private static void DrawAssetConfigElement(Rect rect)
            Rect elementRect = new Rect(rect.x, rect.y + SINGLE_LINE_SPACING + ASSET_CONFIG_BACKGROUND_PADDING / 2,
                                        rect.width, SINGLE_LINE_SPACING);

            if (OVRPlatformToolSettings.AssetConfigs.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < OVRPlatformToolSettings.AssetConfigs.Count; i++)
                    AssetConfig config = OVRPlatformToolSettings.AssetConfigs[i];
                    GUIContent  fieldLabel;

                    config.SetFoldoutState(EditorGUI.Foldout(elementRect, config.GetFoldoutState(),, boldFoldoutStyle));
                    if (config.GetFoldoutState())
                        Rect attributeRect = new Rect(elementRect.x + INDENT_SPACING, elementRect.y + SINGLE_LINE_SPACING,
                                                      elementRect.width - INDENT_SPACING - 3f, SINGLE_LINE_SPACING);
                        // Extra asset config params are disabled for now until CLI supports them
                        fieldLabel      = new GUIContent("Required Asset [?]", "Whether or not this asset file is required for the app to run.");
                        config.required = EditorGUI.Toggle(attributeRect, fieldLabel, config.required);

                        attributeRect.y += SINGLE_LINE_SPACING;
                        fieldLabel       = new GUIContent("Asset Type [?]", "The asset file type.");
                        config.type      = (AssetConfig.AssetType)EditorGUI.EnumPopup(attributeRect, fieldLabel, config.type);

                        attributeRect.y += SINGLE_LINE_SPACING;
                        fieldLabel = new GUIContent("Asset SKU [?]", "The Oculus store SKU for this asset file.");
                        config.sku = EditorGUI.TextField(attributeRect, fieldLabel, config.sku);

                        elementRect.y = attributeRect.y;
                    elementRect.y += SINGLE_LINE_SPACING;
                EditorGUI.LabelField(elementRect, "No asset files found. Choose a valid assets directory.");