LSB_24;

            MyCAT02I030.Time_Of_The_Day_In_Sec_Since_Midnight_UTC = Result;

            // Compute the time in a human friendy form
            // from sec.miliec since midnight UTC.
            double hrs, sec, min, milis;

            hrs = Math.Floor(Result / 3600.00);
            double tmp = (Result - (hrs * 3600.0)) / 60;

            min   = Math.Floor(tmp);
            tmp   = (tmp * 60.0) - (min * 60.0);
            sec   = Math.Floor(tmp);
            milis = (tmp - sec) * 1000.0;

            MyCAT02I030.TimeOfDay = new TimeSpan(0, (int)hrs, (int)min, (int)sec, (int)milis);

            // Now assign it to the generic list
            CAT02.I002DataItems[CAT02.ItemIDToIndex("030")].value = MyCAT02I030;

            // Leave it at the current index for the next decode
            CAT02.CurrentDataBufferOctalIndex = CAT02.CurrentDataBufferOctalIndex + 3;
        private static void ExtractAndDecodeASTERIX_CAT_DataBlock(byte[] DataBlock, bool Is_Live_Data)
            // First thing is to store the time of the reception regardless of the category received
            string Time = DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + ":" + DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + ":" +
                DateTime.Now.Second.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + ":" + DateTime.Now.Millisecond.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0');

            // Save off the time of reception so decoders can use it
            TimeOfReception = DateTime.Now;

            // Extract ASTERIX category
            string Category = ASTERIX.ExtractCategory(DataBlock);

            // Extract lenght in Bytes, as indicated by the ASTERIX
            string LengthOfDataBlockInBytes = ASTERIX.ExtractLengthOfDataBlockInBytes(DataBlock);

            // Here format the lenght of bytes
            // to always use 3 characters for better alignement
            if (LengthOfDataBlockInBytes.Length < 3)
                LengthOfDataBlockInBytes = "0" + LengthOfDataBlockInBytes;
            else if (LengthOfDataBlockInBytes.Length < 2)
                LengthOfDataBlockInBytes = "00" + LengthOfDataBlockInBytes;

            // Define a string to store data not specific for all messages and add commond data
            // 1. TIME of reception
            // 2. Source IP address
            // 3. Multicast IP address
            // 4. Length of data block in bytes
            // 5. Asterix Category
            // 6. Append Category specifc data, done just below

            string Common_Message_Data_String;
            if (Is_Live_Data == true)
                Common_Message_Data_String = Time + "     " + iep.ToString() + "        " + SharedData.CurrentMulticastAddress + ':' + SharedData.Current_Port.ToString() + "             " + LengthOfDataBlockInBytes.ToString() + "        " + Category + "           ";
                Common_Message_Data_String = Time + "     " + "Recorded" + "        " + "Recorded" + ':' + "Recorded" + "             " + LengthOfDataBlockInBytes.ToString() + "        " + Category + "           ";
            // Hold individual records of the messages
            // from an individual data block
            string[] MessageData = new string[3000];

            byte[] DataBlockNoCATandLEN = new byte[DataBlock.Length - 3];

            // Now after we extracted Category and Lenght of the Data Block lets remove the first three octets from the data
            // buffer and pass it on to individual message handlers to do message decoding
            Array.Copy(DataBlock, 3, DataBlockNoCATandLEN, 0, (DataBlock.Length - 3));

            DataBlock = DataBlockNoCATandLEN;

