public void TimesToInsertToCourses(int studentID, Check_ID check_ID, DataClasses1DataContext db) // Λίστα με τυς αριθμούς των μαθημάτων που θέλουμε να εγγραφούμε { Course course = new Course(); int count = 1; int limitNumberOfCourses = check_ID.AvailableNumberOfCourses(studentID, db); if (limitNumberOfCourses > 0) { Console.WriteLine($"\n\tNumber Of available course/s for register {check_ID.AvailableNumberOfCourses(studentID, db)}!"); int numberTocourses = GetNumberToInsertToCourses(); while (numberTocourses > limitNumberOfCourses) { Console.WriteLine("\n\tΥou have overtaken the limit of Courses!!!"); Console.Write($"\tEnter again a number of courses between 1-{limitNumberOfCourses}: "); numberTocourses = GetNumberToInsertToCourses(); } int courseID = course.GetCourseIDFromStudentID(studentID, db); var listNumbersOfcoursesID = new List <int>(); while (count <= numberTocourses) { courseID = check_ID.GetTrueCourseID(studentID, courseID, db); // Έγκυρο COURSE ID check_ID.CheckAvailableCoursesID(listNumbersOfcoursesID, check_ID, studentID, courseID, db); count += 1; Console.WriteLine("\tEnrolled successfully"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("\n\tΥou have completed the courses limit!!!"); } }
public int GetTrueCourseIDForCreate(Check_ID check_ID, DataClasses1DataContext db) // Για δημιουργία { Console.Write("\n\tEnter Course ID: "); string courseId = Console.ReadLine(); int courseidOut; while (!int.TryParse(courseId, out courseidOut)) { Console.WriteLine("\n\t" + "Course ID should be Only Integer!!!"); Console.Write("\t" + "Give a new Course ID: "); courseId = Console.ReadLine(); } int courseID = courseidOut; bool exist = check_ID.CheckCourseID(courseID, db); while (!exist) { Console.Write("\n\tThis Course ID not Exist!!! "); Console.Write("\n\tEnter New Course ID: "); courseId = Console.ReadLine(); while (!int.TryParse(courseId, out courseidOut)) { Console.WriteLine("\n\t" + "Course ID should be Only Integer!!!"); Console.Write("\t" + "Give a new Course ID: "); courseId = Console.ReadLine(); } courseID = courseidOut; exist = check_ID.CheckCourseID(courseID, db); } return(courseID); }
public TRAINER CreateTrainer(int user_ID, DataClasses1DataContext db, TRAINER trainer) { Check_ID check_ID = new Check_ID(); User user = new User(); Console.WriteLine("\n\n\t" + "CREATE TRAINER" + "\n\t--------------"); trainer = new TRAINER(); Console.Write("\t" + "Firstname (Only Letter!): "); trainer.F_NAME = Console.ReadLine(); while (!trainer.F_NAME.All(char.IsLetter) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(trainer.F_NAME)) { Console.Write("\n\t" + "Trainer firstname should be Only Letter!!!"); Console.Write("\n\t" + "Give a new Trainer firtsname: "); trainer.F_NAME = Console.ReadLine(); } trainer.F_NAME = char.ToUpper(trainer.F_NAME[0]) + trainer.F_NAME.Substring(1); Console.Write("\t" + "Lastname (Only Letter!): "); trainer.L_NAME = Console.ReadLine(); while (!trainer.L_NAME.All(char.IsLetter) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(trainer.L_NAME)) { Console.Write("\n\t" + "Trainer lastname should be Only Letter!!!"); Console.Write("\n\t" + "Give a new Trainer lastname: "); trainer.L_NAME = Console.ReadLine(); } trainer.L_NAME = char.ToUpper(trainer.L_NAME[0]) + trainer.L_NAME.Substring(1); Console.Write("\t" + "Subject (Only Letter!): "); trainer.SUBJECT = Console.ReadLine(); while (!trainer.SUBJECT.All(char.IsLetter) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(trainer.SUBJECT)) { Console.Write("\n\t" + "Trainer Subject should be Only Letter!!!"); Console.Write("\n\t" + "Give a new Trainer Subject: "); trainer.SUBJECT = Console.ReadLine(); } trainer.SUBJECT.ToUpper(); Console.Write("\t" + "Trainer ID (Only Integer!): "); string trainerId = Console.ReadLine(); int trainerIdOut; while (!int.TryParse(trainerId, out trainerIdOut) || trainerIdOut <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("\n\t" + "Trainer ID should be Only Integer and not Zero!!!"); Console.Write("\t" + "Give a new Trainer ID: "); trainerId = Console.ReadLine(); } int trainerIDAfterCheck = check_ID.positiveIntegerForTrainerID(trainerIdOut); trainer.TRAINER_ID = check_ID.UniqueTrainerID(trainerIDAfterCheck, db); trainer.USERR_ID = user_ID; InsertTrainer(trainer, db); Console.WriteLine("\n\tCreate Trainer Cuccessfully!!!"); return(trainer); }
