Example #1
        private KeystoreArgs GetKeystoreArgs(string [] args)
            KeystoreArgs keystoreArgs = new KeystoreArgs();

            for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                //Check if we encountered a desired option
                if (args[i] == "--keystore")
                    keystoreArgs.keyStore = CheckKeystoreArg("--keystore", args[i + 1], keystoreArgs.keyStore);
                else if (args[i] == "--storepass")
                    keystoreArgs.storePass = CheckKeystoreArg("--storepass", args[i + 1], keystoreArgs.storePass);
                else if (args[i] == "--keyalias")
                    keystoreArgs.keyAlias = CheckKeystoreArg("--keyalias", args[i + 1], keystoreArgs.keyAlias);
                else if (args[i] == "--keypass")
                    keystoreArgs.keyPass = CheckKeystoreArg("--keypass", args[i + 1], keystoreArgs.keyPass);

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new build
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target">Desired <see cref="BuildTarget"/> for the build</param>
        /// <param name="commandLineArguments">Command line arguments passed to Unity</param>
        public Build(BuildTarget target, string[] commandLineArguments)
            //Disable development build setting
            EditorUserBuildSettings.development = false;

            //Fetch the target directory from command line arguments
            string targetDir = GetTargetPath(commandLineArguments);

            //Check that command line arguments are provided
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetDir))
                throw new ArgumentException("[JenkinsBuild] Incorrect arguments for -executeMethod. Missing output directory. Format: -executeMethod <buildclass> <output dir>");

            //Assign a path for build results
            string buildPath = $"{targetDir}/{target}";

            //For testing
            Debug.Log($"Current working directory: {Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()}");

            //Clear the target directory if it exists
            if (Directory.Exists(buildPath))
                Directory.Delete(buildPath, true);

            //Check if we are building for Android
            if (target == BuildTarget.Android)
                //Check if we are creating an Android App Bundle
                if (EditorUserBuildSettings.buildAppBundle == true)
                    //Modify the build path so that we create a file to the Android folder with .aab extension
                    buildPath += $"/{PlayerSettings.productName}.aab";
                    //Modify the build path so that we create a a file to the Android folder with .apk extension
                    buildPath += $"/{PlayerSettings.productName}.apk";

                //Set a keystore for signing the package
                KeystoreArgs keystoreArgs = GetKeystoreArgs(commandLineArguments);
                PlayerSettings.Android.useCustomKeystore = true;
                PlayerSettings.Android.keystoreName      = keystoreArgs.keyStore;
                PlayerSettings.Android.keystorePass      = keystoreArgs.storePass;
                PlayerSettings.Android.keyaliasName      = keystoreArgs.keyAlias;
                PlayerSettings.Android.keyaliasPass      = keystoreArgs.keyPass;

            //Fetch Scenes to build
            string[] scenes = FindEditorScenes();

            //Build the app
            BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(new BuildPlayerOptions
                scenes           = scenes,
                target           = target,
                locationPathName = buildPath