public LoanCard(string idLoanCard, LibraryCards cards, DateTime thoigian, DateTime?thoigianNull) { this.IdLoanCard = idLoanCard; this.Cards = cards; Thoigian1 = thoigian; ThoigianNull1 = thoigianNull; }
public void AddCard() { Console.Clear(); LibraryCards cards = new LibraryCards(); Console.Write("- Nhap ma the: "); while (true) { string id = Console.ReadLine(); Regex regex = new Regex(@"^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$"); if (ListCards.FindIndex(x => x.IdCards == id) == -1) { if (regex.IsMatch(id)) { cards.IdCards = id; break; } else { Console.WriteLine("Nhap sai!"); Console.Write("Nhap lai: "); } } else { Console.Write("Ma the da ton tai, nhap lai :"); } } Console.Write("- Nhap ten chu the: "); while (true) { string cName = Console.ReadLine(); Regex regex = new Regex(@"^[a-zA-Z]+$"); if (regex.IsMatch(cName)) { cards.CardsName = cName; break; } else { Console.WriteLine("Nhap sai! "); Console.Write("Nhap lai: "); } } Console.Write("- Nhap so CMND: "); while (true) { string a = Console.ReadLine(); Regex regex = new Regex(@"^[0-9]+$"); if (ListCards.FindIndex(x => x.PeopleId == a) == -1) { if (regex.IsMatch(a)) { if (a.Length == 12 || a.Length == 9) { if (regex.IsMatch(a)) { cards.PeopleId = a; break; } } else { Console.WriteLine("So CMND bao gom 9 hoac 12 so !"); Console.Write("Nhap lai: "); } } else { Console.WriteLine("So CMND bao gom 9 hoac 12 so !"); Console.Write("Nhap lai: "); } } else { Console.Write("So CMND da ton tai, nhap lai :"); } } Console.WriteLine(" "); Console.Write("Ban muon them the?(Y/N): "); string Question; while (true) { Question = Console.ReadLine(); if (Question == "Y" || Question == "N" || Question == "y" || Question == "n") { break; } else { Console.Write("Ban muon them the?(Y/N): "); } } switch (Question) { case "Y": Console.Write("Da them the thu vien !\n"); cards.Ngaytao1 = DateTime.Today; ListCards.Add(cards); Console.ReadKey(); break; case "y": Console.Write("Da them the thu vien !\n"); cards.Ngaytao1 = DateTime.Today; ListCards.Add(cards); Console.ReadKey(); break; case "N": break; case "n": break; } }
static public void _addCard(LibraryCards cards) { ListCards.Add(cards); }
public void UpdateCards() { Console.Clear(); LibraryCards cards = new LibraryCards(); if (ListCards.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Danh sach the thu vien trong !"); Console.Write("Ban co muon them moi mot the ? (Y/N): "); string Question; while (true) { Question = Console.ReadLine(); if (Question == "Y" || Question == "N" || Question == "y" || Question == "n") { break; } else { Console.Write("Ban co muon them moi mot the ? (Y/N): "); } } switch (Question) { case "Y": AddCard(); break; case "y": AddCard(); break; case "N": break; case "n": break; } } else { Console.Clear(); int item; Console.Write("- Nhap ma the : "); while (true) { cards.IdCards = Console.ReadLine(); item = ListCards.FindIndex(x => x.IdCards == cards.IdCards); if (item == -1) { Console.WriteLine("Ma the khong ton tai !"); Console.Write("- Nhap ma the : "); } else { break; } } Console.Write("- Sua ten chu the: "); while (true) { string cName = Console.ReadLine(); Regex regex = new Regex(@"^[a-zA-Z]+$"); if (regex.IsMatch(cName)) { cards.CardsName = cName; break; } else { Console.WriteLine("Nhap sai! "); Console.Write("Nhap lai: "); } } Console.Write("- Nhap so CMND: "); while (true) { string a = Console.ReadLine(); Regex regex = new Regex(@"^[0-9]+$"); if (ListCards.FindIndex(x => x.PeopleId == a) == -1) { if (regex.IsMatch(a)) { if (a.Length == 12 || a.Length == 9) { if (regex.IsMatch(a)) { cards.PeopleId = a; break; } } else { Console.WriteLine("So CMND bao gom 9 hoac 12 so !"); Console.Write("Nhap lai: "); } } else { Console.WriteLine("So CMND bao gom 9 hoac 12 so !"); Console.Write("Nhap lai: "); } } else { Console.Write("So CMND da ton tai, nhap lai :"); } } Console.Write("Ban co muon sua thong tin the ? (Y/N): "); string Question; while (true) { Question = Console.ReadLine(); if (Question == "Y" || Question == "N" || Question == "y" || Question == "n") { break; } else { Console.Write("Ban co muon sua thong tin the ? (Y/N): "); } } switch (Question) { case "Y": Console.WriteLine("Da sua thong tin the! "); ListCards[item].CardsName = String.Copy(cards.CardsName); ListCards[item].PeopleId = String.Copy(cards.PeopleId); break; case "y": Console.WriteLine("Da sua thong tin the! "); ListCards[item].CardsName = String.Copy(cards.CardsName); ListCards[item].PeopleId = String.Copy(cards.PeopleId); break; case "n": break; case "N": break; } } }