public void DeleteStudentsPerCourses(STUDENT_PER_COURSE studentPerCourse, DataClasses1DataContext db) { STUDENT sTudent = new STUDENT(); Student student = new Student(); Course course = new Course(); Check_ID check_ID = new Check_ID(); var listTotalNumbersOfCourses = new List <int>(); Console.WriteLine("\n\n\t" + "DELETE STUDENTS PER COURSES" + "\n\t----------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("\t" + "For Dalete one only course press --> {1}"); Console.WriteLine("\t" + "For Delete all courses prees --> {2}"); Console.Write("\t" + "Give a choise between v --> {1 - 2}: "); string selection = Console.ReadLine(); int choice; while (!int.TryParse(selection, out choice) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(selection) || choice < 1 || choice > 2) { Console.Write("\n\t" + "Give choice again Only Integer between {1 - 2}!!!: "); selection = Console.ReadLine(); } int studentID = check_ID.GetTrueStudentIDWhoHaveCourses(student, db); if (choice == 1) { int courseID = course.GetTrueCourseIDForCreate(check_ID, db); studentPerCourse = db.STUDENT_PER_COURSEs.Single(i => i.STUDENT_ID == studentID && i.COURSE_ID == courseID); studentPerCourse.STUDENT_ID = studentID; studentPerCourse.COURSE_ID = courseID; db.STUDENT_PER_COURSEs.DeleteOnSubmit(studentPerCourse); db.SubmitChanges(); } else { listTotalNumbersOfCourses = GetListTotalNumbersOfCourses(db, studentID); int count = 1; while (count <= listTotalNumbersOfCourses.Count()) { foreach (int i in listTotalNumbersOfCourses) { studentPerCourse = db.STUDENT_PER_COURSEs.Single(j => j.STUDENT_ID == studentID && j.COURSE_ID == i); studentPerCourse.STUDENT_ID = studentID; studentPerCourse.COURSE_ID = i; db.STUDENT_PER_COURSEs.DeleteOnSubmit(studentPerCourse); db.SubmitChanges(); count += 1; } } } Console.WriteLine("\n\tDeleted Succesfully!!!"); }
public void MenuUser(DataClasses1DataContext db) { Check_ID check_ID = new Check_ID(); string userID; Console.WriteLine("\n\tUSER MENU\n\t" + "---------\n"); check_ID.AvailableUserID(db); Console.Write("\n\n\tEnter User ID for Deleted (Only Integer!): "); userID = Console.ReadLine(); int userIDOut; while (!int.TryParse(userID, out userIDOut)) { Console.WriteLine("\n\tUser ID should be Only Integer!!!"); Console.Write("\tEnter again User ID: "); userID = Console.ReadLine(); } int user_ID = userIDOut; int userIdAfterCheck = check_ID.GetTrueUserID(user_ID, db); var getUser = from i in db.USERRs where i.USERR_ID == userIdAfterCheck select i; var user = getUser.ToList().FirstOrDefault(); Console.WriteLine($"\tRole: {user.ROLEE}"); switch (user.ROLEE) { case "STUDENT": case "student": int studentID = getStudentIdFromUserID(userIdAfterCheck, db); int courseID = getCourseIdFromStudentID(studentID, db); int assignmnetID = getAssignmentIDFromCourseIDThisUser(courseID, db); DeleteOfStudentsAsUsers(db, studentID, userIdAfterCheck, courseID, assignmnetID); break; case "TRAINER": case "trainer": int trainerID = getTrainerIdFromUserID(userIdAfterCheck, db); int courseId = getCourseIdFromTrainerID(trainerID, db); DeleteOfTrainersAsUsers(db, userIdAfterCheck, courseId, trainerID); break; default: Console.WriteLine("\tThis User not exist!"); break; } }
public void CheckAvailableCoursesID(List <int> listNumbersOfCourses, Check_ID check_ID, int studentID, int courseID, DataClasses1DataContext db) { StudentPerCourse studentPerCourse = new StudentPerCourse(); STUDENT_PER_COURSE sTudentPerCourse = new STUDENT_PER_COURSE(); bool thisCourseIDExist = GetAvailableCoursesIdForThisStudentFromDB(studentID, courseID, db); while (thisCourseIDExist) { Console.WriteLine("\tΥou are enrolled in this course!"); courseID = check_ID.GetTrueCourseID(studentID, courseID, db); // Έγκυρο COURSE ID thisCourseIDExist = GetAvailableCoursesIdForThisStudentFromDB(studentID, courseID, db); } studentPerCourse.AddStudentsToCourses(studentID, courseID, sTudentPerCourse, check_ID, db); listNumbersOfCourses.Add(courseID); }
