Example #1
        public override Node3D LoadNode(string path)
            if (NormBlank == null)
                NormBlank = new Texture.Texture2D("data/tex/normblank.png", Texture.LoadMethod.Single, false);
                DiffBlank = new Texture.Texture2D("data/tex/diffblank.png", Texture.LoadMethod.Single, false);
                SpecBlank = new Texture.Texture2D("data/tex/specblank.png", Texture.LoadMethod.Single, false);
            string ip = path;
            int    ic = ip.LastIndexOf("/");

            if (ic < 1)
                ic = ip.LastIndexOf("\\");
            if (ic > 0)
                IPath = ip.Substring(0, ic);

            Entity3D root = new Entity3D();
            string   file = path;

            AssimpContext e = new Assimp.AssimpContext();

            Assimp.Configs.NormalSmoothingAngleConfig c1 = new Assimp.Configs.NormalSmoothingAngleConfig(75);

            Console.WriteLine("Impporting:" + file);
            Assimp.Scene s = null;
                s = e.ImportFile(file, PostProcessSteps.OptimizeGraph | PostProcessSteps.FindInvalidData | PostProcessSteps.FindDegenerates | PostProcessSteps.Triangulate | PostProcessSteps.ValidateDataStructure | PostProcessSteps.CalculateTangentSpace | PostProcessSteps.GenerateNormals | PostProcessSteps.FixInFacingNormals | PostProcessSteps.GenerateSmoothNormals);
                if (s.HasAnimations)
            catch (AssimpException ae)
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to import");
            Dictionary <string, Mesh3D> ml = new Dictionary <string, Mesh3D>();
            List <Mesh3D> ml2 = new List <Mesh3D>();

            Console.WriteLine("animCount:" + s.AnimationCount);

            Matrix4x4 tf = s.RootNode.Transform;


            root.GlobalInverse = ToTK(tf);

            Dictionary <uint, List <VertexWeight> > boneToWeight = new Dictionary <uint, List <VertexWeight> >();

            //root.Animator = new Animation.Animator();


            // root.Animator.InitAssImp(model);

            foreach (Mesh m in s.Meshes)
                Console.WriteLine("M:" + m.Name + " Bones:" + m.BoneCount);
                Console.WriteLine("AA:" + m.HasMeshAnimationAttachments);

                Material.Material3D vm = new Material.Material3D
                    ColorMap    = DiffBlank,
                    NormalMap   = NormBlank,
                    SpecularMap = SpecBlank
                Mesh3D m2 = new Mesh3D(m.GetIndices().Length, m.VertexCount);
                // ml.Add(m.Name, m2);
                for (int b = 0; b < m.BoneCount; b++)
                    string name = m.Bones[b].Name;
                m2.Material = vm;
                // root.AddMesh(m2);
                m2.Name = m.Name;
                Assimp.Material mat = s.Materials[m.MaterialIndex];
                TextureSlot     t1;

                int sc = mat.GetMaterialTextureCount(TextureType.Unknown);
                Console.WriteLine("SC:" + sc);
                if (mat.HasColorDiffuse)
                    vm.Diff = CTV(mat.ColorDiffuse);
                    Console.WriteLine("Diff:" + vm.Diff);
                if (mat.HasColorSpecular)
                    // vm.Spec = CTV ( mat.ColorSpecular );
                    Console.WriteLine("Spec:" + vm.Spec);
                if (mat.HasShininess)
                    //vm.Shine = 0.3f+ mat.Shininess;
                    Console.WriteLine("Shine:" + vm.Shine);

                Console.WriteLine("Spec:" + vm.Spec);
                //for(int ic = 0; ic < sc; ic++)
                if (sc > 0)
                    TextureSlot tex2 = mat.GetMaterialTextures(TextureType.Unknown)[0];
                    // vm.SpecularMap = new Texture.Texture2D ( IPath + "/" + tex2.FilePath, Texture.LoadMethod.Single, false );

                if (mat.GetMaterialTextureCount(TextureType.Normals) > 0)
                    TextureSlot ntt = mat.GetMaterialTextures(TextureType.Normals)[0];
                    Console.WriteLine("Norm:" + ntt.FilePath);
                    vm.NormalMap = new Texture.Texture2D(IPath + "/" + ntt.FilePath, Vivid.Texture.LoadMethod.Single, false);

