public override void castInner(Map map, Unit u)
     u.die(map, "Was of no further use");
     GraphicalMap.selectedSelectable = null; + " is no longer of use. The night swallows them up, allowing someone new to take their place.",
        public void combatAction(Unit u, Unit u2, Location loc)
            if (u is Unit_Merchant && (u.isEnthralled() == false))
            if (u.isMilitary == false && u2.isMilitary == false && u.isEnthralled() && u2.society == loc.soc)
                //Enthralled attacking an agent in their homeland
                //Can be defended by military units locally stationned
                Unit defender = null;
                if (loc.settlement != null && loc.settlement.embeddedUnit != null)
                    defender = loc.settlement.embeddedUnit;
                foreach (Unit u3 in loc.units)
                    if (u3.isMilitary && u3.society == u2.society)
                        defender = u3;
                if (defender != null)
          "You agent cannot attack " + u2.getName() + " as they are defended the military unit present (" + defender.getName() + ")");
                    u.movesTaken -= 1;

            double lethality    =;
            double lethalityDef =;

            bool hadAttackBonus = false;

            foreach (Unit bonusU in u.location.units)
                if (bonusU.society == u.society && bonusU is Unit_Investigator && bonusU.task is Task_SupportMilitary)
                    if (((Unit_Investigator)bonusU).state == Unit_Investigator.unitState.knight)
                        lethality     *= param.unit_knightCombatBonus;
                        hadAttackBonus = true;
                    if (((Unit_Investigator)bonusU).state == Unit_Investigator.unitState.basic)
                        lethality     *= param.unit_agentCombatBonus;
                        hadAttackBonus = true;
            foreach (Unit bonusU in u2.location.units)
                if (bonusU.society == u2.society && bonusU is Unit_Investigator && bonusU.task is Task_SupportMilitary)
                    if (((Unit_Investigator)bonusU).state == Unit_Investigator.unitState.knight)
                        lethalityDef  *= param.unit_knightCombatBonus;
                        hadAttackBonus = true;
                    if (((Unit_Investigator)bonusU).state == Unit_Investigator.unitState.basic)
                        lethalityDef  *= param.unit_agentCombatBonus;
                        hadAttackBonus = true;

            if (burnInComplete)
                world.prefabStore.particleCombat(u.location.hex, u2.location.hex);
            int dmgDone = (int)(u.hp * (lethality + (Eleven.random.NextDouble() * lethality)));

            if (u2.isMilitary)
                if (loc.settlement != null && loc.settlement.defensiveStrengthCurrent > 0 && u2.society == loc.soc)
                    double ablated = Math.Min(loc.settlement.defensiveStrengthCurrent, dmgDone / 2d);
                    dmgDone -= (int)ablated;
                    loc.settlement.defensiveStrengthCurrent -= ablated;

                int dmgReplied = (int)(u2.hp * (lethalityDef + (Eleven.random.NextDouble() * lethalityDef)));
                if (dmgReplied >= u.hp)
                    dmgReplied = u.hp - 1;
                    if (dmgReplied < 0)
                        dmgReplied = 0;
                u.hp -= dmgReplied;

            if (dmgDone < 1)
                dmgDone = 1;

            bool kicked = false;

            if (dmgDone > 1 && (u2.isMilitary == false))
                dmgDone = 1; kicked = true;

            u2.hp -= dmgDone;
            if (u2.isEnthralled())
                world.prefabStore.popMsgAgent(u, u2, u.getName() + " attacks " + u2.getName() + ", inflicting " + dmgDone + " HP damage!");
                //world.prefabStore.popMsg(u.getName() + " attacks " + u2.getName() + ", inflicting " + dmgDone + " HP damage!");
            if (u.isEnthralled() && u2 is Unit_Investigator && u.person != null && u2.person != null)
                u2.person.getRelation(u.person).suspicion = 1;
            if (u.hp <= 0)
                u.die(this, "Took damage attacking " + u2.getName());

            if (u2.hp <= 0)
                u2.die(this, "Attacked by " + u.getName());
            else if (kicked)
                int      c        = 0;
                Location kickedTo = null;
                foreach (Location l2 in u2.location.getNeighbours())
                    bool bad = false;
                    foreach (Unit u3 in l2.units)
                        if (u3.hostileTo(u2) || u2.hostileTo(u3))
                            bad = true; break;
                    if (!bad)
                        c += 1;
                        if (Eleven.random.Next(c) == 0)
                            kickedTo = l2;
                if (kickedTo != null)
                    u2.task = null;
                    adjacentMoveTo(u2, kickedTo);
                    if (u2.isEnthralled())
                        world.prefabStore.popMsgAgent(u, u2, u2.getName() + " is forced to retreat, and is now in " + u2.location.getName());
                        //world.prefabStore.popMsg(u2.getName() + " is forced to retreat, and is now in " + u2.location.getName());

            if (u.isMilitary && loc.settlement != null)
                //if (loc.settlement is Set_City)
                //    Set_City city = (Set_City)loc.settlement;
                //    //city.infrastructure *= (int)((Eleven.random.NextDouble() * 0.25) + 0.7);//0.05 to 0.3 dmg
                //    city.population *= (int)((Eleven.random.NextDouble() * 0.25) + 0.7);//0.05 to 0.3 dmg
                //    //if (city.infrastructure < 1) { city.infrastructure = 1; }
                //    if (city.population < 1) { city.population = 1; }
                loc.settlement.takeAssault(u.society, loc.soc, dmgDone);

            if (u.isMilitary && u2.isMilitary && u.society is Society && u2.society is Society)
                Property.addProperty(this, loc, "Recent Human Battle");