public void MenuStudentPerCourse(DataClasses1DataContext db) { STUDENT_PER_COURSE studentPerCourse = new STUDENT_PER_COURSE(); Student student = new Student(); Check_ID check_ID = new Check_ID(); string stringChoice; Console.WriteLine("\n\tSTUDENT PER COURSE MENU\n\t" + "-----------------------"); Console.WriteLine("\tCreate STUDENT PER COURSE press ---> {1}"); Console.WriteLine("\tRead STUDENT PER COURSE press ---> {2}"); Console.WriteLine("\tUpdate STUDENT PER COURSE press ---> {3}"); Console.WriteLine("\tDelete STUDENT PER COURSE press ---> {4}"); Console.Write("\tEnter a choice between ---> {1 - 4}: "); stringChoice = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(); int outChoice; while (!int.TryParse(stringChoice, out outChoice) || outChoice < 1 || outChoice > 4) { Console.WriteLine("\n\tThe choice should be Only integer between {1- 4}!!!"); Console.Write("\tEnter a new choice: "); stringChoice = Console.ReadLine(); } int choice = outChoice; switch (choice) { case (int)SelectionStudentPerCourse.create: CreateStudentsPerCourses(studentPerCourse, db); break; case (int) int studentID = check_ID.GetTrueStudentIDWhoHaveCourses(student, db); ReadStudentsPerCourses(db, studentID); break; case (int)SelectionStudentPerCourse.update: UpdateStudentsPerCourses(studentPerCourse, db); break; case (int)SelectionStudentPerCourse.delete: DeleteStudentsPerCourses(studentPerCourse, db); break; } }
public void MenuTrainer(DataClasses1DataContext db, TRAINER trainer) { Check_ID check_ID = new Check_ID(); string stringChoice; Console.WriteLine("\n\tTRAINER MENU\n\t" + "------------"); Console.WriteLine("\tCreate Trainer press ---> {1}"); Console.WriteLine("\tRead Trainer press ---> {2}"); Console.WriteLine("\tUpdate Trainer press ---> {3}"); Console.WriteLine("\tDelete Trainer press ---> {4}"); Console.Write("\tEnter a choice between ---> {1 - 4}: "); stringChoice = Console.ReadLine(); int outChoice; while (!int.TryParse(stringChoice, out outChoice) || outChoice < 1 || outChoice > 4) { Console.WriteLine("\n\tThe choice should be Only integer between {1- 4}!!!"); Console.Write("\tEnter a new choice: "); stringChoice = Console.ReadLine(); } int choice = outChoice; switch (choice) { case (int)SelectionTrainer.create: int user_ID = CreateUser(db); CreateTrainer(user_ID, db, trainer); break; case (int) ReadTrainer(db); break; case (int)SelectionTrainer.update: UpdateTrainer(db, trainer); break; case (int)SelectionTrainer.delete: int trainerID = check_ID.GetTrueTrainerID(db); int uSer_ID = getUserIdFromTrainerID(trainerID, db); int courseId = getCourseIdFromTrainerID(trainerID, db); DeleteOfTrainersAsUsers(db, uSer_ID, courseId, trainerID); break; } }
public void UpdateStudentsPerCourses(STUDENT_PER_COURSE studentPerCourse, DataClasses1DataContext db) { STUDENT sTudent = new STUDENT(); Student student = new Student(); Check_ID check_ID = new Check_ID(); int studentID = check_ID.GetTrueStudentIDWhoHaveCourses(student, db); Console.WriteLine("\n\n\t" + "UPATE STUDENTS PER COURSES" + "\n\t---------------------------"); sTudent = student.UpdateStudent(db, sTudent, studentID); int courseID = GetCourseIdFromStudent(db, sTudent.STUDENT_ID); studentPerCourse.STUDENT_ID = sTudent.STUDENT_ID; studentPerCourse.COURSE_ID = courseID; db.SubmitChanges(); Console.WriteLine("\n\tStudents Per Courses was successfully enrolled!!!"); }