                if (mat.GetMaterialTextureCount(TextureType.Diffuse) > 0)
                    t1 = mat.GetMaterialTextures(TextureType.Diffuse)[0];
                    Console.WriteLine("DiffTex:" + t1.FilePath);

                    if (t1.FilePath != null)
                        //Console.WriteLine ( "Tex:" + t1.FilePath );
                        // Console.Write("t1:" + t1.FilePath);
                        vm.ColorMap = new Texture.Texture2D(IPath + "/" + t1.FilePath.Replace(".dds", ".png"), Texture.LoadMethod.Single, false);
                        if (File.Exists(IPath + "/" + "norm_" + t1.FilePath))
                            vm.NormalMap = new Texture.Texture2D(IPath + "/" + "norm_" + t1.FilePath, Texture.LoadMethod.Single, false);

                for (int i = 0; i < m2.NumVertices; i++)
                    Vector3D v = m.Vertices[i];// * new Vector3D(15, 15, 15);

                    Vector3D n = new Vector3D(0, 1, 0);

                    if (m.Normals != null && m.Normals.Count > i)
                        n = m.Normals[i];

                    List <Vector3D> t = m.TextureCoordinateChannels[0];
                    Vector3D        tan, bi;
                    if (m.Tangents != null && m.Tangents.Count > 0)
                        tan = m.Tangents[i];
                        bi  = m.BiTangents[i];
                        tan = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
                        bi  = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
                    if (t.Count() == 0)
                        m2.SetVertex(i, Cv(v), Cv(tan), Cv(bi), Cv(n), Cv2(new Vector3D(0, 0, 0)));
                        Vector3D tv = t[i];
                        tv.Y = 1.0f - tv.Y;
                        m2.SetVertex(i, Cv(v), Cv(tan), Cv(bi), Cv(n), Cv2(tv));

                    //var v = new PosNormalTexTanSkinned(pos, norm.ToVector3(), texC.ToVector2(), tan.ToVector3(), weights.First(), boneIndices);
                int[]  id = m.GetIndices();
                uint[] nd = new uint[id.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < id.Length; i += 3)
                    //Tri t = new Tri();
                    //t.V0 = (int)nd[i];
                    // t.V1 = (int)nd[i + 1];
                    // t.v2 = (int)nd[i + 2];

                    // nd[i] = (uint)id[i];
                    if (i + 2 < id.Length)
                        m2.SetTri(i / 3, id[i], id[i + 1], id[i + 2]);

                m2.Indices = nd;
                //m2.Scale(AssImpImport.ScaleX, AssImpImport.ScaleY, AssImpImport.ScaleZ);
                //m2.GenerateTangents ( );


            ProcessNode(root, s.RootNode, ml2);

             * while (true)
             * {
             * }
            return(root as Node3D);
Example #2
        private MonoKnight.Mesh ProcessMesh(Assimp.Mesh mesh, Assimp.Scene scene)
            List <Vertex>  vertices = new List <Vertex>();
            List <int>     indices  = new List <int>();
            List <Texture> textures = new List <Texture>();

            //         var boneDic = new Dictionary<string, Bone>();
            //var invertGlobalTransform = AssimpMat4ToOpenTKMat4(scene.RootNode.Transform).Inverted();
            //       //
            //       if(mesh.HasBones)
            //       {
            //           for (int i = 0; i < mesh.BoneCount; i++)
            //           {
            //               var assimpBone = mesh.Bones[i];
            //               if (!boneDic.ContainsKey(assimpBone.Name))
            //                   var bone = new Bone();
            //                   bone.name = assimpBone.Name;
            //                   bone.offset = AssimpMat4ToOpenTKMat4(assimpBone.OffsetMatrix);
            //	for (int j = 0; j < assimpBone.VertexWeightCount; j++)
            //	{
            //		VertexWeight vertexWeight;
            //		vertexWeight.vertexId = assimpBone.VertexWeights[j].VertexID;
            //		vertexWeight.weight = assimpBone.VertexWeights[j].Weight;
            //		bone.weightList.Add(vertexWeight);
            //	}
            //	boneDic[assimpBone.Name] = bone;
            //    }
            for (int i = 0; i < mesh.VertexCount; i++)
                Vertex  vertex = new Vertex();
                Vector3 vector = new Vector3();
                vector.X        = mesh.Vertices[i].X;
                vector.Y        = mesh.Vertices[i].Y;
                vector.Z        = mesh.Vertices[i].Z;
                vertex.position = vector;
                if (mesh.HasNormals)
                    vector.X      = mesh.Normals[i].X;
                    vector.Y      = mesh.Normals[i].Y;
                    vector.Z      = mesh.Normals[i].Z;
                    vertex.normal = vector;
                    vertex.normal = Vector3.Zero;
                if (mesh.HasTextureCoords(0))
                    Vector2 vec = new Vector2();
                    vec.X           = mesh.TextureCoordinateChannels[0][i].X;
                    vec.Y           = mesh.TextureCoordinateChannels[0][i].Y;
                    vertex.texCoord = vec;
                    vertex.texCoord = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f);