            // Now do a switch based on the category received
            int NumOfMsgsDecoded = 0;
            switch (Category)
                // Monoradar Data Target Reports, from a Radar Surveillance System to an SDPS
                // (plots and tracks from PSRs, SSRs, MSSRs, excluding Mode S and ground surveillance)
                case "001":
                    if (Properties.Settings.Default.CAT_001_Enabled == true)
                        CAT01 MyCAT01 = new CAT01();
                        MessageData = MyCAT01.Decode(DataBlock, Time, out NumOfMsgsDecoded);
                // Monoradar Service Messages (status, North marker, sector crossing messages)
                case "002":
                    if (Properties.Settings.Default.CAT_002_Enabled == true)
                        CAT02 MyCAT02 = new CAT02();
                        MessageData = MyCAT02.Decode(DataBlock, Time, out NumOfMsgsDecoded);
                // Monoradar Derived Weather Information
                case "008":
                    if (Properties.Settings.Default.CAT_008_Enabled == true)
                        CAT08 MyCAT08 = new CAT08();
                // Next version of Category 002: PSR Radar, M-SSR Radar, Mode-S Station
                case "034":
                    if (Properties.Settings.Default.CAT_034_Enabled == true)
                        CAT34 MyCAT34 = new CAT34();
                        MessageData = MyCAT34.Decode(DataBlock, Time, out NumOfMsgsDecoded);
                // Next version of Category 001: PSR Radar, M-SSR Radar, Mode-S Station
                case "048":
                    if (Properties.Settings.Default.CAT_048_Enabled == true)
                        CAT48 MyCAT48 = new CAT48();
                        MessageData = MyCAT48.Decode(DataBlock, Time, out NumOfMsgsDecoded);
                // System Track Data(next version of Category 030 & 011, also applicable to non-ARTAS systems)
                case "062":
                    if (Properties.Settings.Default.CAT_062_Enabled == true)
                        CAT62 MyCAT62 = new CAT62();
                        MessageData = MyCAT62.Decode(DataBlock, Time, out NumOfMsgsDecoded);
                // Sensor Status Messages (SPDS)
                case "063":
                    if (Properties.Settings.Default.CAT_063_Enabled == true)
                        CAT63 MyCAT63 = new CAT63();
                // SDPS Service Status Messages (SDPS)
                case "065":
                    if (Properties.Settings.Default.CAT_065_Enabled == true)
                        CAT65 MyCAT65 = new CAT65();
                // Transmission of Reference Trajectory State Vectors
                case "244":
                    if (Properties.Settings.Default.CAT_244_Enabled == true)
                        CAT244 MyCAT244 = new CAT244();
                // Handle unsupported data/categories
                    Common_Message_Data_String = Common_Message_Data_String + " Unsupported category " + Category + " has been received";

            if (Properties.Settings.Default.PopulateMainListBox == true)
                for (int I = 0; I < NumOfMsgsDecoded; I++)
                    SharedData.DataBox.Items.Add(Common_Message_Data_String + MessageData[I]);
        private static void ExtractAndDecodeASTERIX_CAT_DataBlock(byte[] DataBlock, bool Is_Live_Data)
            // First thing is to store the time of the reception regardless of the category received
            string Time = DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + ":" + DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + ":" +
                          DateTime.Now.Second.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + ":" + DateTime.Now.Millisecond.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0');

            // Save off the time of reception so decoders can use it
            TimeOfReception = DateTime.Now;

            // Extract ASTERIX category
            string Category = ASTERIX.ExtractCategory(DataBlock);

            // Extract lenght in Bytes, as indicated by the ASTERIX
            string LengthOfDataBlockInBytes = ASTERIX.ExtractLengthOfDataBlockInBytes(DataBlock);

            // Here format the lenght of bytes
            // to always use 3 characters for better alignement
            if (LengthOfDataBlockInBytes.Length < 3)
                LengthOfDataBlockInBytes = "0" + LengthOfDataBlockInBytes;
            else if (LengthOfDataBlockInBytes.Length < 2)
                LengthOfDataBlockInBytes = "00" + LengthOfDataBlockInBytes;