public void CreateStudentsPerCourses(STUDENT_PER_COURSE sTudentPerCourse, DataClasses1DataContext db) { StudentPerCourse studentPerCourse = new StudentPerCourse(); Student student = new Student(); Console.WriteLine("\n\n\t" + "CREATE STUDENTS PER COURSES" + "\n\t----------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("\tFor Create a new student press --> {1}"); Console.WriteLine("\tAdd Student to course/s press --> {2}"); Console.Write("\tEnter a choice between --> {1 - 2}: "); string stringChoice = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(); int outChoice; while (!int.TryParse(stringChoice, out outChoice) || outChoice < 1 || outChoice > 2) { Console.WriteLine("\n\tThe choice should be Only integer between {1- 2}!!!"); Console.Write("\tEnter a new choice: "); stringChoice = Console.ReadLine(); } int choice = outChoice; int studentID; switch (choice) { case (int)SelectionCreateStudentOrAdd.create: int user_ID = CreateUser(db); student.CreateStudent(user_ID, db); break; case (int)SelectionCreateStudentOrAdd.add: Check_ID check_ID = new Check_ID(); studentID = check_ID.GetTrueStudentID(student, db); // Έγκυρο STUDENT ID TimesToInsertToCourses(studentID, check_ID, db); break; } }
public void DeleteCourses(int studentID, STUDENT_PER_COURSE studentPerCourse, DataClasses1DataContext db) // Χρησιμοποιείται στη κλάση USER στη μέθοδο { // DeleteOfAll για γενική διαγραφή Student student = new Student(); Check_ID check_ID = new Check_ID(); var listTotalNumbersOfCourses = new List <int>(); listTotalNumbersOfCourses = GetListTotalNumbersOfCourses(db, studentID); int count = 1; while (count <= listTotalNumbersOfCourses.Count()) { foreach (int i in listTotalNumbersOfCourses) { studentPerCourse = db.STUDENT_PER_COURSEs.Single(j => j.STUDENT_ID == studentID && j.COURSE_ID == i); studentPerCourse.STUDENT_ID = studentID; studentPerCourse.COURSE_ID = i; db.STUDENT_PER_COURSEs.DeleteOnSubmit(studentPerCourse); db.SubmitChanges(); count += 1; } } }
public void DeleteTrainersGeneral(int trainerID, TRAINER_PER_COURSE tRainerPerCourse, DataClasses1DataContext db) // Χρησιμοποιείται στη κλάση USER στη μέθοδο { // DeleteOfAll για γενική διαγραφή Trainer trainer = new Trainer(); Check_ID check_ID = new Check_ID(); var listTotalNumbersOfCourses = new List <int>(); listTotalNumbersOfCourses = GetListTotalNumbersOfCourses(db, trainerID); int count = 1; while (count <= listTotalNumbersOfCourses.Count()) { foreach (int i in listTotalNumbersOfCourses) { tRainerPerCourse = db.TRAINER_PER_COURSEs.Single(j => j.TRAINER_ID == trainerID && j.COURSE_ID == i); tRainerPerCourse.TRAINER_ID = trainerID; tRainerPerCourse.COURSE_ID = i; db.TRAINER_PER_COURSEs.DeleteOnSubmit(tRainerPerCourse); db.SubmitChanges(); count += 1; } } }
public void ReadStudentsPerCourses(DataClasses1DataContext db, int studentID) { Check_ID check_ID = new Check_ID(); STUDENT_PER_COURSE studentPerCourse = new STUDENT_PER_COURSE(); Student student = new Student(); var resultStudentPerCourse = from i in db.STUDENT_PER_COURSEs where i.STUDENT_ID == studentID select i; studentPerCourse = resultStudentPerCourse.ToList().FirstOrDefault(); var studentName = resultStudentPerCourse.ToList().Take(1); studentName.ToList().ForEach(i => Console.WriteLine("\n\t" + "STUDENT" + "\n" + "\t" + "-------" + "\n" + "\t" + $"Firstname: {i.STUDENT.F_NAME}" + "\n" + "\t" + $"Lastname: {i.STUDENT.L_NAME}" + "\n")); Console.WriteLine("\t" + "COURSES" + "\n" + "\t" + "-------"); resultStudentPerCourse.ToList().ForEach(i => Console.WriteLine("\t" + $"Course Stream: { i.COURSE.STREAM }" + "\n" + "\t" + $"Week Day: {i.COURSE.WEEK_DAY}" + "\n")); }
public void DeleteAssignemnts(int studentID, ASSIGNMENT_PER_STUDENT aSSignmentPerStudent, DataClasses1DataContext db) // Χρησιμοποιείται στη κλάση USER στη μέθοδο { // DeleteOfAll για γενική διαγραφή Student student = new Student(); Check_ID check_ID = new Check_ID(); var listTotalNumbersOfAssignemnts = new List <int>(); listTotalNumbersOfAssignemnts = GetListTotalNumbersOfAssignments(db, studentID); int count = 1; while (count <= listTotalNumbersOfAssignemnts.Count()) { foreach (int i in listTotalNumbersOfAssignemnts) { aSSignmentPerStudent = db.ASSIGNMENT_PER_STUDENTs.Single(j => j.STUDENT_ID == studentID && j.ASSIGNMENT_ID == i); aSSignmentPerStudent.STUDENT_ID = studentID; aSSignmentPerStudent.ASSIGNMENT_ID = i; db.ASSIGNMENT_PER_STUDENTs.DeleteOnSubmit(aSSignmentPerStudent); db.SubmitChanges(); count += 1; } } }