            for (int i = 0; i < mesh.FaceCount; i++)
                Face face = mesh.Faces[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < face.IndexCount; j++)

            if (mesh.MaterialIndex >= 0)
                Assimp.Material material = scene.Materials[mesh.MaterialIndex];

                for (int i = 0; i < material.GetMaterialTextures(TextureType.Diffuse).Length; i++)
                    var     texSlot = material.GetMaterialTextures(TextureType.Diffuse)[i];
                    Texture texture = new Texture();
                    texture.LoadFromPath(Path.Combine(modelDirPath, texSlot.FilePath));
                //TODO other type texture
            return(new Mesh(ref vertices, ref indices, ref textures));
Example #3
        public override Node3D LoadAnimNode(string path)
            if (NormBlank == null)
                NormBlank = new Texture.Texture2D("data/tex/normblank.png", Texture.LoadMethod.Single, false);
                DiffBlank = new Texture.Texture2D("data/tex/diffblank.png", Texture.LoadMethod.Single, false);
                SpecBlank = new Texture.Texture2D("data/tex/specblank.png", Texture.LoadMethod.Single, false);

            AnimEntity3D root = new AnimEntity3D();
            string       file = path;

            AssimpContext e = new Assimp.AssimpContext();

            Assimp.Configs.NormalSmoothingAngleConfig c1 = new Assimp.Configs.NormalSmoothingAngleConfig(75);

            Console.WriteLine("Impporting:" + file);
            Assimp.Scene s = null;
                s = e.ImportFile(file, PostProcessSteps.OptimizeMeshes | PostProcessSteps.OptimizeGraph | PostProcessSteps.FindInvalidData | PostProcessSteps.FindDegenerates | PostProcessSteps.Triangulate | PostProcessSteps.ValidateDataStructure | PostProcessSteps.CalculateTangentSpace);
            catch (AssimpException ae)
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to import");
            Dictionary <string, Mesh3D> ml = new Dictionary <string, Mesh3D>();
            List <Mesh3D> ml2 = new List <Mesh3D>();

            Console.WriteLine("animCount:" + s.AnimationCount);

            Matrix4x4 tf = s.RootNode.Transform;


            root.GlobalInverse = ToTK(tf);

            Dictionary <uint, List <VertexWeight> > boneToWeight = new Dictionary <uint, List <VertexWeight> >();

            root.Animator = new Animation.Animator();

            if (s.AnimationCount > 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Processing animations.");
                root.Animator.InitAssImp(s, root);
                _ta = root.Animator;
            Dictionary <uint, List <VertexWeight> > vertToBoneWeight = new Dictionary <uint, List <VertexWeight> >();


            // root.Animator.InitAssImp(model);

            List <Vivid.Data.Vertex> _vertices = new List <Vertex>();
            List <Vivid.Data.Tri>    _tris     = new List <Tri>();

            List <Vertex> ExtractVertices(Mesh m, Dictionary <uint, List <VertexWeight> > vtb)
                List <Vertex> rl = new List <Vertex>();

                for (int i = 0; i < m.VertexCount; i++)
                    Vector3D pos  = m.HasVertices ? m.Vertices[i] : new Assimp.Vector3D();
                    Vector3D norm = m.HasNormals ? m.Normals[i] : new Assimp.Vector3D();
                    Vector3D tan  = m.HasTangentBasis ? m.Tangents[i] : new Assimp.Vector3D();
                    Vector3D bi   = m.HasTangentBasis ? m.BiTangents[i] : new Assimp.Vector3D();

