/// <summary>
        /// Function for Getting Possible nodes and visiting the next node once every time it is called
        /// this functions also updates the values for the GUI panel
        /// function is recursive till the path to end point is not found
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Cells"></param>
        /// <param name="CurrentNode"></param>
        /// <param name="colsize"></param>
        /// <param name="rowsize"></param>
        public void A_FindPath(Activity_1.Cell[,] Cells, Activity_1.Cell CurrentNode, int colsize, int rowsize)
            //collect possible nodes
            List <Activity_1.Cell> PossibleNodes = PathFinder.PossibleNodes(CurrentNode, colsize, rowsize, Cells);

            //assign cost to each possible node for current node
            PossibleNodes = PathFinder.CostOfOpenNodes(PossibleNodes, StartPos, EndPos, PathType);

            foreach (Activity_1.Cell Node in PossibleNodes)
                bool existing = false;

                //loop to check if the new possible nodes already exists in the open node list or not
                if (Node.visited == false && !ClosedNodes.Contains(Node) && !OpenNodes.Contains(Node))
                    ChangeColor(Node.CellPos.x, Node.CellPos.y, Color.Blue);

            //mark current node as visited
            //add the node to closed node list
            //remove the node from open node list
            //The least Expensive Node will be Selected
            CurrentNode.visited = true;
            ChangeColor(CurrentNode.CellPos.x, CurrentNode.CellPos.y, Color.Red);
            Cells[CurrentNode.CellPos.x, CurrentNode.CellPos.y] = CurrentNode;

            //Select next node wiht lowest cost from the open node list
            CurrentNode = PathFinder.SelectNextNode(OpenNodes);
            CurrentCell = CurrentNode;

            //show the path when end point is found
            if (CurrentCell.CellPos.x == EndPos.x && CurrentCell.CellPos.y == EndPos.y)
                ShowPath(CurrentNode, ClosedNodes);
                pathFound = true;
                MessageBox.Show("Path Found");

 //fucntion Responsible for Initialising a grid for the algorithm and greate a 2D matrix to store the value
 public void CreateGrid(int row, int col)
     OpenNodes             = new List <Activity_1.Cell>();
     ClosedNodes           = new HashSet <Activity_1.Cell>();
     Path                  = new List <Activity_1.Cell>();
     activity_1.columnsize = col;
     activity_1.rowsize    = row;
     Cells                 = new Activity_1.Cell[row, col];//initialise the the cell in 2D matrix with the input row and col size
     for (int x = 0; x < row; x++)
         for (int y = 0; y < col; y++)
             Cells[x, y] = new Activity_1.Cell(x, y, Activity_1.Box.W0);//initiates a matrix to store the values with all blocks as walkable as default until user make changes with input
 /// <summary>
 /// Function finds the shortest path that reaches the
 /// Function is responsible to Display the shortest path been created using the A* algorithm in the GUI Format using the Visited Node list
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="CurrentNode"></param>
 /// <param name="ClosedNodes"></param>
 public void ShowPath(Activity_1.Cell CurrentNode, HashSet <Activity_1.Cell> ClosedNodes)
     PrevNode = CurrentNode.Parent;
     foreach (Activity_1.Cell Node in ClosedNodes)
         if (PrevNode.CellPos.x == Node.CellPos.x && PrevNode.CellPos.y == Node.CellPos.y)
             CurrentNode = Node;
     if (PrevNode.CellPos.x == StartPos.x && PrevNode.CellPos.y == StartPos.y)
         foreach (Activity_1.Cell Node in Path)
             ChangeColor(Node.CellPos.x, Node.CellPos.y, Color.Green);
         ShowPath(CurrentNode, ClosedNodes);
        private void panel1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            int mousePoseX = (int)((e.X / 10) - ((e.X / 10) * 0.1f));
            int mousePoseY = (int)((e.Y / 10) - ((e.Y / 10) * 0.1f));

            if (MouseIsDown)
                if (mousePoseX >= 0 && mousePoseX < row && mousePoseY >= 0 && mousePoseY < col)
                    if (CurrentOption == Activity_1.Box.S)
                        ChangeColor(mousePoseX, mousePoseY, Color.AntiqueWhite);
                        Cells[mousePoseX, mousePoseY].box = new Activity_1.Box();
                        Cells[mousePoseX, mousePoseY].box = Activity_1.Box.S;
                        CurrentCell = new Activity_1.Cell(mousePoseX, mousePoseY, Activity_1.Box.S);
                        StartPos.x  = mousePoseX;
                        StartPos.y  = mousePoseY;

                    else if (CurrentOption == Activity_1.Box.E)
                        ChangeColor(mousePoseX, mousePoseY, Color.Red);
                        Cells[mousePoseX, mousePoseY].box = Activity_1.Box.E;
                        EndPos.x = mousePoseX;
                        EndPos.y = mousePoseY;

                    else if (CurrentOption == Activity_1.Box.O)
                        ChangeColor(mousePoseX, mousePoseY, Color.SandyBrown);
                        Cells[mousePoseX, mousePoseY].box = Activity_1.Box.O;
                    else if (CurrentOption == Activity_1.Box.W)
                        ChangeColor(mousePoseX, mousePoseY, Color.Salmon);
                        Cells[mousePoseX, mousePoseY].box = Activity_1.Box.W;
                    else if (CurrentOption == Activity_1.Box.W0)
                        ChangeColor(mousePoseX, mousePoseY, Color.BurlyWood);
                        Cells[mousePoseX, mousePoseY].box = Activity_1.Box.W0;
                    else if (CurrentOption == Activity_1.Box.W90)
                        ChangeColor(mousePoseX, mousePoseY, Color.DarkSlateGray);
                        Cells[mousePoseX, mousePoseY].box = Activity_1.Box.W90;
                    else if (CurrentOption == Activity_1.Box.W120)
                        ChangeColor(mousePoseX, mousePoseY, Color.GreenYellow);
                        Cells[mousePoseX, mousePoseY].box = Activity_1.Box.W120;

                    else if (CurrentOption == Activity_1.Box.Wg)
                        ChangeColor(mousePoseX, mousePoseY, Color.LawnGreen);
                        Cells[mousePoseX, mousePoseY].box = Activity_1.Box.Wg;
                    else if (CurrentOption == Activity_1.Box.Wr)
                        ChangeColor(mousePoseX, mousePoseY, Color.Gray);
                        Cells[mousePoseX, mousePoseY].box = Activity_1.Box.Wr;
                    else if (CurrentOption == Activity_1.Box.Ww)
                        ChangeColor(mousePoseX, mousePoseY, Color.Azure);
                        Cells[mousePoseX, mousePoseY].box = Activity_1.Box.Ww;