public int CreateUser(DataClasses1DataContext db) { Check_ID check_ID = new Check_ID(); USERR uSer = new USERR(); string password; Console.WriteLine("\n\tWe must first create a new User!\n\t" + "--------------------------------"); Console.Write("\tEnter Username: "******"\n\tUsername shouldn't be empty!!!"); Console.Write("\n\t" + "Give a new Username: "******"\tEnter Password: "******"\n\tPassword shouldn't be empty!!!"); Console.Write("\n\t" + "Give a new Password: "******"\tEncrypted Password: {" + $"{hashedpass}" + "}"); Console.Write("\tEnter User Role between {STUDENT - TRAINER - HEADMASTER}: "); string role = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); while (!role.All(char.IsLetter) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(role)) { Console.Write("\n\tUser role should be Only Letter!!!"); Console.Write("\n\t" + "Give a new User role: "); role = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); } uSer.ROLEE = check_ID.CheckRole(role); Console.Write("\tEnter User ID (Only Integer!): "); string userId = Console.ReadLine(); int userIDOut; while (!int.TryParse(userId, out userIDOut) || userIDOut <= 0) { Console.Write("\n\tUser ID should be Only Integer and not Zero!!!"); Console.Write("\n\t" + "Give a new User ID: "); userId = Console.ReadLine(); } int userIDAfterCheck = check_ID.positiveInteger(userIDOut); uSer.USERR_ID = check_ID.UniqueUserID(userIDAfterCheck, db); db.USERRs.InsertOnSubmit(uSer); db.SubmitChanges(); ReadUser(uSer.USERR_ID, db); return(uSer.USERR_ID); }
public COURSE CreateCourse(DataClasses1DataContext db, COURSE course) { Check_ID check_ID = new Check_ID(); DateTime date = new DateTime(); Console.WriteLine("\n\n\t" + "CREATE COURSE" + "\n\t-------------"); Console.Write("\t" + "Course ID (Only Integer!): "); string courseID = Console.ReadLine(); int courseIdOut; while (!int.TryParse(courseID, out courseIdOut) || courseIdOut <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("\n\t" + "Course ID should be Only Integer and not Zero!!!"); Console.Write("\t" + "Give a new Course ID: "); courseID = Console.ReadLine(); } int courseIDAfterCheck = check_ID.positiveIntegerForCourseID(courseIdOut); course.COURSE_ID = check_ID.UniqueCourseID(courseIDAfterCheck, db); Console.Write("\t" + "Title (Only Letter!): "); course.TITLE = Console.ReadLine(); while (!course.TITLE.All(char.IsLetter) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(course.TITLE)) { Console.Write("\n\t" + "Course Title should be Only Letter!!!"); Console.Write("\n\t" + "Give a new Course Title: "); course.TITLE = Console.ReadLine(); } course.TITLE = char.ToUpper(course.TITLE[0]) + course.TITLE.Substring(1); Console.Write("\t" + "Stream (Only Letter!): "); course.STREAM = Console.ReadLine(); while (!course.STREAM.All(char.IsLetter) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(course.STREAM)) { Console.Write("\n\t" + "Course Stream should be Only Letter!!!"); Console.Write("\n\t" + "Give a new Course Stream: "); course.STREAM = Console.ReadLine(); } course.STREAM = char.ToUpper(course.STREAM[0]) + course.STREAM.Substring(1); Console.Write("\t" + "Type (Only Letter!): "); course.TYPE = Console.ReadLine(); while (!course.TYPE.All(char.IsLetter) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(course.TYPE)) { Console.Write("\n\t" + "Course Type should be Only Letter!!!"); Console.Write("\n\t" + "Give a new Course Type: "); course.TYPE = Console.ReadLine(); } course.TYPE = char.ToUpper(course.TYPE[0]) + course.TYPE.Substring(1); Console.Write("\t" + "Start Date (Example: {" + $"{DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()}" + "}): "); string startDate = Console.ReadLine(); while (!DateTime.TryParse(startDate, out date)) { Console.Write("\n\tInvalid Date Type!!!\n\tExample {" + $"{DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()}" + "}: "); startDate = Console.ReadLine(); } DateTime dateTime = date; course.START_DATE = dateTime; Console.Write("\t" + "End Time (Example: {" + $"{DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()}" + "}): "); string endDate = Console.ReadLine(); while (!DateTime.TryParse(endDate, out date)) { Console.Write("\n\tInvalid Date Type!!!