public static SoundManager getInstance() { if (sm == null) sm = new SoundManager(); return sm; }
public float HighPitchRange = 1.05f; //The highest a sound effect will be randomly pitched. private void Awake() { //Check if Instance already exists if (Instance == null) { //if not, set Instance to this Instance = this; } //If Instance already exists and it's not this: else { if (Instance != this) { //Then destroy this. This enforces our singleton pattern, meaning there can only ever be one Instance of a GameManager. Destroy(this.gameObject); } } //Sets this to not be destroyed when reloading scene DontDestroyOnLoad(this.gameObject); }
void Start() { _sharedManager = this; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { _sceneManager = transform.root.GetComponent<SceneManager>(); _soundManager = _sceneManager.GetComponent<SoundManager>(); }