                    Vertex nv = new Vertex
                        Pos    = new OpenTK.Vector3(pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z),
                        Norm   = new OpenTK.Vector3(norm.X, norm.Y, norm.Z),
                        Tan    = new OpenTK.Vector3(tan.X, tan.Y, tan.Z),
                        BiNorm = new OpenTK.Vector3(bi.X, bi.Y, bi.Z)

                    if (m.HasTextureCoords(0))
                        Vector3D coord = m.TextureCoordinateChannels[0][i];
                        nv.UV = new OpenTK.Vector2(coord.X, 1 - coord.Y);

                    float[] weights     = vtb[(uint)i].Select(w => w.Weight).ToArray();
                    byte[]  boneIndices = vtb[(uint)i].Select(w => (byte)w.VertexID).ToArray();

                    nv.Weight         = weights.First();
                    nv.BoneIndices    = new int[4];
                    nv.BoneIndices[0] = boneIndices[0];
                    if (boneIndices.Length > 1)
                        nv.BoneIndices[1] = boneIndices[1];
                    if (boneIndices.Length > 2)
                        nv.BoneIndices[2] = boneIndices[2];
                    if (boneIndices.Length > 3)
                        nv.BoneIndices[3] = boneIndices[3];


            root.Mesh = new Mesh3D();

            foreach (Mesh m in s.Meshes)
                ExtractBoneWeightsFromMesh(m, vertToBoneWeight);
                Mesh3D.Subset sub = new Vivid.Data.Mesh3D.Subset
                    VertexCount = m.VertexCount,
                    VertexStart = _vertices.Count,
                    FaceStart   = _tris.Count,
                    FaceCount   = m.FaceCount


                List <Vertex> verts = ExtractVertices(m, vertToBoneWeight);


                List <short> indices = m.GetIndices().Select(i => (short)(i + (uint)sub.VertexStart)).ToList();

                for (int i = 0; i < indices.Count; i += 3)
                    Tri t = new Tri
                        V0 = indices[i],
                        V1 = indices[i + 2],
                        v2 = indices[i + 1]

            root.Mesh.VertexData = _vertices.ToArray();
            root.Mesh.TriData    = _tris.ToArray();

            root.Renderer = new Visuals.VRMultiPassAnim();


            Material.Material3D m1 = new Material.Material3D
                ColorMap    = DiffBlank,
                NormalMap   = NormBlank,
                SpecularMap = SpecBlank
            root.Mesh.Material      = m1;
            root.Meshes[0].Material = root.Mesh.Material;

            Assimp.Material mat = s.Materials[0];
            TextureSlot     t1;

            int sc = mat.GetMaterialTextureCount(TextureType.Unknown);

            Console.WriteLine("SC:" + sc);
            if (mat.HasColorDiffuse)
                m1.Diff = CTV(mat.ColorDiffuse);
            if (mat.HasColorSpecular)
                m1.Spec = CTV(mat.ColorSpecular);
                // Console.WriteLine("Spec:" + vm.Spec);

            if (mat.HasShininess)
                //vm.Shine = 0.3f+ mat.Shininess;
                // Console.WriteLine("Shine:" + vm.Shine);

            //Console.WriteLine("Spec:" + vm.Spec);
            //for(int ic = 0; ic < sc; ic++)
            if (sc > 0)
                TextureSlot tex2 = mat.GetMaterialTextures(TextureType.Unknown)[0];
                m1.SpecularMap = new Texture.Texture2D(IPath + "/" + tex2.FilePath, Texture.LoadMethod.Single, false);

            if (mat.GetMaterialTextureCount(TextureType.Normals) > 0)
                TextureSlot ntt = mat.GetMaterialTextures(TextureType.Normals)[0];
                Console.WriteLine("Norm:" + ntt.FilePath);
                m1.NormalMap = new Texture.Texture2D(IPath + "/" + ntt.FilePath, Vivid.Texture.LoadMethod.Single, false);

            if (mat.GetMaterialTextureCount(TextureType.Diffuse) > 0)
                t1 = mat.GetMaterialTextures(TextureType.Diffuse)[0];
                Console.WriteLine("DiffTex:" + t1.FilePath);

                if (t1.FilePath != null)
                        // Console.Write("t1:" + t1.FilePath);
                        m1.ColorMap = new Texture.Texture2D(IPath + "/" + t1.FilePath.Replace(".dds", ".png"), Texture.LoadMethod.Single, false);
                        if (File.Exists(IPath + "norm" + t1.FilePath))
                            // vm.TNorm = new Texture.VTex2D(IPath + "norm" +
                            // t1.FilePath,Texture.LoadMethod.Single, false);