\n\tExample {" + $"{DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()}" + "}: "); endDate = Console.ReadLine(); } DateTime datetime = date; course.END_TIME = datetime; Console.Write("\t" + "Week Day (Only Letter!): "); course.WEEK_DAY = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); while (!course.WEEK_DAY.All(char.IsLetter) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(course.WEEK_DAY)) { Console.Write("\n\t" + "Course Week Day should be Only Letter!!!"); Console.Write("\n\t" + "Give a new Course Week Day: "); course.WEEK_DAY = Console.ReadLine().ToUpper(); } InsertCourse(course, db); Console.WriteLine("\n\tInsert Course Cuccessfully!!!"); return(course); }
public void AddStudentsToCourses(int studentID, int courseID, STUDENT_PER_COURSE studentPerCourse, Check_ID check_ID, DataClasses1DataContext db) { studentPerCourse.COURSE_ID = courseID; studentPerCourse.STUDENT_ID = studentID; db.STUDENT_PER_COURSEs.InsertOnSubmit(studentPerCourse); db.SubmitChanges(); }
public ASSIGNMENT CreateAssignment(ASSIGNMENT assignment, DataClasses1DataContext db) { Check_ID check_ID = new Check_ID(); DateTime date = new DateTime(); Console.WriteLine("\n\n\t" + "CREATE ASSIGNMENT" + "\n\t-----------------"); assignment = new ASSIGNMENT(); Console.Write("\t" + "Assignment ID (Only Integer!): "); string assignmentId = Console.ReadLine(); int assignmentIdOut; while (!int.TryParse(assignmentId, out assignmentIdOut) || assignmentIdOut <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("\n\t" + "Assignment ID should be Only Integer and not Zero!!!"); Console.Write("\t" + "Give a new Assignment ID: "); assignmentId = Console.ReadLine(); } int assignmnetIDAfterCheck = check_ID.positiveIntegerForAssignmnetID(assignmentIdOut); assignment.ASSIGNMENT_ID = check_ID.UniqueAssignmentID(assignmnetIDAfterCheck, db); Console.Write("\t" + "Title (Only Letter!): "); assignment.TITLE = Console.ReadLine(); while (!assignment.TITLE.All(char.IsLetter) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(assignment.TITLE)) { Console.Write("\n\t" + "Assignment Title should be Only Letter!!!"); Console.Write("\n\t" + "Give a new Assignment Title: "); assignment.TITLE = Console.ReadLine(); } assignment.TITLE.ToUpper(); Console.Write("\t" + "Description (Only Letter!): "); assignment.DESCRIPTIONN = Console.ReadLine(); while (!assignment.DESCRIPTIONN.All(char.IsLetter) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(assignment.DESCRIPTIONN)) { Console.Write("\n\t" + "Assignment Description should be Only Letter!!!"); Console.Write("\n\t" + "Give a new Assignment Description: "); assignment.DESCRIPTIONN = Console.ReadLine(); } assignment.DESCRIPTIONN.ToUpper(); Console.Write("\t" + "Subbmision date and time (Example: {" + $"{DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()}" + "}): "); string subbmisionDateAndTime = Console.ReadLine(); while (!DateTime.TryParse(subbmisionDateAndTime, out date)) { Console.Write("\n\tInvalid Date Type!!!\n\tExample {" + $"{DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()}" + "}: "); subbmisionDateAndTime = Console.ReadLine(); } DateTime dateTime = date; assignment.SUBMISSION_DATE_AND_TIME = dateTime; Console.Write("\t" + "Assignment Oral Mark (Only Decimal!): "); string assignmentOralMark = Console.ReadLine(); decimal assignmentOralMarkOut; while (!decimal.TryParse(assignmentOralMark, out assignmentOralMarkOut)) { Console.WriteLine("\n\t" + "Assignment Oral Mark should be Only Decimal!!!"); Console.Write("\t" + "Give a new Assignment Oral Mark: "); assignmentOralMark = Console.ReadLine(); } decimal assignmentORalMark = assignmentOralMarkOut; assignment.ORAL_MARK = assignmentORalMark; Console.Write("\t" + "Assignment Total Mark (Only Decimal!): "); string assignmentTotalMark = Console.ReadLine(); decimal assignmentTotalMarkOut; while (!decimal.TryParse(assignmentTotalMark, out assignmentTotalMarkOut)) { Console.WriteLine("\n\t" + "Assignment Total Mark should be Only Decimal!!!"); Console.Write("\t" + "Give a new Assignment Total Mark: "); assignmentTotalMark = Console.ReadLine(); } decimal assignmenTOtalMark = assignmentTotalMarkOut; assignment.TOTAL_MARK = assignmenTOtalMark; InsertAssignment(assignment, db); Console.WriteLine("\n\tCreate Assignment Cuccessfully!!!"); return(assignment); }