            // Define a string to store data not specific for all messages and add commond data
            // 1. TIME of reception
            // 2. Source IP address
            // 3. Multicast IP address
            // 4. Length of data block in bytes
            // 5. Asterix Category
            // 6. Append Category specifc data, done just below

            string Common_Message_Data_String;

            if (Is_Live_Data == true)
                Common_Message_Data_String = Time + "     " + iep.ToString() + "        " + SharedData.CurrentMulticastAddress + ':' + SharedData.Current_Port.ToString() + "             " + LengthOfDataBlockInBytes.ToString() + "        " + Category + "           ";
                Common_Message_Data_String = Time + "     " + "Recorded" + "        " + "Recorded" + ':' + "Recorded" + "             " + LengthOfDataBlockInBytes.ToString() + "        " + Category + "           ";
            // Hold individual records of the messages
            // from an individual data block
            string[] MessageData = new string[3000];

            byte[] DataBlockNoCATandLEN = new byte[DataBlock.Length - 3];

            // Now after we extracted Category and Lenght of the Data Block lets remove the first three octets from the data
            // buffer and pass it on to individual message handlers to do message decoding
            Array.Copy(DataBlock, 3, DataBlockNoCATandLEN, 0, (DataBlock.Length - 3));

            DataBlock = DataBlockNoCATandLEN;

            // Now do a switch based on the category received
            int NumOfMsgsDecoded = 0;

            switch (Category)
            // Monoradar Data Target Reports, from a Radar Surveillance System to an SDPS
            // (plots and tracks from PSRs, SSRs, MSSRs, excluding Mode S and ground surveillance)
            case "001":
                if (Properties.Settings.Default.CAT_001_Enabled == true)
                    CAT01 MyCAT01 = new CAT01();
                    MessageData = MyCAT01.Decode(DataBlock, Time, out NumOfMsgsDecoded);

            // Monoradar Service Messages (status, North marker, sector crossing messages)
            case "002":
                if (Properties.Settings.Default.CAT_002_Enabled == true)
                    CAT02 MyCAT02 = new CAT02();
                    MessageData = MyCAT02.Decode(DataBlock, Time, out NumOfMsgsDecoded);

            // Monoradar Derived Weather Information
            case "008":
                if (Properties.Settings.Default.CAT_008_Enabled == true)
                    CAT08 MyCAT08 = new CAT08();

            // Next version of Category 002: PSR Radar, M-SSR Radar, Mode-S Station
            case "034":
                if (Properties.Settings.Default.CAT_034_Enabled == true)
                    CAT34 MyCAT34 = new CAT34();
                    MessageData = MyCAT34.Decode(DataBlock, Time, out NumOfMsgsDecoded);

            // Next version of Category 001: PSR Radar, M-SSR Radar, Mode-S Station
            case "048":
                if (Properties.Settings.Default.CAT_048_Enabled == true)
                    CAT48 MyCAT48 = new CAT48();
                    MessageData = MyCAT48.Decode(DataBlock, Time, out NumOfMsgsDecoded);

            // System Track Data(next version of Category 030 & 011, also applicable to non-ARTAS systems)
            case "062":
                if (Properties.Settings.Default.CAT_062_Enabled == true)
                    CAT62 MyCAT62 = new CAT62();
                    MessageData = MyCAT62.Decode(DataBlock, Time, out NumOfMsgsDecoded);

            // Sensor Status Messages (SPDS)
            case "063":
                if (Properties.Settings.Default.CAT_063_Enabled == true)
                    CAT63 MyCAT63 = new CAT63();

            // SDPS Service Status Messages (SDPS)
            case "065":
                if (Properties.Settings.Default.CAT_065_Enabled == true)
                    CAT65 MyCAT65 = new CAT65();

            // Transmission of Reference Trajectory State Vectors
            case "244":
                if (Properties.Settings.Default.CAT_244_Enabled == true)
                    CAT244 MyCAT244 = new CAT244();

            // Handle unsupported data/categories
                Common_Message_Data_String = Common_Message_Data_String + " Unsupported category " + Category + " has been received";

            if (Properties.Settings.Default.PopulateMainListBox == true)
                for (int I = 0; I < NumOfMsgsDecoded; I++)
                    SharedData.DataBox.Items.Add(Common_Message_Data_String + MessageData[I]);