                            // Console.WriteLine("TexLoaded");
                if (true)
                    if (new FileInfo(t1.FilePath).Exists == true)
                        //  var tex = App.AppSal.CreateTex2D();
                        //  tex.Path = t1.FilePath;
                        // tex.Load();
                        //m2.DiffuseMap = tex;

            //r1.LocalTurn = new OpenTK.Matrix4(s.Transform.A1, s.Transform.A2, s.Transform.A3, s.Transform.A4, s.Transform.B1, s.Transform.B2, s.Transform.B3, s.Transform.B4, s.Transform.C1, s.Transform.C2, s.Transform.C3, s.Transform.C4, s.Transform.D1, s.Transform.D2, s.Transform.D3, s.Transform.D4);
            root.LocalTurn = new OpenTK.Matrix4(s.RootNode.Transform.A1, s.RootNode.Transform.B1, s.RootNode.Transform.C1, s.RootNode.Transform.D1, s.RootNode.Transform.A2, s.RootNode.Transform.B2, s.RootNode.Transform.C2, s.RootNode.Transform.D2, s.RootNode.Transform.A3, s.RootNode.Transform.B3, s.RootNode.Transform.C3, s.RootNode.Transform.D3, s.RootNode.Transform.A4, s.RootNode.Transform.B4, s.RootNode.Transform.C4, s.RootNode.Transform.D4);

            root.LocalTurn = ToTK(s.RootNode.Children[0].Transform);
            OpenTK.Matrix4 lt = root.LocalTurn;

            root.LocalTurn = lt.ClearTranslation();
            root.LocalTurn = root.LocalTurn.ClearScale();
            root.LocalPos  = lt.ExtractTranslation();

            root.LocalScale = lt.ExtractScale();

            root.AnimName = "Run";