public STUDENT CreateStudent(int user_ID, DataClasses1DataContext db) { DateTime date = new DateTime(); STUDENT student = new STUDENT(); User user = new User(); Check_ID check_ID = new Check_ID(); Console.WriteLine("\n\n\t" + "CREATE STUDENT" + "\n\t--------------"); student = new STUDENT(); Console.Write("\t" + "Firstname (Only Letter!): "); student.F_NAME = Console.ReadLine(); while (!student.F_NAME.All(char.IsLetter) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(student.F_NAME)) // Μόνο γράμματα όχι αριθμούς και κενή συμβολοσειρά { Console.Write("\n\t" + "Student firstname should be Only Letter!!!"); Console.Write("\n\t" + "Give a new Student firtsname: "); student.F_NAME = Console.ReadLine(); } student.F_NAME = char.ToUpper(student.F_NAME[0]) + student.F_NAME.Substring(1); // Πρώτο γράμμα κεφαλαίο Console.Write("\t" + "Lastname (Only Letter!): "); student.L_NAME = Console.ReadLine(); while (!student.L_NAME.All(char.IsLetter) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(student.L_NAME)) { Console.Write("\n\t" + "Student lastname should be Only Letter!!!"); Console.Write("\n\t" + "Give a new Student lastname: "); student.L_NAME = Console.ReadLine(); } student.L_NAME = char.ToUpper(student.L_NAME[0]) + student.L_NAME.Substring(1); Console.Write("\t" + "Student ID (Only Integer!): "); string studentId = Console.ReadLine(); int studentIdOut; while (!int.TryParse(studentId, out studentIdOut) || studentIdOut <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("\n\t" + "Student ID should be Only Integer and not Zero!!!"); Console.Write("\t" + "Give a new Student ID: "); studentId = Console.ReadLine(); } int studentIDAfterCheck = check_ID.positiveIntegerForStudentID(studentIdOut); student.STUDENT_ID = check_ID.UniqueStudentID(studentIDAfterCheck, db); Console.Write("\t" + "Tuition (Only Decimal!): "); string studentTuition = Console.ReadLine(); decimal studentTuitionOut; while (!decimal.TryParse(studentTuition, out studentTuitionOut)) { Console.WriteLine("\n\t" + "Student tuition should be Only Decimal!!!"); Console.Write("\t" + "Give a new student tuition: "); studentTuition = Console.ReadLine(); } decimal studentTuiTion = studentTuitionOut; student.TUITION = studentTuiTion; Console.Write("\t" + "Date of birth (Example: {" + $"{DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()}" + "}): "); string dateOfBirth = Console.ReadLine(); while (!DateTime.TryParse(dateOfBirth, out date)) { Console.Write("\n\tInvalid Date Type!!!\n\tExample {" + $"{DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()}" + "}: "); dateOfBirth = Console.ReadLine(); } DateTime dateTime = date; student.DATE_OF_BIRTH = dateTime; student.USERR_ID = user_ID; InsertStudent(student, db); Console.WriteLine("\n\tCreate Student Cuccessfully!!!"); return(student); }
public void MenuStudent(DataClasses1DataContext db, STUDENT sTuDent, Student student, Check_ID check_ID) { Course course = new Course(); Assignment assignment = new Assignment(); Console.WriteLine("\n\tSTUDENT MENU\n\t" + "------------"); Console.WriteLine("\tCreate Student press ---> {1}"); Console.WriteLine("\tRead Student press ---> {2}"); Console.WriteLine("\tUpdate Student press ---> {3}"); Console.WriteLine("\tDelete Student press ---> {4}"); Console.Write("\tEnter a choice between ---> {1 - 4}: "); string stringChoice; stringChoice = Console.ReadLine(); int outChoice; while (!int.TryParse(stringChoice, out outChoice) || outChoice < 1 || outChoice > 4) { Console.WriteLine("\n\tThe choice should be Only integer between {1- 4}!!!"); Console.Write("\tEnter a new choice: "); stringChoice = Console.ReadLine(); } int choice = outChoice; switch (choice) { case (int)SelectionforStudent.create: int user_ID = CreateUser(db); student.CreateStudent(user_ID, db); break; case (int) int studentID = check_ID.GetTrueStudentID(student, db); student.ReadStudent(db, studentID); break; case (int)SelectionforStudent.update: studentID = check_ID.GetTrueStudentID(student, db); student.UpdateStudent(db, sTuDent, studentID); break; case (int)SelectionforStudent.delete: studentID = check_ID.GetTrueStudentID(student, db); user_ID = GetUserID(studentID, db); int courseID = course.GetCourseIDFromStudentID(studentID, db); int assignmentID = getAssignmentIDFromCourseIDThisUser(courseID, db); DeleteOfStudentsAsUsers(db, studentID, user_ID, courseID, assignmentID); break; } }
public void Selection(DataClasses1DataContext db) { STUDENT student = new STUDENT(); TRAINER trainer = new TRAINER(); USERR uSer = new USERR(); string selection; string newSelection; int choiceCategory; bool iWantTocontinue = true; while (iWantTocontinue) { Console.WriteLine("\t" + " SELECTION MENU" + "\n\t" + " ------------------"); Console.WriteLine("\t" + "For Course Press {1}"); Console.WriteLine("\t" + "For Student Press {2}"); Console.WriteLine("\t" + "For Assignment Press {3}"); Console.WriteLine("\t" + "For Trainer Press {4}"); Console.WriteLine("\t" + "For User Press (Only Delete) {5}"); Console.WriteLine("\t" + "For Student Per Course Press {6}"); Console.WriteLine("\t" + "For Trainer Per Course Press {7}"); Console.WriteLine("\t" + "For Assignment Per Course Press {8}"); Console.WriteLine("\t" + "For Schedule Per Course Press {9}"); Console.Write("\n\t" + "Give a choise between {1 - 8}: "); selection = Console.ReadLine(); int choice; while (!int.TryParse(selection, out choice) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(selection) || choice < 1 || choice > 9) { Console.Write("\n\t" + "Give choice again Only Integer between {1 - 9}!!!: "); selection = Console.ReadLine(); } choiceCategory = choice; switch (choiceCategory) { case (int)SelectionCategory.course: Course course = new Course(); course.MenuCourse(db); break; case (int)SelectionCategory.student: Student sTudent = new Student(); Check_ID check_ID = new Check_ID(); sTudent.MenuStudent(db, student, sTudent, check_ID); break; case (int)SelectionCategory.assignment: Assignment assignment = new Assignment(); assignment.MenuAssignment(db); break; case (int)SelectionCategory.trainer: Trainer tRainer = new Trainer(); tRainer.MenuTrainer(db, trainer); break; case (int)SelectionCategory.user: User user = new User(); user.MenuUser(db); break; case (int)SelectionCategory.student_per_course: StudentPerCourse studentPerCourse = new StudentPerCourse(); studentPerCourse.MenuStudentPerCourse(db); break; case (int)SelectionCategory.trainer_per_course: TrainerPerCourse trainerPerCourse = new TrainerPerCourse(); trainerPerCourse.MenuTrainerPerCourse(db); break; case (int)SelectionCategory.assgnment_per_course: AssignmentPerCourse assignmentPerCourse = new AssignmentPerCourse(); assignmentPerCourse.MenuAssignmentPerCourse(db); break; case (int)SelectionCategory.schedule_per_course: SchedulePerCourse schedulePerCourse = new SchedulePerCourse(); schedulePerCourse.MenuSchedulePerCourse(db); break; } Console.WriteLine("\n\t" + "Do you want a new selection?"); Console.WriteLine("\t" + "If yes press --> {Y} or {y}"); Console.WriteLine("\t" + "If no press --> {N} or {n}"); Console.Write("\n\t" + "Give a new selection: "); newSelection = Console.ReadLine(); while (newSelection != "Y" && newSelection != "y" && newSelection != "N" && newSelection != "n") { Console.WriteLine("\n\t" + " Wrong Choise" + "\n\t" + " ---------------"); Console.WriteLine("\t" + "If yes press --> {Y} or {y}"); Console.WriteLine("\t" + "If no press --> {N} or {n}"); Console.Write("\n\t" + "Give again a new selection: "); newSelection = Console.ReadLine(); } if (newSelection == "Y" || newSelection == "y") { iWantTocontinue = true; } else if (newSelection == "N" || newSelection == "n") { iWantTocontinue = false; } Console.WriteLine(); } }