             * foreach (var m in s.Meshes)
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine("M:" + m.Name + " Bones:" + m.BoneCount);
             *  Console.WriteLine("AA:" + m.HasMeshAnimationAttachments);
             *  var vm = new Material.Material3D();
             *  vm.TCol = DiffBlank;
             *  vm.TNorm = NormBlank;
             *  vm.TSpec = SpecBlank;
             *  var m2 = new VMesh(m.GetIndices().Length, m.VertexCount);
             *  ml2.Add(m2);
             *  // ml.Add(m.Name, m2);
             *  for (int b = 0; b < m.BoneCount; b++)
             *  {
             *      uint index = 0;
             *      string name = m.Bones[b].Name;
             *  }
             *  m2.Mat = vm;
             *  // root.AddMesh(m2);
             *  m2.Name = m.Name;
             *  var mat = s.Materials[m.MaterialIndex];
             *  TextureSlot t1;
             *  var sc = mat.GetMaterialTextureCount(TextureType.Unknown);
             *  Console.WriteLine("SC:" + sc);
             *  if (mat.HasColorDiffuse)
             *  {
             *      vm.Diff = CTV(mat.ColorDiffuse);
             *  }
             *  if (mat.HasColorSpecular)
             *  {
             *      vm.Spec = CTV(mat.ColorSpecular);
             *      Console.WriteLine("Spec:" + vm.Spec);
             *  }
             *  if (mat.HasShininess)
             *  {
             *      //vm.Shine = 0.3f+ mat.Shininess;
             *      Console.WriteLine("Shine:" + vm.Shine);
             *  }
             *  Console.WriteLine("Spec:" + vm.Spec);
             *  //for(int ic = 0; ic < sc; ic++)
             *  ///{
             *  if (sc > 0)
             *  {
             *      var tex2 = mat.GetMaterialTextures(TextureType.Unknown)[0];
             *      vm.TSpec = new Texture.VTex2D(IPath + "/" + tex2.FilePath, Texture.LoadMethod.Single, false);
             *  }
             *  if (mat.GetMaterialTextureCount(TextureType.Normals) > 0)
             *  {
             *      var ntt = mat.GetMaterialTextures(TextureType.Normals)[0];
             *      Console.WriteLine("Norm:" + ntt.FilePath);
             *      vm.TNorm = new Texture.VTex2D(IPath + "/" + ntt.FilePath, Fusion3D.Texture.LoadMethod.Single, false);
             *  }
             *  if (mat.GetMaterialTextureCount(TextureType.Diffuse) > 0)
             *  {
             *      t1 = mat.GetMaterialTextures(TextureType.Diffuse)[0];
             *      Console.WriteLine("DiffTex:" + t1.FilePath);
             *      if (t1.FilePath != null)
             *      {
             *          try
             *          {
             *              // Console.Write("t1:" + t1.FilePath);
             *              vm.TCol = new Texture.VTex2D(IPath + "/" + t1.FilePath.Replace(".dds", ".png"), Texture.LoadMethod.Single, false);
             *              if (File.Exists(IPath + "norm" + t1.FilePath))
             *              {
             *                  // vm.TNorm = new Texture.VTex2D(IPath + "norm" +
             *                  // t1.FilePath,Texture.LoadMethod.Single, false);
             *                  // Console.WriteLine("TexLoaded");
             *              }
             *          }
             *          catch
             *          {
             *          }
             *      }
             *      if (true)
             *      {
             *          if (new FileInfo(t1.FilePath).Exists == true)
             *          {
             *              //  var tex = App.AppSal.CreateTex2D();
             *              //  tex.Path = t1.FilePath;
             *              // tex.Load();
             *              //m2.DiffuseMap = tex;
             *          }
             *      }
             *  }
             *  ExtractBoneWeightsFromMesh(m, vertToBoneWeight);
             *  for (int i = 0; i < m2.NumVertices; i++)
             *  {
             *      var v = m.Vertices[i];// * new Vector3D(15, 15, 15);
             *      var n = m.Normals[i];
             *      var t = m.TextureCoordinateChannels[0];
             *      Vector3D tan, bi;
             *      if (m.Tangents != null && m.Tangents.Count > 0)
             *      {
             *          tan = m.Tangents[i];
             *          bi = m.BiTangents[i];
             *      }
             *      else
             *      {
             *          tan = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
             *          bi = new Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
             *      }
             *      if (t.Count() == 0)
             *      {
             *          m2.SetVertex(i, Cv(v), Cv(tan), Cv(bi), Cv(n), Cv2(new Vector3D(0, 0, 0)));
             *      }
             *      else
             *      {
             *          var tv = t[i];
             *          tv.Y = 1.0f - tv.Y;
             *          m2.SetVertex(i, Cv(v), Cv(tan), Cv(bi), Cv(n), Cv2(tv));
             *      }
             *      var weights = vertToBoneWeight[(uint)i].Select(w => w.Weight).ToArray();
             *      var boneIndices = vertToBoneWeight[(uint)i].Select(w => (byte)w.VertexID).ToArray();
             *      m2.SetVertexBone(i, weights.First(), boneIndices);
             *      //var v = new PosNormalTexTanSkinned(pos, norm.ToVector3(), texC.ToVector2(), tan.ToVector3(), weights.First(), boneIndices);
             *      //verts.Add(v);
             *  }
             *  int[] id = m.GetIndices();
             *  int fi = 0;
             *  uint[] nd = new uint[id.Length];
             *  for (int i = 0; i < id.Length; i += 3)
             *  {
             *      //Tri t = new Tri();
             *      //t.V0 = (int)nd[i];
             *      // t.V1 = (int)nd[i + 1];
             *      // t.v2 = (int)nd[i + 2];
             *      // nd[i] = (uint)id[i];
             *      m2.SetTri(i / 3, (int)id[i], (int)id[i + 1], (int)id[i + 2]);
             *  }
             *  m2.Indices = nd;
             *  //m2.Scale(AssImpImport.ScaleX, AssImpImport.ScaleY, AssImpImport.ScaleZ);
             *  m2.Final();
             * }
             * ProcessNode(root, s.RootNode, ml2);
             * foreach (var ac in root.Clips)
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine("Anims:" + ac);
             * }
             * root.AnimName = "Run";
             * /*
             * while (true)
             * {
             * }

            return(root as Node3D);